Department of Biology, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD 57069, USA

Paula is a developmental and evolutionary biologist based at the University of South Dakota in the USA.

Collaboration statement

With team members in Phenoscape ( and many other collaborators in the biological and biomedical sciences, I am developing semantic methods to connect phenotypic trait data to other other data types and to use them to quickly and easy pull together trait data. We are excited about the potential of these methods and all of our resources, code, publications, etc. are openly available. A community that my colleagues and I developed through NSF funding, (2010-2017) called the ‘Phenotype Ontology Research Coordination Network’ ( grew to over 400 people interested in computing on traits. I will be recommending OpenTraits network to this group.

My Phenoscape colleagues and I can offer expertise in semantic markup for traits, help you develop a knowledgebase, and advise in the development of new semantic resources. I am also happy to help connect people together around phenotypes by communicating one-on-one, putting others in contact with the broader life sciences community, and participating in meetings, workshops and venues.