French National Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE), Department of Forest, Grassland and Freshwater Ecology, Interaction Plant-Soil-Atmosphere (ISPA)

Nicolas is a microbial ecologist based in Bordeaux working on plant-soil interactions.

Collaboration statement

I enjoy working on the fine-scale biochemical mechanisms that give rise to patterns in large-scale ecosystem processes. I am particularly interested by how plant traits can affect microbial traits and how this translates into changes in soil processes across various ecosystems (from tropical to boreal, from croplands to forests). I have contributed with experimental datasets to several databases, and I try to contribute as much as possible to open science, giving free access to all my datasets to the scientific community (e.g. recently Fanin et al. 2019 - Ecology Letters).

I can offer expertise in analysing dataset, providing knowledge in plant-soil interactions, and data analyses in microbial ecology (if the database extend its focus to microbial groups in a near future). I can also help analyzing and interpreting how plant traits can affect soil processes and microbial functioning. I am also happy to drink beers with the editors, share and collect data for specific projects /tasks, implement new experiments in the field to test new ideas and concepts developed with the database.