Darmstadt, Germany



projects / publications

Ecological Trait-data Standard vocabulary

Together with a few others I developed the ETS as a standard terminology that aids researchers to publish and re-use trait data. The project aims to facilitate the integration of data from distributed sources into data compilations.

The paper explaining the rationale:

Schneider, Florian D., David Fichtmueller, Martin M. Gossner, Anton Güntsch, Malte Jochum, Birgitta König‐Ries, Gaëtane Le Provost, Pete Manning, Andreas Ostrowski, Caterina Penone, and Nadja K. Simons. 2019. Towards an ecological trait-data standard. Methods in Ecology and Evolution (early view). doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.13288

The data standard as an online resource on GFBio Terminology service:

Schneider, Florian D., Malte Jochum, Gaëtane Le Provost, Andreas Ostrowski, Caterina Penone, and Nadja K. Simons (2019) Ecological Trait-data Standard Vocabulary, v0.10, URL: https://terminologies.gfbio.org/terms/ets/pages/ , DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2605377

R package traitdataform

I developed an R package to assist with applying the ETS to your own dataset or to harmonize units and terms when creating compilations of data from distributed sources.

Schneider, Florian D. traitdataform - Formatting and Harmonizing Ecological Trait-Data (version 0.5.6). 2019. https://github.com/EcologicalTraitData/traitdataform. On CRAN: https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=traitdataform

collaboration statement

Welcoming any contribution to the community-based development of the ETS for the multiple use cases of trait-based research. Development of the R package with the goal to help to create interfaces between computational tools in R.

contact info

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