(1) [Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries](https://www.igb-berlin.de/en), (2) [Ronin Institute for Independent Scholarship](https://ronininstitute.org/), (3) [Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education (IGDORE)](https://igdore.org/), (4) [Free University Berlin](https://www.fu-berlin.de/)





I am a biophysicist-turned data scientist based in Jena, Germany, and a volunteer in the Wikimedia ecosystem, i.e. the set of open-knowledge platforms around Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and especially Wikidata.

Collaboration statement

Working across the spatial and temporal scales of life is what I enjoy most, with a current emphasis on traits related to biological invasions and other interests related to vocal learning.

I can help with integrating trait-related information and workflows with the Wikimedia ecosystem.


Scholia is a Wikidata-based open-source tool to browse, explore and curate scholarly information. I am part of the core team that develops it.