Department of Life Sciences, Imperial College London, UK

Samraat is a theoretical/quantitative ecologist based at the Silwood Park Campus of Imperial College london, UK.

Collaboration statement

My lab studies whether and how metabolic constraints on individual organisms scale up to complex ecological systems (AKA ecosystems), using trait-based mathematical and computational modeling.

I am one of the co-foundes of BioTraits and its spin-off, the VecTraits (both currently being overhaled) databases. I offer expertise in workflows for constructing metabolic trait-focused databases. I am currenly particularly interested in microbial metabolic traits (in an ecoligical context), and within that, thermal responses of these traits.

I am keen on helping strenthen trait-based ecology in general. I am particularly keen on dicussing the possibilities of developing a global trait standard and database for “ecological metabolic traits” (starting with a dicussion of how to define this particular thing per se!), and am happy to support the Open Traits resource in any way that I can.