Zoological Museum, University of Turku, Finland


I am a biologist based in Turku, Finland, currently focused on Systematics, Biogeography and Conservation of Caribbean Scolopendromorpha (giant centipedes).

Collaboration statement

Beyond my primary research on giant centipedes, I offer support to my community by contributing to online databases. I have worked with the EcoTaxonomy team (Uni-Göttingen, Germany) in developing their platform and I am now co-developing Myriatrix, a virtual research environment for Myriapoda & Onychophora (http://myriatrix.myspecies.info). I have experience in working with the standardized terminology for centipede morphology and a general interest in data standards and open science.

I can offer coordination effort for a Myriapoda & Onychophora OTN node, collaboration with other terrestrial invertebrates and Soil Science nodes, as well as deploying a trait core and developing standardized and interoperable vocabularies for recording and sharing trait data from Myriatrix. I would also like to connect with Drupal software developers that could contribute to upgrade the software as the OTN trait core and interoperability expand.