2024-12-18 |
Daniel Mietchen |
FAIR Jupyter: A Knowledge Graph Approach to Semantic Sharing and Granular Exploration of a Computational Notebook Reproducibility Dataset |
2024-12-13 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Uncertainty in blacklisting potential Pacific plant invaders using species distribution models |
2024-10-26 |
Daniel Mietchen |
A conceptual classification scheme of invasion science |
2024-10-10 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Advancing Community Curation of Research Expeditions: A Collaborative Journey with Wikidata and Biodiversity Information Standards |
2024-10-04 |
Teresa Mayfield-Meyer |
Building and Sustaining Authoritative Resources for the Community: Who Is Responsible? |
2024-09-30 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
The 2030 Declaration on Scientific Plant and Fungal Collecting |
2024-09-30 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Strategies for crowdsourcing hearing health information: a comparative study of educational programs and volunteer-based campaigns on Wikimedia |
2024-09-24 |
Katelin D. Pearson |
Coordinating Digitization and Trait Data Mobilization Across California Herbaria: The Importance of Resourced Support People |
2024-09-24 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Transforming Knowledge into Practice: Science, Technology and Innovation in Support of the UN SDGs |
2024-09-18 |
Teresa Mayfield-Meyer |
Let’s Talk About Life Stage |
2024-08-30 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Differential responses of community‐level functional traits to mid‐ and late‐season experimental drought in a temperate grassland |
2024-08-23 |
Pete Manning |
Weak reciprocal relationships between productivity and plant biodiversity in managed grasslands |
2024-08-14 |
Ian J. Wright |
The influence of plant traits on soil microbial communities varies between arid and mesic grasslands |
2024-08-07 |
Teresa Mayfield-Meyer |
Who’s Flying the Plane? Navigating Multi-Stakeholder CMS Development Demands |
2024-07-26 |
Malte Jochum |
Effects of earthworm invasion on soil properties and plant diversity after two years of field experiment |
2024-07-24 |
Daniel S. Park |
Examining the structure of plant–lemur interactions in the face of imperfect knowledge |
2024-07-19 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Birds optimize fruit size consumed near their geographic range limits |
2024-07-18 |
Franziska Schrodt | Jens Kattge |
CoRRE Trait Data: A dataset of 17 categorical and continuous traits for 4079 grassland species worldwide |
2024-07-17 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Dominance and rarity in tree communities across the globe: Patterns, predictors and threats |
2024-07-16 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Biodiversity in changing environments: An external‐driver internal‐topology framework to guide intervention |
2024-06-30 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
First record of Exophthalmus albofasciatus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae) in Mexico feeding on Coccoloba barbadensis (Polygonaceae) |
2024-06-26 |
Michael Ray Kearney | Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Proximal microclimate: Moving beyond spatiotemporal resolution improves ecological predictions |
2024-06-25 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford |
Plant functional group interactions intensify with warming in alpine grasslands |
2024-06-24 |
Jens Kattge |
Environmental versus phylogenetic controls on leaf nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations in vascular plants |
2024-06-22 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Making Mathematical Research Data FAIR: Pathways to Improved Data Sharing |
2024-06-13 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Computable species descriptions and nanopublications: applying ontology-based technologies to dung beetles (Coleoptera, Scarabaeinae) |
2024-06-07 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Time series of freshwater macroinvertebrate abundances and site characteristics of European streams and rivers |
2024-06-03 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Curbing the major and growing threats from invasive alien species is urgent and achievable |
2024-05-28 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Metabolic plasticity drives mismatches in physiological traits between prey and predator |
2024-05-10 |
Luca Santini |
Drivers and spatial patterns of avian defaunation in tropical forests |
2024-05-08 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Getting your DUCs in a row - standardising the representation of Digital Use Conditions |
2024-05-01 |
Jens Kattge |
‘rtry’: An R package to support plant trait data preprocessing |
2024-05-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Seminatural areas act as reservoirs of genetic diversity for crop pollinators and natural enemies across Europe |
2024-04-22 |
Meghan Balk | Paula M. Mabee |
A FAIR and modular image‐based workflow for knowledge discovery in the emerging field of imageomics |
2024-04-12 |
Brian J. Enquist |
occTest: An integrated approach for quality control of species occurrence data |
2024-04-10 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Missing Value Imputation of Wireless Sensor Data for Environmental Monitoring |
2024-04-08 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Scaling approaches and macroecology provide a foundation for assessing ecological resilience in the Anthropocene |
2024-04-06 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Integrating functional traits into trophic rewilding science |
2024-04-05 |
Xiao Feng | Daniel S. Park |
Phenological similarity and distinctiveness facilitate plant invasions |
2024-04-05 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Demographic change and loss of big trees in resprouting eucalypt forests exposed to megadisturbance |
2024-04-05 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Macro-environment strongly interacts with warming in a global analysis of decomposition |
2024-04-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Complexity of avian evolution revealed by family-level genomes |
2024-04-01 |
Nuno Simões |
Modeling the potential spread of the non-native regal demoiselle, Neopomacentrus cyanomos, in the western Atlantic |
2024-03-25 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Biodiversity and productivity in eastern US forests |
2024-03-22 |
Caterina Penone |
Biodiversity promotes resistance but dominant species shape recovery of grasslands under extreme drought |
2024-03-19 |
Rachael V. Gallagher | Ben Sparrow |
Towards integrating and harmonising information on plant invasions across Australia |
2024-03-18 |
Katherine C B Weiss |
Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape |
2024-03-18 |
Stefano Mammola |
Taming the terminological tempest in invasion science |
2024-03-06 |
Katja Seltmann | Jennifer C. Girón | Meghan Balk |
Meeting Report for the Phenoscape TraitFest 2023 with Comments on Organising Interdisciplinary Meetings |
2024-03-04 |
Luca Santini |
Tropical field stations yield high conservation return on investment |
2024-03-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
ReSurveyEurope: A database of resurveyed vegetation plots in Europe |
2024-02-27 |
Malte Jochum |
Flexible foraging behaviour increases predator vulnerability to climate change |
2024-02-27 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Flowering synchrony modulates pollinator sharing and places plant individuals along a competition–facilitation continuum |
2024-02-26 |
Jorrit Poelen |
WorldFAIR (D10.2) Agricultural Biodiversity Standards, Best Practices and Guidelines Recommendations |
2024-02-23 |
Malte Jochum |
Quantitative description of six fish species’ gut contents and prey abundances in the Baltic Sea (1968–1978) |
2024-02-21 |
William Farfán Rios | Vigdis Vandvik | Brian J. Enquist | Richard J Telford | Brian S. Maitner | Sean T. Michaletz | Aud H. Halbritter | Sandra M. Durán |
Plant trait and vegetation data along a 1314 m elevation gradient with fire history in Puna grasslands, Perú |
2024-02-21 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Experimental drought reduces the productivity and stability of a calcareous grassland |
2024-02-21 |
Melissa Haendel |
Structured Prompt Interrogation and Recursive Extraction of Semantics (SPIRES): a method for populating knowledge bases using zero-shot learning |
2024-02-16 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Ten Years of Wikidata: A Bibliometric Study |
2024-02-16 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Preregistration: Comparing the Use of Wikidata and Wikipedia by Open-source Software Programmers on GitHub Repositories |
2024-02-16 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Bravo MaRDI: A Wikibase Knowledge Graph on Mathematics |
2024-02-16 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Automating the Use of Shape Expressions for the Validation of Semantic Knowledge in Wikidata |
2024-02-14 |
Anton Potapov |
Rainforest transformation reallocates energy from green to brown food webs |
2024-02-13 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Systematic approaches to assessing high-temperature limits to fertility in animals |
2024-02-10 |
Florian Dirk Schneider | Pete Manning | Caterina Penone | Joseph A Tobias |
A slow-fast trait continuum at the whole community level in relation to land-use intensification |
2024-02-09 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Extreme drought triggers parallel shifts in wood anatomical and physiological traits in upper treeline of the Mediterranean Andes |
2024-02-09 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Convergent evolutionary patterns of heterostyly across angiosperms support the pollination-precision hypothesis |
2024-02-08 |
Stefania L. Klayn |
One hundred priority questions for advancing seagrass conservation in Europe |
2024-02-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
What makes a place special? Understanding drivers and the nature of place attachment |
2024-02-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Biogeographic context mediates multifaceted diversity‐productivity relationships in island and mainland forests |
2024-02-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Template for a Hypothesis Description paper |
2024-02-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Hypothesis Description: Enemy Release Hypothesis |
2024-02-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Introducing Hypothesis Descriptions |
2024-02-01 |
Alexander Keller |
Nutrients or resin? – The relationship between resin and food foraging in stingless bees |
2024-01-31 |
David B. Roy |
Asynchrony in terrestrial insect abundance corresponds with species traits |
2024-01-24 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Prey responses to foxes are not determined by nativeness |
2024-01-22 |
Anton Potapov |
Perspectives in modelling ecological interaction networks for sustainable ecosystem management |
2024-01-18 |
Brian J. Enquist | Sean T. Michaletz |
Life history scaling in a tropical forest |
2024-01-17 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
[Tropical forests and global change: biogeochemical responses and opportunities for cross‐site comparisons, an organized INSPIRE session at the 108th Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America, Portland, Oregon, USA</scp]( http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q125789674) |
2024-01-16 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Feedback loops drive ecological succession: towards a unified conceptual framework |
2024-01-11 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Computational reproducibility of Jupyter notebooks from biomedical publications |
2024-01-08 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Extreme drought impacts have been underestimated in grasslands and shrublands globally |
2024-01-02 |
Brian S. Maitner |
More than 17,000 tree species are at risk from rapid global change |
2024-01-01 |
Rachael V. Gallagher | Brian J. Enquist |
Global dominance of lianas over trees is driven by forest disturbance, climate and topography |
2024-01-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
A systematic map of studies testing the relationship between temperature and animal reproduction |
2024-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Natural Language Hypotheses in Scientific Papers and How to Tame Them |
2024-01-01 |
Alexander Keller |
Microbes, the ‘silent third partners’ of bee–angiosperm mutualisms |
2024-01-01 |
John Alroy |
What is extinction research? |
2023-12-21 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Spearhead blues: How threats to the damselfly Coenagrion hastulatum changed over time |
2023-12-19 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Direct and higher‐order interactions in plant communities under increasing weather persistence |
2023-12-15 |
William D. Pearse |
Phylogenetic Biodiversity Metrics Should Account for Both Accumulation and Attrition of Evolutionary Heritage |
2023-12-14 |
Paula M. Mabee |
The US National Ecological Observatory Network and the Global Biodiversity Framework: national research infrastructure with a global reach |
2023-12-12 |
Stefano Mammola |
Groundwater is a hidden global keystone ecosystem |
2023-12-08 |
Daniel Mietchen |
LOS! Workshop: Wikidata as a FAIR, open, collaborative and multilingual component of the research ecosystem |
2023-12-08 |
John Alroy |
Tree species richness and evenness affect forest biomass differently across biogeographic regions |
2023-12-07 |
David B. Roy |
Modern Approaches to the Monitoring of Biоdiversity (MAMBO) |
2023-11-29 |
Xiao Feng |
Influence of model complexity, training collinearity, collinearity shift, predictor novelty and their interactions on ecological forecasting |
2023-11-27 |
Rachael V. Gallagher | Ben Sparrow |
The Alien Flora of Australia (AFA), a unified Australian national dataset on plant invasion |
2023-11-24 |
Melissa Haendel | Ramona L Walls |
The Monarch Initiative in 2024: an analytic platform integrating phenotypes, genes and diseases across species |
2023-11-22 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Divergent community trajectories with climate change across a fine‐scale gradient in snow depth |
2023-11-22 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Building an atlas of knowledge for invasion biology and beyond! 2nd enKORE-INAS Workshop |
2023-11-20 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Flower production decreases with warmer and more humid atmospheric conditions in a western Amazonian forest |
2023-11-20 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Climate warming and elevated CO2 alter peatland soil carbon sources and stability |
2023-11-19 |
Florian Dirk Schneider |
Recommendations for effective insect conservation in nature protected areas based on a transdisciplinary project in Germany |
2023-11-17 |
Steven L. Chown |
Polar lake microbiomes have distinct evolutionary histories |
2023-11-16 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Constraints on avian seed dispersal reduce potential for resilience in degraded tropical forests |
2023-11-15 |
Anne Thessen |
Data sharing and ontology use among agricultural genetics, genomics, and breeding databases and resources of the Agbiodata Consortium |
2023-11-11 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Human Phenotype Ontology in 2024: phenotypes around the world |
2023-11-06 |
Luca Santini |
Elevational homogenization of mountain parasitoids across six decades |
2023-11-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Brain size predicts bees’ tolerance to urban environments |
2023-10-29 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Pollinator asynchrony drives the temporal stability of flower visitation rates, but not of plant reproductive success |
2023-10-26 |
Luca Santini |
Shifts in ecosystem equilibria following trophic rewilding |
2023-10-18 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Survival improvements of marine mammals in zoological institutions mirror historical advances in human longevity |
2023-10-13 |
Malte Jochum |
Global change in above-belowground multitrophic grassland communities |
2023-10-12 |
William Farfán Rios |
More than 10,000 pre-Columbian earthworks are still hidden throughout Amazonia |
2023-10-04 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
USE it: Uniformly sampling pseudo‐absences within the environmental space for applications in habitat suitability models |
2023-10-04 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Pollination supply models from a local to global scale |
2023-10-03 |
Ramona L Walls |
Aligning Standards Communities for Omics Biodiversity Data: Sustainable Darwin Core-MIxS Interoperability |
2023-09-27 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford | Aud H. Halbritter |
Bryophytes dominate plant regulation of soil microclimate in alpine grasslands |
2023-09-24 |
Jens Kattge |
Rooting depth and xylem vulnerability are independent woody plant traits jointly selected by aridity, seasonality, and water table depth |
2023-09-20 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Rasgos‐CL: A functional trait database of Chilean woody plants |
2023-09-20 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Bravo MaRDI: A Wikibase Powered Knowledge Graph on Mathematics |
2023-09-12 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
National records of 3000 European bee and hoverfly species: A contribution to pollinator conservation |
2023-09-12 |
Jens Kattge |
The Role of the CLIP Model in Analysing Herbarium Specimen Images |
2023-09-09 |
Paula M. Mabee |
rphenoscate: An R package for semantics‐aware evolutionary analyses of anatomical traits |
2023-09-08 |
Franziska Schrodt | Joshua S Madin | Michael J. McWilliam |
Widespread shifts in body size within populations and assemblages |
2023-09-07 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Brian J. Enquist | Richard J Telford | Brian S. Maitner | Tanya Strydom | Aud H. Halbritter |
Bootstrapping outperforms community‐weighted approaches for estimating the shapes of phenotypic distributions |
2023-09-05 |
Katelin D. Pearson |
Growth and Evolution of the Symbiota Portal Network |
2023-09-04 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Brian J. Enquist | Richard J Telford | Brian S. Maitner | Sean T. Michaletz | Aud H. Halbritter |
Plant traits and associated data from a warming experiment, a seabird colony, and along elevation in Svalbard |
2023-09-01 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez | Franziska Schrodt |
Leaf metabolic traits reveal hidden dimensions of plant form and function |
2023-09-01 |
Samuel C. Andrew |
On the timing of megafaunal extinction and associated floristic consequences in Australia through the lens of functional palaeoecology |
2023-08-25 |
Stefano Mammola |
Identifying ‘climate keystone species’ as a tool for conserving ecological communities under climate change |
2023-08-24 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
The genome of the Wollemi pine, a critically endangered “living fossil” unchanged since the Cretaceous, reveals extensive ancient transposon activity |
2023-08-23 |
Brian J. Enquist | Brian S. Maitner | Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Native diversity buffers against severity of non-native tree invasions |
2023-08-18 |
Mark Westoby |
Perspectives on the scientific legacy of J. Philip Grime |
2023-08-09 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt |
2023-08-09 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Nanopublications for Biodiversity Go Live |
2023-08-04 |
Meghan Balk | Paula M. Mabee |
Discovering Novel Biological Traits From Images Using Phylogeny-Guided Neural Networks |
2023-08-01 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Protected, cleared, or at risk: The fate of Australian plant species under continued land use change |
2023-08-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Profile of a flower: How rates of morphological evolution drive floral diversification in Ericales and angiosperms |
2023-07-31 |
Jorrit Poelen |
WorldFAIR Project (D10.1) Agriculture-related pollinator data standards use cases report |
2023-07-31 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Shifts to open access with high article processing charges hinder research equity and careers |
2023-07-28 |
Stefano Mammola |
Effective conservation of subterranean‐roosting bats |
2023-07-20 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Revision of the Neotropical water scavenger beetle genus Novochares Girón & Short (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Acidocerinae) |
2023-07-20 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Ten quick tips for editing Wikidata |
2023-07-14 |
Stefano Mammola |
A dark side of conservation biology: Protected areas fail in representing subterranean biodiversity |
2023-07-13 |
Cyrille Violle |
Trait‐environment associations diverge between native and alien breeding bird assemblages on the world’s oceanic islands |
2023-07-10 |
Stefano Mammola |
The searchscape of fear: A global analysis of internet search trends for biophobias |
2023-07-05 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Designing a Metascience Institute |
2023-07-03 |
Pete Manning |
Increasing plant species richness by seeding has marginal effects on ecosystem functioning in agricultural grasslands |
2023-07-03 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Biodiversity and pollination benefits trade off against profit in an intensive farming system |
2023-07-03 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Author Correction: Symbioses shape feeding niches and diversification across insects |
2023-07-02 |
Michael J. McWilliam |
Selecting coral species for reef restoration |
2023-07-01 |
Stefano Mammola |
An expert-based global assessment of threats and conservation measures for subterranean ecosystems |
2023-07-01 |
Tanya Strydom |
Effects of past and present microclimates on northern and southern plant species in a managed forest landscape |
2023-07-01 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Animal population decline and recovery after severe fire: Relating ecological and life history traits with expert estimates of population impacts from the Australian 2019-20 megafires |
2023-07-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Germination and seedling growth of Calluna vulgaris is sensitive to regional climate, heathland succession, and drought |
2023-06-30 |
Melissa Haendel | Anne Thessen |
KG-Hub—building and exchanging biological knowledge graphs |
2023-06-29 |
William Farfán Rios |
Masting is uncommon in trees that depend on mutualist dispersers in the context of global climate and fertility gradients |
2023-06-28 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Functional trait trade-offs define plant population stability across different biomes |
2023-06-28 |
Jens Kattge | Colleen M. Iversen |
The importance of trait selection in ecology |
2023-06-27 |
Jorrit Poelen |
Signing data citations enables data verification and citation persistence |
2023-06-20 |
Mark Westoby |
Phylogenetically conservative trait correlation: Quantification and interpretation |
2023-06-15 |
Brian J. Enquist |
The ecological causes of functional distinctiveness in communities |
2023-06-15 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Restoring heathlands after afforestation on two islands in western Norway |
2023-06-13 |
Anton Potapov |
Landscape heterogeneity and soil biota are central to multi-taxa diversity for oil palm landscape restoration |
2023-06-12 |
Xiao Feng | Daniel S. Park |
The colonial legacy of herbaria |
2023-06-07 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
High speciation rate of niche specialists in hot springs |
2023-06-07 |
Heloise Gibb |
Rainforest litter invertebrates decimated by high severity burns during Australia’s gigafires |
2023-06-05 |
Daniel Mietchen |
The Enemy Release Hypothesis |
2023-06-05 |
Hervé Sauquet | Rachael V. Gallagher |
Insect pollination for most of angiosperm evolutionary history |
2023-06-01 |
Aud H. Halbritter |
Three decades of environmental change studies at alpine Finse, Norway: climate trends and responses across ecological scales |
2023-06-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Newer Surveillance Data Extends our Understanding of the Niche of Rickettsia montanensis (Rickettsiales: Rickettsiaceae) Infection of the American Dog Tick (Acari: Ixodidae) in the United States |
2023-05-30 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford |
Traits help explain species’ performance away from their climate niche centre |
2023-05-29 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Climate-driven variation in dispersal ability predicts responses to forest fragmentation in birds |
2023-05-26 |
Luca Santini |
Synergistic effects of habitat fragmentation and hunting on the extinction risk of neotropical primates |
2023-05-24 |
Dylan J. Craven | Anton Potapov |
Tree islands enhance biodiversity and functioning in oil palm landscapes |
2023-05-18 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Symbioses shape feeding niches and diversification across insects |
2023-05-17 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Chemical Mixtures and Multiple Stressors: Same but Different? |
2023-05-02 |
Ramona L Walls |
The future of rare disease drug development: the rare disease cures accelerator data analytics platform (RDCA-DAP) |
2023-05-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
The cost of not acting: Delaying invasive grass management increases costs and threatens assets in a national park, northern Australia |
2023-05-01 |
Luca Santini | Diogo Borges Provete |
Reproducibility in ecology and evolution: Minimum standards for data and code |
2023-05-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Developing a Wikimedia-related research structure in a developing country |
2023-04-26 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Controlled Vocabulary for Audiovisual Core subjectOrientation: List of Terms |
2023-04-26 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Controlled Vocabulary for Audiovisual Core subjectPart: List of Terms |
2023-04-23 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Covariation among reproductive traits in flowering plants shapes their interactions with pollinators |
2023-04-22 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Assessing prioritization measures for a private land conservation program in the U.S. Prairie Pothole Region |
2023-04-20 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
The hunger games as the key to happily ever after? |
2023-04-19 |
Daniel S. Park |
Friends or foes? Plant-animal coevolutionary history is driven by both mutualistic and antagonistic interactions |
2023-04-18 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Hypotheses in urban ecology: building a common knowledge base |
2023-04-17 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
A Conceptual Framework for Biodiversity Monitoring Programs in Conservation Areas |
2023-04-17 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Centralized and Distributed Data Spaces: Insights from Dashboarding Invasion Biology |
2023-04-11 |
Steven L. Chown |
Introduced and invasive alien species of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean Islands |
2023-04-07 |
Daniel S. Park |
Complex climate‐mediated effects of urbanization on plant reproductive phenology and frost risk |
2023-04-07 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Fossil berries reveal global radiation of the nightshade family by the early Cenozoic |
2023-04-06 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
ForestClim—Bioclimatic variables for microclimate temperatures of European forests |
2023-04-06 |
Ian G. Brennan |
A new species of thick-toed gecko (Pachydactylus) from Serra da Neve and surrounding rocky areas of southwestern Angola (Squamata: Gekkonidae) |
2023-04-01 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Intraspecific trait variation and species turnover in successional tropical forests: assessing trait imputation for community-weighted means |
2023-04-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
A guide and tools for selecting and accessing microclimate data for mechanistic niche modeling |
2023-03-31 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Climate drivers alter nitrogen availability in surface peat and decouple N2 fixation from CH4 oxidation in the Sphagnum moss microbiome |
2023-03-30 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Litter quality outweighs climate as a driver of decomposition across the tundra biome |
2023-03-29 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Plant spatial aggregation modulates the interplay between plant competition and pollinator attraction with contrasting outcomes of plant fitness |
2023-03-27 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Non‐random interactions within and across guilds shape the potential to coexist in multi‐trophic ecological communities |
2023-03-26 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Successional shifts in tree demographic strategies in wet and dry Neotropical forests |
2023-03-25 |
Joshua S Madin |
A word on habitat complexity |
2023-03-23 |
David B. Roy |
Mechanisms underpinning community stability along a latitudinal gradient: Insights from a niche‐based approach |
2023-03-14 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Variation in the Chemical Sensitivity of Earthworms from Field Populations to Imidacloprid and Copper |
2023-03-13 |
Alexander Keller |
The effects of crop type, landscape composition and agroecological practices on biodiversity and ecosystem services in tropical smallholder farms |
2023-03-06 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Plant water use theory should incorporate hypotheses about extreme environments, population ecology, and community ecology |
2023-03-03 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
SystemLink: Moving beyond Aquatic–Terrestrial Interactions to Incorporate Food Web Studies |
2023-03-02 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Embracing fine‐root system complexity in terrestrial ecosystem modelling |
2023-03-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Trophic transfer of polyunsaturated fatty acids across the aquatic–terrestrial interface: An experimental tritrophic food chain approach |
2023-02-27 |
Brian S. Maitner | Daniel S. Park |
Better incentives are needed to reward academic software development |
2023-02-22 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Pinus contorta Alters Microenvironmental Conditions and Reduces Plant Diversity in Patagonian Ecosystems |
2023-02-22 |
Franziska Schrodt | Jens Kattge | Cyrille Violle |
Traits of dominant plant species drive normalized difference vegetation index in grasslands globally |
2023-02-22 |
Melissa Haendel | Anne Thessen |
KG-Hub – Building and Exchanging Biological Knowledge Graphs |
2023-02-22 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Reproductive characteristics, population genetics, and pairwise kinship inform strategic recovery of a plant species in a fragmented landscape |
2023-02-14 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Integrating plant physiology into simulation of fire behavior and effects |
2023-02-09 |
Jens Kattge |
Climate-trait relationships exhibit strong habitat specificity in plant communities across Europe |
2023-02-07 |
Steven L. Chown | Anton Potapov |
Globally invariant metabolism but density-diversity mismatch in springtails |
2023-02-06 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Taste for pollen comes in different shapes: Consumption by tadpoles from three divergent ecomorphotypes |
2023-02-05 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
The non‐random assembly of network motifs in plant–pollinator networks |
2023-02-05 |
Franziska Schrodt | Cyrille Violle | Brian S. Maitner |
Links to rare climates do not translate into distinct traits for island endemics |
2023-02-03 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Legacy effects post removal of a range-expanding shrub influence soil fungal communities and create negative plant-soil feedbacks for conspecific seedlings |
2023-02-01 |
Fatih Fazlioglu |
RecruitNet: A global database of plant recruitment networks |
2023-02-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
A test of local adaptation to drought in germination and seedling traits in populations of two alpine forbs across a 2000 mm/year precipitation gradient |
2023-01-28 |
Anne Thessen |
Workshop Report: Catalyzing Knowledge-Driven Discovery in Environmental Health Sciences through a Harmonized Language |
2023-01-27 |
Melissa Haendel | Meghan Balk | Anne Thessen |
The Ontology of Biological Attributes (OBA) - Computational Traits for the Life Sciences |
2023-01-26 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Rapid upwards spread of non-native plants in mountains across continents |
2023-01-25 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Functional Niche Partitioning Occurs over Body Size but Not Nutrient Reserves nor Melanism in a Polar Carabid Beetle along an Altitudinal Gradient |
2023-01-25 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Structural asymmetry in biotic interactions as a tool to understand and forecast ecological persistence |
2023-01-23 |
Malte Jochum |
From bottom‐up to top‐down control of invertebrate herbivores in a retrogressive chronosequence |
2023-01-23 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Intraspecific variation in species interactions promotes the feasibility of mutualistic assemblages |
2023-01-20 |
Stefano Mammola |
Aliens in caves: the global dimension of biological invasions in subterranean ecosystems |
2023-01-16 |
Pete Manning |
Landscape management strategies for multifunctionality and social equity |
2023-01-14 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Developing a database of Australian grasshopper occurrences from historic field survey notebooks spanning 54 years (Orthoptera: Acrididae, Morabidae, Pyrgomorphidae, Tetrigidae) |
2023-01-04 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Metal Exposure and Sex Shape the Fatty Acid Profile of Midges and Reduce the Aquatic Subsidy to Terrestrial Food Webs |
2023-01-04 |
Katja Seltmann |
Implementation Experience Report for Controlled Vocabularies Used with the Audubon Core Terms subjectPart and subjectOrientation |
2023-01-01 |
Anne Thessen |
An approach for collaborative development of a federated biomedical knowledge graph-based question-answering system: Question-of-the-Month challenges |
2023-01-01 |
Anne Thessen |
The exposome and nutritional pharmacology and toxicology: a new application for metabolomics |
2023-01-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Animal functional traits: Towards a trait‐based ecology for whole ecosystems |
2023-01-01 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Water availability is a stronger driver of soil microbial processing of organic nitrogen than tree species composition |
2023-01-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Indigenous and introduced Collembola differ in desiccation resistance but not its plasticity in response to temperature |
2023-01-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Beyond Janzen’s Hypothesis: How Amphibians That Climb Tropical Mountains Respond to Climate Variation |
2023-01-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Data from: Successional shifts in tree demographic strategies in wet and dry Neotropical forests |
2023-01-01 |
Luca Santini |
A comparison of population viability measures |
2023-01-01 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
Novel integrative elements and genomic plasticity in ocean ecosystems |
2023-01-01 |
Nuno Simões |
Molluscs along a salinity gradient in a hypersaline coastal lagoon, southern Gulf of Mexico |
2023-01-01 |
Nuno Simões |
Sea slugs (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) associated with Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) in southern Gulf of Mexico and Mexican Caribbean Sea |
2023-01-01 |
John Alroy |
Extinction: A synthesis of disciplines for theoretical and practical advances |
2022-12-30 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Mechanistic forecasts of species responses to climate change: The promise of biophysical ecology |
2022-12-29 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Mining the literature for ethics statements: A step towards standardizing research ethics |
2022-12-28 |
Paula M. Mabee | Ramona L Walls |
The founding charter of the Omic Biodiversity Observation Network (Omic BON) |
2022-12-26 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Combined effects of landscape composition and agrochemicals on frog communities amid sugarcane‐dominated agroecosystems |
2022-12-22 |
Tanya Strydom |
Long‐term spatially‐replicated data show no physical cost to a benefactor species in a facilitative plant–plant interaction |
2022-12-22 |
Steven L. Chown |
Threat management priorities for conserving Antarctic biodiversity |
2022-12-16 |
Daniel S. Park |
Herbarium records provide reliable phenology estimates in the understudied tropics |
2022-12-15 |
Steven L. Chown |
Multiple introductions, polyploidy and mixed reproductive strategies are linked to genetic diversity and structure in the most widespread invasive plant across Southern Ocean archipelagos |
2022-12-15 |
David B. Roy |
Abundance trends for river macroinvertebrates vary across taxa, trophic group and river typology |
2022-12-15 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Analysis of Linked GitHub and Wikidata |
2022-12-12 |
Mohammad Bagher Erfanian |
Using multiple ecological evaluators to introduce a proper management plan for urban vacant lots: A case‐study from Iran |
2022-12-07 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby | Jens Kattge | Dylan J. Craven | Rachael V. Gallagher | Brian J. Enquist | Pete Manning | Cyrille Violle | Marko J. Spasojevic |
The global spectrum of plant form and function: enhanced species-level trait dataset |
2022-12-05 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Specific leaf area is lower on ultramafic than on neighbouring non-ultramafic soils |
2022-11-29 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Plant traits poorly predict winner and loser shrub species in a warming tundra biome |
2022-11-22 |
Alexander Keller | Roberto Salguero-Gómez | Jennifer A Hammock | Jens Kattge | Markus Ankenbrand | Joshua S Madin | Florian Dirk Schneider | Rachael V. Gallagher | Brian J. Enquist | Brian S. Maitner | Daniel Falster | Stefanie Dekeyzer | Caterina Penone | William D. Pearse | Mohammad Bagher Erfanian | Jorrit Poelen |
Ten (mostly) simple rules to future‐proof trait data in ecological and evolutionary sciences |
2022-11-19 |
Melissa Haendel | Meghan Balk |
Unifying the identification of biomedical entities with the Bioregistry |
2022-11-16 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Recommendations for use of annotations and persistent identifiers in taxonomy and biodiversity publishing |
2022-11-14 |
Brian S. Maitner | Brad Boyle |
Geographic name resolution service: A tool for the standardization and indexing of world political division names, with applications to species distribution modeling |
2022-11-14 |
Pete Manning | Caterina Penone |
The supply of multiple ecosystem services requires biodiversity across spatial scales |
2022-11-14 |
Nuno Simões |
New Botrylloides, Botryllus, and Symplegma (Ascidiacea: Styelidae) in Coral Reefs of the Southern Gulf of Mexico and Mexican Caribbean Sea |
2022-11-11 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts | Anton Potapov |
Frontiers in soil ecology—Insights from the World Biodiversity Forum 2022 |
2022-11-10 |
Stefano Mammola |
A literature-based database of the natural heritage, the ecological status and tourism-related impacts in show caves worldwide |
2022-11-07 |
Steven L. Chown |
Scientists’ warning on climate change and insects |
2022-11-07 |
Luca Santini |
Climate change may cause the extinction of the butterfly Lasiommata petropolitana in the Apennines |
2022-11-06 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Tracking a killer shrimp: Dikerogammarus villosus invasion dynamics across Europe |
2022-11-04 |
Steven L. Chown |
Protect global values of the Southern Ocean ecosystem |
2022-11-02 |
Steven L. Chown |
Macrophysiology for decision‐making |
2022-11-01 |
Maribeth Latvis |
Community‐level phylogenetic diversity does not differ between rare and common lineages across tallgrass prairies in the northern Great Plains |
2022-11-01 |
Anton Potapov |
Landscape heterogeneity and soil biota are central to multi-taxa diversity for landscape restoration |
2022-11-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Brian J. Enquist |
How to improve scaling from traits to ecosystem processes |
2022-11-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Letter to the Editor: FHIR RDF - Why the world needs structured electronic health records |
2022-10-28 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Extreme weather events threaten biodiversity and functions of river ecosystems: evidence from a meta‐analysis |
2022-10-20 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Phenotypic variation along urban-to-rural gradients: an attempt to disentangle the mechanisms at play using the alien species Matricaria discoidea (Asteraceae) |
2022-10-20 |
Jens Kattge |
Citizen science plant observations encode global trait patterns |
2022-10-17 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Short‐term impacts of the 2019–20 fire season on biodiversity in eastern Australia |
2022-10-17 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Increasing crop richness and reducing field sizes provide higher yields to pollinator‐dependent crops |
2022-10-17 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Three perspectives on the prediction of chemical effects in ecosystems |
2022-10-14 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Recommendations for interoperability among infrastructures |
2022-10-12 |
Anne Thessen |
Improving the discoverability of biodiversity data using the Global Names Finder |
2022-10-12 |
Alana R O Chin |
Acclimation of interacting leaf surface traits affects foliar water uptake |
2022-10-12 |
Daniel Mietchen |
The ecology of FAIR Digital Objects, with special attention to roundtripping and benchmarking across the research ecosystem |
2022-10-12 |
Daniel Mietchen |
FAIRifying the dependencies of FAIR Digital Objects within and beyond the research ecosystem |
2022-10-12 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Connecting research-related FAIR Digital Objects with communities of stakeholders |
2022-10-10 |
Ian J. Wright |
How do functional traits influence tree demographic properties in a subtropical monsoon forest? |
2022-10-02 |
Timothy M. Perez |
Evolutionary history constrains heat tolerance of native and exotic tropical Zingiberales |
2022-10-01 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Expanding the biocultural benefits of species distribution modelling with Indigenous collaborators: Case study from northern Australia |
2022-10-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Functional rarity of plants in German hay meadows — Patterns on the species level and mismatches with community species richness |
2022-10-01 |
Meghan Balk | Ramona L Walls |
A solution to the challenges of interdisciplinary aggregation and use of specimen-level trait data |
2022-10-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Evaluating the biological validity of European river typology systems with least disturbed benthic macroinvertebrate communities |
2022-09-30 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Sean T. Michaletz |
Intraspecific trait variability is a key feature underlying high Arctic plant community resistance to climate warming |
2022-09-29 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Using logical constraints to validate statistical information about disease outbreaks in collaborative knowledge graphs: the case of COVID-19 epidemiology in Wikidata |
2022-09-26 |
Luca Santini |
Recent developments in Diversity and Distributions and trends in the field |
2022-09-26 |
Katja Seltmann | Jorrit Poelen |
Xylocopa sonorina - UCSB-IZC00012194 - Bee Library - 73e389aa-5886-4c48-8778-ba8932d1bd7e hash://sha256/96bfde1efa599e0e8e61de18b14d61dd308737f684950e4079c04e9bc0f33958 hash://md5/4940f68c84cffa4412f7ffb98bb255bd |
2022-09-20 |
Rachael V. Gallagher | Vanessa M. Adams |
Defining biodiverse reforestation: Why it matters for climate change mitigation and biodiversity |
2022-09-19 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Threatened and extinct island endemic birds of the world: Distribution, threats and functional diversity |
2022-09-19 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Climate change increases global risk to urban forests |
2022-09-15 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Scholia for Software |
2022-09-12 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Mining the literature for ethics statements: a step towards standardizing research ethics |
2022-09-09 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Computational reproducibility of Jupyter notebooks from biomedical publications |
2022-09-08 |
Steven L. Chown |
Emerging biological archives can reveal ecological and climatic change in Antarctica |
2022-09-07 |
Eveliina P. Kallioniemi |
Developing and Maintaining a National Biodiversity Data Infrastructure – An example from Norway |
2022-09-07 |
Teresa Mayfield-Meyer |
Challenges and Opportunities for Collection Data Sharing: dwc:MaterialSample |
2022-09-07 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Unpacking IPCC and IPBES Reports |
2022-09-07 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Visualizing Biodiversity Information using Wikidata and Scholia |
2022-09-02 |
Michael J. McWilliam |
Net effects of life‐history traits explain persistent differences in abundance among similar species |
2022-09-01 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Winters are changing: snow effects on Arctic and alpine tundra ecosystems |
2022-09-01 |
Stefano Mammola |
The cost of war for biodiversity: a potential ecocide in Ukraine |
2022-09-01 |
Stefano Mammola |
Quantifying the internationalization and representativeness in research |
2022-09-01 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Woody invaders from contrasted climatic origins distribute differently across the urban-to-rural gradient in oceanic Europe – Is it trait-related? |
2022-09-01 |
Cyrille Violle |
Nitrogen availability and plant–plant interactions drive leaf silicon concentration in wheat genotypes |
2022-09-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Top-down response to spatial variation in productivity and bottom-up response to temporal variation in productivity in a long-term study of desert ants |
2022-09-01 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Global patterns of vascular plant alpha diversity |
2022-09-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
The potential and realized foraging movements of bees are differentially determined by body size and sociality |
2022-08-30 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Future changes in habitat availability for two specialist snake species in the imperiled rocklands of South Florida, USA |
2022-08-30 |
Stefano Mammola |
A protocol for reproducible functional diversity analyses |
2022-08-30 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Phylogenetic composition of native island floras influences naturalized alien species richness |
2022-08-29 |
Jorrit Poelen |
Signed Citations: Making Persistent and Verifiable Citations of Digital Scientific Content |
2022-08-24 |
Eveliina P. Kallioniemi |
Reusable Ontology Modelling Patterns for Biodiversity Data with Reasonable Ontology Templates (OTTR) |
2022-08-24 |
Katelin D. Pearson |
Leveraging the Symbiota Support Hub for Biodiversity Data Mobilization |
2022-08-23 |
Hamish Holewa |
Building an Australian Reference Genome Atlas |
2022-08-23 |
Hamish Holewa |
Growth and Collaboration in the Atlas of Living Australia |
2022-08-23 |
Carlos Alberto Martínez-Muñoz |
BIOfid Steps Up to Provide Introduced Species Information: The case of myriapods in German greenhouses |
2022-08-23 |
Carlos Alberto Martínez-Muñoz |
Mobilizing and Enhancing Legacy Biodiversity Data: The case of Karl Wilhelm Verhoeff’s correspondence |
2022-08-23 |
Katelin D. Pearson |
Taxonomic Curation in a Multi-taxa Symbiota Portal |
2022-08-23 |
Teresa Mayfield-Meyer |
MaterialSample and its Properties |
2022-08-23 |
Jens Kattge |
iKNOW: A platform for knowledge graph construction for biodiversity |
2022-08-23 |
Katja Seltmann | Jorrit Poelen |
Indexing Biotic Interactions in GBIF data |
2022-08-20 |
William Farfán Rios | Belén Fadrique |
FunAndes – A functional trait database of Andean plants |
2022-08-20 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Life history adaptations to fluctuating environments: Combined effects of demographic buffering and lability |
2022-08-19 |
Stefano Mammola |
Species conservation profiles of the endemic spiders Troglohyphantes (Araneae, Linyphiidae) from the Alps and the north-western Dinarides |
2022-08-17 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
First large‐scale quantification study of DNA preservation in insects from natural history collections using genome‐wide sequencing |
2022-08-17 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Spatial patterns of snow distribution in the sub-Arctic |
2022-08-16 |
Belén Fadrique | Catherine H Bravo-Avila |
Bamboo climatic tolerances are decoupled from leaf functional traits across an Andean elevation gradient |
2022-08-14 |
Kim S. Ely |
Remote sensing from unoccupied aerial systems: Opportunities to enhance Arctic plant ecology in a changing climate |
2022-08-08 |
Brian S. Maitner |
Co-limitation towards lower latitudes shapes global forest diversity gradients |
2022-08-05 |
Heloise Gibb |
The global distribution of known and undiscovered ant biodiversity |
2022-08-01 |
Jorrit Poelen |
The Importance of Collecting and Archiving Data on Domestic and Cultivated Organisms |
2022-08-01 |
Jorrit Poelen |
Signed Citations: Making citations of digital scientific content persistent |
2022-08-01 |
Anton Potapov |
Earthworm invasion shifts trophic niches of ground-dwelling invertebrates in a North American forest |
2022-08-01 |
William D. Pearse |
Predicting catchment suitability for biodiversity at national scales |
2022-08-01 |
Stefano Mammola |
Dimension and impact of biases in funding for species and habitat conservation |
2022-08-01 |
Stefano Mammola |
The global social-economic dimension of biological invasions by plankton: Grossly underestimated costs but a rising concern for water quality benefits? |
2022-08-01 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Restoring habitat for fire-impacted species’ across degraded Australian landscapes |
2022-08-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Potential propagation of agricultural pesticide exposure and effects to upstream sections in a biosphere reserve |
2022-08-01 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Using the Audubon Core Controlled Vocabularies for subjectPart and subjectOrientation |
2022-08-01 |
Ian J. Wright |
Leaf nitrogen from the perspective of optimal plant function |
2022-07-28 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford | Aud H. Halbritter |
The role of plant functional groups mediating climate impacts on carbon and biodiversity of alpine grasslands |
2022-07-27 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Investigating microscale patchiness of motile microbes under turbulence in a simulated convective mixed layer |
2022-07-25 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Body mass and cell size shape the tolerance of fishes to low oxygen in a temperature‐dependent manner |
2022-07-24 |
Melissa Haendel |
Prenatal phenotyping: A community effort to enhance the Human Phenotype Ontology |
2022-07-23 |
Daniel S. Park |
The ecological implications of intra‐ and inter‐species variation in phenological sensitivity |
2022-07-21 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Integrating trait-based movement into mechanistic predictions of thermal performance |
2022-07-18 |
William D. Pearse |
Phylogenetic Biodiversity Metrics Should Account for Both Accumulation and Attrition of Evolutionary Heritage |
2022-07-15 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Beta diversity as a driver of forest biomass across spatial scales |
2022-07-14 |
Stefano Mammola |
On the conservation of subterranean ecosystems |
2022-07-11 |
Steven L. Chown |
The rising threat of climate change for arthropods from Earth’s cold regions: Taxonomic rather than native status drives species sensitivity |
2022-07-11 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Pollen‐based reconstruction reveals the impact of the onset of agriculture on plant functional trait composition |
2022-07-11 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Showcasing synergies between agriculture, biodiversity and ecosystem services to help farmers capitalising on native biodiversity (SHOWCASE) |
2022-07-10 |
Melissa Haendel | Meghan Balk |
Unifying the Identification of Biomedical Entities with the Bioregistry |
2022-07-08 |
Meghan Balk |
Late quaternary biotic homogenization of North American mammalian faunas |
2022-07-07 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Inferring community assembly processes from functional seed trait variation along elevation gradient |
2022-07-06 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Dataset of a Study of Computational reproducibility of Jupyter notebooks from biomedical publications |
2022-07-05 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Impact of warming on aquatic body sizes explained by metabolic scaling from microbes to macrofauna |
2022-07-05 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Tree species identity drives nutrient use efficiency in young mixed‐species plantations, at both high and low water availability |
2022-07-05 |
Heloise Gibb |
PERSPECTIVES : Ecological strategies of (pl)ants: toward a world‐wide worker economic spectrum for ants |
2022-07-04 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Female terminalia morphology and cladistic relations among Tok‐Tok beetles (Tenebrionidae: Sepidiini) |
2022-07-02 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Ericoid shrubs shape fungal communities and suppress organic matter decomposition in boreal forests |
2022-07-02 |
Luca Santini | Malte Jochum |
Global environmental drivers of local abundance-mass scaling in soil animal communities |
2022-07-01 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Solar radiation and soil moisture drive tropical forest understory responses to experimental and natural hurricanes |
2022-07-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Influence of Prey Availability in the Dissimilarity of Predator–Prey Interactions |
2022-07-01 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Hiking and livestock favor non-native plants in the high Andes |
2022-07-01 |
Dylan J. Craven | Sandra M. Durán |
Strong floristic distinctiveness across Neotropical successional forests |
2022-07-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Pesticide effects on macroinvertebrates and leaf litter decomposition in areas with traditional agriculture |
2022-06-30 |
Cyrille Violle |
Ectomycorrhizal Networks in the Anthropocene: From Natural Ecosystems to Urban Planning |
2022-06-29 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Global worming: massive invasion of North America by earthworms revealed |
2022-06-29 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Too hot to hunt: Mechanistic predictions of thermal refuge from cat predation risk |
2022-06-27 |
Brunno Freire Oliveira |
Biodiversity mediates ecosystem sensitivity to climate variability |
2022-06-24 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Slow and negligible senescence among testudines challenges evolutionary theories of senescence |
2022-06-21 |
Ramona L Walls |
Establishing a Common Nutritional Vocabulary - From Food Production to Diet |
2022-06-17 |
Cyrille Violle |
Effects of Habitat and Competition on Niche Partitioning and Community Structure in Neotropical Ants |
2022-06-16 |
Franziska Schrodt | Jens Kattge | Ian J. Wright | Brian S. Maitner | Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle | Sean T. Michaletz |
High exposure of global tree diversity to human pressure |
2022-06-15 |
Daniel Falster |
Tallo–a global tree allometry and crown architecture database |
2022-06-15 |
Franziska Schrodt |
A possible role for river restoration enhancing biodiversity through interaction with wildfire |
2022-06-10 |
Nuno Simões |
Predator control of marine communities increases with temperature across 115 degrees of latitude |
2022-06-08 |
Jens Kattge |
Global relationships in tree functional traits |
2022-06-07 |
Stefano Mammola |
Measuring the influence of non-scientific features on citations |
2022-06-06 |
Melissa Haendel | Anne Thessen |
Biolink Model: A Universal Schema for Knowledge Graphs in Clinical, Biomedical, and Translational Science |
2022-06-04 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Hiking trails shift plant species’ realized climatic niches and locally increase species richness |
2022-06-03 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
The minimum land area requiring conservation attention to safeguard biodiversity |
2022-06-03 |
Kim S. Ely |
Implementation and evaluation of the unified stomatal optimization approach in the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES) |
2022-06-03 |
Steven L. Chown | Michael Ray Kearney |
Parthenogenesis without costs in a grasshopper with hybrid origins |
2022-06-02 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby | Joshua S Madin | Daniel Falster | Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
AnimalTraits - a curated animal trait database for body mass, metabolic rate and brain size |
2022-05-27 |
Jens Kattge |
Root traits catching up |
2022-05-26 |
Stefano Mammola |
A trait database and updated checklist for European subterranean spiders |
2022-05-26 |
Daniel Mietchen |
The LOTUS initiative for open knowledge management in natural products research |
2022-05-25 |
Anne Thessen |
Progress toward a universal biomedical data translator |
2022-05-25 |
Brian J. Enquist | Sandra M. Durán |
Improving landscape‐scale productivity estimates by integrating trait‐based models and remotely‐sensed foliar‐trait and canopy‐structural data |
2022-05-25 |
Melissa Haendel | Anne Thessen |
A Simple Standard for Sharing Ontological Mappings (SSSOM) |
2022-05-24 |
Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
Trait ecology of startup plants |
2022-05-23 |
Xiao Feng |
GridDER: Grid Detection and Evaluation in R |
2022-05-22 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
mcera5 : Driving microclimate models with ERA5 global gridded climate data |
2022-05-19 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Differences in prey availability across space and time lead to interaction rewiring and reshape a predator–prey metaweb |
2022-05-19 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Trait-dependent diversification in angiosperms: patterns, models and data |
2022-05-16 |
William Farfán Rios | Brian J. Enquist |
Functional susceptibility of tropical forests to climate change |
2022-05-16 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Invasion impacts and dynamics of a European‐wide introduced species |
2022-05-15 |
Melissa Haendel |
NSAID use and clinical outcomes in COVID-19 patients: a 38-center retrospective cohort study |
2022-05-15 |
Alexander Keller |
Diets maintained in a changing world: Does land-use intensification alter wild bee communities by selecting for flexible generalists? |
2022-05-13 |
Stefano Mammola |
Global response of conservationists across mass media likely constrained bat persecution due to COVID-19 |
2022-05-12 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Rethinking biodiversity patterns and processes in stream ecosystems |
2022-05-12 |
Stefano Mammola |
Distance decay 2.0 – A global synthesis of taxonomic and functional turnover in ecological communities |
2022-05-11 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Heritability of Morphological and Behavioural Traits in Evolving Robots |
2022-05-11 |
Hervé Sauquet | Rachael V. Gallagher | Daniel Falster |
Climate shapes community flowering periods across biomes |
2022-05-10 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Broad‐ and small‐scale environmental gradients drive variation in chemical, but not morphological, leaf traits of vascular epiphytes |
2022-05-10 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Remote Sensing of Geomorphodiversity Linked to Biodiversity—Part III: Traits, Processes and Remote Sensing Characteristics |
2022-05-05 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
A Proposed Safari Park in a Subtropical Forest in Northeastern Bangladesh Will Be Detrimental to Native Biodiversity |
2022-05-05 |
Stefano Mammola |
A multi-layered approach uncovers overlooked taxonomic and physiological diversity in Alpine subterranean spiders (Araneae: Linyphiidae: |
2022-05-02 |
William Farfán Rios |
Limits to reproduction and seed size-number trade-offs that shape forest dominance and future recovery |
2022-05-02 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Towards a system-level causative knowledge of pollinator communities |
2022-05-02 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Urban-adapted mammal species have more known pathogens |
2022-05-02 |
Alexander Keller |
Do amino and fatty acid profiles of pollen provisions correlate with bacterial microbiomes in the mason bee Osmia bicornis? |
2022-05-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Building a Global Ecosystem Research Infrastructure to Address Global Grand Challenges for Macrosystem Ecology |
2022-05-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Early diversifications of angiosperms and their insect pollinators: were they unlinked? |
2022-04-30 |
Alexander Keller |
Wild bee larval food composition in five European cities |
2022-04-29 |
Steven L. Chown |
Using near‐ground leaf temperatures alters the projected climate change impacts on the historical range of a floristic biodiversity hotspot |
2022-04-29 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Successional shifts in tree demographic strategies in wet and dry Neotropical forests |
2022-04-28 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Corrigendum |
2022-04-28 |
Alexander Keller |
Phylogenetic relatedness of food plants reveals highest insect herbivore specialization at intermediate temperatures along a broad climatic gradient |
2022-04-27 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Evaluating alternative ebullition models for predicting peatland methane emission and its pathways via data–model fusion |
2022-04-27 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Interactive effects of multiple stressors vary with consumer interactions, stressor dynamics and magnitude |
2022-04-25 |
Brian J. Enquist | Brian S. Maitner | Daniel S. Park | Xiao Feng |
Geographic Name Resolution Service: A tool for the standardization and indexing of world political division names, with applications to species distribution modeling |
2022-04-25 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Assessing the Causal Impact of COVID-19 Related Policies on Outbreak Dynamics: A Case Study in the US |
2022-04-23 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Transient demographic approaches can drastically expand the toolbox of coral reef science |
2022-04-22 |
Ian J. Wright |
Rising CO 2 and warming reduce global canopy demand for nitrogen |
2022-04-20 |
Belén Fadrique |
Changes in tree functional composition across topographic gradients and through time in a tropical montane forest |
2022-04-20 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Metabolic plasticity can amplify ecosystem responses to global warming |
2022-04-20 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Solar geoengineering could redistribute malaria risk in developing countries |
2022-04-19 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Clinical Variant Analysis Tool: Analyzing the evidence supporting reported genomic variation in clinical practice |
2022-04-19 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Pulled Diversification Rates, Lineages-Through-Time Plots, and Modern Macroevolutionary Modeling |
2022-04-19 |
Hervé Sauquet |
What is the age of flowering plants? |
2022-04-18 |
Rachael V. Gallagher | Daniel S. Park | Brian S. Maitner | Brian J. Enquist | Brad Boyle | Cyrille Violle | Yaoqi Li | Xiao Feng |
A review of the heterogeneous landscape of biodiversity databases: Opportunities and challenges for a synthesized biodiversity knowledge base |
2022-04-16 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Soil macroinvertebrate communities: A world‐wide assessment |
2022-04-16 |
Melissa Haendel |
Mondo: Unifying diseases for the world, by the world |
2022-04-14 |
Stefano Mammola |
Quantifying troglomorphism in hyperspace |
2022-04-11 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Fire‐related threats and transformational change in Australian ecosystems |
2022-04-09 |
Ian J. Wright | Samuel C. Andrew | Rachael V. Gallagher |
Assessing the vulnerability of plant functional trait strategies to climate change |
2022-04-07 |
Anton Potapov |
Multifunctionality of belowground food webs: resource, size and spatial energy channels |
2022-04-07 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
Efficient Permutation-based Genome-wide Association Studies for Normal and Skewed Phenotypic Distributions |
2022-04-06 |
Stefano Mammola |
Overview: Recent advances in the understanding of the northern Eurasian environments and of the urban air quality in China – a Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) programme perspective |
2022-04-05 |
William D. Pearse |
The hidden value of trees: Quantifying the ecosystem services of tree lineages and their major threats across the contiguous US |
2022-04-04 |
Daniel Mietchen |
WikiProject Clinical Trials for Wikidata |
2022-04-02 |
Mark Westoby |
Field experiments on mechanisms influencing species boundary movement under climate change |
2022-04-01 |
Brian S. Maitner | Brian J. Enquist | Xiao Feng |
Elevated extinction risk of cacti under climate change |
2022-04-01 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Towards species‐level forecasts of drought‐induced tree mortality risk |
2022-04-01 |
Alexander Keller |
Critical links between biodiversity and health in wild bee conservation |
2022-03-31 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Tropical tree growth driven by dry-season climate variability |
2022-03-31 |
Malte Jochum |
Plant-invertebrate interactions across a forested retrogressive chronosequence |
2022-03-30 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Coevolution of relative brain size and life expectancy in parrots |
2022-03-30 |
Anton Potapov |
Tropical land use alters functional diversity of soil food webs and leads to monopolization of the detrital energy channel |
2022-03-30 |
Malte Jochum |
Aboveground impacts of a belowground invader: how invasive earthworms alter aboveground arthropod communities in a northern North American forest |
2022-03-29 |
Nuno Simões |
An integrative re-evaluation of Typhlatya shrimp within the karst aquifer of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico |
2022-03-28 |
Stefano Mammola |
An expert-curated global database of online newspaper articles on spiders and spider bites |
2022-03-28 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Mapping 35 years of change in Leaf Mass per Area across the globe from multispectral satellite data |
2022-03-27 |
Anton Potapov |
Multifunctionality of belowground food webs |
2022-03-27 |
Anton Potapov |
Global monitoring of soil animal communities using a common methodology |
2022-03-25 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Life history mediates the trade‐offs among different components of demographic resilience |
2022-03-23 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Advancing the mechanistic understanding of the priming effect on soil organic matter mineralisation |
2022-03-22 |
Stefano Mammola |
Towards evidence‐based conservation of subterranean ecosystems |
2022-03-22 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Whole-Ecosystem Warming Increases Plant-Available Nitrogen and Phosphorus in an Ombrotrophic Bog |
2022-03-22 |
Daniel Mietchen |
A formalization of one of the main claims of “Creative Commons licenses and the non-commercial condition: Implications for the re-use of biodiversity information” by Hagedorn et al. 2011 |
2022-03-22 |
Daniel Mietchen |
A formalization of one of the main claims of “Cortex reorganization of Xenopus laevis eggs in strong static magnetic fields” by Mietchen et al. 2005 |
2022-03-20 |
Alexander Keller |
Using a combination of CRISPR/Cas9, behavioural experiments and functional analysis to characterise taste receptors in honeybees |
2022-03-19 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Water and energy availability mediate biodiversity patterns along an elevational gradient in the tropical Andes |
2022-03-19 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Tracking habitat or testing its suitability? Similar distributional patterns can hide very different histories of persistence versus nonequilibrium dynamics |
2022-03-18 |
Stefano Mammola |
Brazilian cave heritage under siege |
2022-03-15 |
Daniel Mietchen |
SKG4EOSC - Scholarly Knowledge Graphs for EOSC: Establishing a backbone of knowledge graphs for FAIR Scholarly Information in EOSC |
2022-03-14 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Trait phenology and fire seasonality co‐drive seasonal variation in fire effects on tree crowns |
2022-03-14 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Anthropogenic impacts on threatened species erode functional diversity in turtles and crocodilians |
2022-03-14 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Detecting steps in spatial genetic data: Which diversity measures are best? |
2022-03-11 |
Melissa Haendel | Anne Thessen |
Implementation of Zebrafish Ontologies for Toxicology Screening |
2022-03-10 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Assessing Bayesian Phylogenetic Information Content of Morphological Data Using Knowledge From Anatomy Ontologies |
2022-03-10 |
Franziska Schrodt |
How well do species distribution models predict occurrences in exotic ranges? |
2022-03-09 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Soil enzymes in response to climate warming: Mechanisms and feedbacks |
2022-03-09 |
Stefano Mammola |
Climatic stability, not average habitat temperature, determines thermal tolerance of subterranean beetles |
2022-03-08 |
Luca Santini |
Population density estimates for terrestrial mammal species |
2022-03-08 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
More than what they eat: uncoupled biophysical constraints underlie geographic patterns of herbivory |
2022-03-08 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Genomic Screening to Identify Food Trees Potentially Dispersed by Precolonial Indigenous Peoples |
2022-03-08 |
Katja Seltmann |
Plant-arthropod interactions of an endangered California lupine |
2022-03-07 |
Heloise Gibb |
Subtle structures with not‐so‐subtle functions: A data set of arthropod constructs and their host plants |
2022-03-07 |
Jens Kattge |
Increasing Functional Diversity in a Global Land Surface Model Illustrates Uncertainties Related to Parameter Simplification |
2022-03-06 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
An integrated approach to assessing abiotic and biotic threats to post‐fire plant species recovery: Lessons from the 2019–2020 Australian fire season |
2022-03-06 |
Michael Ray Kearney | Xiao Feng |
ENM2020: A Free Online Course and Set of Resources on Modeling Species’ Niches and Distributions |
2022-03-04 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Mycorrhizal symbiosis pathway and edaphic fertility frame root economics space among tree species |
2022-03-04 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
A general pattern of trade-offs between ecosystem resistance and resilience to tropical cyclones |
2022-03-04 |
Heloise Gibb |
Climate variability and aridity modulate the role of leaf shelters for arthropods: A global experiment |
2022-03-03 |
Cyrille Violle |
Do leaf nitrogen resorption dynamics align with the slow‐fast continuum? A test at the intraspecific level |
2022-03-03 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Mapping risk to plant populations from short fire intervals via relationships between maturation period and environmental productivity |
2022-03-03 |
Ian J. Wright |
Nitrogen concentration and physical properties are key drivers of woody tissue respiration |
2022-03-02 |
Renee A. Catullo | Rachael V. Gallagher |
The conservation impacts of ecological disturbance: Time‐bound estimates of population loss and recovery for fauna affected by the 2019–2020 Australian megafires |
2022-03-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Developing a national indicator of functional connectivity |
2022-03-01 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Wood-decay type and fungal guild dominance across a North American log transplant experiment |
2022-03-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Invasive species impacts on sub-Antarctic Collembola support the Antarctic climate-diversity-invasion hypothesis |
2022-03-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
The Global Virome in One Network (VIRION): an Atlas of Vertebrate-Virus Associations |
2022-03-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Plant collections for conservation and restoration: Can they be adapted and adaptable? |
2022-03-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Exceptional evolutionary lability of flower‐like inflorescences (pseudanthia) in Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae |
2022-02-28 |
Daniel Mietchen |
WikiProject Clinical Trials snapshot February 2022 |
2022-02-24 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Bridging the Research Gap between Live Collections in Zoos and Preserved Collections in Natural History Museums |
2022-02-24 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Diversity and extinction risk are inversely related at a global scale |
2022-02-24 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Global plant‐frugivore trait matching is shaped by climate and biogeographic history |
2022-02-24 |
Joseph A Tobias |
A test of Darwin’s naturalization conundrum in birds reveals enhanced invasion success in the presence of close relatives |
2022-02-24 |
Joseph A Tobias |
A bird in the hand: Global‐scale morphological trait datasets open new frontiers of ecology, evolution and ecosystem science |
2022-02-24 |
Joseph A Tobias |
AVONET: morphological, ecological and geographical data for all birds |
2022-02-24 |
Joseph A Tobias |
The latitudinal gradient in rates of evolution for bird beaks, a species interaction trait |
2022-02-24 |
Luca Santini | Joseph A Tobias |
Global impacts of climate change on avian functional diversity |
2022-02-24 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Global Economic and Diet Transitions Drive Latin American and Caribbean Forest Change during the First Decade of the Century: A Multi-Scale Analysis of Socioeconomic, Demographic, and Environmental Drivers of Local Forest Cover Change |
2022-02-23 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Assessing taxonomic and functional change in British breeding bird assemblages over time |
2022-02-21 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Tree diversity effects on soil microbial biomass and respiration are context dependent across forest diversity experiments |
2022-02-19 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Integrating Fossil Flowers into the Angiosperm Phylogeny using a Total Evidence Approach |
2022-02-18 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Altered precipitation has asymmetric impacts on annual plant communities in warm and cool growing seasons |
2022-02-18 |
Daniel S. Park |
Leaf out time correlates with wood anatomy across large geographic scales and within local communities |
2022-02-17 |
David B. Roy |
Local adaptation to climate anomalies relates to species phylogeny |
2022-02-16 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Variations in accuracy of leaf functional trait prediction due to spectral mixing |
2022-02-15 |
Ben Sparrow |
Simultaneous effect of habitat remnancy, exotic species, and anthropogenic disturbance on orchid diversity in South Australia |
2022-02-15 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Think globally, measure locally: The MIREN standardized protocol for monitoring plant species distributions along elevation gradients |
2022-02-13 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Predictions of biodiversity are improved by integrating trait‐based competition with abiotic filtering |
2022-02-11 |
Steven L. Chown | Jonas J. Lembrechts | Marko J. Spasojevic | Fatih Fazlioglu |
Global maps of soil temperature. |
2022-02-05 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Fifteen emerging challenges and opportunities for vegetation science ‐ A horizon scan by early career researchers |
2022-02-03 |
Anton Potapov |
Riparian buffers made of mature oil palms have inconsistent impacts on oil palm ecosystems |
2022-02-03 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Buffering Climate Change with Nature |
2022-02-01 |
Ramona L Walls |
MIxS-SA: a MIxS extension defining the minimum information standard for sequence data from symbiont-associated micro-organisms |
2022-01-31 |
Brian S. Maitner | Brian J. Enquist |
The number of tree species on Earth |
2022-01-30 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
LOTVS: A global collection of permanent vegetation plots |
2022-01-28 |
Cyrille Violle |
A genome‐wide analysis suggests pleiotropic effects of Green Revolution genes on shade avoidance in wheat |
2022-01-28 |
Kim S. Ely |
An improved representation of the relationship between photosynthesis and stomatal conductance leads to more stable estimation of conductance parameters and improves the goodness‐of‐fit across diverse data sets |
2022-01-28 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Applying biocultural research protocols in ecology: Insider and outsider experiences from Australia |
2022-01-27 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Enhanced monography in a collaboratively evolved hub for systematic biology |
2022-01-25 |
Dalia A. Conde |
The Earth BioGenome Project 2020: Starting the clock |
2022-01-22 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle |
Plant community impact on productivity: Trait diversity or key(stone) species effects? |
2022-01-21 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Dynamic biotic controls of leaf thermoregulation across the diel timescale |
2022-01-20 |
Anton Potapov |
Feeding habits and multifunctional classification of soil‐associated consumers from protists to vertebrates |
2022-01-20 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Rcompadre and Rage—Two R packages to facilitate the use of the COMPADRE and COMADRE databases and calculation of life‐history traits from matrix population models |
2022-01-19 |
Cyrille Violle |
Functionally distinct tree species support long-term productivity in extreme environments |
2022-01-19 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Competition and resource depletion shape the thermal response of population fitness in Aedes aegypti |
2022-01-18 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Formalizing Insect Morphological Data: A Model-Based, Extensible Insect Anatomy Ontology and Its Potential Applications in Biodiversity Research and Informatics |
2022-01-18 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Threatened Species Initiative: Empowering conservation action using genomic resources |
2022-01-15 |
Melissa Haendel |
Sleep and circadian informatics data harmonization: a workshop report from the Sleep Research Society and Sleep Research Network |
2022-01-14 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Fiber-parenchyma trade-off underlies changes in tropical forest structure and xylem architecture across a soil water gradient |
2022-01-14 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
2022-01-13 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Unveil the unseen: Using LiDAR to capture time‐lag dynamics in the herbaceous layer of European temperate forests |
2022-01-12 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez | Franziska Schrodt |
Functional Traits 2.0: The power of the metabolome for ecology |
2022-01-11 |
Dalia A. Conde |
What’s left in the tank? Identification of non-ascribed aquarium’s coral collections with DNA barcodes as part of an integrated diagnostic approach |
2022-01-11 |
Hervé Sauquet | Maurizio Rossetto |
Chromosome‐level de novo genome assembly of Telopea speciosissima (New South Wales waratah) using long‐reads, linked‐reads and Hi‐C |
2022-01-07 |
Heloise Gibb |
Introduction to the Insect Ecology Special Issue |
2022-01-05 |
Caterina Penone |
Land-use intensity and landscape structure drive the acoustic composition of grasslands |
2022-01-04 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Hydraulic tradeoffs underlie local variation in tropical forest functional diversity and sensitivity to drought |
2022-01-04 |
Melissa Haendel |
Association Between COVID-19 and Mortality in Hip Fracture Surgery in the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C): A Retrospective Cohort Study |
2022-01-01 |
Stefania L. Klayn |
Current distribution of Zostera seagrass meadows along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast (SW Black Sea, Bulgaria) (2010-2020) |
2022-01-01 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Upward range shift of a dominant alpine shrub related to 50 years of snow cover change |
2022-01-01 |
Luca Santini |
Bridging the research-implementation gap in IUCN Red List assessments |
2022-01-01 |
Jens Kattge |
iKNOW- A Knowledge Graph Management Platform for the Biodiversity Domain |
2022-01-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Three reasons why the Water Framework Directive (WFD) fails to identify pesticide risks |
2022-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel | Ramona L Walls |
Ontology Development Kit: a toolkit for building, maintaining, and standardising biomedical ontologies |
2022-01-01 |
Alexander Keller |
Forest landscapes increase diversity of honeybee diets in the tropics |
2021-12-31 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Book Review |
2021-12-30 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Steven L. Chown | Jonas J. Lembrechts | William D. Pearse | Nicolas Fanin | Sean T. Michaletz | Marko J. Spasojevic | Fatih Fazlioglu | Aud H. Halbritter | Jhonatan Sallo-Bravo |
Global maps of soil temperature |
2021-12-28 |
Courtenay A Ray |
Remote sensing of cytotype and its consequences for canopy damage in quaking aspen |
2021-12-26 |
Anton Potapov |
Nitrogen deposition stimulates decomposition via changes in the structure and function of litter food webs |
2021-12-24 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Application of Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe Mass Spectrometry for the Taxonomic Analysis of Pollen |
2021-12-24 |
Daniel S. Park | Brian S. Maitner | Brian J. Enquist |
Both source‐ and recipient‐range phylogenetic community structure can predict the outcome of avian introductions |
2021-12-24 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Too hot for the devil? Did climate change cause the mid‐Holocene extinction of the Tasmanian devil Sarcophilus harrisii from mainland Australia? |
2021-12-24 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Spatiotemporal dynamics drive synergism of land use and climatic extreme events in insect meta-populations |
2021-12-23 |
Katelin D. Pearson |
2021-12-23 |
Franziska Schrodt | Jens Kattge | Ian J. Wright |
Climatic and soil factors explain the two-dimensional spectrum of global plant trait variation |
2021-12-23 |
Katja Seltmann |
A semantically enriched taxonomic revision of Gryonoides Dodd, 1920 (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae), with a review of the hosts of Teleasinae |
2021-12-22 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Cancer risk across mammals |
2021-12-21 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
In Vitro Rearing Changes Social Task Performance and Physiology in Honeybees |
2021-12-20 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Variation in δ13C and δ15N within and among plant species in the alpine tundra |
2021-12-19 |
Daniel Mietchen |
WikiProject Clinical Trials snapshot of 2021 query results |
2021-12-17 |
Belén Fadrique |
Litter decomposition rates across tropical montane and lowland forests are controlled foremost by climate |
2021-12-17 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Functional traits of alpine plant communities show long‐term resistance to changing herbivore densities |
2021-12-14 |
Cyrille Violle |
Into the range: a latitudinal gradient or a center-margins differentiation of ecological strategies in Arabidopsis thaliana? |
2021-12-13 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Assessing dynamic vegetation model parameter uncertainty across Alaskan arctic tundra plant communities |
2021-12-13 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Mapping the economic loss of ecosystem services caused by the invasive plant species Antigonon leptopus on the Dutch Caribbean Island of St. Eustatius |
2021-12-10 |
Dylan J. Craven | Sandra M. Durán |
Multidimensional tropical forest recovery |
2021-12-10 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Trade-offs among plant reproductive traits determine interactions with floral visitors |
2021-12-06 |
Stefania L. Klayn |
Current distribution of Zostera seagrass meadows along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast (SW Black Sea, Bulgaria) (2010-2020) |
2021-12-06 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Fine scale prediction of ecological community composition using a two-step sequential Machine Learning ensemble |
2021-12-03 |
Malte Jochum |
Aboveground impacts of a belowground invader: how invasive earthworms alter aboveground arthropod communities in a northern North American forest |
2021-12-03 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Thermodynamic constraints on the assembly and diversity of microbial ecosystems are different near to and far from equilibrium |
2021-12-02 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Biodiversity promotes ecosystem functioning despite environmental change |
2021-12-02 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Globally important plant functional traits for coping with climate change |
2021-12-01 |
Sandra M. Durán |
Harnessing the NEON data revolution to advance open environmental science with a diverse and data‐capable community |
2021-12-01 |
Ben Sparrow |
Applying conservation reserve design strategies to define ecosystem monitoring priorities |
2021-12-01 |
Stefano Mammola |
Climate and landscape changes enhance the global spread of a bloom-forming dinoflagellate related to fish kills and water quality deterioration |
2021-12-01 |
Pete Manning |
Assessing the impact of grassland management on landscape multifunctionality |
2021-12-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Southeast Asian protected areas are effective in conserving forest cover and forest carbon stocks compared to unprotected areas |
2021-12-01 |
Joshua S Madin |
Factors Limiting the Range Extension of Corals into High-Latitude Reef Regions |
2021-12-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
A global agenda for advancing freshwater biodiversity research |
2021-12-01 |
Ian J. Wright | Samuel C. Andrew | Rachael V. Gallagher | Daniel Falster | Ben Sparrow |
Environmental associations of abundance-weighted functional traits in Australian plant communities |
2021-12-01 |
Phuong D. Dao |
Mapping native and invasive grassland species and characterizing topography-driven species dynamics using high spatial resolution hyperspectral imagery |
2021-11-30 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Non-random interactions within and across guilds shape the potential to coexist in multi-trophic ecological communities |
2021-11-29 |
Mark Westoby | Dylan J. Craven | Sandra M. Durán |
Functional recovery of secondary tropical forests |
2021-11-28 |
Steven L. Chown |
A multi‐site method to capture turnover in rare to common interactions in bipartite species networks |
2021-11-28 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
A hierarchical approach to understanding physiological associations with climate |
2021-11-28 |
Steven L. Chown |
Half a century of thermal tolerance studies in springtails (Collembola): A review of metrics, spatial and temporal trends |
2021-11-27 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Trophic niche shifts and phenotypic trait evolution are largely decoupled in Australasian parrots |
2021-11-27 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Soil chemistry, temperature and bacterial community composition drive brGDGT distributions along a subarctic elevation gradient |
2021-11-26 |
Ian J. Wright |
A meta‐analysis of responses of C 3 plants to atmospheric CO 2 : dose–response curves for 85 traits ranging from the molecular to the whole‐plant level |
2021-11-25 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Conservation needs to integrate knowledge across scales |
2021-11-25 |
Melissa Haendel |
Characterizing Long COVID: Deep Phenotype of a Complex Condition |
2021-11-24 |
William D. Pearse |
Strong trait correlation and phylogenetic signal in North American ground beetle (Carabidae) morphology |
2021-11-23 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Bees increase seed set of wild plants while the proportion of arable land has a variable effect on pollination in European agricultural landscapes |
2021-11-22 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Niche complementarity among pollinators increases community-level plant reproductive success |
2021-11-19 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Water levels primarily drive variation in photosynthesis and nutrient use of scrub Red Mangroves in the southeastern Florida Everglades |
2021-11-19 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Early diversifications of angiosperms and their insect pollinators: Were they unlinked? |
2021-11-18 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Tackling inconsistencies among freshwater invertebrate trait databases: harmonising across continents and aggregating taxonomic resolution |
2021-11-17 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Root traits and soil micro‐organisms as drivers of plant–soil feedbacks within the sub‐arctic tundra meadow |
2021-11-16 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Household and climate factors influence Aedes aegypti presence in the arid city of Huaquillas, Ecuador |
2021-11-15 |
Brian J. Enquist | Sandra M. Durán |
Remotely sensed assessment of increasing chronic and episodic drought effects on a Costa Rican tropical dry forest |
2021-11-13 |
Cyrille Violle |
Early positive biodiversity effects on total biomass in experimental tree seedling assemblages with and without water limitation |
2021-11-12 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Visitor’s Willingness to Pay for Cultural Ecosystem Services in Bangladesh: An Assessment for Lawachara National Park, a Biodiversity Hotspot |
2021-11-12 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Publication Performance and Trends in Mangrove Forests: A Bibliometric Analysis |
2021-11-12 |
Nuno Simões |
Evaluation of the Use of Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) for Describing the Species Diversity of Two Coral Reefs in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico |
2021-11-12 |
Alexander Keller |
Functional resin use in solitary bees |
2021-11-11 |
Caterina Penone |
Trait-based research across taxa made easier |
2021-11-10 |
Sandra M. Durán |
Expanding NEON biodiversity surveys with new instrumentation and machine learning approaches |
2021-11-10 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Loss of functional diversity through anthropogenic extinctions of island birds is not offset by biotic invasions |
2021-11-10 |
Steven L. Chown |
Chronic heat stress in tropical urban informal settlements |
2021-11-10 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Data Use Ontology to streamline responsible access to human biomedical datasets |
2021-11-10 |
Melissa Haendel |
GA4GH: International policies and standards for data sharing across genomic research and healthcare |
2021-11-10 |
John Alroy |
Marine diversity patterns in Australia are filtered through biogeography |
2021-11-09 |
Luca Santini |
Trait‐based projections of climate change effects on global biome distributions |
2021-11-09 |
Alexander Keller |
Preservation methods of honey bee-collected pollen are not a source of bias in ITS2 metabarcoding |
2021-11-08 |
Malte Jochum |
Adaptive foraging behaviour increases vulnerability to climate change |
2021-11-08 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
The role of competition versus cooperation in microbial community coalescence |
2021-11-08 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
The future of zoonotic risk prediction |
2021-11-06 |
Paul Efren Santos Andrade |
Tropical tree growth sensitivity to climate is driven by species intrinsic growth rate and leaf traits |
2021-11-05 |
Nuno Simões |
Pigment and Fatty Acid Heterogeneity in the Sea Slug Elysia crispata Is Not Shaped by Habitat Depth |
2021-11-03 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Deciphering the shifting role of intrinsic and extrinsic drivers on moss decomposition in peatlands over a 5‐year period |
2021-11-03 |
Alexander Keller |
An integrative environmental pollen diversity assessment and its importance for the Sustainable Development Goals |
2021-11-01 |
Carlos Alberto Martínez-Muñoz |
Scientists’ warning to humanity on illegal or unsustainable wildlife trade |
2021-11-01 |
Stefano Mammola |
Getting the ‘most out of the hotspot’ for practical conservation of groundwater biodiversity |
2021-11-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Frog community composition-environment relationships vary over time: Are snapshot studies of metacommunity dynamics useful? |
2021-11-01 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Maintaining forest cover to enhance temperature buffering under future climate change |
2021-11-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Risk from pesticide mixtures – The gap between risk assessment and reality |
2021-11-01 |
Alexander Keller |
DNA sequence-based biodiversity and interaction ecology |
2021-10-31 |
Daniel S. Park | Xiao Feng |
The colonial legacy of herbaria |
2021-10-29 |
Stefano Mammola |
Challenges and opportunities of species distribution modelling of terrestrial arthropod predators |
2021-10-29 |
Daniel Mietchen |
WikiCite 2020-2021: Citations for the sum of all human knowledge |
2021-10-28 |
Alexander Keller |
How wild bees find a way in European cities: Pollen metabarcoding unravels multiple feeding strategies and their effects on distribution patterns in four wild bee species |
2021-10-27 |
Yaoqi Li |
Towards an understanding of the latitudinal patterns in thermal tolerance and vulnerability of woody plants under climate warming |
2021-10-26 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
The spatial configuration of biotic interactions shapes coexistence-area relationships in an annual plant community |
2021-10-26 |
Hervé Sauquet |
The Angiosperm Terrestrial Revolution and the origins of modern biodiversity |
2021-10-24 |
Joshua S Madin |
The contribution of corals to reef structural complexity in Kāne‘ohe Bay |
2021-10-23 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
High species turnover shapes anuran community composition in ponds along an urban-rural gradient |
2021-10-22 |
Jens Kattge |
Putting vascular epiphytes on the traits map |
2021-10-22 |
Melissa Haendel |
The IDeaS initiative: pilot study to assess the impact of rare diseases on patients and healthcare systems |
2021-10-21 |
Yaoqi Li |
Phylogenetic niche conservatism and variations in species diversity–climate relationships |
2021-10-21 |
Kim S. Ely |
Rapid estimation of photosynthetic leaf traits of tropical plants in diverse environmental conditions using reflectance spectroscopy |
2021-10-20 |
John Alroy |
Global distribution of mammal herbivore biomass reveals megafauna extinction patterns |
2021-10-20 |
Ian J. Wright |
Enhanced photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency and increased nitrogen allocation to photosynthetic machinery under cotton domestication |
2021-10-19 |
Nuno Simões |
Marine amphipods (Parhyale hawaiensis) as an alternative feed for the lined seahorse (Hippocampus erectus, Perri 1810): nutritional value and feeding trial |
2021-10-17 |
Ramona L Walls |
Internet of Samples |
2021-10-16 |
Franziska Schrodt | Xiao Feng |
Accounting for dispersal using simulated data improves understanding of species abundance patterns |
2021-10-16 |
Mark Westoby | Joshua S Madin |
Strategic traits of bacteria and archaea vary widely within substrate-use groups |
2021-10-15 |
Stefano Mammola |
The World Spider Trait database: a centralized global open repository for curated data on spider traits |
2021-10-15 |
William D. Pearse |
Fractal triads efficiently sample ecological diversity and processes across spatial scales |
2021-10-13 |
Cyrille Violle |
National-scale changes in crop diversity through the Anthropocene |
2021-10-13 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Negative impacts of dominance on bee communities: Does the influence of invasive honey bees differ from native bees? |
2021-10-13 |
Melissa Haendel | Ramona L Walls |
OBO Foundry in 2021: operationalizing open data principles to evaluate ontologies |
2021-10-13 |
Melissa Haendel |
Associations between HIV infection and clinical spectrum of COVID-19: a population level analysis based on US National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) data |
2021-10-12 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Metadata for a set of 100 publications from the field of invasion biology |
2021-10-12 |
Hervé Sauquet | Rachael V. Gallagher | Daniel Falster |
Climate shapes flowering periods across plant communities |
2021-10-11 |
Ben Sparrow |
Orchid fruiting success is unrelated to surrounding floral resources in South Australian plant communities |
2021-10-10 |
Mohammad Bagher Erfanian |
Changes in plant composition and diversity in an alpine heath and meadow after 18 years of experimental warming |
2021-10-10 |
Hervé Sauquet |
The age of flowering plants is unknown |
2021-10-07 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Biovera-Epi: A new database on species diversity, community composition and leaf functional traits of vascular epiphytes along gradients of elevation and forest-use intensity in Mexico |
2021-10-07 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
A starting guide to root ecology: strengthening ecological concepts and standardising root classification, sampling, processing and trait measurements |
2021-10-07 |
David B. Roy |
The influence of chalk grasslands on butterfly phenology and ecology |
2021-10-06 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Does threatened species listing status predict climate change risk? A case study with Australian Persoonia (Proteaceae) species |
2021-10-05 |
Steven L. Chown |
Adequate sample sizes for improved accuracy of thermal trait estimates |
2021-10-05 |
Kim S. Ely |
New calculations for photosynthesis measurement systems: what’s the impact for physiologists and modelers? |
2021-10-05 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
A data‐driven semantic segmentation model for direct cardiac functional analysis based on undersampled radial MR cine series |
2021-10-04 |
Mohammad Bagher Erfanian |
Severe vegetation degradation associated with different disturbance types in a poorly managed urban recreation destination in Iran |
2021-10-03 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
ForestTemp – Sub‐canopy microclimate temperatures of European forests |
2021-10-02 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Biodiversity alleviates the decrease of grassland multifunctionality under grazing disturbance: A global meta‐analysis |
2021-10-01 |
Jorrit Poelen |
Liberating host–virus knowledge from biological dark data |
2021-10-01 |
Camilo Alcántara |
Forest fire probability under ENSO conditions in a semi-arid region: a case study in Guanajuato |
2021-10-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
A planetary health model for reducing exposure to faecal contamination in urban informal settlements: Baseline findings from Makassar, Indonesia |
2021-10-01 |
Luca Santini |
Mammal assemblage composition predicts global patterns in emerging infectious disease risk |
2021-10-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
LOTVS: a global collection of permanent vegetation plots |
2021-09-30 |
Hervé Sauquet | Maurizio Rossetto | Samuel C. Andrew | Mark Westoby | Ian J. Wright | Rachael V. Gallagher | Daniel Falster | Ben Sparrow |
AusTraits, a curated plant trait database for the Australian flora |
2021-09-29 |
John Alroy |
Phylogeny‐based conservation priorities for Australian freshwater fishes |
2021-09-28 |
Yaoqi Li |
Conservation of woody species in China under future climate and land‐cover changes |
2021-09-28 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Coastal heathland vegetation is surprisingly resistant to experimental drought across successional stages and latitude |
2021-09-28 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Representing COVID-19 information in collaborative knowledge graphs: the case of Wikidata |
2021-09-27 |
Cyrille Violle |
Disturbed habitats locally reduce the signal of deep evolutionary history in functional traits of plants |
2021-09-27 |
Ramona L Walls |
Internet of Samples: Progress report |
2021-09-27 |
Ian J. Wright | Jens Kattge |
The three major axes of terrestrial ecosystem function |
2021-09-23 |
Samuel C. Andrew | Rachael V. Gallagher | Brian J. Enquist | Vanessa M. Adams | Cyrille Violle | Brian S. Maitner | Brad Boyle | Xiao Feng | Daniel S. Park |
Author Correction: Areas of global importance for conserving terrestrial biodiversity, carbon and water |
2021-09-22 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Disturbance frequency, intensity and forest structure modulate cyclone‐induced changes in mangrove forest canopy cover |
2021-09-22 |
Steven L. Chown |
Sub-critical limits are viable alternatives to critical thermal limits |
2021-09-20 |
Tanya Strydom |
A roadmap towards predicting species interaction networks (across space and time) |
2021-09-20 |
Alexander Keller | Pete Manning |
Species richness is more important for ecosystem functioning than species turnover along an elevational gradient |
2021-09-18 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
Dealing with software complexity in individual‐based models |
2021-09-15 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Four key challenges in the open‐data revolution |
2021-09-14 |
Katelin D. Pearson |
Data Standards for the Phenology of Plant Specimens |
2021-09-14 |
Stefano Mammola |
Rarity facets of biodiversity: Integrating Zeta diversity and Dark diversity to understand the nature of commonness and rarity |
2021-09-14 |
Malte Jochum |
For flux’s sake: General considerations for energy‐flux calculations in ecological communities |
2021-09-13 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Hacking Infrastructures Together: Towards better interoperability of infrastructures |
2021-09-09 |
Dylan J. Craven |
BIOVERA-Tree: tree diversity, community composition, forest structure and functional traits along gradients of forest-use intensity and elevation in Veracruz, Mexico |
2021-09-09 |
Brian J. Enquist |
The adaptive challenge of extreme conditions shapes evolutionary diversity of plant assemblages at continental scales |
2021-09-09 |
Jens Kattge |
Updated respiration routines alter spatio-temporal patterns of carbon cycling in a global land surface model |
2021-09-08 |
Teresa Mayfield-Meyer |
Using the Taxonomic Backbone(s): The challenge of selecting a taxonomic resource and integrating it with a collection management solution |
2021-09-07 |
Pete Manning |
Combatting global grassland degradation |
2021-09-07 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Examining Wing Length–Abundance Relationships and Pyrethroid Resistance Mutations among Aedes albopictus in a Rapidly Growing Urban Area with Implications for Mosquito Surveillance and Control |
2021-09-07 |
Katja Seltmann | Jorrit Poelen |
Announcing Big-Bee: An initiative to promote understanding of bees through image and trait digitization |
2021-09-01 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
The contribution of insects to global forest deadwood decomposition |
2021-09-01 |
Ramona L Walls |
Pathway Controlled Vocabulary List of Terms |
2021-09-01 |
Ramona L Walls |
Establishment Means Controlled Vocabulary List of Terms |
2021-09-01 |
Ramona L Walls |
Degree of Establishment Controlled Vocabulary List of Terms |
2021-09-01 |
Daniel S. Park | Brian S. Maitner | Brian J. Enquist | Xiao Feng |
How deregulation, drought and increasing fire impact Amazonian biodiversity |
2021-09-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
NicheMapR – an R package for biophysical modelling: the endotherm model |
2021-09-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Small streams–large concentrations? Pesticide monitoring in small agricultural streams in Germany during dry weather and rainfall |
2021-09-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Mini-review of process-based food web models and their application in aquatic-terrestrial meta-ecosystems |
2021-09-01 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Reconciling resilience across ecological systems, species and subdisciplines |
2021-09-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Anthrax Surveillance and the Limited Overlap Between Obligate Scavengers and Endemic Anthrax Zones in the United States |
2021-08-30 |
Jens Kattge |
LT‐Brazil: A database of leaf traits across biomes and vegetation types in Brazil |
2021-08-30 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Can bryophyte groups increase functional resolution in tundra ecosystems? |
2021-08-26 |
Anne Thessen |
Catalyzing Knowledge-Driven Discovery in Environmental Health Sciences through a Community-Driven Harmonized Language |
2021-08-24 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Tempo and mode of morphological evolution are decoupled from latitude in birds |
2021-08-24 |
Stefano Mammola |
Potential niche displacement in species of aquatic bdelloid rotifers between temperate and tropical areas |
2021-08-24 |
William Farfán Rios |
Evolutionary Diversity Peaks at Mid-Elevations Along an Amazon-to-Andes Elevation Gradient |
2021-08-23 |
William D. Pearse |
Saving the Forest from the Trees: Expert Views on Funding Restoration of Northern Arizona Ponderosa Pine Forests through Registered Carbon Offsets |
2021-08-23 |
Samuel C. Andrew | Vanessa M. Adams | Rachael V. Gallagher | Daniel S. Park | Brian S. Maitner | Brian J. Enquist | Brad Boyle | Cyrille Violle | Xiao Feng |
Areas of global importance for conserving terrestrial biodiversity, carbon and water |
2021-08-23 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
A roadmap to plant functional island biogeography |
2021-08-19 |
Joshua S Madin |
No evidence for tropicalization of coral assemblages in a subtropical climate change hot spot |
2021-08-18 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Filling gaps in our understanding of belowground plant traits across the world: an introduction to a Virtual Issue |
2021-08-18 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Towards an open, zoomable atlas for invasion science and beyond |
2021-08-17 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Welcome to the Pyrocene: animal survival in the age of megafire |
2021-08-16 |
William Farfán Rios |
Is there tree senescence? The fecundity evidence |
2021-08-14 |
Heloise Gibb |
Testing the effects of ecologically extinct mammals on vegetation in arid Australia: A long‐term experimental approach |
2021-08-14 |
Daniel Mietchen |
An overview of the COVID-19 related content of Wikimedia projects |
2021-08-13 |
Stefano Mammola |
A conservation roadmap for the subterranean biome |
2021-08-11 |
William Farfán Rios |
The evolutionary assembly of forest communities along environmental gradients: recent diversification or sorting of pre‐adapted clades? |
2021-08-11 |
Jens Kattge |
Long-term leaf C:N ratio change under elevated CO2 and nitrogen deposition in China: Evidence from observations and process-based modeling |
2021-08-08 |
Alexander Keller | Markus Ankenbrand |
Standard methods for pollen research |
2021-08-07 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Considerations on the status of the knowledge of coleopteran diversity (Arthropoda: Insecta) in Colombia |
2021-08-05 |
Ben Sparrow |
Simultaneous effect of habitat remnancy, exotic species and anthropogenic disturbance on orchid diversity and abundance |
2021-08-05 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Data Proliferation, Reconciliation, and Synthesis in Viral Ecology |
2021-08-05 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
2021-08-04 |
Pete Manning |
Changes in plant species abundance alter the multifunctionality and functional space of heathland ecosystems |
2021-08-04 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
The role of soils on pollination and seed dispersal |
2021-08-03 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
The physiological acclimation and growth response of Populus trichocarpa to warming |
2021-08-03 |
Yaoqi Li |
Global patterns of species richness of the holarctic alpine herb Saxifraga: the role of temperature and habitat heterogeneity |
2021-08-02 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
ipmr: Flexible implementation of Integral Projection Models in R |
2021-08-02 |
Nuno Simões |
Biodiversity and biogeographic affinity of benthic amphipods from the Yucatan Shelf: an analysis across the warm Northwest Atlantic ecoregions |
2021-08-01 |
Anton Potapov |
Multidimensional trophic niche revealed by complementary approaches: Gut content, digestive enzymes, fatty acids and stable isotopes in Collembola |
2021-08-01 |
Yaoqi Li |
Upward shift and elevational range contractions of subtropical mountain plants in response to climate change |
2021-08-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Methods for identifying spatially referenced conservation needs and opportunities |
2021-08-01 |
William Farfán Rios | Belén Fadrique |
Taking the pulse of Earth’s tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots |
2021-08-01 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
Self-configuring nnU-net pipeline enables fully automatic infarct segmentation in late enhancement MRI after myocardial infarction |
2021-08-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Pesticides are the dominant stressors for vulnerable insects in lowland streams |
2021-07-30 |
Stefano Mammola |
The use of the term ‘limnology’ and its scientometrics consequences for limnologists |
2021-07-30 |
Cyrille Violle |
Consistent functional clusters explain the effects of biodiversity on ecosystem productivity in a long‐term experiment |
2021-07-30 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Validity of photo-oxidative stress markers and stress-related phytohormones as predictive proxies of mortality risk in the perennial herb Plantago lanceolata |
2021-07-29 |
Ian J. Wright |
Coordination of plant hydraulic and photosynthetic traits: confronting optimality theory with field measurements |
2021-07-28 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
A culture of conservation: How an ancient forest plantation turned into an old‐growth forest reserve – The story of the Wamulin forest |
2021-07-27 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
The Tadpoles and Advertisement Call of Trachycephalus imitatrix and T. dibernardoi (Anura: Hylidae) |
2021-07-27 |
Stefania L. Klayn |
Benthic habitat mapping of Plazh Gradina – Zlatna ribka (Black Sea) and Karpathos and Saria islands (Mediterranean Sea) |
2021-07-27 |
Malte Jochum |
Out of the dark: Using energy flux to connect above‐ and belowground communities and ecosystem functioning |
2021-07-27 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Environmental Change Threatens Freshwater Insect Communities in Northwest Africa: A Meta-Analysis |
2021-07-23 |
Cyrille Violle |
Interspecific interactions regulate plant reproductive allometry in cereal–legume intercropping systems |
2021-07-23 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Hematological parameters of a Neotropical wild frog population, with a phylogenetic perspective on blood cell composition in Anura |
2021-07-23 |
Rachael V. Gallagher | Vanessa M. Adams | Lucie M Bland |
A guide to using species trait data in conservation |
2021-07-23 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
On the way to routine cardiac MRI at 7 Tesla - a pilot study on consecutive 84 examinations |
2021-07-22 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Anthropogenic factors overrule local abiotic variables in determining non-native plant invasions in mountains |
2021-07-21 |
Pete Manning | Malte Jochum |
Above- and belowground biodiversity jointly tighten the P cycle in agricultural grasslands |
2021-07-21 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Interaction between warming and landscape foraging resource availability on solitary bee reproduction |
2021-07-21 |
Melissa Haendel |
Interpretable prioritization of splice variants in diagnostic next-generation sequencing |
2021-07-20 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Data Descriptor: Pacific Introduced Flora (PaciFLora) |
2021-07-19 |
Timothy M. Perez | Sean T. Michaletz |
Methods matter for assessing global variation in plant thermal tolerance |
2021-07-19 |
Kim S. Ely |
A Guide to Using GitHub for Developing and Versioning Data Standards and Reporting Formats |
2021-07-19 |
Luca Santini |
MadingleyR: An R package for mechanistic ecosystem modelling |
2021-07-17 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Nitrogen and phosphorus cycling in an ombrotrophic peatland: a benchmark for assessing change |
2021-07-16 |
Stefano Mammola |
Concepts and applications in functional diversity |
2021-07-14 |
Anton Potapov |
Conversion of rainforest into oil palm and rubber plantations affects the functional composition of litter and soil Collembola |
2021-07-13 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Predictions of biodiversity are improved by integrating trait-based competition with abiotic filtering |
2021-07-13 |
Mohammad Bagher Erfanian |
Unpalatable plants induce a species-specific associational effect on neighboring communities |
2021-07-13 |
Cyrille Violle |
Biological scaling in green algae: the role of cell size and geometry |
2021-07-13 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Shielded environments reduce stress in alien Asteraceae species during hot and dry summers along urban-to-rural gradients |
2021-07-13 |
Jens Kattge |
Comprehensive leaf size traits dataset for seven plant species from digitised herbarium specimen images covering more than two centuries |
2021-07-12 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Cold Wave-Induced Reductions in NDII and ChlRE for North-Western Pacific Mangroves Varies with Latitude and Climate History |
2021-07-12 |
Anton Potapov |
Size compartmentalization of energy channeling in terrestrial belowground food webs |
2021-07-11 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Functional diversity and redundancy of tropical forests shift with elevation and forest‐use intensity |
2021-07-07 |
Steven L. Chown |
Human activity strongly influences genetic dynamics of the most widespread invasive plant in the sub‐Antarctic |
2021-07-06 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Railways redistribute plant species in mountain landscapes |
2021-07-06 |
Melissa Haendel |
One is the loneliest number: genotypic matchmaking using the electronic health record |
2021-07-02 |
Jens Kattge | Colleen M. Iversen |
An integrated framework of plant form and function: the belowground perspective |
2021-07-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Soil‐associated drivers of plant traits and functional composition in Atlantic Forest coastal tree communities |
2021-07-01 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Once upon a time in the far south: Influence of local drivers and functional traits on plant invasion in the harsh sub‐Antarctic islands |
2021-07-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Indicators keep progress honest: A call to track both the quantity and quality of protected areas |
2021-07-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Wikipedia for multilingual COVID-19 vaccine education at scale |
2021-06-29 |
Rachael V. Gallagher | Daniel S. Park | Brian S. Maitner | Brian J. Enquist | Brad Boyle | Xiao Feng | Cyrille Violle | Yaoqi Li |
A review of the heterogeneous landscape of biodiversity databases: opportunities and challenges for a synthesized biodiversity knowledge base |
2021-06-25 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Embedding biodiversity research into climate adaptation policy and practice |
2021-06-25 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Successional syndromes of saplings in tropical secondary forests emerge from environment‐dependent trait–demography relationships |
2021-06-24 |
Pete Manning | Caterina Penone |
Contrasting responses of above- and belowground diversity to multiple components of land-use intensity |
2021-06-23 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Trash-basket epiphytes as secondary foundation species: a review of their distribution and effects on biodiversity and ecosystem functions |
2021-06-22 |
John Alroy |
The legacy of Eastern Mediterranean mountain uplifts: rapid disparity of phylogenetic niche conservatism and divergence in mountain vipers |
2021-06-21 |
Brian S. Maitner |
occCite: Tools for querying and managing large biodiversity occurrence datasets |
2021-06-21 |
David B. Roy |
Environmental drivers of annual population fluctuations in a trans-Saharan insect migrant |
2021-06-21 |
Franziska Schrodt | Jens Kattge | Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle | Ben Sparrow |
sPlotOpen – An environmentally balanced, open‐access, global dataset of vegetation plots |
2021-06-19 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Diversity of response and effect traits provides complementary information about avian community dynamics linked to ecological function |
2021-06-19 |
Ian J. Wright |
Comparisons of photosynthetic and anatomical traits between wild and domesticated cotton |
2021-06-18 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
The Acidocerinae (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae): taxonomy, classification, and catalog of species |
2021-06-18 |
Ian J. Wright | Rachael V. Gallagher |
Leaf size estimation based on leaf length, width and shape |
2021-06-17 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Wikipedia for multilingual COVID-19 vaccine education at scale |
2021-06-16 |
Dalia A. Conde |
The long lives of primates and the ‘invariant rate of ageing’ hypothesis |
2021-06-16 |
Carlos Alberto Martínez-Muñoz |
On the correct authorship, spelling, and type species of genus Dasongius (Pauropoda: Pauropodidae) |
2021-06-16 |
Ian J. Wright |
Eco‐evolutionary optimality as a means to improve vegetation and land‐surface models |
2021-06-16 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Developing a scalable framework for partnerships between health agencies and the Wikimedia ecosystem |
2021-06-16 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Radical collaboration during a global health emergency: development of the RDA COVID-19 data sharing recommendations and guidelines |
2021-06-15 |
Jorrit Poelen |
Holistic understanding of contemporary ecosystems requires integration of data on domesticated, captive and cultivated organisms |
2021-06-15 |
Cyrille Violle |
Unveiling ecological assembly rules from commonalities in trait distributions |
2021-06-14 |
Yaoqi Li |
Global distribution and evolutionary transitions of angiosperm sexual systems |
2021-06-14 |
Kim S. Ely |
A best-practice guide to predicting plant traits from leaf-level hyperspectral data using partial least squares regression |
2021-06-12 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Home‐field advantage of litter decomposition: from the phyllosphere to the soil |
2021-06-10 |
Lucie M Bland |
Determining ranges of poorly known mammals as a tool for global conservation assessment |
2021-06-10 |
Ramona L Walls |
Alleviating Environmental Health Disparities Through Community Science and Data Integration |
2021-06-10 |
Franziska Schrodt | Jens Kattge | Colleen M. Iversen |
Root traits explain plant species distributions along climatic gradients yet challenge the nature of ecological trade-offs |
2021-06-09 |
Paul Efren Santos Andrade |
Tropical tree growth sensitivity to climate is driven by species intrinsic growth rate and leaf traits |
2021-06-07 |
Anton Potapov |
Multifunctionality of belowground food webs: resource, size and spatial energy channels |
2021-06-07 |
Malte Jochum |
Thermal acclimation increases the stability of a predator–prey interaction in warmer environments |
2021-06-07 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Allele Surfing and Holocene Expansion of an Australian Fig (Ficus—Moraceae) |
2021-06-03 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Using leading and lagging indicators for forest restoration |
2021-06-03 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Differential speciation rates, colonization time and niche conservatism affect community assembly across adjacent biogeographical regions |
2021-06-02 |
Kim S. Ely |
Detection of the metabolic response to drought stress using hyperspectral reflectance |
2021-06-02 |
Michael Ray Kearney | Steven L. Chown |
Where do functional traits come from? The role of theory and models |
2021-06-02 |
Hervé Sauquet | Maurizio Rossetto |
Chromosome-level de novo genome assembly of Telopea speciosissima (New South Wales waratah) using long-reads, linked-reads and Hi-C |
2021-06-01 |
Katherine C B Weiss |
SNAPSHOT USA 2019: a coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States |
2021-06-01 |
Katherine C B Weiss |
Aligning actions with objectives in endangered species recovery plans |
2021-06-01 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Effects of mixing tree species and water availability on soil organic carbon stocks are depth dependent in a temperate podzol |
2021-06-01 |
Courtenay A Ray |
Shifting macroecological patterns and static theory failure in a stressed alpine plant community |
2021-06-01 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
On the measurement of microclimate |
2021-06-01 |
Ian G. Brennan |
A return-on-investment approach for prioritization of rigorous taxonomic research needed to inform responses to the biodiversity crisis |
2021-06-01 |
Nuno Simões |
Optimizing Large-Scale Biodiversity Sampling Effort: Toward an Unbalanced Survey Design |
2021-05-31 |
Luca Santini |
Conditional love? Co‐occurrence patterns of drought‐sensitive species in European grasslands are consistent with the stress‐gradient hypothesis |
2021-05-29 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Assessing the Causal Impact of COVID-19 Related Policies on Outbreak Dynamics: A Case Study in the US |
2021-05-28 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Dimensions of invasiveness: Links between local abundance, geographic range size, and habitat breadth in Europe’s alien and native floras |
2021-05-28 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Loss of Cultural and Functional Diversity Associated With Birds Across the Urbanization Gradient in a Tropical City |
2021-05-27 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Individual‐based plant–pollinator networks are structured by phenotypic and microsite plant traits |
2021-05-26 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Chemical Similarity of Co-occurring Trees Decreases With Precipitation and Temperature in North American Forests |
2021-05-26 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Fostering global data sharing: highlighting the recommendations of the Research Data Alliance COVID-19 working group |
2021-05-25 |
Steven L. Chown |
Chemosynthetic and photosynthetic bacteria contribute differentially to primary production across a steep desert aridity gradient |
2021-05-25 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Brian J. Enquist | Brian S. Maitner | Tanya Strydom | Aud H. Halbritter |
On estimating the shape and dynamics of phenotypic distributions in ecology and evolution |
2021-05-25 |
Ian J. Wright | Jens Kattge |
Functional biogeography of Neotropical moist forests: Trait–climate relationships and assembly patterns of tree communities |
2021-05-24 |
Mark Westoby | Ian J. Wright |
Disentangling direct and indirect effects of island area on plant functional trait distributions |
2021-05-22 |
Stefano Mammola |
Intraspecific genetic variation matters when predicting seagrass distribution under climate change |
2021-05-21 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding environmental properties |
2021-05-20 |
Stefano Mammola |
Don’t forget subterranean ecosystems in climate change agendas |
2021-05-20 |
Brian S. Maitner | Cyrille Violle |
The dimensionality and structure of species trait spaces |
2021-05-19 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
How to Restore Invertebrate Diversity of Degraded Heathlands? A Case Study on the Reproductive Performance of the Field Cricket Gryllus campestris (L.) |
2021-05-19 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Brain size predicts learning abilities in bees |
2021-05-18 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
Deep learning‐based cardiac cine segmentation: Transfer learning application to 7T ultrahigh‐field MRI |
2021-05-17 |
Daniel S. Park | Brian S. Maitner | Brian J. Enquist |
Source range phylogenetic community structure can predict the outcome of avian introductions |
2021-05-17 |
Heloise Gibb |
What’s hot and what’s not – Identifying publication trends in insect ecology |
2021-05-17 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Evolutionary Rescue as a Mechanism Allowing a Clonal Grass to Adapt to Novel Climates |
2021-05-17 |
Alexander Keller |
Cryptic species and hidden ecological interactions of halictine bees along an elevational gradient |
2021-05-15 |
Fatih Fazlioglu |
Is plant reproductive efficiency expressed on a continuum of facilitation and competition? |
2021-05-14 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Maternal effects strengthen interactions of temperature and precipitation, determining seed germination of dominant alpine grass species |
2021-05-13 |
Anton Potapov |
Variation in Community-Level Trophic Niches of Soil Microarthropods With Conversion of Tropical Rainforest Into Plantation Systems as Indicated by Stable Isotopes (15N, 13C) |
2021-05-12 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Open science in practice: 300 published research ideas and outcomes illustrate how RIO Journal facilitates engagement with the research process |
2021-05-11 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Linking functional traits and demography to model species-rich communities |
2021-05-11 |
Daniel S. Park | Brian S. Maitner | Brian J. Enquist |
Where we’ve been and where we’re going: the importance of source communities in predicting establishment success from phylogenetic relationships |
2021-05-08 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Strategic Pathways to Scale Up Forest and Landscape Restoration: Insights from Nepal’s Tarai |
2021-05-08 |
Daniel S. Park |
Scale gaps in landscape phenology: challenges and opportunities |
2021-05-07 |
Dalia A. Conde |
A standardized dataset for conservation prioritization of songbirds to support CITES |
2021-05-07 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Human Dimensions: The Latin America and the Caribbean Chapter of ESA. Embracing Our Diversity During Adverse Times |
2021-05-05 |
Stefano Mammola |
Habitat differences filter functional diversity of low dispersive microscopic animals (Acari, Halacaridae) |
2021-05-05 |
Stefano Mammola |
Exploring ecological specialization in pipefish using genomic, morphometric and ecological evidence |
2021-05-05 |
Malte Jochum |
Adaptive foraging behaviour increases vulnerability to climate change |
2021-05-04 |
Fatih Fazlioglu |
Mining and quarrying activities tend to favor stress-tolerant plants |
2021-05-03 |
Brian S. Maitner | Brian J. Enquist |
Human food use increases plant geographical ranges in the Sonoran Desert |
2021-05-02 |
Heloise Gibb |
Rewilding with invertebrates and microbes to restore ecosystems: Present trends and future directions |
2021-05-01 |
Ben Sparrow |
ausplotsR : An R package for rapid extraction and analysis of vegetation and soil data collected by Australia’s Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network |
2021-05-01 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Connectivity: insights from the U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network |
2021-05-01 |
Stefano Mammola |
Collecting eco‐evolutionary data in the dark: Impediments to subterranean research and how to overcome them |
2021-05-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Monitoring of diverse enteric pathogens across environmental and host reservoirs with TaqMan array cards and standard qPCR: a methodological comparison study |
2021-05-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Niche properties constrain occupancy but not abundance patterns of native and alien woody species across Hawaiian forests |
2021-05-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
An endangered flightless grasshopper with strong genetic structure maintains population genetic variation despite extensive habitat loss |
2021-05-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Synthesizing tree biodiversity data to understand global patterns and processes of vegetation |
2021-05-01 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
The Temporal Dynamics of Multiple Stressor Effects: From Individuals to Ecosystems |
2021-05-01 |
Luca Santini |
Plant functional and taxonomic diversity in European grasslands along climatic gradients |
2021-05-01 |
Meghan Balk | Ramona L Walls |
Ten simple rules to cultivate transdisciplinary collaboration in data science |
2021-05-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Effects of changes in temperature on Zika dynamics and control |
2021-05-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Social-ecological interactions in the Draa River Basin, southern Morocco: Towards nature conservation and human well-being using the IPBES framework |
2021-05-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
The Tarnished Silver Lining of Extreme Climatic Events |
2021-05-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Developing a scalable framework for partnerships between health agencies and the Wikimedia ecosystem |
2021-05-01 |
Alexander Keller |
Putative roles of bacteria in the carbon and nitrogen cycles in a tropical peat swamp forest |
2021-05-01 |
Alexander Keller |
Effects of three flower field types on bumblebees and their pollen diets |
2021-04-30 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Biotic homogenization destabilizes ecosystem functioning by decreasing spatial asynchrony |
2021-04-30 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Demographic analysis of an Israeli Carpobrotus population |
2021-04-29 |
Malte Jochum | Anton Potapov |
Oil palm and rubber expansion facilitates earthworm invasion in Indonesia |
2021-04-28 |
Mohammad Bagher Erfanian |
Predicting range shifts of three endangered endemic plants of the Khorassan-Kopet Dagh floristic province under global change |
2021-04-27 |
Sandra M. Durán |
Tropical dry forest resilience and water use efficiency: an analysis of productivity under climate change |
2021-04-26 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Predicting intraspecific trait variation among California’s grasses |
2021-04-25 |
Mark Westoby | Joshua S Madin |
Trait dimensions in bacteria and archaea compared to vascular plants |
2021-04-21 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Area Not Geographic Isolation Mediates Biodiversity Responses of Alpine Refugia to Climate Change |
2021-04-21 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Non-structural carbohydrate concentrations in woody organs, but not leaves, of temperate and tropical tree angiosperms are independent of the ‘fast-slow’ plant economic spectrum |
2021-04-21 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford | Brian S. Maitner | Brian J. Enquist | Sean T. Michaletz | Yaoqi Li | Aud H. Halbritter |
Multiscale mapping of plant functional groups and plant traits in the High Arctic using field spectroscopy, UAV imagery and Sentinel-2A data |
2021-04-21 |
Melissa Haendel |
A resource of lipidomics and metabolomics data from individuals with undiagnosed diseases |
2021-04-20 |
Steven L. Chown |
Geographical bias in physiological data limits predictions of global change impacts |
2021-04-20 |
Ian G. Brennan |
Genetically diverse yet morphologically conserved: Hidden diversity revealed among Bornean geckos (Gekkonidae: Cyrtodactylus ) |
2021-04-19 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Phylogenomics of Brosimum (Moraceae) and allied genera, including a revised subgeneric system |
2021-04-16 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Leaf heat tolerance of 147 tropical forest species varies with elevation and leaf functional traits, but not with phylogeny |
2021-04-15 |
Luca Santini |
The island rule explains consistent patterns of body size evolution in terrestrial vertebrates |
2021-04-14 |
Stefano Mammola |
Specialized terminology reduces the number of citations of scientific papers |
2021-04-14 |
Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
The conservative low‐phosphorus niche in Proteaceae |
2021-04-12 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Ecological Correlates of Elevational Range Shifts in Tropical Birds |
2021-04-12 |
Nuno Simões |
Bivalve Diversity on the Continental Shelf and Deep Sea of the Perdido Fold Belt, Northwest Gulf of Mexico, Mexico |
2021-04-09 |
William Farfán Rios |
Mature Andean forests as globally important carbon sinks and future carbon refuges |
2021-04-08 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
Novel Integrative Elements and Genomic Plasticity in Ocean Ecosystems |
2021-04-07 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
A general model of the thermal constraints on the world’s most destructive locust, Schistocerca gregaria |
2021-04-07 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Zoonotic Risk Technology Enters the Viral Emergence Toolkit |
2021-04-06 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Performance of a points-based scoring system for assessing species limits in birds |
2021-04-06 |
Melissa Haendel |
Drug repositioning candidates identified using in-silico quasi-quantum molecular simulation demonstrate reduced COVID-19 mortality in 1.5M patient records |
2021-04-03 |
Stefano Mammola |
Spider conservation in Europe: a review |
2021-04-02 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Knowledge graphs and wikidata subsetting |
2021-04-01 |
Maribeth Latvis |
Botany is the root and the future of invasion biology |
2021-04-01 |
Ben Sparrow |
The photosynthetic pathways of plant species surveyed in Australia’s national terrestrial monitoring network |
2021-04-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
An unusually diverse genus of Collembola in the Cape Floristic Region characterised by substantial desiccation tolerance |
2021-04-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Options for reducing uncertainty in impact classification for alien species |
2021-04-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik | William Farfán Rios | Richard J Telford | Brian S. Maitner | Tanya Strydom | Brian J. Enquist | Sean T. Michaletz | Aud H. Halbritter |
Next-generation field courses: Integrating Open Science and online learning |
2021-04-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Sharing biological data: why, when, and how |
2021-03-31 |
Nuno Simões |
Updated Distribution of the Mysid Antromysis cenotensis (Crustacea: Peracarida), a Protected Key Species in Yucatan Peninsula Cenotes |
2021-03-26 |
Samuel C. Andrew | Ian J. Wright | Rachael V. Gallagher | Vanessa M. Adams | Daniel Falster |
Functional diversity of the Australian flora: Strong links to species richness and climate |
2021-03-26 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Erosion of global functional diversity across the tree of life |
2021-03-25 |
William D. Pearse |
Phylogenetic generalized linear mixed modeling presents novel opportunities for eco‐evolutionary synthesis |
2021-03-25 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Designing countrywide and regional microclimate networks |
2021-03-25 |
Daniel Mietchen |
FAIR and open multilingual clinical trials in Wikidata and Wikipedia |
2021-03-24 |
Ben Sparrow |
Applying conservation reserve design strategies to define ecosystem monitoring priorities |
2021-03-22 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
A Global Agenda for Advancing Freshwater Biodiversity Research |
2021-03-21 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Steven L. Chown | Brian J. Enquist | Jonas J. Lembrechts | William D. Pearse | Nicolas Fanin | Sean T. Michaletz | Marko J. Spasojevic | Fatih Fazlioglu | Aud H. Halbritter | Mohammad Bagher Erfanian |
Global maps of soil temperature |
2021-03-19 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Identifying the Drivers of Spatial Taxonomic and Functional Beta-Diversity of British Breeding Birds |
2021-03-19 |
Rachael V. Gallagher | Vanessa M. Adams | Brian S. Maitner |
High fire frequency and the impact of the 2019–2020 megafires on Australian plant diversity |
2021-03-19 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Anthropogenic and environmental drivers shape diversity of naturalized plants across the Pacific |
2021-03-18 |
Kim S. Ely | Ramona L Walls |
Sample Identifiers and Metadata to Support Data Management and Reuse in Multidisciplinary Ecosystem Sciences |
2021-03-18 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Different sets of traits explain abundance and distribution patterns of European plants at different spatial scales |
2021-03-18 |
Nuno Simões |
Phylogeography and genetic diversity of the commercially-collected Caribbean blue-legged hermit crab (Clibanarius tricolor) |
2021-03-17 |
Xiao Feng |
Underappreciated plant vulnerabilities to heat waves |
2021-03-17 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Integrating Arctic Plant Functional Types in a Land Surface Model Using Above‐ and Belowground Field Observations |
2021-03-17 |
Joshua S Madin |
Climate change transforms the functional identity of Mediterranean coralligenous assemblages |
2021-03-17 |
Mark Westoby | Joshua S Madin |
Cell size, genome size, and maximum growth rate are near‐independent dimensions of ecological variation across bacteria and archaea |
2021-03-16 |
Yaoqi Li |
Effects of Climate, Plant Height, and Evolutionary Age on Geographical Patterns of Fruit Type |
2021-03-16 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Forest microclimates and climate change: Importance, drivers and future research agenda |
2021-03-16 |
Franziska Schrodt |
The relationship between niche breadth and range size of beech ( Fagus ) species worldwide |
2021-03-16 |
Melissa Haendel |
Underrepresentation of Phenotypic Variability of 16p13.11 Microduplication Syndrome Assessed With an Online Self-Phenotyping Tool (Phenotypr): Cohort Study |
2021-03-15 |
Nuno Simões |
Sponge-dwelling fauna: a review of known species from the Northwest Tropical Atlantic coral reefs |
2021-03-10 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Chromosome-level reference genome of the soursop (Annona muricata): A new resource for Magnoliid research and tropical pomology |
2021-03-09 |
Luca Santini |
Global patterns of functional trait variation along aridity gradients in bats |
2021-03-05 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Vital rates in early life history underlie shifts in biotic interactions along bioclimatic gradients: An experimental test of the Stress Gradient Hypothesis |
2021-03-03 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Toward a Generalizable Framework of Disturbance Ecology Through Crowdsourced Science |
2021-03-03 |
William D. Pearse |
Phylogenetic diversity efficiently and accurately prioritizes conservation of aquatic macroinvertebrate communities |
2021-03-03 |
Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
Motivating data contributions via a distinct career currency |
2021-03-02 |
Anton Potapov |
Trophic niche differentiation and utilisation of food resources in Collembola is altered by rainforest conversion to plantation systems |
2021-03-02 |
Malte Jochum |
Earthworm invasion causes declines across soil fauna size classes and biodiversity facets in northern North American forests |
2021-03-02 |
Ian J. Wright |
Plant hydraulics coordinated with photosynthetic traits and climate |
2021-03-01 |
Cyrille Violle |
Functional biogeography of weeds reveals how anthropogenic management blurs trait–climate relationships |
2021-03-01 |
Stefano Mammola |
Microhabitat selection of a Sicilian subterranean woodlouse and its implications for cave management |
2021-03-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Jens Kattge | Kim S. Ely | Aud H. Halbritter | J. Aaron Hogan |
A reporting format for leaf-level gas exchange data and metadata |
2021-03-01 |
Melissa Haendel | Anne Thessen |
From Reductionism to Reintegration: Solving society’s most pressing problems requires building bridges between data types across the life sciences |
2021-03-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
The LOTUS Initiative for Open Natural Products Research: Knowledge Management through Wikidata |
2021-03-01 |
Nuno Simões |
How does the beach ecosystem change without tourists during COVID-19 lockdown? |
2021-02-28 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Molecular phylogeography reveals two geographically and temporally separated floristic exchange tracks between Southeast Asia and northern Australia |
2021-02-27 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez | Jens Kattge |
Climatic and evolutionary contexts are required to infer plant life history strategies from functional traits at a global scale |
2021-02-25 |
Fatih Fazlioglu |
Warming matters: alpine plant responses to experimental warming |
2021-02-25 |
Lucie M Bland |
Combating ecosystem collapse from the tropics to the Antarctic |
2021-02-25 |
Ian J. Wright |
Hydraulic failure and tree size linked with canopy die‐back in eucalypt forest during extreme drought |
2021-02-25 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Brian S. Maitner | Brian J. Enquist | Aud H. Halbritter |
Consistent trait–environment relationships within and across tundra plant communities |
2021-02-23 |
Malte Jochum |
For flux’s sake: General considerations for energy-flux calculations in ecological communities |
2021-02-23 |
Malte Jochum |
Soil fauna diversity and chemical stressors: a review of knowledge gaps and roadmap for future research |
2021-02-23 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Climate predicts geographic and temporal variation in mosquito-borne disease dynamics on two continents |
2021-02-23 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
A Global Agenda for Advancing Freshwater Biodiversity Research |
2021-02-22 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Review of the Neotropical water scavenger beetle genus Tobochares Short & García, 2007 (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Acidocerinae): new lineages, new species, and new records |
2021-02-19 |
Luca Santini |
Assessing the reliability of species distribution projections in climate change research |
2021-02-19 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Factors influencing scavenger guilds and scavenging efficiency in Southwestern Montana |
2021-02-18 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Urban alien plants in temperate oceanic regions of Europe originate from warmer native ranges |
2021-02-17 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Multiple analyses redirect management and restoration priorities for a critically endangered ecological community |
2021-02-17 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Lagged and dormant season climate better predict plant vital rates than climate during the growing season |
2021-02-17 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Scoping review of distribution models for selected Amblyomma ticks and rickettsial group pathogens |
2021-02-15 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
Sensitivity analysis for interpretation of machine learning based segmentation models in cardiac MRI |
2021-02-15 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Next-gen plant clonal ecology |
2021-02-15 |
Maurizio Rossetto | Rachael V. Gallagher |
A conservation genomics workflow to guide practical management actions |
2021-02-11 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
The evolution of red blood cell shape in fishes |
2021-02-10 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Introducing the index-based ecological condition assessment framework (IBECA) |
2021-02-10 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Effects of plant hydraulic traits on the flammability of live fine canopy fuels |
2021-02-10 |
Nuno Simões |
Marine amphipods as a new live prey for ornamental aquaculture: exploring the potential of Parhyale hawaiensis and Elasmopus pectenicrus |
2021-02-09 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Untargeted Exometabolomics Provides a Powerful Approach to Investigate Biogeochemical Hotspots with Vegetation and Polygon Type in Arctic Tundra Soils |
2021-02-09 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Conserving Refugia: What Are We Protecting and Why? |
2021-02-04 |
Nuno Simões |
Where is the genus Elysia in the western Atlantic? Potential distribution, species richness and representation in marine protected areas |
2021-02-03 |
Daniel Mietchen |
UVA School of Data Science Open Access Guidelines and Recommendations |
2021-02-01 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Economics, life history and international trade data for seven turtle species in Indonesian and Malaysian farms |
2021-02-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
The effects of morphology, phylogeny and prey availability on trophic resource partitioning in an anuran community |
2021-02-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Advances in conservation science and practice in Oceania: Delivering on research priorities for the region |
2021-02-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Topographical Controls on Hillslope‐Scale Hydrology Drive Shrub Distributions on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska |
2021-02-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Indicators for assessing the robustness of metapopulations against habitat loss |
2021-02-01 |
Alexander Keller |
Pollen diets and niche overlap of honey bees and native bees in protected areas |
2021-02-01 |
Alexander Keller |
Changes amid constancy: Flower and leaf microbiomes along land use gradients and between bioregions |
2021-01-29 |
Steven L. Chown |
One hundred research questions in conservation physiology for generating actionable evidence to inform conservation policy and practice |
2021-01-29 |
Heloise Gibb |
Climate variability and drought modulate the role of structural refuges for arthropods: a global experiment |
2021-01-29 |
Joshua S Madin |
An Indo-Pacific coral spawning database |
2021-01-29 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford |
Macroecological context predicts species’ responses to climate warming |
2021-01-29 |
Ian G. Brennan |
A Comprehensive Approach to Detect Hybridization Sheds Light on the Evolution of Earth’s Largest Lizards |
2021-01-29 |
Nuno Simões |
SSP: an R package to estimate sampling effort in studies of ecological communities |
2021-01-27 |
Pete Manning |
National Forest Inventories capture the multifunctionality of managed forests in Germany |
2021-01-26 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Evolution and biogeography of acidocerine water scavenger beetles (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) shaped by Gondwanan vicariance and Cenozoic isolation of South America |
2021-01-26 |
Jens Kattge |
PhenoSpace: A Shiny application to visualize trait data in the phenotypic space of the global spectrum of plant form and function |
2021-01-25 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Novel challenges and opportunities in the theory and practice of matrix population modelling: An editorial for the special feature |
2021-01-24 |
Maribeth Latvis |
Examining the utility of DNA barcodes for the identification of tallgrass prairie flora |
2021-01-23 |
Nuno Simões |
Topology Testing and Demographic Modeling Illuminate a Novel Speciation Pathway in the Greater Caribbean Sea Following the Formation of the Isthmus of Panama |
2021-01-23 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Evidence of elemental homeostasis in fine root and leaf tissues of saplings across a fertility gradient in tropical montane forest in Hainan, China |
2021-01-21 |
Mark Westoby | Joshua S Madin |
Aerobic bacteria and archaea tend to have larger and more versatile genomes |
2021-01-21 |
Stefano Mammola |
Lineage‐level distribution models lead to more realistic climate change predictions for a threatened crayfish |
2021-01-19 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Evaluating predictive performance of statistical models explaining wild bee abundance in a mass‐flowering crop |
2021-01-17 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Global patterns and a latitudinal gradient of flower disparity: perspectives from the angiosperm order Ericales |
2021-01-15 |
Jorrit Poelen |
Liberating host-virus knowledge from biological dark data |
2021-01-14 |
Ben Sparrow |
Plant families exhibit unique geographic trends in C4 richness and cover |
2021-01-13 |
Cyrille Violle |
Rebound in functional distinctiveness following warming and reduced fishing in the North Sea |
2021-01-13 |
Carlos Alberto Martínez-Muñoz |
First record of the invasive Lagria villosa (Fabricius, 1781) (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Lagriinae) in Europe |
2021-01-08 |
Alexander Keller |
Many small rather than few large sources identified in long-term bee pollen diets in agroecosystems |
2021-01-08 |
Ian J. Wright |
Applying the economic concept of profitability to leaves |
2021-01-08 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Implications of Insecticide-Treated Mosquito Net Fishing in Lower Income Countries |
2021-01-08 |
Steven L. Chown |
Study design, rationale and methods of the Revitalising Informal Settlements and their Environments (RISE) study: a cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate environmental and human health impacts of a water-sensitive intervention in informal |
2021-01-06 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Branching principles of animal and plant networks identified by combining extensive data, machine learning and modelling |
2021-01-04 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Pulled Diversification Rates, Lineages-Through-Time Plots and Modern Macroevolutionary Modelling |
2021-01-04 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Conserving the genetic diversity of condemned populations: Optimizing collections and translocation |
2021-01-04 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Genetic differentiation can be predicted from observational data for reproductive but not vegetative traits in a widespread short-lived plant |
2021-01-04 |
Pete Manning |
A global horizon scan of the future impacts of robotics and autonomous systems on urban ecosystems |
2021-01-04 |
Stefano Mammola |
Niche Partitioning at Emergence of Two Syntopic Dragonflies |
2021-01-03 |
Nuno Simões |
Phylogeography, population connectivity and demographic history of the Stoplight parrotfish, Sparisoma viride (Teleostei: Labridae), in the Greater Caribbean |
2021-01-02 |
Renee A. Catullo |
Tracing the origins of recent Queensland fruit fly incursions into South Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand |
2021-01-01 |
Paul Efren Santos Andrade | William Farfán Rios | Belén Fadrique |
Reduced tree density and basal area in Andean forests are associated with bamboo dominance |
2021-01-01 |
Alexander Keller | Markus Ankenbrand |
Inferring Core Genome Phylogenies for Bacteria |
2021-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel | Anne Thessen |
The landscape of nutri-informatics: a review of current resources and challenges for integrative nutrition research |
2021-01-01 |
Meghan Balk | Ramona L Walls |
Best Practices for Aggregating and Reporting Individual Traits |
2021-01-01 |
William Farfán Rios | Brian J. Enquist |
Pantropical modelling of canopy functional traits using Sentinel-2 remote sensing data |
2021-01-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Training future generations to deliver evidence‐based conservation and ecosystem management |
2021-01-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Soil quality, leaf litter quality, and microbial biomass interactively drive soil respiration in a microcosm experiment |
2021-01-01 |
Florian Dirk Schneider |
Biodiversity conservation as infectious disease prevention: why a social-ecological perspective is essential |
2021-01-01 |
Silvia Pineda-Munoz |
Mammal species occupy different climates following the expansion of human impacts |
2021-01-01 |
Camilo Alcántara |
Availability and accessibility of urban green spaces: the case of the urban zone of Queretaro Metropolitan Area, Mexico |
2021-01-01 |
Stefanie Dekeyzer |
Introducing the World Register of Introduced Marine Species (WRiMS) |
2021-01-01 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Data from: How to restore invertebrate diversity of degraded heathlands? |
2021-01-01 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
The canid pest ejector challenge: controlling urban foxes while keeping domestic dogs safe |
2021-01-01 |
Stefania L. Klayn |
Benthic habitat mapping of Plazh Gradina - Zlatna ribka (Black Sea) and Karpathos and Saria Islands (Mediterranean Sea) |
2021-01-01 |
Stefania L. Klayn |
Porewater Nutrient and Oxygen Profiles and Sediment-Water Interface Fluxes Under Extreme Organic Loading in Different Sedimentary Habitats in Sozopol Bay (SW Black Sea): A Laboratory Experiment |
2021-01-01 |
Caterina Penone |
Insights from regional and short‐term biodiversity monitoring datasets are valuable: a reply to Daskalova et al. 2021 |
2021-01-01 |
Belén Fadrique |
Bamboo phenology and life cycle drive seasonal and long-term functioning of Amazonian bamboo-dominated forests |
2020-12-31 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Revisiting global trends in freshwater insect biodiversity |
2020-12-30 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Status of knowledge of the broad-nosed weevils of Colombia (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Entiminae) |
2020-12-30 |
William D. Pearse |
There and Back Again: Reticulate Evolution in Ceratopteris |
2020-12-30 |
Timothy M. Perez |
PSII heat tolerances characterize thermal generalists and the upper limit of carbon assimilation |
2020-12-28 |
Melissa Haendel | Anne Thessen |
Community Approaches for Integrating Environmental Exposures into Human Models of Disease |
2020-12-28 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
Novel integrative elements and genomic plasticity in ocean ecosystems |
2020-12-26 |
Alexander Keller |
Osmotic Adaptation and Compatible Solute Biosynthesis of Phototrophic Bacteria as Revealed from Genome Analyses |
2020-12-24 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Life‐history dimensions indicate non‐random assembly processes in tropical island tree communities |
2020-12-23 |
Xiao Feng |
Forest Management Under Megadrought: Urgent Needs at Finer Scale and Higher Intensity |
2020-12-22 |
William Farfán Rios |
The evolutionary assembly of forest communities along environmental gradients: recent diversification or sorting of pre-adapted clades? |
2020-12-22 |
Luca Santini |
The role of brain size on mammalian population densities |
2020-12-21 |
William D. Pearse |
SymbiotaR2: An R Package for Accessing Symbiota2 Data |
2020-12-16 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Grasshopper country before and after: a resurvey of Ken Key’s collecting expeditions in New South Wales, Australia, 70 years on |
2020-12-15 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Looks can be deceiving: speciation dynamics of co-distributed Angophora (Myrtaceae) species in a varying landscape |
2020-12-15 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Tanya Strydom | Brian J. Enquist | Aud H. Halbritter |
From a crisis to an opportunity: Eight insights for doing science in the COVID‐19 era and beyond |
2020-12-15 |
Ben Sparrow |
ausplotsR: An R package for rapid extraction and analysis of vegetation and soil data collected by Australia’s Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network |
2020-12-14 |
Melissa Haendel |
Barriers and Considerations for Diagnosing Rare Diseases in Indigenous Populations |
2020-12-10 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
A global analysis of ecological and evolutionary drivers of the use of wild mammals in traditional medicine |
2020-12-10 |
Ben Sparrow |
Stocktaking the environmental coverage of a continental ecosystem observation network |
2020-12-09 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Demographic analysis of Israeli Carpobrotus populations: management strategies and future directions |
2020-12-09 |
Steven L. Chown |
Wind plays a major but not exclusive role in the prevalence of insect flight loss on remote islands |
2020-12-09 |
Malte Jochum |
How Introduced Earthworms Alter Ecosystems |
2020-12-09 |
Stefano Mammola |
Towards a taxonomically unbiased European Union biodiversity strategy for 2030 |
2020-12-07 |
Ben Sparrow |
Using generalised dissimilarity modelling and targeted field surveys to gap‐fill an ecosystem surveillance network |
2020-12-04 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Exploring the Niche of Rickettsia montanensis (Rickettsiales: Rickettsiaceae) Infection of the American Dog Tick (Acari: Ixodidae), Using Multiple Species Distribution Model Approaches |
2020-12-03 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
High‐resolution minirhizotrons advance our understanding of root‐fungal dynamics in an experimentally warmed peatland |
2020-12-02 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Human Phenotype Ontology in 2021 |
2020-12-02 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Three questions about the eco-physiology of overwintering underground |
2020-12-02 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Modelling the joint effects of body size and microclimate on heat budgets and foraging opportunities of ectotherms |
2020-12-02 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Shortfalls in extinction risk assessments for plants |
2020-12-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Influences of Artificial Speciation on Morphological Robot Evolution |
2020-12-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Robotic task affects the resulting morphology and behaviour in evolutionary robotics |
2020-11-30 |
Nuno Simões |
Uptaded checklist, historical overview and illustrated guide to the stygobiont Malacostraca (Arthropoda: Crustacea) species of Yucatan (Mexico) |
2020-11-30 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Are acute and acclimated thermal effects on metabolic rate modulated by cell size? a comparison between diploid and triploid zebrafish larvae |
2020-11-27 |
Anne Thessen |
People are essential to linking biodiversity data |
2020-11-27 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
The acquisitive-conservative axis of leaf trait variation emerges even in homogeneous environments |
2020-11-26 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Plant diversity and local rainfall regime mediate soil ecosystem functions in tropical forests of north-east Bangladesh |
2020-11-25 |
Alexander Keller |
Employing DNA metabarcoding to determine the geographical origin of honey |
2020-11-24 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Building resilience to mosquito-borne diseases in the Caribbean |
2020-11-24 |
Mohammad Bagher Erfanian |
Bryophyte cover and richness decline after 18 years of experimental warming in alpine Sweden |
2020-11-23 |
Melissa Haendel |
A phenome-wide association study of 26 mendelian genes reveals phenotypic expressivity of common and rare variants within the general population |
2020-11-20 |
Florian Dirk Schneider |
Indirect facilitation drives species composition and stability in drylands |
2020-11-18 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Behaviour moderates the impacts of food-web structure on species coexistence |
2020-11-18 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Assessing tropical forest restoration after fire using birds as indicators: An afrotropical case study |
2020-11-17 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Species-habitat networks elucidate landscape effects on habitat specialisation of natural enemies and pollinators |
2020-11-17 |
Franziska Schrodt | Jens Kattge | Brian J. Enquist | Brian S. Maitner | Cyrille Violle | Sean T. Michaletz |
Quaternary climate change explains global patterns of tree beta-diversity |
2020-11-17 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
What is the status of metabolic theory one century after Pütter invented the von Bertalanffy growth curve? |
2020-11-17 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Integrating Arctic plant functional types in a land surface model using above- and belowground field observations |
2020-11-17 |
Daniel Falster |
Sexual dimorphism in trait variability and its eco-evolutionary and statistical implications |
2020-11-17 |
Stefano Mammola |
Explainable artificial intelligence enhances the ecological interpretability of black-box species distribution models |
2020-11-16 |
Stefano Mammola |
Let research on subterranean habitats resonate! |
2020-11-10 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Linking the Remote Sensing of Geodiversity and Traits Relevant to Biodiversity—Part II: Geomorphology, Terrain and Surfaces |
2020-11-10 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Ecological and morphological determinants of evolutionary diversification in Darwin’s finches and their relatives |
2020-11-09 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Fostering global data sharing: highlighting the recommendations of the Research Data Alliance COVID-19 working group |
2020-11-09 |
Melissa Haendel |
KG-COVID-19: a framework to produce customized knowledge graphs for COVID-19 response |
2020-11-07 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Root traits as drivers of plant and ecosystem functioning: current understanding, pitfalls and future research needs |
2020-11-06 |
Ian G. Brennan |
Taxonomic assessment of two pygopodoid gecko subspecies from Western Australia |
2020-11-02 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Clustering analysis of large-scale phenotypic data in the model filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa |
2020-11-01 |
Melissa Haendel | Ramona L Walls | Anne Thessen |
Transforming the study of organisms: Phenomic data models and knowledge bases |
2020-11-01 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Temporal dynamics of litter quality, soil properties and microbial strategies as main drivers of the priming effect |
2020-10-29 |
Nuno Simões |
Sandy Beach Macrofauna of Yucatán State (Mexico) and Oil Industry Development in the Gulf of Mexico: First Approach for Detecting Environmental Impacts |
2020-10-29 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
Sensitivity Analysis for Interpretation of Machine Learning Based Segmentation Models in Cardiac MRI |
2020-10-29 |
Tanya Strydom |
SVD entropy reveals the high complexity of ecological networks |
2020-10-29 |
Stefano Mammola |
Impact of the reference list features on the number of citations |
2020-10-28 |
Xiao Feng |
Rainfall pulses mediate long‐term plant community compositional dynamics in a semi‐arid rangeland |
2020-10-27 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Gender gaps in the performance of Norwegian biology students: the roles of test anxiety and science confidence |
2020-10-27 |
Stefano Mammola |
Niche‐based processes explaining the distributions of closely related subterranean spiders |
2020-10-25 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Working landscapes need at least 20% native habitat |
2020-10-24 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Demographic performance of European tree species at their hot and cold climatic edges |
2020-10-23 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Buffering effects of soil seed banks on plant community composition in response to land use and climate |
2020-10-22 |
Florian Dirk Schneider |
Advances in Understanding and Managing Catastrophic Ecosystem Shifts in Mediterranean Ecosystems |
2020-10-22 |
Pete Manning | Malte Jochum | Caterina Penone |
Land-use intensity alters networks between biodiversity, ecosystem functions, and services |
2020-10-21 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Ungulate use of locally infectious zones in a re-emerging anthrax risk area |
2020-10-21 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Multiple stressors interact to impair the performance of bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) colonies |
2020-10-20 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Maximising the clustering coefficient of networks and the effects on habitat network robustness |
2020-10-18 |
Cyrille Violle |
Do ecological specialization and functional traits explain the abundance–frequency relationship? Arable weeds as a case study |
2020-10-18 |
Cyrille Violle |
Grassland-to-crop conversion in agricultural landscapes has lasting impact on the trait diversity of bees |
2020-10-17 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Bridging gaps in demographic analysis with phylogenetic imputation |
2020-10-17 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Paradise lost? Pesticide pollution in a European region with considerable amount of traditional agriculture |
2020-10-16 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Adaptive evolution shapes the present-day distribution of the thermal sensitivity of population growth rate |
2020-10-13 |
Meghan Balk | Silvia Pineda-Munoz |
Investigating Biotic Interactions in Deep Time |
2020-10-13 |
Vanessa M. Adams | Rachael V. Gallagher |
Importance of species translocations under rapid climate change |
2020-10-12 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Environmental and morphological constraints interact to drive the evolution of communication signals in frogs |
2020-10-12 |
Timothy M. Perez |
Weak phylogenetic and climatic signals in plant heat tolerance |
2020-10-09 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Warming temperatures could expose more than 1.3 billion new people to Zika virus risk by 2050 |
2020-10-09 |
Ramona L Walls |
Unity in Variety: Developing a collection description standard by consensus |
2020-10-09 |
Brian J. Enquist |
The Influence of Ecosystem and Phylogeny on Tropical Tree Crown Size and Shape |
2020-10-09 |
Jorrit Poelen |
Liberating Biodiversity Data From COVID-19 Lockdown: Toward a knowledge hub for mammal host-virus information |
2020-10-08 |
Meghan Balk | Silvia Pineda-Munoz |
Body mass‐related changes in mammal community assembly patterns during the late Quaternary of North America |
2020-10-08 |
Brian S. Maitner | Cyrille Violle |
Global distribution and conservation status of ecologically rare mammal and bird species |
2020-10-07 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Phylogenetic analysis of fossil flowers using an angiosperm-wide data set: proof-of-concept and challenges ahead |
2020-10-07 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Integration of anatomy ontology data with protein-protein interaction networks improves the candidate gene prediction accuracy for anatomical entities |
2020-10-06 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Field margin floral enhancements increase pollinator diversity at the field edge but show no consistent spillover into the crop field: a meta‐analysis |
2020-10-06 |
William Farfán Rios |
Evolutionary heritage shapes tree distributions along an Amazon‐to‐Andes elevation gradient |
2020-10-02 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Root trait-microbial relationships across tundra plant species |
2020-10-02 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Improving Predictions of Climate Change-Land Use Change Interactions |
2020-10-01 |
Katja Seltmann | Jorrit Poelen |
Making Parasite-Host Associations Visible using Global Biotic Interactions |
2020-10-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Corrigendum to “Calibration and field application of passive sampling for episodic exposure to polar organic pesticides in streams” [Environ. Pollut. 194 (2014) 196-202] |
2020-10-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Strain differences rather than species differences contribute to variation in associative learning ability in Nasonia |
2020-10-01 |
Joshua S Madin |
Novel communities are a risky business |
2020-10-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Understanding Intraspecific Trait Variability Using Digital Herbarium Specimen Images |
2020-10-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Local-scale Arctic tundra heterogeneity affects regional-scale carbon dynamics |
2020-09-30 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Variation in plant leaf traits affects transmission and detectability of herbivore vibrational cues |
2020-09-30 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Ecological Synthesis and Its Role in Advancing Knowledge |
2020-09-30 |
Stefano Mammola |
Towards establishment of a centralized spider traits database |
2020-09-29 |
Luca Santini |
Mammal population densities at a global scale are higher in human‐modified areas |
2020-09-28 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
A systematic comparison of chloroplast genome assembly tools |
2020-09-28 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
The role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in non-native plant invasion along mountain roads |
2020-09-28 |
Jorrit Poelen |
Semantic Publishing Enables Text Mining of Biotic Interactions |
2020-09-27 |
Steven L. Chown |
Realised rather than fundamental thermal niches predict site occupancy: implications for climate change forecasting |
2020-09-26 |
Alexander Keller |
(More than) Hitchhikers through the network: The shared microbiome of bees and flowers |
2020-09-24 |
Alexander Keller |
CRISPR/Cas 9 mediated mutations as a new tool for studying taste in honeybees |
2020-09-24 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Standardized data to support conservation prioritization for sharks and batoids (Elasmobranchii) |
2020-09-22 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Shrinking body sizes in response to warming: explanations for the temperature-size rule with special emphasis on the role of oxygen |
2020-09-21 |
Steven L. Chown |
Local, but not long-distance dispersal of penguin ticks between two sub-Antarctic islands |
2020-09-21 |
Richard J Telford |
Comment on “A global-scale ecological niche model to predict SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection rate”, author Coro |
2020-09-20 |
Mohammad Bagher Erfanian |
Predicting range shifts of three endangered endemic plants of the Khorassan-Kopet Dagh floristic province under global change |
2020-09-18 |
Timothy M. Perez |
Herbarium-based measurements reliably estimate three functional traits |
2020-09-17 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Preparing GIS data for analysis of stream monitoring data: The R package openSTARS |
2020-09-17 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Integrating dynamic plant growth models and microclimates for species distribution modelling |
2020-09-17 |
Stefano Mammola |
Standardised spider (Arachnida, Araneae) inventory of Kilpisjärvi, Finland |
2020-09-17 |
Mohammad Bagher Erfanian |
Changes in plant composition and diversity in an Alpine heath and meadow after 18 years of experimental warming |
2020-09-16 |
Melissa Haendel |
Modelling kidney disease using ontology: insights from the Kidney Precision Medicine Project |
2020-09-16 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Feeding specialization and longer generation time are associated with relatively larger brains in bees |
2020-09-14 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Representing COVID-19 information in collaborative knowledge graphs: a study of Wikidata |
2020-09-13 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
The projected degradation of subtropical coral assemblages by recurrent thermal stress |
2020-09-12 |
Melissa Haendel |
The case for open science: rare diseases |
2020-09-11 |
Fatih Fazlioglu |
Latitudinal shifts in mangrove species worldwide: evidence from historical occurrence records |
2020-09-10 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Leaf manganese concentrations as a tool to assess belowground plant functioning in phosphorus-impoverished environments |
2020-09-10 |
Belén Fadrique | Catherine H Bravo-Avila |
Publisher Correction: Climate-driven changes in the composition of New World plant communities |
2020-09-09 |
Daniel Mietchen |
State of WikiCite in 2020 |
2020-09-09 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Mapping Thermal Physiology of Vector-Borne Diseases in a Changing Climate: Shifts in Geographic and Demographic Risk of Suitability |
2020-09-09 |
Jens Kattge | Colleen M. Iversen | Pete Manning |
Global root traits (GRooT) database |
2020-09-09 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Belowground Impacts of Alpine Woody Encroachment are determined by Plant Traits, Local Climate and Soil Conditions |
2020-09-08 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Synchrony matters more than species richness in plant community stability at a global scale |
2020-09-08 |
Jens Kattge |
News on intra‐specific trait variation, species sorting, and optimality theory for functional biogeography and beyond |
2020-09-08 |
Stefano Mammola |
Integrating Multiple Lines of Evidence to Explore Intraspecific Variability in a Rare Endemic Alpine Plant and Implications for Its Conservation |
2020-09-08 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Trait-based ecology at large scales: Assessing functional trait correlations, phylogenetic constraints and spatial variability using open data |
2020-09-07 |
Michael J. McWilliam |
Projected shifts in coral size structure in the Anthropocene |
2020-09-06 |
Luca Santini |
Mechanistic insights into the role of large carnivores for ecosystem structure and functioning |
2020-09-06 |
Heloise Gibb |
Experimental evidence for ecological cascades following threatened mammal reintroduction |
2020-09-04 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Comparing prioritization strategies for delivering indoor residual spray (IRS) implementation, using a network approach |
2020-09-02 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
High species turnover shapes anuran community composition in ponds along an urban-rural gradient |
2020-09-02 |
Stefano Mammola |
Taxonomic and functional homogenisation of macroinvertebrate communities in recently intermittent Alpine watercourses |
2020-09-02 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Microplastics negatively affect soil fauna but stimulate microbial activity: insights from a field-based microplastic addition experiment |
2020-09-02 |
Cyrille Violle |
Equilibrium in plant functional trait responses to warming is stronger under higher climate variability during the Holocene |
2020-09-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Climate change could shift disease burden from malaria to arboviruses in Africa |
2020-09-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Setting reference levels and limits for good ecological condition in terrestrial ecosystems – Insights from a case study based on the IBECA approach |
2020-09-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Future winters present a complex energetic landscape of decreased costs and reduced risk for a freeze-tolerant amphibian, the Wood Frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) |
2020-09-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Dynamics of death by heat |
2020-09-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Defensive behaviour and tail autotomy in Coleodactylus meridionalis (Squamata: Sphaerodactylidae) |
2020-09-01 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Effect of a tree mixture and water availability on soil nutrients and extracellular enzyme activities along the soil profile in an experimental forest |
2020-09-01 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Identifying threats from invasive alien species in Bangladesh |
2020-09-01 |
Jorrit Poelen |
Toward reliable biodiversity dataset references |
2020-08-31 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford | Aud H. Halbritter |
Biotic rescaling reveals importance of species interactions for variation in biodiversity responses to climate change |
2020-08-30 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Using logical constraints to validate information in collaborative knowledge graphs: a study of COVID-19 on Wikidata |
2020-08-29 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Invertebrate turnover along gradients of anthropogenic salinisation in rivers of two German regions |
2020-08-28 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Avian Diversity: Speciation, Macroevolution, and Ecological Function |
2020-08-27 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Misconceptions about weather and seasonality must not misguide COVID-19 response |
2020-08-26 |
Alexander Keller |
Correction to ‘Introduced bees (Osmia cornifrons) collect pollen from both coevolved and novel host-plant species within their family-level phylogenetic preferences’ |
2020-08-26 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Idiosyncratic liver pigment alterations of five frog species in response to contrasting land use patterns in the Brazilian Cerrado |
2020-08-25 |
Stefano Mammola |
Fundamental research questions in subterranean biology |
2020-08-24 |
Joshua S Madin |
A geometric basis for surface habitat complexity and biodiversity |
2020-08-24 |
Jens Kattge | Pete Manning | Malte Jochum | Caterina Penone |
The results of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning experiments are realistic |
2020-08-21 |
Melissa Haendel |
Ontologies, Knowledge Representation, and Machine Learning for Translational Research: Recent Contributions |
2020-08-21 |
Stefano Mammola |
Specialized terminology limits the reach of new scientific knowledge |
2020-08-20 |
Melissa Haendel |
Structuring, reuse and analysis of electronic dental data using the Oral Health and Disease Ontology |
2020-08-20 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Male Sexual Trait Decay in Two Asexual Springtail Populations Follows Neutral Mutation Accumulation Theory |
2020-08-19 |
William D. Pearse |
Bee phenology is predicted by climatic variation and functional traits |
2020-08-18 |
Cyrille Violle |
Natural variation at FLM splicing has pleiotropic effects modulating ecological strategies in Arabidopsis thaliana |
2020-08-17 |
Timothy M. Perez | Belén Fadrique | Catherine H Bravo-Avila |
Climate-driven changes in the composition of New World plant communities |
2020-08-16 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
A landscape-scale assessment of the relationship between grassland functioning, community diversity, and functional traits |
2020-08-15 |
Steven L. Chown |
Constant and fluctuating temperature acclimations have similar effects on phenotypic plasticity in springtails |
2020-08-13 |
Dylan J. Craven |
A cross‐scale assessment of productivity–diversity relationships |
2020-08-13 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Morphological variation of fine root systems and leaves in primary and secondary tropical forests of Hainan Island, China |
2020-08-12 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Integrating the evidence for a terrestrial carbon sink caused by increasing atmospheric CO2 |
2020-08-11 |
Teresa Mayfield-Meyer |
Regional Collections Are an Essential Component of Biodiversity Research Infrastructure |
2020-08-11 |
Yaoqi Li |
Spatial Patterns and Drivers of Angiosperm Sexual Systems in China Differ Between Woody and Herbaceous Species |
2020-08-10 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
The Global Urban Tree Inventory: A database of the diverse tree flora that inhabits the world’s cities |
2020-08-10 |
William D. Pearse |
Cryptic diversity in the model fern genus Ceratopteris (Pteridaceae) |
2020-08-09 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Wikidata Queries around the SARS-CoV-2 virus and pandemic |
2020-08-08 |
Timothy M. Perez |
Photosynthetic heat tolerances and extreme leaf temperatures |
2020-08-07 |
Cyrille Violle |
Multifaceted functional diversity for multifaceted crop yield: Towards ecological assembly rules for varietal mixtures |
2020-08-06 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Perceptions of Similarity Can Mislead Provenancing Strategies—An Example from Five Co-Distributed Acacia Species |
2020-08-05 |
William D. Pearse |
Herbivores at the highest risk of extinction among mammals, birds, and reptiles |
2020-08-04 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
The diversity of decay |
2020-08-04 |
Jens Kattge |
Nutritional constraints on brain evolution: sodium and nitrogen limit brain size |
2020-08-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Intersecting vulnerabilities: climatic and demographic contributions to future population exposure to Aedes-borne viruses in the United States |
2020-08-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Marine food webs destabilized |
2020-08-01 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Low predictability of energy balance traits and leaf temperature metrics in desert, montane and alpine plant communities |
2020-07-31 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Multiple working hypotheses for hyperallometric reproduction in fishes under metabolic theory |
2020-07-31 |
Daniel S. Park |
A New Method for Counting Reproductive Structures in Digitized Herbarium Specimens Using Mask R-CNN |
2020-07-30 |
Nuno Simões |
Distribution patterns, carbon sources and niche partitioning in cave shrimps (Atyidae: Typhlatya) |
2020-07-29 |
Melissa Haendel |
Interpretable Clinical Genomics with a Likelihood Ratio Paradigm |
2020-07-29 |
Richard J Telford |
Don’t gamble the COVID-19 response on ecological hypotheses |
2020-07-29 |
Anne Thessen |
A novel curation system to facilitate data integration across regional citizen science survey programs |
2020-07-28 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Achieving Quality Forest and Landscape Restoration in the Tropics |
2020-07-27 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Rapid Net Carbon Loss From a Whole‐Ecosystem Warmed Peatland |
2020-07-23 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
B0 shimming of the human heart at 7T |
2020-07-23 |
Anton Potapov |
Different groups of ground‐dwelling spiders share similar trophic niches in temperate forests |
2020-07-22 |
Alexander Keller |
Introduced bees (Osmia cornifrons) collect pollen from both coevolved and novel host-plant species within their family-level phylogenetic preferences |
2020-07-22 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Author Correction: Identifying threshold responses of Australian dryland rivers to future hydroclimatic change |
2020-07-22 |
Cyrille Violle |
Domestication-driven changes in plant traits associated with changes in the assembly of the rhizosphere microbiota in tetraploid wheat |
2020-07-21 |
Steven L. Chown |
Soil Bacterial Communities Exhibit Strong Biogeographic Patterns at Fine Taxonomic Resolution |
2020-07-19 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
cxr : A toolbox for modelling species coexistence in R |
2020-07-18 |
Pete Manning |
Landscape management for grassland multifunctionality |
2020-07-16 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
The edaphic control of plant diversity |
2020-07-15 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
First example of hybridisation between two Australian figs (Moraceae) |
2020-07-15 |
Steven L. Chown |
Antarctica’s wilderness fails to capture continent’s biodiversity |
2020-07-15 |
Richard J Telford |
Multi-Proxy Characterisation of the Storegga Tsunami and Its Impact on the Early Holocene Landscapes of the Southern North Sea |
2020-07-13 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Peatland warming strongly increases fine-root growth |
2020-07-13 |
Cyrille Violle |
Loss of pollinator specialization revealed by historical opportunistic data: Insights from network-based analysis |
2020-07-10 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
The Role of Vector Trait Variation in Vector-Borne Disease Dynamics |
2020-07-09 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Variability and distribution of the golden-headed weevil Compsus auricephalus (Say) (Curculionidae: Entiminae: Eustylini) |
2020-07-09 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Testing macroecological abundance patterns: The relationship between local abundance and range size, range position and climatic suitability among European vascular plants |
2020-07-09 |
Ben Sparrow |
Effective ecosystem monitoring requires a multi-scaled approach |
2020-07-08 |
Caterina Penone |
Globally Abundant “Candidatus Udaeobacter” Benefits from Release of Antibiotics in Soil and Potentially Performs Trace Gas Scavenging |
2020-07-07 |
Anton Potapov |
Trophic level and basal resource use of soil animals are hardly affected by local plant associations in abandoned arable land |
2020-07-06 |
Hervé Sauquet |
The delayed and geographically heterogeneous diversification of flowering plant families |
2020-07-06 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
The Larva and Advertisement Call of Bokermannohyla ahenea (Anura: Hylidae) |
2020-07-04 |
Alexander Keller |
Strong phylogenetic constraint on transition metal incorporation in the mandibles of the hyper-diverse Hymenoptera (Insecta) |
2020-07-03 |
David B. Roy |
Data-derived metrics describing the behaviour of field-based citizen scientists provide insights for project design and modelling bias |
2020-07-01 |
Nuno Simões |
Influence of bottom environment conditions and hydrographic variability on spatiotemporal trends of macrofaunal amphipods on the Yucatan continental shelf |
2020-07-01 |
Renee A. Catullo |
Genome-wide patterns of differentiation over space and time in the Queensland fruit fly |
2020-07-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
An integrated database of stream macroinvertebrate traits for Australia: concept and application |
2020-07-01 |
Jens Kattge | Colleen M. Iversen |
The fungal collaboration gradient dominates the root economics space in plants |
2020-07-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Choosing Technology: An Entrepreneurial Strategy Approach |
2020-07-01 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Red fox viromes in urban and rural landscapes |
2020-06-30 |
Melissa Haendel |
Is authorship sufficient for today’s collaborative research? A call for contributor roles |
2020-06-30 |
Cyrille Violle |
Ecological Specialization and Rarity of Arable Weeds: Insights from a Comprehensive Survey in France |
2020-06-29 |
Joshua S Madin |
Latitude and protection affect decadal trends in reef trophic structure over a continental scale |
2020-06-27 |
Pete Manning |
COVID-19: Lessons for the climate change emergency |
2020-06-26 |
Cyrille Violle |
Weeds: Against the Rules? |
2020-06-24 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Leaf reflectance spectra capture the evolutionary history of seed plants |
2020-06-24 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Corrigendum: The Influence of Taxonomy and Environment on Leaf Trait Variation Along Tropical Abiotic Gradients |
2020-06-23 |
Renee A. Catullo |
Ecological Drivers and Sex-Based Variation in Body Size and Shape in the Queensland Fruit Fly, Bactrocera tryoni (Diptera: Tephritidae) |
2020-06-23 |
William Farfán Rios |
Biased-corrected richness estimates for the Amazonian tree flora |
2020-06-23 |
Luca Santini |
The influence of stochasticity, landscape structure and species traits on abundant–centre relationships |
2020-06-21 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Directional trends in species composition over time can lead to a widespread overemphasis of year‐to‐year asynchrony |
2020-06-21 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Infinite Affinities: Work from the Queer Ecology Hanky Project |
2020-06-20 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Sampling rates for passive samplers exposed to a field-relevant peak of 42 organic pesticides |
2020-06-20 |
Stefano Mammola |
Does weighting presence records improve the performance of species distribution models? A test using fish larval stages in the Yangtze Estuary |
2020-06-19 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford | Brian J. Enquist | Brian S. Maitner | Aud H. Halbritter | Sean T. Michaletz |
Plant traits and vegetation data from climate warming experiments along an 1100 m elevation gradient in Gongga Mountains, China |
2020-06-19 |
Ramona L Walls |
COVID-19 pandemic reveals the peril of ignoring metadata standards |
2020-06-19 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Soil nitrogen concentration mediates the relationship between leguminous trees and neighbor diversity in tropical forests |
2020-06-18 |
Daniel S. Park |
An invasive species spread by threatened diurnal lemurs impacts rainforest structure in Madagascar |
2020-06-18 |
Lucie M Bland |
Using decision science to evaluate global biodiversity indices |
2020-06-18 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Manila Declaration on Forest and Landscape Restoration: Making It Happen |
2020-06-17 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
A Deep Learning Based Cardiac Cine Segmentation Framework for Clinicians – Transfer Learning Application to 7T |
2020-06-15 |
Alexander Keller |
Susceptibility of Red Mason Bee Larvae to Bacterial Threats Due to Microbiome Exchange with Imported Pollen Provisions |
2020-06-15 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Impacts of multiple stressors on freshwater biota across spatial scales and ecosystems |
2020-06-15 |
Steven L. Chown |
Basal tolerance but not plasticity gives invasive springtails the advantage in an assemblage setting |
2020-06-15 |
Courtenay A Ray | Cyrille Violle |
Vacant yet invasible niches in forest community assembly |
2020-06-13 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Using Biophysical Models to Improve Survey Efficiency for Cryptic Ectotherms |
2020-06-12 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Harlequin Frogs ( Lysapsus ) prefer mild places to park |
2020-06-11 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
The Leaf Economics Spectrum Constrains Phenotypic Plasticity Across a Light Gradient |
2020-06-10 |
Ian G. Brennan |
Phylogenomics of monitor lizards and the role of competition in dictating body size disparity |
2020-06-09 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Eco-physiological consequences of overwintering underground |
2020-06-05 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Assessing the mixture effects in in-vitro bioassays of chemicals occurring in small agricultural streams during rain events |
2020-06-05 |
Mark Westoby | Joshua S Madin |
A synthesis of bacterial and archaeal phenotypic trait data |
2020-06-05 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Rapid recovery of tropical forest diversity and structure after shifting cultivation in the Philippines uplands |
2020-06-04 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Safeguarding the genetic integrity of native pollinators requires stronger regulations on commercial lines |
2020-06-03 |
Katja Seltmann |
Bark beetle mycobiome: collaboratively defined research priorities on a widespread insect-fungus symbiosis |
2020-06-03 |
Franziska Schrodt | Jens Kattge | Ian J. Wright | Brian J. Enquist | Brian S. Maitner | Cyrille Violle | Sean T. Michaletz |
Paleoclimate and current climate collectively shape the phylogenetic and functional diversity of trees worldwide |
2020-06-03 |
Joshua S Madin |
Multi-Year Viability of a Reef Coral Population Living on Mangrove Roots Suggests an Important Role for Mangroves in the Broader Habitat Mosaic of Corals |
2020-06-01 |
Daniel S. Park | Xiao Feng |
A standard protocol for reporting species distribution models |
2020-06-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Tree growth and macrofauna colonization in Technosols constructed from recycled urban wastes |
2020-06-01 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Saving the Sundarbans from development |
2020-05-29 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
webchem: An R Package to Retrieve Chemical Information from the Web |
2020-05-28 |
Luca Santini | Joseph A Tobias |
The island rule explains consistent patterns of body size evolution across terrestrial vertebrates |
2020-05-27 |
Alexander Keller |
The genus as a model microorganism for bioactive natural product discovery |
2020-05-27 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Quantifying the Impact of Data Sharing on Outbreak Dynamics (QIDSOD) |
2020-05-27 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Conservation in the maelstrom of Covid-19 - a call to action to solve the challenges, exploit opportunities and prepare for the next pandemic |
2020-05-27 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Multi-faceted analysis provides little evidence for recurrent whole-genome duplications during hexapod evolution |
2020-05-27 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Universal metabolic constraints shape the evolutionary ecology of diving in animals |
2020-05-26 |
Ian J. Wright |
When and where soil is important to modify the carbon and water economy of leaves |
2020-05-25 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Longevity, body dimension and reproductive mode drive differences in aquatic versus terrestrial life‐history strategies |
2020-05-21 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Assessing Typhoon-Induced Canopy Damage Using Vegetation Indices in the Fushan Experimental Forest, Taiwan |
2020-05-20 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Alien species in Norway: Results from quantitative ecological impact assessments |
2020-05-20 |
Stefano Mammola |
Global wildlife trade permeates the Tree of Life |
2020-05-19 |
Jens Kattge | Colleen M. Iversen |
Global Root Traits (GRooT) Database |
2020-05-19 |
Joshua S Madin |
Tissue biomass trades off with growth but not reproduction in corals |
2020-05-18 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Standartox: Standardizing Toxicity Data |
2020-05-18 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Species richness and functional diversity of isopod communities vary across an urbanisation gradient, but the direction and strength depend on soil type |
2020-05-18 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Context and trade-offs characterize real-world threat detection systems: A review and comprehensive framework to improve research practice and resolve the translational crisis |
2020-05-18 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Ecological drivers of global gradients in avian dispersal inferred from wing morphology |
2020-05-16 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Phylogenomics of Brosimum Sw. (Moraceae) and allied genera, including a revised subgeneric system |
2020-05-16 |
Anton Potapov |
Multidimensional trophic niche revealed by complementary approaches: gut content, digestive enzymes, fatty acids and stable isotopes in soil fauna |
2020-05-14 |
Stefano Mammola |
Alien Crayfish Species in the Deep Subalpine Lake Maggiore (NW-Italy), with a Focus on the Biometry and Habitat Preferences of the Spiny-Cheek Crayfish |
2020-05-13 |
Ian G. Brennan |
What’s under the hood? Phylogeny and taxonomy of the snake genera Parasuta Worrell and Suta Worrell (Squamata: Elapidae), with a description of a new species from the Pilbara, Western Australia |
2020-05-13 |
Katelin D. Pearson |
Machine Learning Using Digitized Herbarium Specimens to Advance Phenological Research |
2020-05-12 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Plant Secondary Compounds in Soil and Their Role in Belowground Species Interactions |
2020-05-11 |
Ian G. Brennan |
Polyploidy breaks speciation barriers in Australian burrowing frogs Neobatrachus |
2020-05-11 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Spatial variation in the frequency of knockdown resistance genotypes in Florida Aedes aegypti populations |
2020-05-11 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
Genomes of the Venus Flytrap and Close Relatives Unveil the Roots of Plant Carnivory |
2020-05-11 |
Ian J. Wright | Daniel Falster |
Organizing principles for vegetation dynamics |
2020-05-07 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Towards a Comparative Framework of Demographic Resilience |
2020-05-06 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Towards a unified study of multiple stressors: divisions and common goals across research disciplines |
2020-05-06 |
Richard J Telford |
Species distribution models are inappropriate for COVID-19 |
2020-05-06 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
A Research Framework to Integrate Cross-Ecosystem Responses to Tropical Cyclones |
2020-05-04 |
Mark Westoby |
The maleness of larger angiosperm flowers |
2020-05-04 |
Brian J. Enquist | Daniel S. Park | Brian S. Maitner | Xiao Feng |
Darwin’s naturalization conundrum can be explained by spatial scale |
2020-05-03 |
Stefania L. Klayn |
Microplastics and floating litter pollution in Bulgarian Black Sea coastal waters |
2020-05-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Shifting transmission risk for malaria in Africa with climate change: a framework for planning and intervention |
2020-05-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Gone with the wind: Is signal timing in a neotropical katydid an adaptive response to variation in wind-induced vibratory noise? |
2020-05-01 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Microclimate shifts in a dynamic world |
2020-05-01 |
Stefano Mammola |
Future climate change will severely reduce habitat suitability of the Critically Endangered Chinese giant salamander |
2020-04-30 |
Michael Ray Kearney | Steven L. Chown |
Tracheal branching in ants is area-decreasing, violating a central assumption of network transport models |
2020-04-27 |
Daniel S. Park |
Machine Learning Predicts Large Scale Declines in Native Plant Phylogenetic Diversity |
2020-04-23 |
Franziska Schrodt | Jens Kattge | Ian J. Wright | Brian S. Maitner | Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle | Sean T. Michaletz |
Half of the world’s tree biodiversity is unprotected and is increasingly threatened by human activities |
2020-04-22 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Fine‐root dynamics vary with soil depth and precipitation in a low‐nutrient tropical forest in the Central Amazonia |
2020-04-22 |
Steven L. Chown |
Progress towards a representative network of Southern Ocean protected areas |
2020-04-20 |
Stefano Mammola |
To invade or not to invade? Exploring the niche-based processes underlying the failure of a biological invasion using the invasive Chinese mitten crab |
2020-04-20 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts | William D. Pearse | Aud H. Halbritter | Fatih Fazlioglu | Jhonatan Sallo-Bravo |
SoilTemp: a global database of near-surface temperature |
2020-04-20 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Identifying threshold responses of Australian dryland rivers to future hydroclimatic change |
2020-04-16 |
Samuel C. Andrew | Rachael V. Gallagher | Daniel S. Park | Vanessa M. Adams | Brian S. Maitner | Brian J. Enquist | Brad Boyle | Cyrille Violle | Xiao Feng |
Areas of global importance for terrestrial biodiversity, carbon, and water |
2020-04-12 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
How will snow alter exposure of organisms to cold stress under climate warming? |
2020-04-08 |
John Alroy |
The apparent exponential radiation of Phanerozoic land vertebrates is an artefact of spatial sampling biases |
2020-04-07 |
Ian J. Wright |
Leaf trait variation is similar among genotypes of Eucalyptus camaldulensis from differing climates and arises as plastic response to season rather than water availability |
2020-04-07 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Long‐term shifts in the functional composition and diversity of a tropical dry forest: a 30‐yr study |
2020-04-07 |
Joseph A Tobias |
The worldwide impact of urbanisation on avian functional diversity |
2020-04-06 |
Brian J. Enquist | Brian S. Maitner | Yaoqi Li | Xiao Feng |
Leaf size of woody dicots predicts ecosystem primary productivity |
2020-04-05 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
The evolution of red blood cell shape in a continental radiation of fishes |
2020-04-04 |
Steven L. Chown |
Reframing conservation physiology to be more inclusive, integrative, relevant and forward-looking: reflections and a horizon scan |
2020-04-03 |
Melissa Haendel |
A harmonized meta-knowledgebase of clinical interpretations of somatic genomic variants in cancer |
2020-04-03 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Climatic variables influence the temporal dynamics of an anuran metacommunity in a nonstationary way |
2020-04-02 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Quantifying the roles of seed dispersal, filtering, and climate on regional patterns of grassland biodiversity |
2020-04-01 |
Alexander Keller | Hervé Sauquet | Renee A. Catullo | Maurizio Rossetto | Ian G. Brennan | John Alroy | Roberto Salguero-Gómez | Samuel C. Andrew | Mark Westoby | Jennifer A Hammock | Markus Ankenbrand | Vigdis Vandvik | Meghan Balk | Joshua S Madin | Jens Kattge | Richard J Telford | Ian J. Wright | Vanessa M. Adams | Michael Ray Kearney | Brian J. Enquist | Colleen M. Iversen | Steven L. Chown | Florian Dirk Schneider | Rachael V. Gallagher | Heloise Gibb | Daniel S. Park | Pete Manning | Malte Jochum | Paula M. Mabee | Brian S. Maitner | Silvia Pineda-Munoz | Daniel Falster | Ramona L Walls | Alexandra J. R. Carthey | Caterina Penone | William D. Pearse | Cyrille Violle | Courtenay A Ray | Timothy M. Perez | Aud H. Halbritter | Brad Boyle | Lucie M Bland | J. Aaron Hogan | Sean T. Michaletz | Marko J. Spasojevic | Xiao Feng | Katherine C B Weiss | Belén Fadrique | Joseph A Tobias | Catherine H Bravo-Avila | Hamish Holewa | Luke McCormack | Michael Hope | Brittany R Cavazos | Ben Sparrow | Jorrit Poelen | Dalia A. Conde |
Publisher Correction: Open Science principles for accelerating trait-based science across the Tree of Life |
2020-04-01 |
Alexander Keller |
Changes amid constancy: flower and leaf microbiomes along land use gradients and between bioregions |
2020-04-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Crop pollination management needs flower‐visitor monitoring and target values |
2020-04-01 |
Jens Kattge | Colleen M. Iversen |
Assessing Impacts of Plant Stoichiometric Traits on Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Accumulation Using the E3SM Land Model |
2020-04-01 |
Brian J. Enquist | Xiao Feng |
Doubling demands in programming skills call for ecoinformatics education |
2020-04-01 |
Malte Jochum | Anton Potapov |
Ground Spider Communities Under Tropical Land‐Use Change |
2020-04-01 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
The Holy Trinity of spatial climate change ecology: high-resolution climate data, long-term biodiversity monitoring and physiological experiments. A commentary on: ‘Invasive grasses of sub-Antarctic Marion Island respond to increasing temperatures a |
2020-04-01 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Changes in heat stress tolerance in a freshwater amphipod following starvation: The role of oxygen availability, metabolic rate, heat shock proteins and energy reserves |
2020-04-01 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Dos and don’ts when inferring assembly rules from diversity patterns |
2020-03-29 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Biotic exchange leaves detectable genomic patterns in the Australian rain forest flora |
2020-03-29 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Parallel Evolution in the Integration of a Co-obligate Aphid Symbiosis |
2020-03-27 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
The roles of acclimation and behavior in buffering climate change impacts along elevational gradients |
2020-03-26 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Disentangling the effects of plant species invasion and urban development on arthropod community composition |
2020-03-26 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Staining of fish Red Blood Cells v1 |
2020-03-25 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Traits mediate drought effects on wood carbon fluxes |
2020-03-24 |
Ian G. Brennan |
Phylogenomics, biogeography and morphometrics reveal rapid phenotypic evolution in pythons after crossing Wallace’s line |
2020-03-23 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Putting the geo back into Biogeosciences |
2020-03-23 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Sex differences in adult lifespan and aging rates of mortality across wild mammals |
2020-03-21 |
Nuno Simões |
SSP: An R package to estimate sampling effort in studies of ecological communities |
2020-03-21 |
Ian J. Wright | Ben Sparrow |
Components of leaf-trait variation along environmental gradients |
2020-03-20 |
Luca Santini |
Assessing the reliability of predicted plant trait distributions at the global scale |
2020-03-20 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
A framework to bridge scales in distribution modelling of soil microbiota |
2020-03-19 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Reducing Wooden Structure and Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Disaster Risk through Dynamic Risk Assessment and Management |
2020-03-19 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Climatic and edaphic controls over tropical forest diversity and vegetation carbon storage |
2020-03-18 |
Steven L. Chown |
Tracking of marine predators to protect Southern Ocean ecosystems |
2020-03-18 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Tropical Cyclone Ecology: A Scale-Link Perspective |
2020-03-17 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Wikidata as a knowledge graph for the life sciences |
2020-03-16 |
John Alroy |
On four measures of taxonomic richness |
2020-03-16 |
Ramona L Walls |
Knowledge representation and data sharing to unlock crop variation for nutritional food security |
2020-03-14 |
Stefano Mammola |
On Deepest Caves, Extreme Habitats, and Ecological Superlatives |
2020-03-13 |
Timothy M. Perez |
The Thermal Tolerances, Distributions, and Performances of Tropical Montane Tree Species |
2020-03-12 |
Jens Kattge | Colleen M. Iversen | Pete Manning | Marko J. Spasojevic |
Global plant trait relationships extend to the climatic extremes of the tundra biome |
2020-03-11 |
Cyrille Violle |
Analyzing snapshot diversity patterns with the Neutral Theory can show functional groups’ effects on community assembly |
2020-03-10 |
Jens Kattge | Brian J. Enquist |
Global gradients in intraspecific variation in vegetative and floral traits are partially associated with climate and species richness |
2020-03-10 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Global vulnerability of soil ecosystems to erosion |
2020-03-07 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Allometric escape from acoustic constraints is rare for frog calls |
2020-03-05 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Phenotypic and microsite plant individual variation determine the pollination network structure and its functional consequences |
2020-03-04 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Brian J. Enquist | Aud H. Halbritter |
Adding Value to a Field‐Based Course with a Science Communication Module on Local Perceptions of Climate Change |
2020-03-04 |
Malte Jochum | Anton Potapov |
Trade-offs between multifunctionality and profit in tropical smallholder landscapes |
2020-03-04 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Home-field advantage of litter decomposition differs between leaves and fine roots |
2020-03-04 |
Cyrille Violle |
Configurational crop heterogeneity increases within‐field plant diversity |
2020-03-03 |
Brian J. Enquist |
The Influence of Taxonomy and Environment on Leaf Trait Variation Along Tropical Abiotic Gradients |
2020-03-02 |
Ian G. Brennan |
Multilocus phylogeny of Bornean Bent-Toed geckos (Gekkonidae: Cyrtodactylus) reveals hidden diversity, taxonomic disarray, and novel biogeographic patterns |
2020-03-02 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Phytoplankton thermal responses adapt in the absence of hard thermodynamic constraints |
2020-03-02 |
Heloise Gibb |
Author Correction: A global database for metacommunity ecology, integrating species, traits, environment and space |
2020-03-02 |
Fatih Fazlioglu |
Introduced non-native mangroves express better growth performance than co-occurring native mangroves |
2020-03-02 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Triploidy in zebrafish larvae: Effects on gene expression, cell size and cell number, growth, development and swimming performance |
2020-03-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
A Logical Model of Homology for Comparative Biology |
2020-03-01 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Monitoring biodiversity in the Anthropocene using remote sensing in species distribution models |
2020-02-27 |
Anton Potapov |
Aboveground soil supports high levels of biological activity in oil palm plantations |
2020-02-25 |
Daniel S. Park | Brian S. Maitner | Brian J. Enquist | Brad Boyle | Xiao Feng |
30% land conservation and climate action reduces tropical extinction risk by more than 50% |
2020-02-24 |
Jens Kattge | Ian J. Wright |
Acclimation of leaf respiration consistent with optimal photosynthetic capacity |
2020-02-20 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Evaluating forest resilience to global threats using functional response traits and network properties |
2020-02-19 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
The origins of dengue and chikungunya viruses in Ecuador following increased migration from Venezuela and Colombia |
2020-02-19 |
Mark Westoby | Ian J. Wright |
Parenchyma Abundance in Wood of Evergreen Trees Varies Independently of Nutrients |
2020-02-19 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Assessing trait driver theory along abiotic gradients in tropical plant communities |
2020-02-18 |
Luca Santini |
Life in a fragment: Evolution of foraging strategies of translocated collared brown lemurs, Eulemur collaris, over an 18-year period |
2020-02-18 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Climate and plant community diversity in space and time |
2020-02-17 |
Belén Fadrique |
Guidelines for including bamboos in tropical ecosystem monitoring |
2020-02-17 |
Joseph A Tobias |
A large-scale assessment of plant dispersal mode and seed traits across human-modified Amazonian forests |
2020-02-17 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Landscape Representation by a Permanent Forest Plot and Alternative Plot Designs in a Typhoon Hotspot, Fushan, Taiwan |
2020-02-16 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
A critical analysis of the potential for EU Common Agricultural Policy measures to support wild pollinators on farmland |
2020-02-15 |
Alexander Keller |
Floral Species Richness Correlates with Changes in the Nutritional Quality of Larval Diets in a Stingless Bee |
2020-02-14 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Severity Index for Suspected Arbovirus (SISA): Machine learning for accurate prediction of hospitalization in subjects suspected of arboviral infection |
2020-02-14 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Should ecologists prefer model- over distance-based multivariate methods? |
2020-02-14 |
Malte Jochum | Anton Potapov |
Functional losses in ground spider communities due to habitat structure degradation under tropical land-use change |
2020-02-13 |
Daniel Mietchen |
1000 Disease Ontology terms and their Wikidata mappings to 17 mostly Indian languages and English |
2020-02-12 |
Nuno Simões |
New distribution records of subterranean crustaceans from cenotes in Yucatan (Mexico) |
2020-02-12 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Key Findings and Comparisons From Analogous Case-Cluster Studies for Dengue Virus Infection Conducted in Machala, Ecuador, and Kamphaeng Phet, Thailand |
2020-02-12 |
Steven L. Chown |
Springtail phylogeography highlights biosecurity risks of repeated invasions and intraregional transfers among remote islands |
2020-02-12 |
Ramona L Walls |
Maize genomes to fields (G2F): 2014-2017 field seasons: genotype, phenotype, climatic, soil, and inbred ear image datasets |
2020-02-11 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
A network analysis framework to improve the delivery of mosquito abatement services in Machala, Ecuador |
2020-02-10 |
Brunno Freire Oliveira |
Historical environmental stability drives discordant niche filling dynamics across phylogenetic scales |
2020-02-09 |
Stefano Mammola |
Scientists’ warning to humanity on insect extinctions |
2020-02-07 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Global gene flow releases invasive plants from environmental constraints on genetic diversity |
2020-02-04 |
Brian J. Enquist |
The megabiota are disproportionately important for biosphere functioning |
2020-02-04 |
Dalia A. Conde |
A system wide approach to managing zoo collections for visitor attendance and in situ conservation |
2020-02-03 |
Luca Santini |
Do functional traits offset the effects of fragmentation? The case of large-bodied diurnal lemur species |
2020-02-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
How many rare diseases are there? |
2020-02-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
International scientists formulate a roadmap for insect conservation and recovery |
2020-01-31 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Biotic and abiotic drivers of soil microbial functions across tree diversity experiments |
2020-01-30 |
Ian G. Brennan |
Digest: The evolutionary relationship between environment and size in Australian rodents |
2020-01-30 |
Caterina Penone |
Distribution of Medically Relevant Antibiotic Resistance Genes and Mobile Genetic Elements in Soils of Temperate Forests and Grasslands Varying in Land Use |
2020-01-30 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
How Does the Landscape Affect Metacommunity Structure? A Quantitative Review for Lentic Environments |
2020-01-30 |
Alana R O Chin |
Ray fractions and carbohydrate dynamics of tree species along a 2750 m elevation gradient indicate climate response, not spatial storage limitation |
2020-01-28 |
Melissa Haendel |
Interpretable Clinical Genomics with a Likelihood Ratio Paradigm |
2020-01-28 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Brain size predicts learning abilities in bees |
2020-01-24 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Evolutionary constraints and adaptation shape the size and colour of rain forest fruits and flowers at continental scale |
2020-01-24 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Author response: Wikidata as a knowledge graph for the life sciences |
2020-01-23 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Recipient and donor characteristics govern the hierarchical structure of heterospecific pollen competition networks |
2020-01-23 |
William D. Pearse |
Horticultural availability and homeowner preferences drive plant diversity and composition in urban yards |
2020-01-22 |
Joshua S Madin |
Partitioning colony size variation into growth and partial mortality |
2020-01-22 |
Cyrille Violle |
Farming plant cooperation in crops |
2020-01-22 |
Katelin D. Pearson |
2020-01-20 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Microclimate modelling of beach sand temperatures reveals high spatial and temporal variation at sea turtle rookeries |
2020-01-20 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Thismia jianfenglingensis (Thismiaceae), a new species of fairy lantern from Hainan Island, China |
2020-01-16 |
Jacintha Ellers |
The effect of mating on female reproduction across hermaphroditic freshwater snails |
2020-01-16 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
Chronic exposure to the pesticide flupyradifurone can lead to premature onset of foraging in honeybees Apis mellifera |
2020-01-14 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
A generic arboviral model framework for exploring trade-offs between vector control and environmental concerns |
2020-01-13 |
Katja Seltmann | Paula M. Mabee |
Corrigendum: The Extended Specimen Network: A Strategy to Enhance US Biodiversity Collections, Promote Research and Education |
2020-01-13 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Macroevolutionary convergence connects morphological form to ecological function in birds |
2020-01-10 |
Stefano Mammola |
Environmental filtering and convergent evolution determine the ecological specialization of subterranean spiders |
2020-01-09 |
Luca Santini |
Combined effects of land use and hunting on distributions of tropical mammals |
2020-01-08 |
Heloise Gibb |
A global database for metacommunity ecology, integrating species, traits, environment and space |
2020-01-08 |
Michael J. McWilliam |
Deficits in functional trait diversity following recovery on coral reefs |
2020-01-06 |
Alexander Keller | Markus Ankenbrand |
BCdatabaser: on-the-fly reference database creation for (meta-)barcoding |
2020-01-06 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Relationship between agricultural pesticides and the diet of riparian spiders in the field |
2020-01-06 |
Pete Manning | Cyrille Violle |
Land-use history impacts functional diversity across multiple trophic groups |
2020-01-04 |
Joshua S Madin |
Incongruence between life-history traits and conservation status in reef corals |
2020-01-03 |
Jorrit Poelen |
Toward Reliable Biodiversity Dataset References |
2020-01-02 |
Rachael V. Gallagher | Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Conserving the holobiont |
2020-01-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Identifying evolutionary lineages in the Elaeocarpus obovatus complex: population genetics and morphometric analyses support a new subspecies, Elaeocarpus obovatus subsp. umbratilis, from northern Queensland, Australia |
2020-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel | Anne Thessen |
The Monarch Initiative in 2019: an integrative data and analytic platform connecting phenotypes to genotypes across species |
2020-01-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Temperature responses in a subarctic springtail from two geothermally warmed habitats |
2020-01-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
How does habitat connectivity influence the colonization success of a hemimetabolous aquatic insect? - A modeling approach |
2020-01-01 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
Exploring Ensemble Applications for Multi-sequence Myocardial Pathology Segmentation |
2020-01-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Variation in fur properties may explain differences in heat-related mortality among Australian flying-foxes |
2020-01-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
The emperor penguin - Vulnerable to projected rates of warming and sea ice loss |
2020-01-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Recommendations for assessing earthworm populations in Brazilian ecosystems |
2020-01-01 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Microclimatic conditions anywhere at any time! |
2020-01-01 |
Nicolas Fanin |
A plant economics spectrum of litter decomposition among coexisting fern species in a sub-tropical forest |
2019-12-31 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez | Mark Westoby | Franziska Schrodt | Jens Kattge | Ian J. Wright | David B. Roy | Colleen M. Iversen | Dylan J. Craven | Rachael V. Gallagher | Pete Manning | Daniel Falster | Cyrille Violle | Courtenay A Ray | Tanya Strydom | J. Aaron Hogan | Sean T. Michaletz | Marko J. Spasojevic | Fatih Fazlioglu | Joseph A Tobias | Mohammad Bagher Erfanian |
TRY plant trait database - enhanced coverage and open access |
2019-12-26 |
Nuno Simões |
Cold temperature tolerance of the alien Indo-Pacific damselfish Neopomacentrus cyanomos from the Southern Gulf of Mexico |
2019-12-26 |
Yaoqi Li |
Drivers of large‐scale geographical variation in sexual systems of woody plants |
2019-12-24 |
Ian J. Wright |
Towards a New Generation of Trait-Flexible Vegetation Models |
2019-12-24 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Aligning marine spatial conservation priorities with functional connectivity across maritime jurisdictions |
2019-12-23 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Innovation in solitary bees is driven by exploration, shyness and activity levels |
2019-12-23 |
Jens Kattge |
Available and missing data to model impact of climate change on European forests |
2019-12-19 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Five New Species of Pandeleteius Schönherr, 1834 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae: Tanymecini) from South America |
2019-12-19 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
First record of Pandeleteius hadromeroides (Kirsch, 1867) (Curculionidae: Entiminae: Tanymecini) on strawberry crops in Venezuela |
2019-12-18 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Soil Microbial Networks Shift Across a High-Elevation Successional Gradient |
2019-12-17 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Micro-CT reveals hidden morphology and clarifies the phylogenetic position of Baltic amber water scavenger beetles (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) |
2019-12-17 |
Pete Manning |
Not a melting pot: Plant species aggregate in their non‐native range |
2019-12-16 |
David B. Roy |
Introduced plants as novel Anthropocene habitats for insects |
2019-12-16 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Successional, spatial, and seasonal changes in seed rain in the Atlantic forest of southern Bahia, Brazil |
2019-12-16 |
Stefano Mammola |
Taxonomy, ecology and conservation of the cave-dwelling spider Histopona palaeolithica, with the description of H. petrovi sp. nov. (Araneae: Agelenidae) |
2019-12-16 |
Cyrille Violle |
Is prediction of species richness from stacked species distribution models biased by habitat saturation? |
2019-12-14 |
Joshua S Madin |
Climate-driven shift in coral morphological structure predicts decline of juvenile reef fishes |
2019-12-14 |
Brittany R Cavazos |
Intrinsic and extrinsic drivers of intraspecific variation in seed dispersal are diverse and pervasive |
2019-12-12 |
Steven L. Chown |
The acarine fauna of Heard Island |
2019-12-12 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Effects of developmental plasticity on heat tolerance may be mediated by changes in cell size in Drosophila melanogaster |
2019-12-11 |
Samuel C. Andrew |
Egg size is unrelated to ambient temperature in the opportunistically breeding zebra finch |
2019-12-11 |
Ian J. Wright |
Rising CO2 drives divergence in water use efficiency of evergreen and deciduous plants |
2019-12-11 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Consequences Matter: Compassion in Conservation Means Caring for Individuals, Populations and Species |
2019-12-10 |
Ian J. Wright |
Growing-season temperature and precipitation are independent drivers of global variation in xylem hydraulic conductivity |
2019-12-09 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford | Jonas J. Lembrechts | Sean T. Michaletz | Aud H. Halbritter |
The handbook for standardized field and laboratory measurements in terrestrial climate change experiments and observational studies (ClimEx) |
2019-12-06 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Demographic amplification is a predictor of invasiveness among plants |
2019-12-05 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Evidence for trait‐based community assembly patterns in hardwood hammock forests |
2019-12-04 |
Daniel Mietchen |
An open toolkit for tracking open science partnership implementation and impact. |
2019-12-04 |
Brian J. Enquist | Brian S. Maitner | Sandra M. Durán |
Informing trait-based ecology by assessing remotely sensed functional diversity across a broad tropical temperature gradient |
2019-12-04 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Hiking trails as conduits for the spread of non-native species in mountain areas |
2019-12-02 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Seasonal variation of a plant-pollinator network in the Brazilian Cerrado: Implications for community structure and robustness |
2019-12-02 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
A method for computing hourly, historical, terrain‐corrected microclimate anywhere on earth |
2019-12-02 |
Steven L. Chown |
Sex-specific effects of mitochondrial haplotype on metabolic rate in Drosophila melanogaster support predictions of the Mother’s Curse hypothesis |
2019-12-02 |
Yaoqi Li |
Spatiotemporal variation in leaf size and shape in response to climate |
2019-12-01 |
Jens Kattge | Cyrille Violle |
Similar factors underlie tree abundance in forests in native and alien ranges |
2019-12-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
The Fundamental Niche Concept Connects Individuals to Populations: A Comment on Angilletta et al |
2019-12-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Extinction filters mediate the global effects of habitat fragmentation on animals |
2019-11-28 |
Ben Sparrow |
Effective ecological monitoring requires a multi-scaled approach |
2019-11-27 |
Brian J. Enquist | Daniel S. Park | Brian S. Maitner | Cyrille Violle | Brad Boyle | Xiao Feng |
The commonness of rarity: Global and future distribution of rarity across land plants |
2019-11-25 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Idiosyncratic liver alterations of five frog species to land use changes in the Brazilian Cerrado |
2019-11-22 |
Katja Seltmann | Paula M. Mabee |
The Extended Specimen Network: A Strategy to Enhance US Biodiversity Collections, Promote Research and Education |
2019-11-22 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Testing Finch’s hypothesis: The role of organismal modularity on the escape from actuarial senescence |
2019-11-20 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Barriers to restoration: Soil acidity and phosphorus limitation constrain recovery of heathland plant communities after sod cutting |
2019-11-18 |
Pete Manning |
Passive CO2 removal in urban soils: Evidence from brownfield sites |
2019-11-15 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Towards an integrative understanding of soil biodiversity |
2019-11-15 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Accurate forest projections require long-term wood decay experiments because plant trait effects change through time |
2019-11-13 |
Joshua S Madin |
Towards a macroscope: Leveraging technology to transform the breadth, scale and resolution of macroecological data |
2019-11-13 |
Brunno Freire Oliveira |
Decoupled erosion of amphibians’ phylogenetic and functional diversity due to extinction |
2019-11-12 |
Nuno Simões |
The Spotted Cleaner Shrimp, Periclimenes yucatanicus (Ives, 1891), on an Unusual Scleractinian Host |
2019-11-12 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Community-level respiration of prokaryotic microbes may rise with global warming |
2019-11-11 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
An open challenge to advance probabilistic forecasting for dengue epidemics. |
2019-11-11 |
Lucie M Bland |
Ecosystem indices to support global biodiversity conservation |
2019-11-09 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Identifying climate refugia for 30 Australian rainforest plant species, from the last glacial maximum to 2070 |
2019-11-08 |
Anne Thessen |
Proper Attribution for Curation and Maintenance of Research Collections: Metadata Recommendations of the RDA/TDWG Working Group |
2019-11-07 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Response of tree diversity and community composition to forest use intensity along a tropical elevational gradient |
2019-11-07 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Temporal population variability in local forest communities has mixed effects on tree species richness across a latitudinal gradient |
2019-11-07 |
Xiao Feng |
Physiology in ecological niche modeling: using zebra mussel’s upper thermal tolerance to refine model predictions through Bayesian analysis |
2019-11-07 |
Mohammad Bagher Erfanian |
Bryophyte cover and richness decline after 18 years of experimental warming in Alpine Sweden |
2019-11-05 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Optimizing the genetic composition of a translocation population: Incorporating constraints and conflicting objectives |
2019-11-05 |
David B. Roy |
Annual estimates of occupancy for bryophytes, lichens and invertebrates in the UK, 1970-2015 |
2019-11-05 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
NicheMapR – an R package for biophysical modelling: the ectotherm and Dynamic Energy Budget models |
2019-11-05 |
Anton Potapov |
Reducing Fertilizer and Avoiding Herbicides in Oil Palm Plantations—Ecological and Economic Valuations |
2019-11-03 |
Stefano Mammola |
Modelling the potential impacts of climate change on the distribution of ichthyoplankton in the Yangtze Estuary, China |
2019-11-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Data-driven method to enhance craniofacial and oral phenotype vocabularies |
2019-11-01 |
Brian J. Enquist | Sean T. Michaletz |
Author Correction: Continental scale structuring of forest and soil diversity via functional traits |
2019-11-01 |
Pete Manning |
Piling on the pressures to ecosystems |
2019-10-30 |
Melissa Haendel |
FAIRshake: Toolkit to Evaluate the FAIRness of Research Digital Resources |
2019-10-30 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Aud H. Halbritter |
Understanding ecosystems of the future will require more than realistic climate change experiments - A response to Korell et al |
2019-10-30 |
Stefano Mammola |
Local- versus broad-scale environmental drivers of continental β-diversity patterns in subterranean spider communities across Europe |
2019-10-30 |
Caterina Penone |
Arthropod decline in grasslands and forests is associated with landscape-level drivers |
2019-10-30 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Proposing the solar-wind energy flux hypothesis as a driver of inter-annual variation in tropical tree reproductive effort |
2019-10-29 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Pollinator foraging flexibility mediates rapid plant-pollinator network restoration in semi-natural grasslands |
2019-10-28 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Co-developing climate services for public health: Stakeholder needs and perceptions for the prevention and control of Aedes-transmitted diseases in the Caribbean |
2019-10-28 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Towards more predictive and interdisciplinary climate change ecosystem experiments |
2019-10-28 |
William D. Pearse |
Global imprint of mycorrhizal fungi on whole-plant nutrient economics |
2019-10-27 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Limitations of trait-based approaches for stressor assessment: The case of freshwater invertebrates and climate drivers |
2019-10-26 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Weak asymmetric interspecific aggression and divergent habitat preferences at an elevational contact zone between tropical songbirds |
2019-10-24 |
David B. Roy |
Climate-induced phenology shifts linked to range expansions in species with multiple reproductive cycles per year |
2019-10-24 |
Steven L. Chown |
Increasing impacts by Antarctica’s most widespread invasive plant species as result of direct competition with native vascular plants |
2019-10-23 |
Heloise Gibb |
Digging mammal reintroductions reduce termite biomass and alter assemblage composition along an aridity gradient |
2019-10-22 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
A predominantly southern distribution conceals a northern reservoir of diversity in a wet sclerophyll tree |
2019-10-21 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Wikidata as a FAIR knowledge graph for the life sciences |
2019-10-21 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Drivers of plant traits and forest functional composition in coastal plant communities of the Atlantic Forest |
2019-10-20 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Host relatedness influences the composition of aphid microbiomes |
2019-10-20 |
Cyrille Violle |
Multiple facets of diversity effects on plant productivity: Species richness, functional diversity, species identity and intraspecific competition |
2019-10-17 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Rainfall and temperature change drive Arnica montana population dynamics at the Northern distribution edge |
2019-10-17 |
Kim S. Ely | Sean T. Michaletz |
The response of stomatal conductance to seasonal drought in tropical forests |
2019-10-17 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Relative Importance of Climate, Soil and Plant Functional Traits During the Early Decomposition Stage of Standardized Litter |
2019-10-17 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Environmental and biotic drivers of soil microbial β‐diversity across spatial and phylogenetic scales |
2019-10-16 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production |
2019-10-16 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Alder Distribution and Expansion Across a Tundra Hillslope: Implications for Local N Cycling |
2019-10-11 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Linking Remote Sensing and Geodiversity and Their Traits Relevant to Biodiversity—Part I: Soil Characteristics |
2019-10-11 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Physical and Functional Constraints on Viable Belowground Acquisition Strategies |
2019-10-10 |
Steven L. Chown |
The State and Future of Antarctic Environments in a Global Context |
2019-10-10 |
Ramona L Walls |
Improving Darwin Core for research and management of alien species |
2019-10-08 |
Stefano Mammola |
Continental data on cave-dwelling spider communities across Europe (Arachnida: Araneae) |
2019-10-07 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Effects of forest‐use intensity on vascular epiphyte diversity along an elevational gradient |
2019-10-06 |
Steven L. Chown |
Tandem host‐parasite dispersal inferred from similarities in phylogeographical patterns among Little Penguins and their ‘terrestrial’ ectoparasites |
2019-10-02 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
External Morphology and Internal Oral Features of the Tadpole of Crossodactylus caramaschii (Anura: Hylodidae) |
2019-10-02 |
Anton Potapov |
Trophic Position of Consumers and Size Structure of Food Webs across Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems |
2019-10-01 |
Renee A. Catullo |
The Potential for Rapid Evolution under Anthropogenic Climate Change |
2019-10-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Responses of freshwater macroinvertebrates to pesticides: insights from field studies |
2019-10-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Global distribution of earthworm diversity |
2019-10-01 |
Ben Sparrow |
Response to Comments on “The global tree restoration potential” |
2019-10-01 |
Brunno Freire Oliveira |
Global wildlife trade across the tree of life |
2019-09-30 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Further Towards Unambiguous Edge Bundling: Investigating Power-Confluent Drawings for Network Visualization |
2019-09-30 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Impact of plant functional group and species removals on soil and plant nitrogen and phosphorus across a retrogressive chronosequence |
2019-09-27 |
David B. Roy |
Predicting resilience of ecosystem functioning from co-varying species’ responses to environmental change |
2019-09-25 |
William Farfán Rios |
Rarity of monodominance in hyperdiverse Amazonian forests |
2019-09-24 |
Steven L. Chown |
Species-energy relationships of indigenous and invasive species may arise in different ways - a demonstration using springtails |
2019-09-24 |
Belén Fadrique |
A preliminary revision of Chusquea sect. Swallenochloa (Bambuseae, Bambusoideae, Poaceae) in Peru including the description of two new species and the resurrection of two other species |
2019-09-23 |
Nuno Simões |
Effect of starvation on survival and biochemical profile of newborn juvenile lined seahorses, Hippocampus erectus (Perry, 1810) |
2019-09-23 |
Daniel S. Park | Xiao Feng |
A checklist for maximizing reproducibility of ecological niche models |
2019-09-20 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Shortfalls in Conservation Evidence: Moving from Ecological Effects of Interventions to Policy Evaluation |
2019-09-20 |
Pete Manning |
High throughput sequencing combined with null model tests reveals specific plant‐fungi associations linked to seedling establishment and survival |
2019-09-18 |
Meghan Balk |
A Constraint-based model of Dynamic Island Biogeography: environmental history and species traits predict hysteresis in populations and communities |
2019-09-18 |
Luca Santini |
Effects of rarity form on species’ responses to land use |
2019-09-17 |
Kim S. Ely |
From the Arctic to the tropics: multibiome prediction of leaf mass per area using leaf reflectance |
2019-09-16 |
Florian Dirk Schneider | Pete Manning | Malte Jochum | Caterina Penone |
Towards an ecological trait‐data standard |
2019-09-16 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Effects of a Systemic Pesticide Along an Aquatic Tri-Trophic Food Chain |
2019-09-13 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Movement ecology of Afrotropical birds: Functional traits provide complementary insights to species identity |
2019-09-12 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Functional traits, not productivity, predict alpine plant community openness to seedling recruitment under climatic warming |
2019-09-11 |
Fatih Fazlioglu |
Predicting the invasive potential of a non-native mangrove reforested plant (Laguncularia racemosa) in China |
2019-09-09 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in the Himalayan Riverine Network of Azad Jammu and Kashmir |
2019-09-09 |
Courtenay A Ray | Katherine C B Weiss |
Unifying functional trait approaches to understand the assemblage of ecological communities: synthesizing taxonomic divides |
2019-09-06 |
David B. Roy |
Research questions to facilitate the future development of European long-term ecosystem research infrastructures: A horizon scanning exercise |
2019-09-04 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Mediation of area and edge effects in forest fragments by adjacent land use |
2019-09-03 |
Brian J. Enquist |
On the relationships between size and abundance in plants: beyond forest communities |
2019-09-02 |
Alexander Keller | Markus Ankenbrand |
Linking pollen foraging of megachilid bees to their nest bacterial microbiota |
2019-09-02 |
Jens Kattge |
Robustness of trait connections across environmental gradients and growth forms |
2019-09-02 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Current climate, isolation and history drive global patterns of tree phylogenetic endemism |
2019-09-01 |
John Alroy | Silvia Pineda-Munoz |
Reorganization of surviving mammal communities after the end-Pleistocene megafaunal extinction |
2019-09-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Encoding Clinical Data with the Human Phenotype Ontology for Computational Differential Diagnostics |
2019-09-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Author Correction: Diversity-dependent temporal divergence of ecosystem functioning in experimental ecosystems |
2019-08-31 |
Nuno Simões |
Effect of a gradually increasing temperature on the behavioural and physiological response of juvenile Hippocampus erectus: Thermal preference, tolerance, energy balance and growth |
2019-08-28 |
Brian S. Maitner | Brian J. Enquist |
Species’ range model metadata standards: RMMS |
2019-08-24 |
Nuno Simões |
On the presence of Charybdis (Charybdis) hellerii (A. Milne-Edwards, 1867) on the Mexican coast of the Gulf of Mexico |
2019-08-24 |
Jens Kattge |
Inferring plant functional diversity from space: the potential of Sentinel-2 |
2019-08-23 |
Alexander Keller |
Drivers, Diversity, and Functions of the Solitary-Bee Microbiota |
2019-08-23 |
Ben Sparrow |
TERN, Australia’s land observatory: addressing the global challenge of forecasting ecosystem responses to climate variability and change |
2019-08-20 |
Jennifer A Hammock |
Trait Data Integration from the Perspective of a Data Aggregator |
2019-08-20 |
Heloise Gibb |
Rainfall‐dependent impacts of threatened ecosystem engineers on organic matter cycling |
2019-08-20 |
Daniel S. Park | Xiao Feng |
Collinearity in ecological niche modeling: Confusions and challenges |
2019-08-19 |
Brian J. Enquist | Sean T. Michaletz |
Continental scale structuring of forest and soil diversity via functional traits |
2019-08-14 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
microclimUS: hourly estimates of historical microclimates for the United States of America with example applications |
2019-08-13 |
Rachael V. Gallagher | Vanessa M. Adams |
Planning for success: Why conservation programs need a strategic program for recovering species |
2019-08-09 |
Malte Jochum |
Consistent temperature dependence of functional response parameters and their use in predicting population abundance |
2019-08-09 |
Brian S. Maitner | Daniel S. Park | Brian J. Enquist | Brad Boyle | Xiao Feng | Cyrille Violle |
The commonness of rarity: Global and future distribution of rarity across land plants |
2019-08-08 |
William D. Pearse |
What we (don’t) know about global plant diversity |
2019-08-07 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Predation risk influences food-web structure by constraining species diet choice |
2019-08-07 |
Katelin D. Pearson |
Mobilizing the community of biodiversity specimen collectors to effectively detect and document outliers in the Anthropocene |
2019-08-06 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Science-graphic art partnerships to increase research impact |
2019-08-06 |
Jorrit Poelen |
Biological and environmental drivers of trophic ecology in marine fishes - a global perspective |
2019-08-05 |
Jens Kattge | Pete Manning | Malte Jochum | Caterina Penone |
The results of biodiversity-ecosystem functioning experiments are realistic |
2019-08-03 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Alien plants, animals, fungi and algae in Norway: an inventory of neobiota |
2019-08-03 |
Jens Kattge |
Hardscape floristics: Functional and phylogenetic diversity of parking‐lot plants |
2019-08-02 |
Joshua S Madin |
Quantifying coral morphology |
2019-08-02 |
Stefano Mammola |
Distributional dynamics of a specialized subterranean community oppose the classical understanding of the preferred subterranean habitats |
2019-08-01 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Opinion: To advance sustainable stewardship, we must document not only biodiversity but geodiversity |
2019-07-30 |
Nuno Simões |
Spatial assessment of the vulnerability of benthic communities to multiple stressors in the Yucatan Continental Shelf, Gulf of Mexico |
2019-07-30 |
Jens Kattge |
A global database of paired leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations of terrestrial plants |
2019-07-30 |
Jens Kattge |
Operationalizing Plant Traits |
2019-07-29 |
Melissa Haendel |
Enabling Global Clinical Collaborations on Identifiable Patient Data: The Minerva Initiative |
2019-07-29 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez | Michael Ray Kearney |
Forecasting species range dynamics with process-explicit models: matching methods to applications |
2019-07-29 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Dissecting macroecological and macroevolutionary patterns of forest biodiversity across the Hawaiian archipelago |
2019-07-29 |
Kim S. Ely |
Leaf reflectance spectroscopy captures variation in carboxylation capacity across species, canopy environment and leaf age in lowland moist tropical forests |
2019-07-29 |
Cyrille Violle |
Increasing crop heterogeneity enhances multitrophic diversity across agricultural regions |
2019-07-29 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Integrating behaviour and ecology into global biodiversity conservation strategies |
2019-07-24 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Plant species dominance increases pollination complementarity and plant reproductive function |
2019-07-24 |
Cyrille Violle |
Leaf economics and slow-fast adaptation across the geographic range of Arabidopsis thaliana |
2019-07-24 |
Lucie M Bland |
Impacts of the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems on conservation policy and practice |
2019-07-23 |
Malte Jochum |
A multitrophic perspective on biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research |
2019-07-22 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Comparing temperature data sources for use in species distribution models: From in‐situ logging to remote sensing |
2019-07-21 |
Alexander Keller |
Honey bee waggle dance communication increases diversity of pollen diets in intensively managed agricultural landscapes |
2019-07-18 |
Daniel Mietchen |
WikiCite 2018-2019: Citations for the sum of all human knowledge |
2019-07-17 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Consequences of neglecting cryptic life stages from demographic models |
2019-07-17 |
Hamish Holewa |
Integrated Biodiversity Infrastructure for Decision Making |
2019-07-16 |
Heloise Gibb |
Long-term responses of desert ant assemblages to climate |
2019-07-15 |
Franziska Schrodt | Ian J. Wright |
Leaf economics and plant hydraulics drive leaf : wood area ratios |
2019-07-15 |
Anton Potapov |
Conversion of rainforest to oil palm and rubber plantations alters energy channels in soil food webs |
2019-07-15 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Evolution of avian egg shape: underlying mechanisms and the importance of taxonomic scale |
2019-07-13 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Hierarchical population structure of a rare lagomorph indicates recent fragmentation has disrupted metapopulation function |
2019-07-13 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Behavior influences range limits and patterns of coexistence across an elevational gradient in tropical birds |
2019-07-13 |
Ben Sparrow |
Alien plants alter the growth form ratio and structure of Australian grasslands |
2019-07-10 |
Stefanie Dekeyzer |
The LifeWatch Taxonomic Backbone: Connecting information on taxonomy, biogeography, literature, traits and genomics |
2019-07-09 |
Jacintha Ellers |
The Importance of Validating the Demethylating Effect of 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine in Model Species (A Comment on Cook et al., “DNA Methylation and Sex Allocation in the Parasitoid Wasp Nasonia vitripennis”) |
2019-07-09 |
Anton Potapov |
Compound‐specific isotope analysis of amino acids as a new tool to uncover trophic chains in soil food webs |
2019-07-08 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Origins and Assembly of Malesian Rainforests |
2019-07-08 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Thermal biology of mosquito-borne disease |
2019-07-08 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Animal life history is shaped by the pace of life and the distribution of age-specific mortality and reproduction |
2019-07-08 |
Jens Kattge |
Family-level leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of global terrestrial plants |
2019-07-04 |
William D. Pearse |
The interaction of phylogeny and community structure: Linking the community composition and trait evolution of clades |
2019-07-02 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Experimental warming alters the community composition, diversity, and N2 fixation activity of peat moss (Sphagnum fallax) microbiomes |
2019-07-02 |
Florian Dirk Schneider | Pete Manning | Malte Jochum | Caterina Penone |
Towards an Ecological Trait-data Standard Vocabulary |
2019-07-02 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Answering Research Questions Using Semantic Traits |
2019-07-02 |
Ramona L Walls |
From Field Observations and Plant Specimens to a Trans-continental Knowledge Base: Efficient, semantically rich integration of highly heterogeneous plant phenological data |
2019-07-02 |
Ramona L Walls |
Integrating ABCD and DarwinCore: Toward a better foundation for biodiversity information standards |
2019-07-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Sexual Risk Factors and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing Intention Among At-Risk College Students Who Have Never Been Tested |
2019-07-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Predicting the fundamental thermal niche of crop pests and diseases in a changing world: A case study on citrus greening |
2019-06-27 |
Cyrille Violle |
Geographic scale and disturbance influence intraspecific trait variability in leaves and roots of North American understorey plants |
2019-06-26 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Habitat preference differentiates the Holocene range dynamics but not barrier effects on two sympatric, congeneric trees (Tristaniopsis, Myrtaceae) |
2019-06-26 |
Jens Kattge |
Biodiversity Data Integration: The significance of data resolution and domain |
2019-06-26 |
Michael Ray Kearney | Steven L. Chown |
Where do Functional Traits Come From? The role of theory and models |
2019-06-26 |
Stefanie Dekeyzer |
Marine Species Traits in the LifeWatch Taxonomic Backbone |
2019-06-24 |
Joshua S Madin |
Resolving the depth zonation paradox in reef-building corals |
2019-06-24 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Interaction Dimensionality Scales Up to Generate Bimodal Consumer-Resource Size-Ratio Distributions in Ecological Communities |
2019-06-21 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Multi‐trophic β‐diversity mediates the effect of environmental gradients on the turnover of multiple ecosystem functions |
2019-06-20 |
Jacintha Ellers |
What are the costs of learning? Modest trade-offs and constitutive costs do not set the price of fast associative learning ability in a parasitoid wasp |
2019-06-20 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Challenges and opportunities for biogeography—What can we still learn from von Humboldt? |
2019-06-20 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Mixed-species tree plantings enhance structural complexity in oil palm plantations |
2019-06-19 |
Steven L. Chown |
The ecological biogeography of indigenous and introduced Antarctic springtails |
2019-06-19 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Extending U.S. Biodiversity Collections to Address National Challenges |
2019-06-19 |
Stefano Mammola |
Scientists’ Warning on the Conservation of Subterranean Ecosystems |
2019-06-19 |
Mohammad Bagher Erfanian |
Plant community responses to environmentally friendly piste management in northeast Iran |
2019-06-18 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Using Crowd-curation to Improve Taxon Annotations on the Wikimedia Infrastructure |
2019-06-18 |
Meghan Balk | Ramona L Walls |
FuTRES: Functional Trait Resource for Environmental Studies |
2019-06-18 |
Ramona L Walls | Anne Thessen |
Semantic Interoperability Solutions for the Essential Variables: Focus on biodiversity |
2019-06-18 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Soil fauna promote litter decomposition but do not alter the relationship between leaf economics spectrum and litter decomposability |
2019-06-18 |
Anne Thessen |
A Proposed Metadata Standard for Recording and Sharing Attribution Information in Biodiversity |
2019-06-18 |
Anton Potapov |
Ecotaxonomy: Linking traits, taxa, individuals and samples in a flexible virtual research environment for ecological studies |
2019-06-18 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Cascading effects of mammalian herbivores on ground-dwelling arthropods: Variable responses across arthropod groups, habitats and years |
2019-06-18 |
Eveliina P. Kallioniemi |
Norwegian Taxonomy Initiative & Biodiversity Infrastructure |
2019-06-17 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Linking thermal adaptation and life-history theory explains latitudinal patterns of voltinism |
2019-06-17 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Vermicompost significantly affects plant growth. A meta-analysis |
2019-06-17 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Scaling of thermal tolerance with body mass and genome size in ectotherms: a comparison between water- and air-breathers |
2019-06-17 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Thermal tolerance patterns across latitude and elevation |
2019-06-15 |
Brian J. Enquist |
On the importance of the megabiota to the functioning of the biosphere |
2019-06-13 |
Katja Seltmann |
We Can(‘t) Get There From Here: Aligning local to global efforts for realizing a biodiversity data commons |
2019-06-13 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Three additional new genera of acidocerine water scavenger beetles from the Guiana and Brazilian Shield regions of South America (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Acidocerinae) |
2019-06-13 |
Anton Potapov |
Ecotaxonomy: Linking taxa with traits and integrating taxonomical and ecological research |
2019-06-12 |
Nuno Simões |
A metadata approach to evaluate the state of ocean knowledge: Strengths, limitations, and application to Mexico. |
2019-06-10 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Seasonal and geographic variation in insecticide resistance in Aedes aegypti in southern Ecuador |
2019-06-10 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
A systematic comparison of chloroplast genome assembly tools |
2019-06-10 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Evolution of interdisciplinarity in biodiversity science |
2019-06-10 |
Anton Potapov |
Linking size spectrum, energy flux and trophic multifunctionality in soil food webs of tropical land-use systems |
2019-06-08 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Gastrointestinal parasites of the New England cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus transitionalis) and eastern cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus) in the Hudson Valley, New York |
2019-06-07 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Managing the risk of genetic swamping of a rare and restricted tree |
2019-06-07 |
Stefano Mammola |
Extending Janzen’s hypothesis to temperate regions: A test using subterranean ecosystems |
2019-06-04 |
Ramona L Walls |
The Plant Ontology Facilitates Comparisons of Plant Development Stages Across Species |
2019-06-03 |
Ian J. Wright | Rachael V. Gallagher |
Safety margins and adaptive capacity of vegetation to climate change |
2019-06-03 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Optimisation Model of Dispersal Simulations on a Dendritic Habitat Network. |
2019-06-01 |
Teresa Mayfield-Meyer |
Recommendations for Effective Integration of Ethics and Responsible Conduct of Research (E/RCR) Education into Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences: A Meeting Report |
2019-05-31 |
William D. Pearse |
Assessing the utility of conserving evolutionary history |
2019-05-30 |
Richard J Telford |
Position and orientation of the westerly jet determined Holocene rainfall patterns in China. |
2019-05-29 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Human Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells Produce Millimolar Concentrations of ROS in Phagosomes Per Second |
2019-05-29 |
Anne Thessen |
Ontology-based data integration for advancing toxicological knowledge |
2019-05-27 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Integrating mechanistic and correlative niche models to unravel range-limiting processes in a temperate amphibian |
2019-05-27 |
Stefano Mammola |
Associations between habitat quality, body size and reproductive fitness in the alpine endemic spider Vesubia jugorum |
2019-05-27 |
Eveliina P. Kallioniemi |
Data on flower resources for pollinators in Romanian semi-natural grasslands mown at different times. |
2019-05-26 |
John Alroy |
Discovering biogeographic and ecological clusters with a graph theoretic spin on factor analysis |
2019-05-25 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Using Shape Expressions (ShEx) to Share RDF Data Models and to Guide Curation with Rigorous Validation |
2019-05-24 |
Melissa Haendel |
New models for human disease from the International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium |
2019-05-24 |
Steven L. Chown |
Invasive species differ in key functional traits from native and non‐invasive alien plant species |
2019-05-23 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Substantial declines in urban tree habitat predicted under climate change |
2019-05-22 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Fire effects on tree physiology |
2019-05-21 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Assessing sampling coverage of species distribution in biodiversity databases |
2019-05-20 |
Nuno Simões |
Crowding standards and willingness to pay at cenotes (sinkholes) of the Yucatan Peninsula: a comparative analysis of local, national and international visitors |
2019-05-20 |
Malte Jochum |
Predator traits determine food-web architecture across ecosystems |
2019-05-17 |
Hervé Sauquet |
The soursop genome and comparative genomics of basal angiosperms provide new insights on evolutionary incongruence |
2019-05-16 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Functional characterisation of two Δ12-desaturases demonstrates targeted production of linoleic acid as pheromone precursor in Nasonia |
2019-05-15 |
Meghan Balk |
Investigating (a)symmetry in a small mammal’s response to warming and cooling events across western North America over the late Quaternary |
2019-05-14 |
Joshua S Madin |
Morphological traits can track coral reef responses to the Anthropocene |
2019-05-14 |
Luca Santini |
Intact but empty forests? Patterns of hunting-induced mammal defaunation in the tropics. |
2019-05-14 |
Ramona L Walls |
Climate change, extinction, and Sky Island biogeography in a montane lizard |
2019-05-13 |
Steven L. Chown |
Comparing thermal performance curves across traits: how consistent are they? |
2019-05-10 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Assessing the nonhuman primate reservoir of Schistosoma mansoni in Africa: a systematic review. |
2019-05-09 |
Nuno Simões |
Reef-associated fishes from the offshore reefs of western Campeche Bank, Mexico, with a discussion of mangroves and seagrass beds as nursery habitats |
2019-05-09 |
Jens Kattge | Pete Manning |
Plant functional trait shifts explain concurrent changes in the structure and function of grassland soil microbial communities |
2019-05-09 |
Brian J. Enquist | Xiao Feng | Sean T. Michaletz | Yaoqi Li |
Patterns and ecological determinants of woody plant height in eastern Eurasia and its relation to primary productivity |
2019-05-09 |
Mohammad Bagher Erfanian |
Plant community responses to multiple disturbances in an arid region of northeast Iran |
2019-05-08 |
Heloise Gibb |
Beetle ecological indicators – A comparison of cost vs reward to understand functional changes in response to restoration actions |
2019-05-08 |
Cyrille Violle |
Trait structure and redundancy determine sensitivity to disturbance in marine fish communities |
2019-05-07 |
Ian J. Wright |
Convergence in Maximum Stomatal Conductance of C Woody Angiosperms in Natural Ecosystems Across Bioclimatic Zones |
2019-05-07 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Temperature shapes opposing latitudinal gradients of plant taxonomic and phylogenetic β diversity |
2019-05-07 |
Steven L. Chown |
Phenotypic plasticity in locomotor performance of a monophyletic group of weevils accords with the ‘warmer is better’ hypothesis |
2019-05-02 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Robustifying Scholia: paving the way for knowledge discovery and research assessment through Wikidata |
2019-05-02 |
Melissa Haendel |
Semantic integration of clinical laboratory tests from electronic health records for deep phenotyping and biomarker discovery |
2019-05-02 |
Melissa Haendel |
Ten quick tips for biocuration |
2019-05-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Rate dynamics of ectotherm responses to thermal stress |
2019-05-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
An experimental test of the multi-scalar impacts of digging mammal reintroductions on invertebrate burrows |
2019-05-01 |
Daniel Falster |
Datastorr: a workflow and package for delivering successive versions of ‘evolving data’ directly into R |
2019-05-01 |
Nicolas Fanin |
When plants eat rocks: Functional adaptation of roots on rock outcrops |
2019-05-01 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Can the comparison of above- and below-ground litter decomposition improve our understanding of bacterial and fungal successions? |
2019-05-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Range-wide spatial mapping reveals convergent character displacement of bird song |
2019-04-30 |
Daniel Mietchen |
An open toolkit for tracking open science partnership implementation and impact |
2019-04-30 |
Dylan J. Craven |
A framework for disentangling ecological mechanisms underlying the island species–area relationship |
2019-04-30 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Using traits to assess threatened plant species response to climate change |
2019-04-26 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Global mismatches in aboveground and belowground biodiversity |
2019-04-26 |
Ramona L Walls |
Identifier Services: Modeling and Implementing Distributed Data Management in Cyberinfrastructure |
2019-04-25 |
Sadie J. Ryan | Samraat S. Pawar |
MIReAD, a minimum information standard for reporting arthropod abundance data |
2019-04-24 |
Cyrille Violle |
Nonlinear phenotypic variation uncovers the emergence of heterosis in Arabidopsis thaliana |
2019-04-23 |
Alexander Keller |
Systematic Affiliation and Genome Analysis of Subtercola vilae DB165T with Particular Emphasis on Cold Adaptation of an Isolate from a High-Altitude Cold Volcano Lake |
2019-04-23 |
Melissa Haendel |
2019-04-23 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Gene expression changes associated with the evolutionary loss of a metabolic trait: lack of lipogenesis in parasitoids |
2019-04-22 |
Mark Westoby | Dylan J. Craven | Sandra M. Durán |
Wet and dry tropical forests show opposite successional pathways in wood density but converge over time |
2019-04-19 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez | Lucie M Bland | Dalia A. Conde |
Data gaps and opportunities for comparative and conservation biology |
2019-04-19 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Multidimensional ecological analyses demonstrate how interactions between functional traits shape fitness and life history strategies |
2019-04-18 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Assemblage accumulation curves: A framework for resolving species accumulation in biological communities using DNA sequences |
2019-04-18 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Criteria for CITES species protection |
2019-04-17 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Effects of Political Instability in Venezuela on Malaria Resurgence at Ecuador-Peru Border, 2018 |
2019-04-17 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Geographic shifts in Aedes aegypti habitat suitability in Ecuador using larval surveillance data and ecological niche modeling: Implications of climate change for public health vector control |
2019-04-17 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
The need for coordinated transdisciplinary research infrastructures for pollinator conservation and crop pollination resilience |
2019-04-16 |
Ian J. Wright |
Leaf:wood allometry and functional traits together explain substantial growth rate variation in rainforest trees |
2019-04-15 |
John Alroy |
Small mammals have big tails in the tropics |
2019-04-13 |
Ian J. Wright |
Leaf mechanical strength and photosynthetic capacity vary independently across 57 subtropical forest species with contrasting light requirements |
2019-04-11 |
Hervé Sauquet | Renee A. Catullo | Maurizio Rossetto | Ian G. Brennan | John Alroy | Alexander Keller | Roberto Salguero-Gómez | Samuel C. Andrew | Mark Westoby | Jennifer A Hammock | Markus Ankenbrand | Vigdis Vandvik | Meghan Balk | Joshua S Madin | Jens Kattge | Richard J Telford | Ian J. Wright | Vanessa M. Adams | Michael Ray Kearney | Brian J. Enquist | Colleen M. Iversen | Steven L. Chown | Florian Dirk Schneider | Rachael V. Gallagher | Heloise Gibb | Daniel S. Park | Pete Manning | Malte Jochum | Paula M. Mabee | Brian S. Maitner | Silvia Pineda-Munoz | Daniel Falster | Ramona L Walls | Courtenay A Ray | Timothy M. Perez | Aud H. Halbritter | Alexandra J. R. Carthey | Caterina Penone | William D. Pearse | Cyrille Violle | Brad Boyle | Lucie M Bland | J. Aaron Hogan | Sean T. Michaletz | Marko J. Spasojevic | Xiao Feng | Katherine C B Weiss | Belén Fadrique | Jorrit Poelen | Dalia A. Conde | Joseph A Tobias | Catherine H Bravo-Avila | Hamish Holewa | Luke McCormack | Michael Hope | Brittany R Cavazos | Ben Sparrow |
The Open Traits Network: Using Open Science principles to accelerate trait-based science across the Tree of Life |
2019-04-09 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Genomic Resources for , and , Representing Three Independent Origins of the Parasitoid Lifestyle in Insects |
2019-04-07 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
The interplay of landscape composition and configuration: new pathways to manage functional biodiversity and agroecosystem services across Europe |
2019-04-07 |
Steven L. Chown | Heloise Gibb |
Thermoregulatory traits combine with range shifts to alter the future of montane ant assemblages |
2019-04-07 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Effects of plant functional group removal on structure and function of soil communities across contrasting ecosystems |
2019-04-06 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Restoration priorities to achieve the global protected area target |
2019-04-04 |
Cyrille Violle |
Functional biogeography of dietary strategies in birds |
2019-04-03 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Which frugivory‐related traits facilitated historical long‐distance dispersal in the custard apple family (Annonaceae)? |
2019-04-03 |
Joshua S Madin |
Global warming impairs stock–recruitment dynamics of corals |
2019-04-03 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Future pesticide risk assessment: narrowing the gap between intention and reality |
2019-04-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Qualifying the effects of single and multiple stressors on the food web structure of Dutch drainage ditches using a literature review and conceptual models |
2019-04-01 |
Jens Kattge | Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle | Brad Boyle | Sean T. Michaletz |
The relationship of woody plant size and leaf nutrient content to large‐scale productivity for forests across the Americas |
2019-04-01 |
Joshua S Madin |
Marine reserves shape seascapes on scales visible from space |
2019-04-01 |
Dylan J. Craven | Malte Jochum |
Ecosystem responses to exotic earthworm invasion in northern North American forests |
2019-04-01 |
William D. Pearse |
Climate and lawn management interact to control C4 plant distribution in residential lawns across seven U.S. cities |
2019-04-01 |
Stefano Mammola |
Climate change going deep: The effects of global climatic alterations on cave ecosystems |
2019-04-01 |
Jorrit Poelen |
Building bridges between global information systems on marine organisms and ecosystem models |
2019-04-01 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Rohingya refugees and the environment |
2019-03-30 |
Ian G. Brennan |
Whole genome duplication potentiates inter-specific hybridisation and niche shifts in Australian burrowing frogs Neobatrachus |
2019-03-29 |
Caterina Penone |
Predicting future invaders and future invasions |
2019-03-28 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Ten principles for machine-actionable data management plans |
2019-03-28 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Pediatric Cell Atlas: Defining the Growth Phase of Human Development at Single-Cell Resolution |
2019-03-28 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Global expansion and redistribution of Aedes-borne virus transmission risk with climate change |
2019-03-27 |
Alexander Keller |
Climate-land-use interactions shape tropical mountain biodiversity and ecosystem functions |
2019-03-26 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Temporal expression profile of an accessory-gland protein that is transferred via the seminal fluid of the simultaneous hermaphrodite Lymnaea stagnalis |
2019-03-26 |
Paula M. Mabee |
A logical model of homology for comparative biology |
2019-03-25 |
Nuno Simões |
Sea slugs (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) from two remote reefs of the Southern Gulf of Mexico: Cayo Arenas and Cayo Arcas |
2019-03-21 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Persistence through tough times: fixed and shifting refuges in threatened species conservation |
2019-03-21 |
Brittany R Cavazos |
Consequences of intraspecific variation in seed dispersal for plant demography, communities, evolution and global change |
2019-03-20 |
Heloise Gibb |
Restoration potential of threatened ecosystem engineers increases with aridity: broad scale effects on soil nutrients and function |
2019-03-20 |
Katelin D. Pearson |
Toward a large-scale and deep phenological stage annotation of herbarium specimens: Case studies from temperate, tropical, and equatorial floras |
2019-03-19 |
Nuno Simões |
Checklist of ascidians (Chordata, Tunicata) from the southern Gulf of Mexico. |
2019-03-19 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Evidence for a shift in defence driving the invasion success of Acacia longifolia in Australia |
2019-03-18 |
Jens Kattge |
Biodiversity data integration–The significance of data resolution and domain |
2019-03-18 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
The origin and maintenance of metabolic allometry in animals |
2019-03-18 |
Kim S. Ely |
Terrestrial biosphere models may overestimate Arctic CO 2 assimilation if they do not account for decreased quantum yield and convexity at low temperature |
2019-03-18 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Fungicides: An Overlooked Pesticide Class? |
2019-03-18 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Landscape context mediates the relationship between plant functional traits and decomposition |
2019-03-17 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Modeling ₀ for Pathogens with Environmental Transmission: Animal Movements, Pathogen Populations, and Local Infectious Zones |
2019-03-15 |
Steven L. Chown |
Vagrant birds as a dispersal vector in transoceanic range expansion of vascular plants |
2019-03-14 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Sexual risk factors and HIV testing intention among at-risk college students who have never been tested |
2019-03-13 |
Katja Seltmann | Ramona L Walls |
Developing a vocabulary and ontology for modeling insect natural history data: example data, use cases, and competency questions |
2019-03-13 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Plant Dispersal in a Temperate Stream by Fish Species With Contrasting Feeding Habits: The Role of Plant Traits, Fish Diet, Season, and Propagule Availability |
2019-03-13 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Land-sparing agriculture sustains higher levels of avian functional diversity than land sharing |
2019-03-12 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Performance of generation time approximations for extinction risk assessments |
2019-03-08 |
Anton Potapov |
Trophic consistency of supraspecific taxa in below-ground invertebrate communities: Comparison across lineages and taxonomic ranks |
2019-03-07 |
Ian J. Wright |
Multispectral, Aerial Disease Detection for Myrtle Rust (Austropuccinia psidii) on a Lemon Myrtle Plantation |
2019-03-07 |
John Alroy |
The r package divDyn for quantifying diversity dynamics using fossil sampling data |
2019-03-07 |
Ramona L Walls |
Integrating herbarium specimen observations into global phenology data systems |
2019-03-07 |
Katelin D. Pearson |
A new method and insights for estimating phenological events from herbarium specimens |
2019-03-07 |
Fatih Fazlioglu |
Competitiveness of generalist plant populations at a mine site |
2019-03-06 |
Sandra M. Durán |
Biodiversity recovery of Neotropical secondary forests |
2019-03-01 |
Alexander Keller |
Venus flytrap microbiotas withstand harsh conditions during prey digestion |
2019-03-01 |
Jens Kattge | Franziska Schrodt | Brian J. Enquist | Pete Manning | Cyrille Violle | Brad Boyle | Ben Sparrow |
sPlot – A new tool for global vegetation analyses |
2019-03-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Chronic fertilization and irrigation gradually and increasingly restructure grassland communities |
2019-03-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Publisher Correction: Stand age and species richness dampen interannual variation of ecosystem-level photosynthetic capacity |
2019-03-01 |
Jens Kattge | Cyrille Violle |
Reply to ‘No evidence for different metabolism in domestic mammals’ |
2019-03-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Climate is a strong predictor of near-infrared reflectance but a poor predictor of colour in butterflies |
2019-03-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Can a Terrestrial Ectoparasite Disperse with Its Marine Host? |
2019-03-01 |
Kim S. Ely |
Spectroscopy can predict key leaf traits associated with source-sink balance and carbon-nitrogen status. |
2019-03-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Towards a general framework for the assessment of interactive effects of multiple stressors on aquatic ecosystems: Results from the Making Aquatic Ecosystems Great Again (MAEGA) workshop |
2019-03-01 |
William D. Pearse |
Author Correction: A statistical estimator for determining the limits of contemporary and historic phenology |
2019-03-01 |
Katelin D. Pearson |
Emerging frontiers in phenological research |
2019-03-01 |
Cyrille Violle |
Functional traits modulate plant community responses to alien plant invasion |
2019-02-27 |
Brian J. Enquist | J. Aaron Hogan | Sean T. Michaletz |
Drought and the interannual variability of stem growth in an aseasonal, everwet forest |
2019-02-27 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Dietary niche and the evolution of cranial morphology in birds |
2019-02-26 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Socio-Ecological Factors Associated with Dengue Risk and Presence in the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador |
2019-02-25 |
Luca Santini | Joseph A Tobias |
Applying habitat and population-density models to land-cover time series to inform IUCN Red List assessments |
2019-02-22 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Temperature and precipitation, but not geographic distance, explain genetic relatedness among populations in the perennial grass Festuca rubra |
2019-02-22 |
Anton Potapov |
Protura are unique: first evidence of specialized feeding on ectomycorrhizal fungi in soil invertebrates |
2019-02-21 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
A global growth-form database for 143,616 vascular plant species |
2019-02-20 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
A global synthesis reveals biodiversity-mediated benefits for crop production |
2019-02-20 |
William D. Pearse |
Reply to: “Global conservation of phylogenetic diversity captures more than just functional diversity” |
2019-02-18 |
John Alroy |
Diversity dynamics of Phanerozoic terrestrial tetrapods at the local-community scale |
2019-02-16 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Leaf age effects on the spectral predictability of leaf traits in Amazonian canopy trees |
2019-02-15 |
John Alroy |
High diversity and rapid spatial turnover of integron gene cassettes in soil |
2019-02-15 |
Ian J. Wright |
Developing a spectral disease index for myrtle rust ( Austropuccinia psidii ) |
2019-02-14 |
John Alroy |
Latitudinal gradients in the ecology of New World bats |
2019-02-14 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Decadal biomass increment in early secondary succession woody ecosystems is increased by CO enrichment |
2019-02-13 |
Maurizio Rossetto | Ben Sparrow |
Consistent sorting but contrasting transition zones in plant communities along bioclimatic gradients |
2019-02-12 |
Katja Seltmann |
Local grassland restoration affects insect communities |
2019-02-11 |
Ian J. Wright |
Climate warming and plant biomechanical defences: Silicon addition contributes to herbivore suppression in a pasture grass |
2019-02-08 |
Katelin D. Pearson |
Spring- and fall-flowering species show diverging phenological responses to climate in the Southeast USA |
2019-02-07 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Pollinator size and its consequences: Robust estimates of body size in pollinating insects |
2019-02-07 |
Daniel S. Park |
Spatial overlaps between the global protected areas network and terrestrial hotspots of evolutionary diversity |
2019-02-06 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Genome expansion of an obligate parthenogenesis-associated Wolbachia poses an exception to the symbiont reduction model |
2019-02-06 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Bees use anthropogenic habitats despite strong natural habitat preferences |
2019-02-06 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Hydroregulation |
2019-02-06 |
Cyrille Violle |
Regional and global shifts in crop diversity through the Anthropocene |
2019-02-06 |
Alana R O Chin |
Within-crown plasticity in leaf traits among the tallest conifers |
2019-02-04 |
William D. Pearse |
Author Correction: Prioritizing phylogenetic diversity captures functional diversity unreliably |
2019-02-04 |
Cyrille Violle |
Distinguishing the signatures of local environmental filtering and regional trait range limits in the study of trait–environment relationships |
2019-02-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
The plant diversity sampling design for The National Ecological Observatory Network |
2019-02-01 |
Brian J. Enquist | Sean T. Michaletz |
Thermal disruption of soil bacterial assemblages decreases diversity and assemblage similarity |
2019-01-30 |
Mark Westoby |
Plant performance response to eight different types of symbiosis |
2019-01-30 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Species–habitat networks: A tool to improve landscape management for conservation |
2019-01-30 |
William Farfán Rios |
Bryophyte stable isotope composition, diversity and biomass define tropical montane cloud forest extent |
2019-01-30 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Combined effects of climate change and sea-level rise project dramatic habitat loss of the globally endangered Bengal tiger in the Bangladesh Sundarbans |
2019-01-29 |
Stefano Mammola |
Systematics, ecology and distribution of the mygalomorph spider genus Cteniza Latreille, 1829 (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Ctenizidae) |
2019-01-25 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Unraveling the Developmental and Genetic Mechanisms Underpinning Floral Architecture in Proteaceae |
2019-01-24 |
Brian S. Maitner |
Metabolic asymmetry and the global diversity of marine predators |
2019-01-24 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Microbial Genomes as Extension Packs for Macroorganismal Diversity: A Reply to Morimoto and Baltrus |
2019-01-24 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Diversity indices for ecological networks: a unifying framework using Hill numbers |
2019-01-22 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Soil nutrients and dispersal limitation shape compositional variation in secondary tropical forests across multiple scales |
2019-01-18 |
William D. Pearse |
Risks to pollinators from different land-use transitions: bee species’ responses to agricultural expansion show strong phylogenetic signal: Appendix |
2019-01-18 |
Anton Potapov |
Combining bulk and amino acid stable isotope analyses to quantify trophic level and basal resources of detritivores: a case study on earthworms |
2019-01-13 |
Melissa Haendel |
Semantic Integration of Clinical Laboratory Tests from Electronic Health Records for Deep Phenotyping and Biomarker Discovery: Supplementary materials |
2019-01-12 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Using IUCN criteria to perform rapid assessments of at-risk taxa |
2019-01-11 |
Cyrille Violle |
What makes a weed a weed? A large-scale evaluation of arable weeds through a functional lens |
2019-01-11 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Role of Fresh Dead Wood in the Epidemiology and the Biological Control of the Chestnut Blight Fungus |
2019-01-10 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
A new species and immature stages of the skiff beetle genus Yara Reichardt and Hinton (Coleoptera: Myxophaga: Hydroscaphidae) from Nicaragua |
2019-01-08 |
Melissa Haendel |
Expansion of the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) knowledge base and resources |
2019-01-07 |
Kim S. Ely | Sean T. Michaletz |
Homeostatic maintenance of non‐structural carbohydrates during the 2015‐2016 El Niño drought across a tropical forest precipitation gradient |
2019-01-06 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Assessment of organochlorine pesticides in the Himalayan riverine ecosystems from Pakistan using passive sampling techniques |
2019-01-06 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Do agricultural pesticides in streams influence riparian spiders? |
2019-01-04 |
Jens Kattge | Ian J. Wright |
Global photosynthetic capacity is optimized to the environment |
2019-01-02 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Reproductive Hyperallometry Does Not Challenge Mechanistic Growth Models |
2019-01-02 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Arctic Vegetation Mapping Using Unsupervised Training Datasets and Convolutional Neural Networks |
2019-01-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Estimating divergence times and ancestral breeding systems in Ficus and Moraceae |
2019-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Referee report. For: Diffusion of ethical governance policy on sharing of biological materials and related data for biomedical research [version 1; peer review: 1 approved with reservations] |
2019-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
WikiCite 2018-2019: Citations for the sum of all human knowledge |
2019-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
An analysis and metric of reusable data licensing practices for biomedical resources |
2019-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Representing glycophenotypes: semantic unification of glycobiology resources for disease discovery |
2019-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Hearing Impairment Ontology: A Tool for Unifying Hearing Impairment Knowledge to Enhance Collaborative Research |
2019-01-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
A saliva-based rapid test to quantify the infectious subclinical malaria parasite reservoir |
2019-01-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Editorial: Responses to Climate Change in the Cold Biomes |
2019-01-01 |
Luca Santini |
Open access solutions for biodiversity journals: Do not replace one problem with another |
2019-01-01 |
Ian J. Wright |
Intraspecific variation in soy across the leaf economics spectrum |
2019-01-01 |
David B. Roy |
The design, launch and assessment of a new volunteer-based plant monitoring scheme for the United Kingdom |
2019-01-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Biogeographic Patterns of South American Anurans |
2019-01-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Biogeographic Regionalization of South American Anurans |
2019-01-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Geographical Patterns of Functional Diversity of South American Anurans |
2019-01-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Life in the slow lane? A dynamic energy budget model for the western swamp turtle, Pseudemydura umbrina |
2019-01-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Drier tropical forests are susceptible to functional changes in response to a long‐term drought |
2019-01-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Drivers of C cycling in three arctic-alpine plant communities |
2019-01-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Covariance of Sun and Shade Leaf Traits Along a Tropical Forest Elevation Gradient |
2019-01-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Patterns of Species Richness, Range Size, and Their Environmental Correlates for South American Anurans |
2019-01-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
South American Anurans: Species Diversity and Description Trends Through Time and Space |
2019-01-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Spatial Conservation Prioritization for the Anuran Fauna of South America |
2019-01-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Spatial Distribution of Phylogenetic Diversity of South American Anurans |
2019-01-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
The state and future of Antarctic environments in a global context |
2019-01-01 |
Pete Manning |
Lost in trait space: species-poor communities are inflexible in properties that drive ecosystem functioning |
2019-01-01 |
Pete Manning | Malte Jochum |
Transferring biodiversity-ecosystem function research to the management of ‘real-world’ ecosystems |
2019-01-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Sustainability Agenda for the Pantanal Wetland: Perspectives on a Collaborative Interface for Science, Policy, and Decision-Making |
2019-01-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
An Introduction to the Biogeography of South American Anurans |
2019-01-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Challenges in Building an End-to-End System for Acquisition, Management, and Integration of Diverse Data From Sensor Networks in Watersheds: Lessons From a Mountainous Community Observatory in East River, Colorado |
2019-01-01 |
Nicolas Fanin |
The ratio of Gram-positive to Gram-negative bacterial PLFA markers as an indicator of carbon availability in organic soils |
2019-01-01 |
Anton Potapov |
Description of four new species of armoured spiders (Araneae, Tetrablemmidae) from Sumatra, Indonesia |
2019-01-01 |
Belén Fadrique |
Author Correction: Widespread but heterogeneous responses of Andean forests to climate change |
2019-01-01 |
Jorrit Poelen |
The Bari Manifesto: An interoperability framework for essential biodiversity variables |
2018-12-29 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Data on the conservation potential of fish and coral populations in aquariums |
2018-12-29 |
Dalia A. Conde |
A global database of intentionally deployed wrecks to serve as artificial reefs |
2018-12-27 |
Daniel Mietchen |
A Landscape Survey of ActiveDMPs |
2018-12-26 |
Fatih Fazlioglu |
Phenotypic plasticity of ecotypes across habitats |
2018-12-24 |
Brian J. Enquist | Brad Boyle | Sean T. Michaletz | Sandra M. Durán |
Climate shapes and shifts functional biodiversity in forests worldwide |
2018-12-22 |
Alexander Keller | Markus Ankenbrand |
Wild bees and their nests host Paenibacillus bacteria with functional potential of avail |
2018-12-20 |
Luca Santini |
One strategy does not fit all: determinants of urban adaptation in mammals |
2018-12-20 |
Heloise Gibb |
Effects of fire severity on the composition and functional traits of litter-dwelling macroinvertebrates in a temperate forest |
2018-12-19 |
Renee A. Catullo | Ian G. Brennan |
How mountains shape biodiversity: The role of the Andes in biogeography, diversification, and reproductive biology in South America’s most species-rich lizard radiation (Squamata: Liolaemidae) |
2018-12-18 |
Brian S. Maitner | Brian J. Enquist | Brad Boyle | Cyrille Violle |
Plant Functional Diversity and the Biogeography of Biomes in North and South America |
2018-12-17 |
Katja Seltmann | Daniel S. Park |
Georeferencing for Research Use (GRU): An integrated geospatial training paradigm for biocollections researchers and data providers |
2018-12-14 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Using a coupled dynamic factor – random forest analysis (DFRFA) to reveal drivers of spatiotemporal heterogeneity in the semi-arid regions of southern Africa |
2018-12-14 |
Fatih Fazlioglu |
Shifts in the timing of the early flowering in plants from a semi-arid ecoregion under climate change |
2018-12-12 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Decoupling environmental effects and host population dynamics for anthrax, a classic reservoir-driven disease |
2018-12-12 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Variation in the timing of avian egg‐laying in relation to climate |
2018-12-10 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Regulatory and sequence evolution in response to selection for improved associative learning ability in Nasonia vitripennis |
2018-12-10 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Adaptive changes in sexual signalling in response to urbanization |
2018-12-09 |
Ian J. Wright | Rachael V. Gallagher |
Evidence for local adaptation to extreme heat across populations of a widespread tree from quantitative proteomics |
2018-12-09 |
Dalia A. Conde |
The diversity of population responses to environmental change. |
2018-12-07 |
Lucie M Bland |
Impacts of the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems on Conservation Policy and Practice |
2018-12-06 |
Malte Jochum |
Applying generalized allometric regressions to predict live body mass of tropical and temperate arthropods |
2018-12-05 |
Caterina Penone |
The International Tree-Ring Data Bank (ITRDB) revisited: Data availability and global ecological representativity |
2018-12-05 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Assessing the conservation potential of fish and corals in aquariums globally |
2018-12-04 |
Alexander Keller |
Microbial Community Structure in a Malaysian Tropical Peat Swamp Forest: The Influence of Tree Species and Depth |
2018-12-04 |
Richard J Telford |
Reproducibility of species recognition in modern planktonic foraminifera and its implications for analyses of community structure |
2018-12-03 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Global academic research organization network: Data sharing to cure diseases and enable learning health systems |
2018-12-03 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
MicroclimOz - A microclimate data set for Australia, with example applications |
2018-12-03 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Salt in freshwaters: causes, effects and prospects - introduction to the theme issue |
2018-12-03 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Predicting current and future background ion concentrations in German surface water under climate change |
2018-12-03 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Salinity impacts on river ecosystem processes: a critical mini-review |
2018-12-01 |
Jens Kattge |
A methodology to derive global maps of leaf traits using remote sensing and climate data |
2018-12-01 |
Franziska Schrodt | Jens Kattge | William Farfán Rios | Dylan J. Craven | Cyrille Violle |
Global trait-environment relationships of plant communities |
2018-12-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Over what timeframes do desert ants respond to variation in climate and resources? |
2018-12-01 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Canopy openness and topographic habitat drive tree seedling recruitment after snow damage in an old-growth subtropical forest |
2018-12-01 |
Anton Potapov |
Collapse of trophic‐niche structure in belowground communities under anthropogenic disturbance |
2018-12-01 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Patterns of root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and dark septate endophytes across a mostly-unvegetated, high-elevation landscape |
2018-11-30 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Impact of Multiple Ecological Stressors on a Sub-Arctic Ecosystem: No Interaction Between Extreme Winter Warming Events, Nitrogen Addition and Grazing |
2018-11-29 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Assessing the impacts of oil exploration and restoration on mammals in Murchison Falls Conservation Area, Uganda |
2018-11-28 |
Ramona L Walls | Anne Thessen |
Modifier Ontologies for frequency, certainty, degree, and coverage phenotype modifier |
2018-11-23 |
Jacintha Ellers |
A Common Yardstick to Measure the Effects of Different Extreme Climatic Events on Soil Arthropod Community Composition Using Time-Series Data |
2018-11-21 |
Pete Manning | Caterina Penone |
Specialisation and diversity of multiple trophic groups are promoted by different forest features |
2018-11-20 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
rcites: An R package to access the CITES Speciesplus database |
2018-11-20 |
Ian J. Wright |
Stem diameter growth rates in a fire-prone savanna correlate with photosynthetic rate and branch-scale biomass allocation, but not specific leaf area |
2018-11-20 |
Ben Sparrow |
Impacts of recent climate change on terrestrial flora and fauna: Some emerging Australian examples |
2018-11-19 |
Jens Kattge | Franziska Schrodt | William Farfán Rios | Dylan J. Craven | Cyrille Violle |
Global trait–environment relationships of plant communities |
2018-11-19 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Historical collections as a tool for assessing the global pollination crisis |
2018-11-19 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Tropical forest leaves may darken in response to climate change |
2018-11-19 |
Daniel S. Park |
Herbarium specimens reveal substantial and unexpected variation in phenological sensitivity across the eastern United States |
2018-11-19 |
Malte Jochum |
fluxweb : An R package to easily estimate energy fluxes in food webs |
2018-11-19 |
Timothy M. Perez | J. Aaron Hogan | Belén Fadrique |
Botanic gardens are an untapped resource for studying the functional ecology of tropical plants |
2018-11-19 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Similar recovery time of microbial functions from fungicide stress across biogeographical regions |
2018-11-16 |
Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
Partitioning mortality into growth-dependent and growth-independent hazards across 203 tropical tree species |
2018-11-16 |
Jens Kattge | Pete Manning |
Traditional plant functional groups explain variation in economic but not size‐related traits across the tundra biome |
2018-11-16 |
Pete Manning | Caterina Penone |
Multiple forest attributes underpin the supply of multiple ecosystem services |
2018-11-14 |
William Farfán Rios | Belén Fadrique |
Widespread but heterogeneous responses of Andean forests to climate change |
2018-11-05 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Fungi participate in driving home-field advantage of litter decomposition in a subtropical forest |
2018-11-04 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
High-resolution quantification of earthworm calcite granules from western European loess sequences reveals stadial-interstadial climatic variability during the Last Glacial |
2018-11-02 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford | Aud H. Halbritter |
Transplants, Open Top Chambers (OTCs) and Gradient Studies Ask Different Questions in Climate Change Effects Studies |
2018-11-02 |
Steven L. Chown |
Intraspecific variation in lizard heat tolerance alters estimates of climate impact |
2018-11-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
WikiCite and Scholia - a Linked Open Data approach to exploring the scholarly literature and related resources |
2018-11-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
ClinGen advancing genomic data-sharing standards as a GA4GH driver project |
2018-11-01 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
What Is the Minimal Optimal Sample Size for Plant Ecophysiological Studies? |
2018-11-01 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Warming impacts on early life stages increase the vulnerability and delay the population recovery of a long‐lived habitat‐forming macroalga |
2018-11-01 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Incorporating microclimate into species distribution models |
2018-11-01 |
Cyrille Violle |
Climate as a driver of adaptive variations in ecological strategies in Arabidopsis thaliana |
2018-11-01 |
Michael J. McWilliam |
Neighbor Diversity Regulates the Productivity of Coral Assemblages |
2018-11-01 |
Lucie M Bland |
Assessing risks to marine ecosystems with indicators, ecosystem models and experts |
2018-11-01 |
Lucie M Bland |
Expanding the Role of Targets in Conservation Policy |
2018-10-31 |
Steven L. Chown |
A widespread thermodynamic effect, but maintenance of biological rates through space across life’s major domains |
2018-10-31 |
Fatih Fazlioglu |
Phenotypic plasticity of ecotypes across habitats |
2018-10-30 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Orchid diversity: Spatial and climatic patterns from herbarium records |
2018-10-30 |
Cyrille Violle |
What makes trait-abundance relationships when both environmental filtering and stochastic neutral dynamics are at play? |
2018-10-29 |
Daniel Mietchen |
An Open Toolkit for Tracking Open Science Partnership Implementation and Impact |
2018-10-29 |
Ian J. Wright |
The validity of optimal leaf traits modelled on environmental conditions |
2018-10-29 |
William D. Pearse |
Complexity is complicated and so too is comparing complexity metrics-a response to Mikula et al. (2018) |
2018-10-29 |
Michael J. McWilliam |
Neighbor Diversity Regulates the Productivity of Coral Assemblages |
2018-10-29 |
Anton Potapov |
Trophic consistency of supraspecific taxa in belowground invertebrate communities |
2018-10-28 |
Samuel C. Andrew |
Signatures of genetic adaptation to extremely varied Australian environments in introduced European house sparrows |
2018-10-27 |
Alexander Keller |
Bacterial community structure and succession in nests of two megachilid bee genera |
2018-10-27 |
Cyrille Violle |
Coping with drought: root trait variability within the perennial grass Dactylis glomerata captures a trade-off between dehydration avoidance and dehydration tolerance |
2018-10-25 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Competition alters seasonal resource selection and promotes use of invasive shrubs by an imperiled native cottontail |
2018-10-25 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Phytoplankton thermal responses adapt in the absence of hard thermodynamic constraints |
2018-10-25 |
Michael Hope |
A research agenda for seed‐trait functional ecology |
2018-10-23 |
David B. Roy |
Spread of a model invasive alien species, the harlequin ladybird Harmonia axyridis in Britain and Ireland |
2018-10-22 |
Colleen M. Iversen | Jonas J. Lembrechts | Marko J. Spasojevic |
Tundra Trait Team: A database of plant traits spanning the tundra biome |
2018-10-22 |
Jens Kattge | Cyrille Violle |
Phylogenetic patterns and phenotypic profiles of the species of plants and mammals farmed for food |
2018-10-19 |
Katherine C B Weiss |
Endangered species recovery: A resource allocation problem |
2018-10-18 |
Katherine C B Weiss |
Endangered species recovery: A resource allocation problem |
2018-10-17 |
Stefano Mammola |
Finding answers in the dark: caves as models in ecology fifty years after Poulson and White |
2018-10-17 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Multi-modal signal evolution in birds: re-examining a standard proxy for sexual selection |
2018-10-12 |
Daniel Mietchen |
A hands-on introduction to Wikidata and WikiCite |
2018-10-12 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Testing the novelty effect of an m-learning tool on internalization and achievement: A Self-Determination Theory approach |
2018-10-11 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Phylogenomics of the major tropical plant family Annonaceae using targeted enrichment of nuclear genes |
2018-10-11 |
Melissa Haendel |
Classification, Ontology, and Precision Medicine |
2018-10-11 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Phenotypic and genotypic resistance to commonly used insecticides in Aedes aegypti among four cities in southern Ecuador |
2018-10-10 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Restore and Renew: a genomics‐era framework for species provenance delimitation |
2018-10-10 |
Steven L. Chown |
Intraspecific variation in lizard heat tolerance alters estimates of climate impact |
2018-10-06 |
Steven L. Chown |
The effect of network size and sampling completeness in depauperate networks |
2018-10-03 |
Melissa Haendel |
matchbox: An open-source tool for patient matching via the Matchmaker Exchange |
2018-10-01 |
John Alroy |
Limits to species richness in terrestrial communities |
2018-10-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Author Correction: Choosing the future of Antarctica |
2018-10-01 |
Brian J. Enquist | Colleen M. Iversen | Pete Manning | Jens Kattge | Marko J. Spasojevic |
Plant functional trait change across a warming tundra biome |
2018-10-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
When tree rings go global: Challenges and opportunities for retro- and prospective insight |
2018-10-01 |
Luca Santini |
Addressing common pitfalls does not provide more support to geographical and ecological abundant-centre hypotheses |
2018-10-01 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Understanding the recruitment response of juvenile Neotropical trees to logging intensity using functional traits |
2018-10-01 |
Xiao Feng |
An evaluation of transferability of ecological niche models |
2018-10-01 |
Jorrit Poelen |
Nanopublications: A Growing Resource of Provenance-Centric Scientific Linked Data |
2018-09-29 |
Sadie J. Ryan | Samraat S. Pawar |
Minimum Information for Reusable Arthropod Abundance Data (MIReAAD) |
2018-09-27 |
Alexander Keller |
Draft Genome Sequence of Dyella sp. Strain C9, Isolated from a Malaysian Tropical Peat Swamp Forest |
2018-09-27 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Implementation strategies for systematic conservation planning |
2018-09-27 |
Dylan J. Craven |
OpenNahele: the open Hawaiian forest plot database |
2018-09-26 |
Jens Kattge | Brian J. Enquist | Colleen M. Iversen | Pete Manning | Marko J. Spasojevic |
Plant functional trait change across a warming tundra biome |
2018-09-24 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Using species traits to guide conservation actions under climate change |
2018-09-23 |
John Alroy |
The R package divDyn for quantifying diversity dynamics using fossil sampling data |
2018-09-20 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Standardized reporting of the costs of management interventions for biodiversity conservation |
2018-09-19 |
Stefano Mammola |
Day–night and seasonal variations of a subterranean invertebrate community in the twilight zone |
2018-09-19 |
Lucie M Bland |
Expanding the Role of Targets in Conservation Policy |
2018-09-18 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
The matchstick grasshopper genus Warramaba (Morabidae: Morabinae): a description of four new species and a photographic guide to the group |
2018-09-18 |
Jorrit Poelen |
Nanopublications: A Growing Resource of Provenance-Centric Scientific Linked Data |
2018-09-17 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez | Samraat S. Pawar | Ramona L Walls | Jens Kattge |
Towards global data products of Essential Biodiversity Variables on species traits |
2018-09-17 |
Jennifer A Hammock | Anne Thessen | Jorrit Poelen |
20 GB in 10 minutes: a case for linking major biodiversity databases using an open socio-technical infrastructure and a pragmatic, cross-institutional collaboration |
2018-09-17 |
Luca Santini |
Co-occurrence and character convergence in two Neotropical bats |
2018-09-15 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Research advances and gaps in marine planning: towards a global database in systematic conservation planning |
2018-09-14 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle |
Similarities and differences in intrapopulation trait correlations of co-occurring tree species: consistent water-use relationships amid widely different correlation patterns |
2018-09-14 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
The Extended Genotype: Microbially Mediated Olfactory Communication |
2018-09-13 |
Stefano Mammola |
Artificial lighting triggers the presence of urban spiders and their webs on historical buildings |
2018-09-11 |
Ian J. Wright |
Quantifying leaf-trait covariation and its controls across climates and biomes |
2018-09-11 |
Stefano Mammola |
Exploring the morphospace in subterranean spiders |
2018-09-07 |
Ben Sparrow |
Floristic and structural assessment of Australian rangeland vegetation with standardized plot-based surveys |
2018-09-06 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Reflection of near-infrared light confers thermal protection in birds |
2018-09-06 |
Dylan J. Craven |
A framework for disentangling ecological mechanisms underlying the island species-area relationship |
2018-09-06 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Biodiversity loss along a gradient of deforestation in Amazonian agricultural landscapes. |
2018-09-05 |
Samuel C. Andrew |
Signs of adaptation to trace metal contamination in a common urban bird |
2018-09-04 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Phylogenetic and adaptive components of the anuran advertisement call correlate with temporal species co-occurrence |
2018-09-04 |
Steven L. Chown |
High resolution temperature data for ecological research and management on the Southern Ocean Islands |
2018-09-02 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Spatial scaling of forest soil microbial communities across a temperature gradient |
2018-09-01 |
Mark Westoby |
How Species Boundaries Are Determined: A Response to Alexander et al.: (Trends in Ecology & Evolution 32, 7-8, 2017) |
2018-09-01 |
Ian J. Wright |
Climate and soils together regulate photosynthetic carbon isotope discrimination within C3 plants worldwide |
2018-09-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Research advances and gaps in marine planning: towards a global database in systematic conservation planning |
2018-09-01 |
Pete Manning |
Publisher Correction: Redefining ecosystem multifunctionality |
2018-09-01 |
Daniel Falster |
Effects of bud-flushing strategies on tree growth. |
2018-09-01 |
Silvia Pineda-Munoz |
A new partial cranium of Metridiochoerus (Suidae, Mammalia) from Malapa, South Africa |
2018-09-01 |
Daniel Falster |
Effects of bud-flushing strategies on tree growth |
2018-08-31 |
William D. Pearse |
What we (don’t) know about global plant diversity |
2018-08-31 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Foundation species enhance food web complexity through non-trophic facilitation |
2018-08-30 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Geographic shifts inAedes aegyptihabitat suitability in Ecuador using larval surveillance data and ecological niche modeling: implications of climate change for public health vector control |
2018-08-30 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Experimental herbivore exclusion, shrub introduction, and carbon sequestration in alpine plant communities |
2018-08-30 |
Cyrille Violle |
Climate as a driver of adaptive variations in ecological strategies in Arabidopsis thaliana |
2018-08-30 |
William D. Pearse |
The interaction of phylogeny and community structure: linking clades’ ecological structures and trait evolution |
2018-08-29 |
Cyrille Violle |
Functional rarity of coral reef fishes at the global scale: Hotspots and challenges for conservation |
2018-08-28 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Temperature explains broad patterns of Ross River virus transmission |
2018-08-28 |
Mark Westoby |
Pollutants That Replicate: Xenogenetic DNAs |
2018-08-28 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Mapping the imprint of biotic interactions on β-diversity |
2018-08-27 |
Renee A. Catullo |
A new phylogenetic protocol: Dealing with model misspecification and confirmation bias in molecular phylogenetics |
2018-08-27 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Wikidata as semantic representation platform of the scientific achievements of the biomedical Collaborative Research Centre 1002 |
2018-08-27 |
Dylan J. Craven | Pete Manning | Jens Kattge | William D. Pearse |
Multiple facets of biodiversity drive the diversity–stability relationship |
2018-08-27 |
Pete Manning |
Towards the development of general rules describing landscape heterogeneity-multifunctionality relationships |
2018-08-24 |
Caterina Penone |
Body size information in large-scale acoustic bat databases |
2018-08-23 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Differences in the respiratory response to temperature and hypoxia across four life-stages of the intertidal porcelain crab |
2018-08-22 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Australian native mammals recognize and respond to alien predators: a meta-analysis |
2018-08-15 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Temperature drives Zika virus transmission: evidence from empirical and mathematical models |
2018-08-14 |
Steven L. Chown |
Plant diversity drives global patterns of insect invasions |
2018-08-13 |
Alexander Keller |
Physical contact between mesenchymal stem cells and endothelial precursors induces distinct signatures with relevance to the very early phase of regeneration |
2018-08-13 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Biotic controls of plant coexistence |
2018-08-09 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Environmental Drivers of Ranavirus in Free-Living Amphibians in Constructed Ponds |
2018-08-09 |
Cyrille Violle |
Early dynamics in plant community trait responses to a novel, more extreme hydrological gradient |
2018-08-07 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
The effects of m-learning on motivation, achievement and well-being: A Self-Determination Theory approach |
2018-08-07 |
Cyrille Violle |
Intraspecific body size variability in soil organisms at a European scale: Implications for functional biogeography |
2018-08-03 |
Nuno Simões |
First record of Calliactis tricolor (Le Sueur, 1817) (Cnidaria, Actiniaria, Hormathiidae) in the Veracruz reef system, southwestern Gulf of Mexico |
2018-08-03 |
Nuno Simões |
First record of Calliactis tricolor (Le Sueur, 1817) (Cnidaria, Actiniaria, Hormathiidae) in the Veracruz reef system, southwestern Gulf of Mexico |
2018-08-03 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Field tests of a general ectotherm niche model show how water can limit lizard activity and distribution |
2018-08-02 |
Nuno Simões |
First survey of Interstitial molluscs from Cayo Nuevo, Campeche Bank, Gulf of Mexico |
2018-08-02 |
Nuno Simões |
First survey of Interstitial molluscs from Cayo Nuevo, Campeche Bank, Gulf of Mexico |
2018-08-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
IRF2BPL Is Associated with Neurological Phenotypes |
2018-08-01 |
Luca Santini |
Global drivers of population density in terrestrial vertebrates |
2018-08-01 |
Cyrille Violle |
A combinatorial analysis using observational data identifies species that govern ecosystem functioning. |
2018-08-01 |
Cyrille Violle |
Embolism and mechanical resistances play a key role in dehydration tolerance of a perennial grass Dactylis glomerata L |
2018-08-01 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
A model for leaf temperature decoupling from air temperature |
2018-07-31 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Ant-like Traits in Wingless Parasitoids Repel Attack from Wolf Spiders |
2018-07-30 |
Alexander Keller | Markus Ankenbrand |
Functional exploration of natural networks and ecological communities |
2018-07-29 |
Jens Kattge | Brian J. Enquist | Brian S. Maitner | Cyrille Violle |
Late Quaternary climate legacies in contemporary plant functional composition |
2018-07-29 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Pérdida de polinizadores: evidencias, causas y consecuencias |
2018-07-27 |
Carlos Alberto Martínez-Muñoz |
Checklist of the centipedes (Chilopoda) of Hispaniola |
2018-07-25 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Graph Drawing by Stochastic Gradient Descent |
2018-07-24 |
Jens Kattge |
Global Estimation of Biophysical Variables from Google Earth Engine Platform |
2018-07-24 |
Fatih Fazlioglu |
Phenotypic plasticity and specialization along an altitudinal gradient in Trifolium repens |
2018-07-23 |
Steven L. Chown |
Species richness and turnover among indigenous and introduced plants and insects of the Southern Ocean Islands |
2018-07-23 |
Pete Manning |
Understanding context dependency in the response of forest understorey plant communities to nitrogen deposition |
2018-07-23 |
William D. Pearse |
Prioritizing phylogenetic diversity captures functional diversity unreliably |
2018-07-22 |
Daniel Falster |
Latitudinal effects on crown shape evolution |
2018-07-19 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Plant diversity and density predict belowground diversity and function in an early successional alpine ecosystem |
2018-07-18 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Role of carbon allocation efficiency in the temperature dependence of autotroph growth rates |
2018-07-17 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Potential Bacillus anthracis Risk Zones for Male Plains Bison ( Bison bison bison) in Southwestern Montana |
2018-07-09 |
Ramona L Walls |
Maize Genomes to Fields: 2014 and 2015 field season genotype, phenotype, environment, and inbred ear image datasets |
2018-07-05 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
The Frequency of Cyclonic Wind Storms Shapes Tropical Forest Dynamism and Functional Trait Dispersion |
2018-07-05 |
Hamish Holewa |
The Change Imperative: Accelerating the pace of biodiversity discovery and documentation |
2018-07-04 |
Nuno Simões |
Comparison of cnidae sizes between the two morphotypes of the giant Caribbean sea anemone Condylactis gigantea (Actiniaria: Actiniidae) |
2018-07-04 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle | Brad Boyle |
Isoprene emission structures tropical tree biogeography and community assembly responses to climate |
2018-07-04 |
Lucie M Bland |
Selecting and applying indicators of ecosystem collapse for risk assessments. |
2018-07-03 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Traits drive global wood decomposition rates more than climate |
2018-07-02 |
Ian G. Brennan |
Speciation in the mountains and dispersal by rivers: Molecular phylogeny of Eulamprus water skinks and the biogeography of Eastern Australia |
2018-07-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Nonlinear and delayed impacts of climate on dengue risk in Barbados: A modelling study |
2018-07-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Diversity in form and function: Vertical distribution of soil fauna mediates multidimensional trait variation |
2018-07-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Growth benefits provided by different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to Plantago lanceolata depend on the form of available phosphorus |
2018-07-01 |
Joshua S Madin |
BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene |
2018-07-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Penguin ectoparasite panmixia suggests extensive host movement within a colony |
2018-07-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Global gaps in soil biodiversity data. |
2018-07-01 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Broad-scale patterns in smoke-responsive germination from the south-eastern Australian flora |
2018-07-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Automated Integration of Trees and Traits: A Case Study Using Paired Fin Loss Across Teleost Fishes. |
2018-06-30 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
A novel habitat-based approach to predict impacts of marine protected areas on fishers. |
2018-06-29 |
Steven L. Chown |
Geographic variation and plasticity in climate stress resistance among southern African populations of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae). |
2018-06-29 |
Daniel Falster |
How functional traits influence plant growth and shade tolerance across the life cycle. |
2018-06-28 |
Mark Westoby |
The links between leaf hydraulic vulnerability to drought and key aspects of leaf venation and xylem anatomy among 26 Australian woody angiosperms from contrasting climates |
2018-06-28 |
Maribeth Latvis |
Fluidigm2PURC: Automated processing and haplotype inference for double-barcoded PCR amplicons |
2018-06-27 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Human land use promotes the abundance and diversity of exotic species on Caribbean islands |
2018-06-27 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Running off the road: roadside non-native plants invading mountain vegetation |
2018-06-26 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Development of 15 nuclear EST microsatellite markers for the paleoendemic conifer (Podocarpaceae) |
2018-06-25 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Understanding Long-Term Savanna Vegetation Persistence across Three Drainage Basins in Southern Africa |
2018-06-21 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Testing the impact of morphological rate heterogeneity on ancestral state reconstruction of five floral traits in angiosperms. |
2018-06-21 |
Alexander Keller |
Draft Genome Sequence of Dyella sp. Strain C11, Isolated from a Malaysian Tropical Peat Swamp Forest. |
2018-06-21 |
Alexander Keller | Markus Ankenbrand |
Draft Genome Sequence of Klebsiella sp. Strain C31 Isolated from a Malaysian Tropical Peat Swamp Forest. |
2018-06-21 |
Alexander Keller | Markus Ankenbrand |
Draft Genome Sequence of Paraburkholderia sp. Strain C35, Isolated from a Malaysian Tropical Peat Swamp Forest. |
2018-06-21 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
The devil is in the detail: Nonadditive and context-dependent plant population responses to increasing temperature and precipitation |
2018-06-20 |
Anne Thessen |
A new paradigm for the scientific enterprise: nurturing the ecosystem |
2018-06-19 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Three new genera of acidocerine water scavenger beetles from tropical South America (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Acidocerinae). |
2018-06-19 |
Anton Potapov |
Uncovering trophic positions and food resources of soil animals using bulk natural stable isotope composition |
2018-06-18 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Tempo and timing of ecological trait divergence in bird speciation |
2018-06-18 |
Joseph A Tobias |
The macroecological dynamics of species coexistence in birds |
2018-06-18 |
Katelin D. Pearson |
Rapid enhancement of biodiversity occurrence records using unconventional specimen data |
2018-06-17 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez | Cyrille Violle |
Delivering the promises of trait‐based approaches to the needs of demographic approaches, and vice versa. |
2018-06-17 |
Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
Investment in reproduction for 14 iteroparous perennials is large and associated with other life-history and functional traits |
2018-06-17 |
Cyrille Violle |
Plant demographic and functional responses to management intensification: A long-term study in a Mediterranean rangeland |
2018-06-13 |
Steven L. Chown |
Choosing the future of Antarctica |
2018-06-13 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Phenoscape: Semantic analysis of organismal traits and genes yields insights in evolutionary biology |
2018-06-13 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Phenoscape: Semantic analysis of organismal traits and genes yields insights in evolutionary biology |
2018-06-13 |
Teresa Mayfield-Meyer |
Who Has Time for Biological Collections Data Quality Feedback? Maybe a Community Can Help |
2018-06-09 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Implementation strategies for systematic conservation planning |
2018-06-08 |
David B. Roy |
Overcoming the challenges of public data archiving for citizen science biodiversity recording and monitoring schemes |
2018-06-08 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Naïve, bold, or just hungry? An invasive exotic prey species recognises but does not respond to its predators |
2018-06-07 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Turning FAIR data into reality: interim report from the European Commission Expert Group on FAIR data |
2018-06-07 |
Daniel Mietchen |
FAIR Data Action Plan: Interim recommendations and actions from the European Commission Expert Group on FAIR data |
2018-06-05 |
Timothy M. Perez |
Increasing Humidity Threatens Tropical Rainforests |
2018-06-04 |
Joshua S Madin |
Species traits as indicators of coral bleaching |
2018-06-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Polar collaborations are key to successful policies |
2018-06-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Can next-generation soil data products improve soil moisture modelling at the continental scale? An assessment using a new microclimate package for the R programming environment |
2018-06-01 |
Cyrille Violle |
Allocation, morphology, physiology, architecture: the multiple facets of plant above- and below-ground responses to resource stress |
2018-06-01 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Integrating species traits into species pools. |
2018-05-31 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Submit a Topic Page to PLOS Computational Biology and Wikipedia |
2018-05-31 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Estimating the benefit of well-managed protected areas for threatened species conservation |
2018-05-31 |
Florian Dirk Schneider | Pete Manning | Malte Jochum | Caterina Penone |
Towards an Ecological Trait-data Standard |
2018-05-30 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Local Spatial Heterogeneity of Holocene Carbon Accumulation throughout the Peat Profile of an Ombrotrophic Northern Minnesota Bog |
2018-05-30 |
Heloise Gibb |
Dominance-diversity relationships in ant communities differ with invasion |
2018-05-28 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
On the West Indian weevil genus Lachnopus Schönherr, 1840 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae): descriptions of six new species, a proposal for species-groups, and an annotated checklist |
2018-05-28 |
Sandra M. Durán |
Legume abundance along successional and rainfall gradients in Neotropical forests |
2018-05-22 |
Jennifer A Hammock | Anne Thessen | Jorrit Poelen |
20 GB in 10 minutes: A case for linking major biodiversity databases using an open socio-technical infrastructure and a pragmatic, cross-institutional collaboration |
2018-05-22 |
Anne Thessen |
Automated Trait Extraction using ClearEarth, a Natural Language Processing System for Text Mining in Natural Sciences |
2018-05-22 |
Brittany R Cavazos |
Testing the roles of vertical transmission and drought stress in the prevalence of heritable fungal endophytes in annual grass populations |
2018-05-21 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Species-habitat networks: Bridging applied ecology and network theory |
2018-05-21 |
Ramona L Walls |
Specimen Identifiers in Related Disciplines: What can Biodiversity Learn from and Offer to Other Fields? |
2018-05-21 |
William D. Pearse |
On the relationship between phylogenetic diversity and trait diversity |
2018-05-16 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Selection for associative learning of color stimuli reveals correlated evolution of this learning ability across multiple stimuli and rewards |
2018-05-16 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Generating species assemblages for restoration and experimentation: A new method that can simultaneously converge on average trait values and maximize functional diversity |
2018-05-15 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Annotation of phenotypes using ontologies: a Gold Standard for the training and evaluation of natural language processing systems |
2018-05-14 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Environmental drivers of ranavirus in free living amphibians in constructed ponds |
2018-05-09 |
Melissa Haendel |
A Census of Disease Ontologies |
2018-05-08 |
Joshua S Madin |
Negligible effect of competition on coral colony growth. |
2018-05-07 |
Maribeth Latvis |
Incongruence in molecular species delimitation schemes: What to do when adding more data is difficult |
2018-05-06 |
Luca Santini |
TetraDENSITY: A database of population density estimates in terrestrial vertebrates |
2018-05-03 |
William D. Pearse |
Suppdata: Downloading Supplementary Data from Published Manuscripts |
2018-05-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Wikidata and Scholia as a hub linking chemical knowledge |
2018-05-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Mycorrhiza in tree diversity-ecosystem function relationships: conceptual framework and experimental implementation |
2018-05-01 |
Ramona L Walls |
The Plant Phenology Ontology: A New Informatics Resource for Large-Scale Integration of Plant Phenology Data. |
2018-05-01 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
It’s about time: Linkages between heat tolerance, thermal acclimation and metabolic rate at different temporal scales in the freshwater amphipod Gammarus fossarum Koch, 1836 |
2018-05-01 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Long-term effects of species loss on community properties across contrasting ecosystems |
2018-04-30 |
Alexander Keller |
Author Correction: The characterization of the circadian clock in the olive fly Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae) reveals a Drosophila-like organization. |
2018-04-30 |
Jens Kattge |
Symbiont switching and alternative resource acquisition strategies drive mutualism breakdown |
2018-04-30 |
Daniel S. Park |
Mating system does not predict niche breath |
2018-04-30 |
William D. Pearse |
Building up biogeography: Pattern to process |
2018-04-24 |
Anne Thessen |
A new paradigm for science: nurturing the ecosystem |
2018-04-23 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
The Social and Spatial Ecology of Dengue Presence and Burden during an Outbreak in Guayaquil, Ecuador, 2012. |
2018-04-19 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Response—Ivory crisis |
2018-04-19 |
Pete Manning | Jens Kattge |
Plant attributes explain the distribution of soil microbial communities in two contrasting regions of the globe |
2018-04-18 |
Michael J. McWilliam |
Global warming transforms coral reef assemblages. |
2018-04-17 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Environmental filtering limits functional diversity during succession in a seasonally wet tropical secondary forest |
2018-04-14 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Effects of El Niño Southern Oscillation on avian breeding phenology |
2018-04-12 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
EGrowth: A global database on intraspecific body growth variability in earthworm |
2018-04-11 |
Samuel C. Andrew |
Epigenetic and genetic variation among three separate introductions of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus) into Australia. |
2018-04-10 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Speciation in the presence of gene flow: population genomics of closely related and diverging Eucalyptus species |
2018-04-10 |
Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
Branch Thinning and the Large-Scale, Self-Similar Structure of Trees |
2018-04-10 |
Heloise Gibb |
Forest management strategy affects saproxylic beetle assemblages: A comparison of even and uneven-aged silviculture using direct and indirect sampling. |
2018-04-10 |
Jens Kattge |
Large sensitivity in land carbon storage due to geographical and temporal variation in the thermal response of photosynthetic capacity |
2018-04-09 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Review of the Helochares (Hydrobaticus) MacLeay of the New World (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Acidocerinae) |
2018-04-09 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Zika Virus Outbreak, Barbados, 2015-2016. |
2018-04-07 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Using Shape Expressions (ShEx) to Share RDF Data Models and to Guide Curation with Rigorous Validation |
2018-04-06 |
Ian J. Wright |
A continental-scale assessment of variability in leaf traits: Within species, across sites and between seasons |
2018-04-06 |
Cyrille Violle |
When is the best time to flower and disperse? A comparative analysis of plant reproductive phenology in the Mediterranean |
2018-04-06 |
Stefanie Dekeyzer |
A decade of the World Register of Marine Species - General insights and experiences from the Data Management Team: Where are we, what have we learned and how can we continue? |
2018-04-06 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Effects of hurricanes and climate oscillations on annual variation in reproduction in wet forest, Puerto Rico |
2018-04-06 |
Lucie M Bland |
Assessing ecosystem collapse risk in ecosystems dominated by foundation species: The case of fringe mangroves |
2018-04-05 |
Steven L. Chown |
A decade of invertebrate colonization pressure on Scott Base in the Ross Sea region |
2018-04-03 |
Nuno Simões |
An alternative protocol to estimate sample size at different spatial scales in studies of ecological communitie |
2018-04-03 |
Nuno Simões |
An alternative protocol to estimate sample size at different spatial scales in studies of ecological communitie |
2018-04-03 |
Camilo Alcántara |
Spatial distribution of arable and abandoned land across former Soviet Union countries |
2018-04-02 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Habitat properties and plant traits interact as drivers of non-native plant species’ seed production at the local scale. |
2018-04-01 |
Nuno Simões |
Feeding the lined seahorse Hippocampus erectus with frozen amphipods |
2018-04-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Small populations of fig trees offer a keystone food resource and conservation benefits for declining insectivorous birds |
2018-04-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Plain-language medical vocabulary for precision diagnosis |
2018-04-01 |
Samuel C. Andrew |
Clinal variation in avian body size is better explained by summer maximum temperatures during development than by cold winter temperatures |
2018-04-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Opposing effects of floral visitors and soil conditions on the determinants of competitive outcomes maintain species diversity in heterogeneous landscapes |
2018-04-01 |
Daniel S. Park |
MADA: Malagasy Animal trait Data Archive. |
2018-04-01 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
The limits of respiratory function: External and internal constraints on insect gas exchange |
2018-03-31 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Habitat fragmentation narrows the distribution of avian functional traits associated with seed dispersal in tropical forest |
2018-03-30 |
Ian J. Wright | William D. Pearse |
Functional biogeography of angiosperms: life at the extremes |
2018-03-30 |
Mark Westoby |
Vessel scaling in evergreen angiosperm leaves conforms with Murray’s law and area-filling assumptions: implications for plant size, leaf size and cold tolerance |
2018-03-30 |
Heloise Gibb |
A global database and “state of the field” review of research into ecosystem engineering by land animals. |
2018-03-30 |
Brian J. Enquist | Brian S. Maitner |
A roadmap for global synthesis of the plant tree of life |
2018-03-30 |
Teresa Mayfield-Meyer |
Collaborative Posters Develop Students’ Ability to Communicate about Undervalued Scientific Resources to Nonscientists. |
2018-03-29 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Landscape Physiognomy Influences Abundance of the Lone Star Tick, Amblyomma americanum (Ixodida: Ixodidae), in Ozark Forests |
2018-03-28 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Corrigendum: Internet Blogs, Polar Bears, and Climate-Change Denial by Proxy |
2018-03-28 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Corrigendum: Internet Blogs, Polar Bears, and Climate-Change Denial by Proxy |
2018-03-26 |
John Alroy |
How should we estimate diversity in the fossil record? Testing richness estimators using sampling-standardised discovery curves |
2018-03-26 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Information uncertainty influences conservation outcomes when prioritizing multi-action management efforts |
2018-03-26 |
Caterina Penone |
sensiPhy : An r -package for sensitivity analysis in phylogenetic comparative methods |
2018-03-26 |
Lucie M Bland |
A biodiversity-crisis hierarchy to evaluate and refine conservation indicators |
2018-03-25 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Key questions and challenges in angiosperm macroevolution |
2018-03-25 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Metabolic traits predict the effects of warming on phytoplankton competition. |
2018-03-25 |
William D. Pearse |
Global macroevolution and macroecology of passerine song. |
2018-03-24 |
Fatih Fazlioglu |
Loss of plasticity in life-history strategy associated with secondary invasion into stressful environments in invasive narrowleaf plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.) |
2018-03-23 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Diversification by host switching and dispersal shaped the diversity and distribution of avian malaria parasites in Amazonia |
2018-03-22 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Temperature explains broad patterns of Ross River virus transmission |
2018-03-21 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Consensus and conflict among ecological forecasts of Zika virus outbreaks in the United States |
2018-03-20 |
Xiao Feng |
Canine and human infection with Borrelia burgdorferi in the New York City metropolitan area |
2018-03-19 |
Joshua S Madin |
Contrasting patterns of changes in abundance following a bleaching event between juvenile and adult scleractinian corals |
2018-03-18 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Geospatial data and Scholia |
2018-03-16 |
Melissa Haendel |
A Measure of Open Data: A Metric and Analysis of Reusable Data Practices in Biomedical Data Resources |
2018-03-14 |
Cyrille Violle | Brian J. Enquist |
Adaptive diversification of growth allometry in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. |
2018-03-13 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
The temperature-size rule in Daphnia magna across different genetic lines and ontogenetic stages: Multiple patterns and mechanisms. |
2018-03-12 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Symbiont interactions with non-native hosts limit the formation of new symbioses. |
2018-03-12 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Long-Term Climate Regime Modulates the Impact of Short-Term Climate Variability on Decomposition in Alpine Grassland Soils |
2018-03-12 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Growth-competition-herbivore resistance trade-offs and the responses of alpine plant communities to climate change |
2018-03-10 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Spatiotemporal Variation in Environmental Vibrio cholerae in an Estuary in Southern Coastal Ecuador. |
2018-03-09 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Zika Virus Outbreak, Barbados, 2015 - 2016 |
2018-03-08 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Bees use anthropogenic habitats despite strong natural habitat preferences |
2018-03-08 |
Aud H. Halbritter |
Trait differentiation and adaptation of plants along elevation gradients |
2018-03-07 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Under the weather? -The direct effects of climate warming on a threatened desert lizard are mediated by their activity phase and burrow system. |
2018-03-07 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Variation in avian egg shape and nest structure is explained by climatic conditions. |
2018-03-07 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Comparing spatial diversification and meta-population models in the Indo-Australian Archipelago |
2018-03-05 |
Joshua S Madin | Michael J. McWilliam |
Biogeographical disparity in the functional diversity and redundancy of corals |
2018-03-05 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Structural and defensive roles of angiosperm leaf venation network reticulation across an Andes-Amazon elevation gradient |
2018-03-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
OpenVIVO: Transparency in Scholarship |
2018-03-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
The Burden of Dengue Fever and Chikungunya in Southern Coastal Ecuador: Epidemiology, Clinical Presentation, and Phylogenetics from the First Two Years of a Prospective Study |
2018-03-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Phenomenological forecasting of disease incidence using heteroskedastic Gaussian processes: A dengue case study |
2018-03-01 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
A global comparison of the climatic niches of urban and native tree populations |
2018-03-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
A review on the status of invasions on sub-Antarctic Marion and Prince Edward Islands |
2018-03-01 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Xylem dysfunction in fires: towards a hydraulic theory of plant responses to multiple disturbance stressors. |
2018-03-01 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Seed banks of native forbs, but not exotic grasses, increase during extreme drought |
2018-02-28 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Macroevolutionary Patterns of Flowering Plant Speciation and Extinction |
2018-02-28 |
Maurizio Rossetto | Ben Sparrow |
When macroecological transitions are a fiction of sampling: comparing herbarium records to plot-based species inventory data |
2018-02-28 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Functional diversity of Collembola is reduced in soils subjected to short-term, but not long-term, geothermal warming |
2018-02-28 |
Ramona L Walls | Katelin D. Pearson |
Digitization protocol for scoring reproductive phenology from herbarium specimens of seed plants. |
2018-02-27 |
Daniel S. Park |
Taxon sampling effects on the quantification and comparison of community phylogenetic diversity. |
2018-02-22 |
Richard J Telford |
Can benthic foraminifera serve as proxies for changes in benthic macrofaunal community structure? Implications for the definition of reference conditions |
2018-02-19 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
A widespread morphological antipredator mechanism reduces the sensitivity to pesticides and increases the susceptibility to warming |
2018-02-17 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Exotic flies maintain pollination services as native pollinators decline with agricultural expansion |
2018-02-16 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Designing connected marine reserves in the face of global warming |
2018-02-16 |
Pete Manning |
Redefining ecosystem multifunctionality |
2018-02-16 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Evaluating the kinetic basis of plant growth from organs to ecosystems |
2018-02-14 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Biodiversity and climate determine the functioning of Neotropical forests |
2018-02-13 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Summer egg diapause in a matchstick grasshopper synchronises the life cycle and buffers thermal extremes |
2018-02-13 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Conserving biodiversity and Indigenous bush tucker: Practical application of the strategic foresight framework to invasive alien species management planning |
2018-02-13 |
Ian J. Wright |
Detecting myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii ) on lemon myrtle trees using spectral signatures and machine learning |
2018-02-12 |
Jens Kattge |
Future global productivity will be affected by plant trait response to climate |
2018-02-12 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Ecological drivers of spatial community dissimilarity, species replacement and species nestedness across temperate forests |
2018-02-11 |
Heloise Gibb |
Soil surface complexity has a larger effect on food exploitation by ants than a change from grassland to shrubland |
2018-02-10 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Towards the Integration of Niche and Network Theories |
2018-02-09 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Use and misuse of temperature normalisation in meta-analyses of thermal responses of biological traits |
2018-02-07 |
Nuno Simões |
An Indo-Pacific damselfish (Neopomacentrus cyanomos) in the Gulf of Mexico: origin and mode of introduction |
2018-02-06 |
Nuno Simões |
Mayaweckelia troglomorpha, a new subterranean amphipod species from Yucatán state, México (Amphipoda, Hadziidae). |
2018-02-06 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
HIV knowledge mediates the relationship between HIV testing history and stigma in college students |
2018-02-06 |
Joshua S Madin |
Moving to 3D: relationships between coral planar area, surface area and volume |
2018-02-06 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Thermal limits in native and alien freshwater peracarid Crustacea: The role of habitat use and oxygen limitation. |
2018-02-05 |
Brad Boyle |
Phylogenetic classification of the world’s tropical forests. |
2018-02-04 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Temperature drives Zika virus transmission: evidence from empirical and mathematical models |
2018-02-01 |
Nuno Simões |
Species richness and spatial distribution of benthic amphipods (Crustacea: Peracarida) in the Alacranes Reef National Park, Gulf of Mexico |
2018-02-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Challenges and questions in reconstructing the ancestral flower of angiosperms: A reply to Sokoloff et al |
2018-02-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Species turnover promotes the importance of bee diversity for crop pollination at regional scales |
2018-02-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Stay or go – how topographic complexity influences alpine plant population and community responses to climate change |
2018-02-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Using Multiple Methods to Understand the Nature of Relationships in Social Networks |
2018-02-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Conservation implications of spatial genetic structure in two species of oribatid mites from the Antarctic Peninsula and the Scotia Arc |
2018-02-01 |
Florian Dirk Schneider |
Spatially heterogeneous stressors can alter the performance of indicators of regime shifts |
2018-02-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Methods for studying earthworm dispersal |
2018-02-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Study of soil–vegetation relationships on the Butte Montceau in Fontainebleau, France: Pedagogical exercise and training report |
2018-02-01 |
William D. Pearse |
Homogenization of plant diversity, composition, and structure in North American urban yards |
2018-02-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Flight range, fuel load and the impact of climate change on the journeys of migrant birds |
2018-01-31 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Contrasting impacts of competition on ecological and social trait evolution in songbirds |
2018-01-30 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Correction to: Addressing vulnerability, building resilience: community-based adaptation to vector-borne diseases in the context of global change. |
2018-01-25 |
Nuno Simões |
A dataset on the species composition of amphipods (Crustacea) in a Mexican marine national park: Alacranes Reef, Yucatan. |
2018-01-25 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Advancing understanding and prediction in multiple stressor research through a mechanistic basis for null models |
2018-01-24 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Canopy cover and structural complexity affect the phylogenetic composition of a pond-dwelling Neotropical anuran metacommunity |
2018-01-24 |
Cyrille Violle |
Ecological and biogeographical drivers of freshwater green algae biodiversity: from local communities to large-scale species pools of desmids |
2018-01-24 |
Jens Kattge |
Inter- and intraspecific variation in leaf economic traits in wheat and maize |
2018-01-18 |
Steven L. Chown |
A global analysis of elevational distribution of non‐native versus native plants |
2018-01-17 |
William Farfán Rios |
Species Distribution Modelling: Contrasting presence-only models with plot abundance data. |
2018-01-17 |
Katelin D. Pearson |
Worldwide Engagement for Digitizing Biocollections (WeDigBio): The Biocollections Community’s Citizen-Science Space on the Calendar |
2018-01-16 |
Alexander Keller |
The characterization of the circadian clock in the olive fly Bactrocera oleae (Diptera: Tephritidae) reveals a Drosophila-like organization |
2018-01-16 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
chloroExtractor: extraction and assembly of the chloroplast genome from whole genome shotgun data |
2018-01-14 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Filters of floristic exchange: How traits and climate shape the rain forest invasion of Sahul from Sunda |
2018-01-14 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle | Jens Kattge | Brad Boyle |
Spatial patterns and climate relationships of major plant traits in the New World differ between woody and herbaceous species |
2018-01-13 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Ecological drivers of song evolution in birds: Disentangling the effects of habitat and morphology. |
2018-01-12 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford |
Greening up the mountain. |
2018-01-11 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Microclimate Ecology |
2018-01-10 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Bigger or better: The relative benefits of protected area network expansion and enforcement for the conservation of an exploited species |
2018-01-10 |
Lucie M Bland |
Developing a standardized definition of ecosystem collapse for risk assessment |
2018-01-08 |
Malte Jochum |
Energy Flux: The Link between Multitrophic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning. |
2018-01-04 |
Jens Kattge |
Symbiont switching and alternative resource acquisition strategies drive mutualism breakdown |
2018-01-02 |
Mark Westoby |
Costs of acquiring phosphorus by vascular land plants: patterns and implications for plant coexistence |
2018-01-02 |
Ben Sparrow |
An ecological climate change classification for South Australia |
2018-01-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Phylogenomics of the Major Tropical Plant Family Annonaceae Using Targeted Enrichment of Nuclear Genes |
2018-01-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Plastic Population Effects and Conservative Leaf Traits in a Reciprocal Transplant Experiment Simulating Climate Warming in the Himalayas |
2018-01-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford | Brian J. Enquist | Brian S. Maitner | Aud H. Halbritter | Sean T. Michaletz |
Intraspecific Trait Variation and Phenotypic Plasticity Mediate Alpine Plant Species Response to Climate Change |
2018-01-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Advances in Monitoring and Modelling Climate at Ecologically Relevant Scales |
2018-01-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Correction: The Allometry of Bee Proboscis Length and Its Uses in Ecology |
2018-01-01 |
Ian J. Wright |
Summer solstice marks a seasonal shift in temperature sensitivity of stem growth and nitrogen-use efficiency in cold-limited forests |
2018-01-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Navigating the fiery debate: the role of scientific evidence in eliciting policy and management responses for contentious plants in northern Australia |
2018-01-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Too much hot air? Informing ethical trapping in hot, dry environments |
2018-01-01 |
Ramona L Walls |
Crowds Replicate Performance of Scientific Experts Scoring Phylogenetic Matrices of Phenotypes |
2018-01-01 |
Ramona L Walls |
AgBioData consortium recommendations for sustainable genomics and genetics databases for agriculture |
2018-01-01 |
Stefano Mammola |
Ecological speciation in darkness? Spatial niche partitioning in sibling subterranean spiders (Araneae : Linyphiidae : Troglohyphantes) |
2018-01-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Annotation of phenotypes using ontologies: a gold standard for the training and evaluation of natural language processing systems |
2018-01-01 |
Cyrille Violle |
Correction: A combinatorial analysis using observational data identifies species that govern ecosystem functioning |
2018-01-01 |
Anton Potapov |
Non-vascular plants as a food source for litter-dwelling Collembola: Field evidence |
2018-01-01 |
Anton Potapov |
Description of three new species of Aposphragisma Thoma, 2014 (Araneae: Oonopidae) from Sumatra, Indonesia |
2017-12-28 |
Stefanie Dekeyzer |
Improving nomenclatural consistency: a decade of experience in the World Register of Marine Species |
2017-12-27 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Making ecological models adequate |
2017-12-27 |
Jens Kattge |
Advances in flowering phenology across the Northern Hemisphere are explained by functional traits |
2017-12-24 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Does plasticity in thermal tolerance trade off with inherent tolerance? The influence of setal tracheal gills on thermal tolerance and its plasticity in a group of European diving beetles. |
2017-12-22 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Designing connected marine reserves in the face of global warming |
2017-12-21 |
Steven L. Chown |
Climate change leads to increasing population density and impacts of a key island invader. |
2017-12-21 |
Heloise Gibb |
Testing top-down and bottom-up effects on arid zone beetle assemblages following mammal reintroduction |
2017-12-20 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Interactive life-history traits predict sensitivity of plants and animals to temporal autocorrelation |
2017-12-19 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Geostatistical interpolation can reliably extend coverage of a very high-resolution model of temperature-dependent sex determination |
2017-12-19 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Effects of species evenness can be derived from species richness - ecosystem functioning relationships |
2017-12-18 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Social-ecological factors and preventive actions decrease the risk of dengue infection at the household-level: Results from a prospective dengue surveillance study in Machala, Ecuador. |
2017-12-18 |
Steven L. Chown |
Basal resistance enhances warming tolerance of alien over indigenous species across latitude |
2017-12-18 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Consistent effects of biodiversity loss on multifunctionality across contrasting ecosystems |
2017-12-15 |
Jens Kattge | Ian J. Wright |
Global leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry and their scaling exponent |
2017-12-15 |
Steven L. Chown |
Australian penguin ticks screened for novel Borrelia species. |
2017-12-13 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Corrigendum: Reductions in global biodiversity loss predicted from conservation spending |
2017-12-12 |
Melissa Haendel |
Teaching data science fundamentals through realistic synthetic clinical cardiovascular data |
2017-12-11 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Addressing vulnerability, building resilience: community-based adaptation to vector-borne diseases in the context of global change. |
2017-12-11 |
Stefano Mammola |
An ecological survey of the invertebrate community at the epigean/hypogean interface |
2017-12-09 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Heated communities: large inter- and intraspecific variation in heat tolerance across trophic levels of a soil arthropod community |
2017-12-08 |
Nuno Simões |
Predatory behavior of the cave shrimp Creaseria morleyi (Creaser, 1936) (Caridea: Palaemonidae), the blind hunter of the Yucatán cenotes, Mexico |
2017-12-07 |
Hervé Sauquet |
More than sixty origins of pantoporate pollen in angiosperms |
2017-12-07 |
Daniel Mietchen |
WikiCite 2017 report |
2017-12-07 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Co-existence of multiple trade-off currencies shapes evolutionary outcomes. |
2017-12-06 |
Brian J. Enquist | Sean T. Michaletz |
Drivers of terrestrial plant production across broad geographical gradients |
2017-12-05 |
Joshua S Madin | Daniel Falster |
Corrigendum: The Coral Trait Database, a curated database of trait information for coral species from the global oceans |
2017-12-04 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Surface temperatures of albatross eggs and nests |
2017-12-04 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Foraging constraints reverse the scaling of activity time in carnivores |
2017-12-04 |
Stefano Mammola |
A synthesis on cave-dwelling spiders in Europe |
2017-12-03 |
Caterina Penone |
Nutrient stoichiometry and land use rather than species richness determine plant functional diversity |
2017-12-02 |
Cyrille Violle |
Shifts in plant functional strategies over the course of wheat domestication |
2017-12-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
An updated phylogeny and infrageneric classification of the genus Sisyrinchium (Iridaceae): Challenges of molecular and morphological evidence |
2017-12-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Environmental conditions limit attractiveness of a complex sexual signal in the túngara frog. |
2017-12-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Improved quantification of UV-B absorbing compounds in Pinus sylvestris L. pollen grains using an internal standard methodology |
2017-12-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Breaking the deadlock on ivory. |
2017-12-01 |
Brian J. Enquist | Brian S. Maitner |
Big data of tree species distributions: how big and how good? |
2017-12-01 |
Dylan J. Craven | Jens Kattge | Marko J. Spasojevic |
Mapping local and global variability in plant trait distributions |
2017-12-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Gall wasp biocontrol of invasive Acacia longifolia : implications of strong bottom-up effects |
2017-12-01 |
Cyrille Violle |
A Common Toolbox to Understand, Monitor or Manage Rarity? A Response to Carmona et al. |
2017-11-30 |
Nuno Simões |
Ordinary kriging vs inverse distance weighting: spatial interpolation of the sessile community of Madagascar reef, Gulf of Mexico |
2017-11-30 |
Samuel C. Andrew |
The genetic structure of the introduced house sparrow populations in Australia and New Zealand is consistent with historical descriptions of multiple introductions to each country |
2017-11-29 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Internet Blogs, Polar Bears, and Climate-Change Denial by Proxy |
2017-11-29 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Climate Change Impacts on Human Health |
2017-11-27 |
Heloise Gibb |
Habitat disturbance selects against both small and large species across varying climates |
2017-11-27 |
Stefano Mammola |
Applying species distribution models to caves and other subterranean habitats |
2017-11-27 |
Ramona L Walls |
Identifier Services: Tracking Objects and Metadata Across Time and Distributed Storage Systems |
2017-11-27 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Novel predators emit novel cues: a mechanism for prey naivety towards alien predators |
2017-11-27 |
Cyrille Violle |
Crop mixtures: does niche complementarity hold for belowground resources? An experimental test using rice genotypic pairs |
2017-11-22 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Quantifying seasonal and diel variation in Anopheline and Culex human biting rates in Southern Ecuador |
2017-11-20 |
Cyrille Violle |
ecolottery : Simulating and assessing community assembly with environmental filtering and neutral dynamics in R |
2017-11-19 |
Brian J. Enquist | Sean T. Michaletz |
Taxonomic decomposition of the latitudinal gradient in species diversity of North American floras |
2017-11-16 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Biodiversity and climate determine the functioning of Neotropical forests |
2017-11-15 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Estimating realistic costs for strategic management planning of invasive species eradications on islands |
2017-11-15 |
Pete Manning | Jens Kattge |
Continental mapping of forest ecosystem functions reveals a high but unrealised potential for forest multifunctionality |
2017-11-14 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
The impact of industrial oil development on a protected area landscape: demographic and social change at Murchison Falls Conservation Area, Uganda |
2017-11-14 |
Lucie M Bland |
The role of satellite remote sensing in structured ecosystem risk assessments |
2017-11-13 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Towards stressor-specific macroinvertebrate indices: Which traits and taxonomic groups are associated with vulnerable and tolerant taxa? |
2017-11-13 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Predicting Chronic Climate-Driven Disturbances and Their Mitigation |
2017-11-13 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Species pool distributions along functional trade-offs shape plant productivity-diversity relationships |
2017-11-11 |
Nuno Simões |
An Indo-Pacific damselfish in the Gulf of Mexico: origin and mode of introduction |
2017-11-10 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Predicting Predator Recognition in a Changing World. |
2017-11-09 |
Ian J. Wright |
Nutrient-rich plants emit a less intense blend of volatile isoprenoids. |
2017-11-08 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
From Songlines to genomes: Prehistoric assisted migration of a rain forest tree by Australian Aboriginal people. |
2017-11-08 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Regional-scale lateral carbon transport and CO2 evasion in temperate stream catchments |
2017-11-08 |
William D. Pearse |
Towards an eco-phylogenetic framework for infectious disease ecology. |
2017-11-07 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Lags in the response of mountain plant communities to climate change |
2017-11-06 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
An individual-based model of ectotherm movement integrating metabolic and microclimatic constraints |
2017-11-06 |
William D. Pearse |
A statistical estimator for determining the limits of contemporary and historic phenology |
2017-11-04 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Implications of clonality for ageing research |
2017-11-01 |
Paul Efren Santos Andrade | Brian J. Enquist |
Can Leaf Spectroscopy Predict Leaf and Forest Traits Along a Peruvian Tropical Forest Elevation Gradient? |
2017-11-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
PDX-MI: Minimal Information for Patient-Derived Tumor Xenograft Models. |
2017-11-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Outbreak of Zika Virus Infections, Dominica, 2016. |
2017-11-01 |
Ben Sparrow |
Response to Comment on “The extent of forest in dryland biomes”. |
2017-11-01 |
Ben Sparrow |
Response to Comment on “The extent of forest in dryland biomes” |
2017-10-31 |
Luca Santini |
Low Levels of Fruit Nitrogen as Drivers for the Evolution of Madagascar’s Primate Communities. |
2017-10-31 |
Stefano Mammola |
Record breaking achievements by spiders and the scientists who study them |
2017-10-30 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
The need for spatially explicit quantification of benefits in invasive-species management. |
2017-10-30 |
Daniel S. Park |
Widespread sampling biases in herbaria revealed from large-scale digitization |
2017-10-30 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Trait-based indicators of bird species sensitivity to habitat loss are effective within but not across datasets |
2017-10-27 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Feeling the pressure at home: Predator activity at the burrow entrance of an endangered arid-zone skink |
2017-10-27 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Fire effects and ecological recovery pathways of Tropical Montane Cloud Forests along a time chronosequence |
2017-10-27 |
Jens Kattge |
Taxonomic and functional turnover are decoupled in European peat bogs. |
2017-10-26 |
Alexander Keller |
Release from prey preservation behavior via prey switch allowed diversification of cuticular hydrocarbon profiles in digger wasps. |
2017-10-26 |
Cyrille Violle |
Multi‐scale and antagonist selection on life‐history traits in parasitoids: A community ecology perspective |
2017-10-25 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Reductions in global biodiversity loss predicted from conservation spending |
2017-10-24 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Changing contributions of stochastic and deterministic processes in community assembly over a successional gradient |
2017-10-23 |
Jacintha Ellers |
An Evolutionary Perspective on Linoleic Acid Synthesis in Animals |
2017-10-20 |
David B. Roy |
European butterfly populations vary in sensitivity to weather across their geographical ranges |
2017-10-18 |
Melissa Haendel |
Matchmaker Exchange |
2017-10-18 |
Richard J Telford |
Younger Dryas ice margin retreat triggered by ocean surface warming in central-eastern Baffin Bay. |
2017-10-18 |
Caterina Penone |
Environmental variation is a major predictor of global trait turnover in mammals |
2017-10-18 |
Ben Sparrow |
Bacterial natural product biosynthetic domain composition in soil correlates with changes in latitude on a continent-wide scale |
2017-10-16 |
Samuel C. Andrew |
Higher temperatures during development reduce body size in the zebra finch in the laboratory and in the wild. |
2017-10-13 |
Renee A. Catullo |
Truncation of thermal tolerance niches among Australian plants |
2017-10-12 |
William Farfán Rios | Brian J. Enquist | Brian S. Maitner | Sean T. Michaletz |
Assessing trait-based scaling theory in tropical forests spanning a broad temperature gradient |
2017-10-06 |
Malte Jochum |
Interactive effects of temperature and habitat complexity on freshwater communities |
2017-10-06 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Functional Hypoxia in Insects: Definition, Assessment, and Consequences for Physiology, Ecology, and Evolution. |
2017-10-05 |
Nuno Simões |
Benthic hydroids (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa) from Alacranes Reef, Gulf of Mexico, Mexico |
2017-10-05 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Changing livestock vaccination policy alters the epidemiology of human anthrax, Georgia, 2000-2013. |
2017-10-03 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Revision of the Neotropical water scavenger beetle genus Quadriops Hansen, 1999 (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Acidocerinae) |
2017-10-03 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Changing measurements or changing movements? Sampling scale and movement model identifiability across generations of biologging technology |
2017-10-03 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Environmental correlates of internal coloration in frogs vary throughout space and lineages. |
2017-10-02 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Diversity-dependent temporal divergence of ecosystem functioning in experimental ecosystems. |
2017-10-02 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
The recent and rapid spread of Themeda triandra |
2017-10-02 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Stoichiometric plasticity of microbial communities is similar between litter and soil in a tropical rainforest |
2017-10-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Gold Open Access Publishing in Mega-Journals: Developing Countries Pay the Price of Western Premium Academic Output |
2017-10-01 |
Richard J Telford |
Fossil forest reveals sunspot activity in the early Permian: COMMENT |
2017-10-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Biodiversity benefits for saproxylic beetles with uneven-aged silviculture |
2017-10-01 |
Ben Sparrow |
Response to Comment on “The extent of forest in dryland biomes” |
2017-09-30 |
Melissa Haendel |
OpenVIVO: Transparency in Scholarship |
2017-09-30 |
Maribeth Latvis |
Primers for Castilleja and their utility across Orobanchaceae: II. Single-copy nuclear loci. |
2017-09-29 |
Maribeth Latvis |
Primers for Castilleja and their utility across Orobanchaceae: I. Chloroplast primers |
2017-09-28 |
Steven L. Chown |
Tsunami debris spells trouble |
2017-09-27 |
Alexander Keller | Markus Ankenbrand |
FENNEC - Functional Exploration of Natural Networks and Ecological Communities |
2017-09-27 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Adapting systematic conservation planning for climate change |
2017-09-27 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Microclimate variability in alpine ecosystems as stepping stones for non-native plant establishment above their current elevational limit |
2017-09-27 |
Ramona L Walls |
Humboldt Core - toward a standardized capture of biological inventories for biodiversity monitoring, modeling and assessment |
2017-09-25 |
Brian S. Maitner | Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle |
New approaches for delineating n ‐dimensional hypervolumes |
2017-09-22 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Quantifying Seasonal and Diel Variation in Anopheline and Culex Human Biting Rates in Southern Ecuador |
2017-09-21 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
On the inconsistency of pollinator species traits for predicting either response to land-use change or functional contribution |
2017-09-19 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Habitat use, activity patterns and human interactions with jaguars Panthera onca in southern Belize |
2017-09-19 |
Kim S. Ely |
A zero-power warming chamber for investigating plant responses to rising temperature |
2017-09-19 |
Ben Sparrow |
The biodiversity impacts of non-native species should not be extrapolated from biased single-species studies |
2017-09-18 |
Jens Kattge | Cyrille Violle |
Plant community structure and nitrogen inputs modulate the climate signal on leaf traits |
2017-09-14 |
Daniel S. Park |
Understanding the Processes Underpinning Patterns of Phylogenetic Regionalization. |
2017-09-14 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Biotic and abiotic drivers of the tree growth and mortality trade-off in an old-growth temperate forest |
2017-09-11 |
Mark Westoby |
Shoot growth of woody trees and shrubs is predicted by maximum plant height and associated traits |
2017-09-11 |
Cyrille Violle |
funrar: An R package to characterize functional rarity |
2017-09-09 |
Stefano Mammola |
Rapid poleward distributional shifts in the European cave-dwelling Meta spiders under the influence of competition dynamics |
2017-09-06 |
Brian J. Enquist | Brian S. Maitner | Cyrille Violle | Brad Boyle | Sandra M. Durán |
The bien r package: A tool to access the Botanical Information and Ecology Network (BIEN) database |
2017-09-06 |
Kim S. Ely |
Terrestrial biosphere models underestimate photosynthetic capacity and CO2 assimilation in the Arctic. |
2017-09-05 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Research priorities for conservation and natural resource management in Oceania’s small island developing states. |
2017-09-05 |
Caterina Penone | Brunno Freire Oliveira |
AmphiBIO, a global database for amphibian ecological traits |
2017-09-04 |
Ian J. Wright |
Towards a universal model for carbon dioxide uptake by plants |
2017-09-01 |
Ian J. Wright | Rachael V. Gallagher | Mark Westoby |
Global climatic drivers of leaf size. |
2017-09-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Significant inconsistency of vegetation carbon density in CMIP5 Earth system models against observational data |
2017-09-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
The veiled ecological danger of rising sea levels |
2017-09-01 |
Luca Santini |
Assessing the suitability of diversity metrics to detect biodiversity change |
2017-09-01 |
Lucie M Bland |
Using multiple lines of evidence to assess the risk of ecosystem collapse |
2017-09-01 |
Anton Potapov |
Arthropods in the subsoil: Abundance and vertical distribution as related to soil organic matter, microbial biomass and plant roots |
2017-09-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Bird and bat species’ global vulnerability to collision mortality at wind farms revealed through a trait-based assessment. |
2017-08-31 |
William Farfán Rios |
Incadendron : a new genus of Euphorbiaceae tribe Hippomaneae from the sub-Andean cordilleras of Ecuador and Peru. |
2017-08-30 |
Melissa Haendel |
Tools for exploring mouse models of human disease |
2017-08-30 |
Alexander Keller |
Honey bee foraging ecology: Season but not landscape diversity shapes the amount and diversity of collected pollen |
2017-08-30 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
A spatial evaluation of global wildfire-water risks to human and natural systems. |
2017-08-29 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Curso AEET “Optimizando el uso de R para el análisis de datos en ecología” |
2017-08-28 |
Malte Jochum |
Direct and cascading impacts of tropical land-use change on multi-trophic biodiversity |
2017-08-21 |
Ramona L Walls |
An Update on the Plant Phenology Ontology and Plant Phenology Data Integration |
2017-08-20 |
Florian Dirk Schneider |
Diversity and trait composition of moths respond to land-use intensification in grasslands: generalists replace specialists |
2017-08-20 |
Ramona L Walls |
Semantically Defining Populations for ‘Omics Research |
2017-08-19 |
Jacintha Ellers |
De novo Synthesis of Linoleic Acid in Multiple Collembola Species. |
2017-08-18 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Polisye Kont Moustik: A Culturally Competent Approach to Larval Source Reduction in the Context of Lymphatic Filariasis and Malaria Elimination in Haiti |
2017-08-18 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Metacommunity phylogenteic structure along environmental gradients |
2017-08-17 |
Katherine C B Weiss |
Impacts of forest restoration on water yield: A systematic review. |
2017-08-16 |
Stefanie Dekeyzer |
Documenting Marine Species Traits in the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS): Current status, Future Plans and Encountered Challenges |
2017-08-15 |
Xiao Feng |
Can incomplete knowledge of species’ physiology facilitate ecological niche modelling? A case study with virtual species |
2017-08-15 |
Jorrit Poelen |
GoMexSI: Using Open Platforms such as Github, Wordpress, and GloBI to Manage, and Share Species Interaction Data |
2017-08-14 |
Ramona L Walls |
Invasive Organisms Information: A proposed TDWG Task Group |
2017-08-12 |
Daniel Mietchen |
WikiCite: Citations needed for the sum of all human knowledge |
2017-08-11 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Academics can help shape Wikipedia |
2017-08-11 |
Ramona L Walls |
A High-throughput Data Ingest Pipeline for Semantic Data-stores |
2017-08-11 |
Jorrit Poelen |
Global Biotic Interactions: A Catalyst For Integrating Existing Interaction Datasets, Connecting Data Curators And Developing Data Exchange Methods |
2017-08-10 |
Jennifer A Hammock | Anne Thessen | Jorrit Poelen |
Building Your Own Big Data Analysis Infrastructure for Biodiversity Science |
2017-08-10 |
Franziska Schrodt | Lucie M Bland |
Satellite remote sensing of ecosystem functions: opportunities, challenges and way forward |
2017-08-07 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Causes and Consequences of Behavioral Interference between Species |
2017-08-04 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Global expansion and redistribution ofAedes-borne virus transmission risk with climate change |
2017-08-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
The ancestral flower of angiosperms and its early diversification. |
2017-08-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Developing international open science collaborations: Funder reflections on the Open Science Prize |
2017-08-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Exotic species enhance response diversity to land-use change but modify functional composition. |
2017-08-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
How good are epigeic earthworms at dispersing? An investigation to compare epigeic to endogeic and anecic groups |
2017-08-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
What do Data from Fieldwork and Scientific Collections Tell us about Species Richness and Composition of Amphibians and Reptiles? |
2017-08-01 |
Cyrille Violle |
Land-use change effects on the taxonomic and morphological trait composition of ant communities in French Guiana |
2017-08-01 |
Belén Fadrique |
Research Priorities for the Conservation and Sustainable Governance of Andean Forest Landscapes |
2017-08-01 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Integrating ecosystem services supply potential from future land-use scenarios in protected area management: A Bangladesh case study |
2017-07-31 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Honeybee spillover reshuffles pollinator diets and affects plant reproductive success |
2017-07-31 |
Ian J. Wright |
Corrigendum: Palaeo leaf economics reveal a shift in ecosystem function associated with the end-Triassic mass extinction event |
2017-07-30 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Assessing recovery of stream insects from pesticides using a two-patch metapopulation model |
2017-07-29 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Aud H. Halbritter |
Plastic and genetic responses to shifts in snowmelt time affects the reproductive phenology and growth of Ranunculus acris |
2017-07-26 |
Cyrille Violle |
Mapping the dependency of crops on pollinators in Belgium |
2017-07-21 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Environmentally and behaviourally mediated co-occurrence of functional traits in bird communities of tropical forest fragments |
2017-07-20 |
Daniel Mietchen |
A multi-disciplinary perspective on emergent and future innovations in peer review |
2017-07-20 |
Daniel Mietchen |
A multi-disciplinary perspective on emergent and future innovations in peer review |
2017-07-20 |
Steven L. Chown |
Barriers to globally invasive species are weakening across the Antarctic |
2017-07-19 |
Cyrille Violle |
Biogeochemical and Ecomorphological Niche Segregation of Mediterranean Woody Species along a Local Gradient |
2017-07-18 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Wikipedia as a gateway to biomedical research: The relative distribution and use of citations in the English Wikipedia |
2017-07-18 |
Daniel S. Park |
Widespread sampling biases in herbaria revealed from large-scale digitization |
2017-07-18 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Contribution of waste water treatment plants to pesticide toxicity in agriculture catchments. |
2017-07-17 |
Ian G. Brennan |
Barcoding utility in a mega-diverse, cross-continental genus: keeping pace with Cyrtodactylus geckos |
2017-07-17 |
Ian J. Wright |
Palaeo leaf economics reveal a shift in ecosystem function associated with the end-Triassic mass extinction event. |
2017-07-14 |
Pete Manning | Jens Kattge |
Predicting habitat affinities of plant species using commonly measured functional traits |
2017-07-10 |
Joshua S Madin |
Using Traits to Assess Nontransitivity of Interactions among Coral Species |
2017-07-04 |
Stefano Mammola |
Human-induced Alterations of the Mycobiota in an Alpine Show Cave (Italy, SW-Alps) |
2017-07-03 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle |
Using n -dimensional hypervolumes for species distribution modelling: A response to Qiao et al. () |
2017-07-03 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Use and misuse of temperature normalisation in meta-analyses of thermal responses of biological traits |
2017-07-03 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Use and misuse of temperature normalisation in meta-analyses of thermal responses of biological traits |
2017-07-03 |
Caterina Penone |
Global priorities for conservation across multiple dimensions of mammalian diversity. |
2017-07-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto | Ben Sparrow |
Publish openly but responsibly |
2017-07-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Purpose, policy, and practice: Intent and reality for on-ground management and outcomes of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park |
2017-07-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Introduction to a Virtual Issue on root traits |
2017-07-01 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Characterizing opportunistic breeding at a continental scale using all available sources of phenological data: An assessment of 337 species across the Australian continent |
2017-07-01 |
Xiao Feng |
Can land use indicate wetland floristic quality and taxonomic distinctness? |
2017-06-30 |
Daniel S. Park |
Selfing species exhibit diminished niche breadth over time |
2017-06-30 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Response of bacterial communities to Pb smelter pollution in contrasting soils. |
2017-06-29 |
Melissa Haendel |
Identifiers for the 21st century: How to design, provision, and reuse persistent identifiers to maximize utility and impact of life science data |
2017-06-28 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Coping with living in the soil: the genome of the parthenogenetic springtail Folsomia candida |
2017-06-28 |
Brian J. Enquist | Sean T. Michaletz |
Biogeochemistry drives diversity in the prokaryotes, fungi, and invertebrates of a Panama forest. |
2017-06-26 |
Melissa Haendel |
Disease model discovery from 3,328 gene knockouts by The International Mouse Phenotyping Consortium. |
2017-06-22 |
William D. Pearse |
Evolution of mammalian migrations for refuge, breeding, and food |
2017-06-20 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Tree water dynamics in a drying and warming world. |
2017-06-20 |
Anne Thessen |
Calculating in situ degradation rates of hydrocarbon compounds in deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico |
2017-06-15 |
Joshua S Madin |
Characterization of measurement errors using structure-from-motion and photogrammetry to measure marine habitat structural complexity |
2017-06-15 |
Stefano Mammola |
Spider World Records: a resource for using organismal biology as a hook for science learning |
2017-06-15 |
Stefano Mammola |
Spider World Records: a resource for using organismal biology as a hook for science learning |
2017-06-14 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Sexual selection gradients change over time in a simultaneous hermaphrodite |
2017-06-13 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Seedling response to environmental variability: The relationship between phenotypic plasticity and evolutionary history in closely related Eucalyptus species |
2017-06-13 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez | Cyrille Violle | Brian J. Enquist |
Less favourable climates constrain demographic strategies in plants |
2017-06-12 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
AliTV—interactive visualization of whole genome comparisons |
2017-06-08 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Competition in the savanna: Models of species assemblages in Kruger National Park, South Africa |
2017-06-08 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Large Scale Risks from Agricultural Pesticides in Small Streams |
2017-06-06 |
Brian J. Enquist | Sean T. Michaletz |
Correspondence: Reply to ‘Analytical flaws in a continental-scale forest soil microbial diversity study’ |
2017-06-01 |
Nuno Simões |
First report of the parasite crustacean Leidya distorta (Isopoda: Bopyridae) on the fiddler crab Uca spinicarpa (Decapoda: Brachyura) in Yucatán coasts, Mexico |
2017-06-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation: three years on |
2017-06-01 |
David B. Roy |
Climate change, climatic variation and extreme biological responses |
2017-06-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Avian egg shape: Form, function, and evolution |
2017-05-31 |
Steven L. Chown |
Range expansion of two invasive springtails on sub-Antarctic Macquarie Island |
2017-05-30 |
Mark Westoby | Marko J. Spasojevic |
Habitat filtering determines the functional niche occupancy of plant communities worldwide |
2017-05-30 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Draining the Pool? Carbon Storage and Fluxes in Three Alpine Plant Communities |
2017-05-30 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
The impact of Last Glacial climate variability in west-European loess revealed by radiocarbon dating of fossil earthworm granules. |
2017-05-28 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Scholia, Scientometrics and Wikidata |
2017-05-26 |
Melissa Haendel |
Defining Disease, Diagnosis, and Translational Medicine within a Homeostatic Perturbation Paradigm: The National Institutes of Health Undiagnosed Diseases Program Experience |
2017-05-24 |
Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
Coordinated Shifts In Allocation Among Reproductive Tissues Across 14 Coexisting Plant Species |
2017-05-22 |
Joshua S Madin |
Coral larvae are poor swimmers and require fine-scale reef structure to settle. |
2017-05-19 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Bioclimatic transect networks: Powerful observatories of ecological change. |
2017-05-19 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford |
Avian guild assemblages in forest fragments around Budongo Forest Reserve, western Uganda |
2017-05-17 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Long-term carbon and nitrogen dynamics at SPRUCE revealed through stable isotopes in peat profiles |
2017-05-17 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Does the loss of climate sensitive detritivore species alter leaf decomposition? |
2017-05-16 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Consensus and conflict among ecological forecasts of Zika virus outbreaks in the United States |
2017-05-16 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Sexual selection, speciation and constraints on geographical range overlap in birds |
2017-05-15 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Social-Ecological Factors And Preventive Actions Decrease The Risk Of Dengue Infection At The Household-Level: Results From A Prospective Dengue Surveillance Study In Machala, Ecuador |
2017-05-15 |
Malte Jochum |
Resource stoichiometry and availability modulate species richness and biomass of tropical litter macro-invertebrates |
2017-05-15 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Sperm and sex peptide stimulate aggression in female Drosophila. |
2017-05-11 |
Luca Santini |
Length - Mass allometries in Amphibians |
2017-05-11 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Resilience in ecotoxicology: Toward a multiple equilibrium concept |
2017-05-10 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Individual heterogeneity determines sex differences in mortality in a monogamous bird with reversed sexual dimorphism. |
2017-05-08 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Differences in STI knowledge accuracy and STI/HIV testing among a random sample of college students: A secondary survey analysis |
2017-05-05 |
David B. Roy |
Using citizen science butterfly counts to predict species population trends |
2017-05-03 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Does environmental heterogeneity drive functional trait variation? A test in montane and alpine meadows |
2017-05-02 |
William Farfán Rios | Brian J. Enquist |
Solar radiation and functional traits explain the decline of forest primary productivity along a tropical elevation gradient |
2017-05-01 |
John Alroy |
Effects of habitat disturbance on tropical forest biodiversity |
2017-05-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Sharing Clinical and Genomic Data on Cancer - The Need for Global Solutions |
2017-05-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Higher predation risk for insect prey at low latitudes and elevations. |
2017-05-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Perception matrices: An adaptation of repertory grid technique |
2017-05-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Uneven-aged silviculture can reduce negative effects of forest management on beetles |
2017-05-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Soil humidity, potential solar radiation and altitude affect boreal beetle assemblages in dead wood |
2017-05-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Contrasting effects of aquatic subsidies on a terrestrial trophic cascade. |
2017-05-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
How do seemingly non-vagile clades accomplish trans-marine dispersal? Trait and dispersal evolution in the landfowl (Aves: Galliformes). |
2017-05-01 |
Ben Sparrow |
The extent of forest in dryland biomes. |
2017-04-29 |
Katelin D. Pearson |
Old Plants, New Tricks: Phenological Research Using Herbarium Specimens |
2017-04-28 |
Ian J. Wright |
Scaling up flammability from individual leaves to fuel beds |
2017-04-28 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Trace element concentrations along a gradient of urban pressure in forest and lawn soils of the Paris region (France). |
2017-04-27 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Detecting the impact of temperature on transmission of Zika, dengue, and chikungunya using mechanistic models |
2017-04-27 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
rOpenSci: cómo acceder de forma reproducible a repositorios de datos públicos |
2017-04-27 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Comparison of dilution factors for German wastewater treatment plant effluents in receiving streams to the fixed dilution factor from chemical risk assessment |
2017-04-25 |
Melissa Haendel |
Reproducible and reusable research: are journal data sharing policies meeting the mark? |
2017-04-25 |
Lucie M Bland |
Global correlates of extinction risk in freshwater crayfish |
2017-04-24 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Urbanisation and the loss of phylogenetic diversity in birds |
2017-04-24 |
Jens Kattge |
Dispersal limitation determines large-scale dark diversity in Central and Northern Europe |
2017-04-24 |
Cyrille Violle |
A Multidimensional Functional Trait Approach Reveals the Imprint of Environmental Stress in Mediterranean Woody Communities |
2017-04-24 |
Anne Thessen |
Synthesizer: Expediting synthesis studies from context-free data with information retrieval techniques |
2017-04-21 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
AliTV-interactive visualization of whole genome comparisons |
2017-04-21 |
Malte Jochum |
Decreasing Stoichiometric Resource Quality Drives Compensatory Feeding across Trophic Levels in Tropical Litter Invertebrate Communities |
2017-04-19 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Sustained functional composition of pollinators in restored pastures despite slow functional restoration of plants. |
2017-04-18 |
Jens Kattge |
Climate- and successional-related changes in functional composition of European forests are strongly driven by tree mortality |
2017-04-10 |
Colleen M. Iversen | Cyrille Violle |
Climate, soil and plant functional types as drivers of global fine-root trait variation |
2017-04-10 |
Daniel S. Park |
CrowdCurio: an online crowdsourcing platform to facilitate climate change studies using herbarium specimens |
2017-04-09 |
Luca Santini |
Shifting baseline in macroecology? Unravelling the influence of human impact on mammalian body mass |
2017-04-06 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Plant-pollinator networks in semi-natural grasslands are resistant to the loss of pollinators during blooming of mass-flowering crops |
2017-04-05 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Machine-actionable data management plans (maDMPs) |
2017-04-04 |
Cyrille Violle |
Functional Rarity: The Ecology of Outliers |
2017-04-04 |
Cyrille Violle | Brian J. Enquist |
The evolution of bacterial cell size: the internal diffusion-constraint hypothesis. |
2017-04-04 |
Stefano Mammola |
Climate change may drive cave spiders to extinction |
2017-04-03 |
Nuno Simões |
Chitons (Mollusca, Polyplacophora) from Alacranes Reef, Yucatan, Mexico |
2017-04-03 |
Samuel C. Andrew |
Commentary: A Bird in the House: The Challenge of Being Ecologically Relevant in Captivity |
2017-04-03 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Landscape features impact connectivity between soil populations: a comparative study of gene flow in earthworms. |
2017-04-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
How (much) do flowers vary? Unbalanced disparity among flower functional modules and a mosaic pattern of morphospace occupation in the order Ericales. |
2017-04-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Progress in promoting data sharing in public health emergencies |
2017-04-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
The effect of a mobile-application tool on biology students’ motivation and achievement in species identification: A Self-Determination Theory perspective |
2017-04-01 |
Stefano Mammola |
Spiders in caves |
2017-03-31 |
Steven L. Chown |
Terrestrial invasions on sub-Antarctic Marion and Prince Edward Islands |
2017-03-31 |
Brian J. Enquist |
The role of functional uniqueness and spatial aggregation in explaining rarity in trees |
2017-03-30 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Fine-root growth in a forested bog is seasonally dynamic, but shallowly distributed in nutrient-poor peat |
2017-03-30 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
How well documented is Australia’s flora? Understanding spatial bias in vouchered plant specimens |
2017-03-29 |
Steven L. Chown |
Reconsidering connectivity in the sub-Antarctic. |
2017-03-28 |
Ian J. Wright | Jens Kattge |
A global trait-based approach to estimate leaf nitrogen functional allocation from observations |
2017-03-28 |
Steven L. Chown |
Antarctica and the strategic plan for biodiversity. |
2017-03-28 |
Pete Manning |
Impacts of 120 years of fertilizer addition on a temperate grassland ecosystem. |
2017-03-27 |
Camilo Alcántara |
E-Waste Supply Chain in Mexico: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Management |
2017-03-26 |
Pete Manning |
Forage quality declines with rising temperatures, with implications for livestock production and methane emissions |
2017-03-24 |
William D. Pearse |
Combining phylogeny and co-occurrence to improve single species distribution models |
2017-03-23 |
Katja Seltmann |
LepNet: The Lepidoptera of North America Network |
2017-03-23 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Genetic differentiation and plasticity interact along temperature and precipitation gradients to determine plant performance under climate change |
2017-03-22 |
David B. Roy |
Efficient occupancy model-fitting for extensive citizen-science data |
2017-03-21 |
Alana R O Chin |
Leaf acclimation to light availability supports rapid growth in tall Picea sitchensis trees |
2017-03-20 |
Melissa Haendel |
Identifiers for the 21st century: How to design, provision, and reuse persistent identifiers to maximize utility and impact of life science data |
2017-03-20 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Adaptation of phytoplankton to a decade of experimental warming linked to increased photosynthesis |
2017-03-20 |
Brian J. Enquist |
A general model for metabolic scaling in self-similar asymmetric networks |
2017-03-20 |
Cyrille Violle | Jens Kattge |
Sensitivity of community-level trait-environment relationships to data representativeness: A test for functional biogeography |
2017-03-15 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Transient facilitation of resprouting shrubs in fire-prone habitats |
2017-03-14 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Host associations and turnover of haemosporidian parasites in manakins (Aves: Pipridae). |
2017-03-13 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Scholia - March 2017 |
2017-03-13 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Scholia and scientometrics with Wikidata |
2017-03-13 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Building a better foundation: improving root-trait measurements to understand and model plant and ecosystem processes |
2017-03-10 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Physiological and structural tradeoffs underlying the leaf economics spectrum |
2017-03-10 |
Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
Multitrait successional forest dynamics enable diverse competitive coexistence |
2017-03-09 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Environmental correlates of internal coloration in frogs vary throughout space and lineages |
2017-03-06 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Dengue fever and Aedes aegypti risk in the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador |
2017-03-06 |
William D. Pearse |
Global biogeography of seed dormancy is determined by seasonality and seed size: a case study in the legumes |
2017-03-03 |
Lucie M Bland |
Using coarse-scale species distribution data to predict extinction risk in plants |
2017-03-01 |
Alexander Keller |
Generalist social bees maximize diversity intake in plant species-rich and resource-abundant environments |
2017-03-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Toward a Self-Updating Platform for Estimating Rates of Speciation and Migration, Ages, and Relationships of Taxa. |
2017-03-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Bedside Back to Bench: Building Bridges between Basic and Clinical Genomic Research |
2017-03-01 |
Joshua S Madin |
Allometric growth in reef-building corals. |
2017-03-01 |
William Farfán Rios |
Persistent effects of pre-Columbian plant domestication on Amazonian forest composition. |
2017-03-01 |
Luca Santini |
Sexual-size dimorphism in two synanthropic rat species: Comparison and eco-evolutionary perspectives |
2017-03-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Building a Virtual Ecosystem Dynamic Model for Root Research |
2017-03-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
A trait-based approach to understanding plant invasions on the Sub-Antarctic Islands |
2017-03-01 |
Michael J. McWilliam |
Global warming and recurrent mass bleaching of corals |
2017-03-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Tadpole ofProceratophrys mantiqueira(Anura: Odontophrynidae), with a Description of Its Internal Oral Features |
2017-03-01 |
Jorrit Poelen |
Opinion: Why we need a centralized repository for isotopic data |
2017-02-28 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Strategies and guidelines for scholarly publishing of biodiversity data |
2017-02-28 |
Cyrille Violle | Colleen M. Iversen | Jens Kattge |
A global Fine-Root Ecology Database to address below-ground challenges in plant ecology |
2017-02-27 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
The social and spatial ecology of dengue presence and burden during an outbreak in Guayaquil, Ecuador, 2012 |
2017-02-23 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Interacting livestock and fire may both threaten and increase viability of a fire-adapted Mediterranean carnivorous plant |
2017-02-23 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Plant traits and plant biogeography control the biotic resistance provided by generalist herbivores |
2017-02-22 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Predators regulate prey species sorting and spatial distribution in microbial landscapes. |
2017-02-21 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Environmental cholera ( Vibrio cholerae ) dynamics in an estuarine system in southern coastal Ecuador |
2017-02-21 |
Jens Kattge |
Tree mortality across biomes is promoted by drought intensity, lower wood density and higher specific leaf area. |
2017-02-18 |
Ian G. Brennan |
Mass turnover and recovery dynamics of a diverse Australian continental radiation |
2017-02-15 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Revision of the Neotropical water scavenger beetle genus Globulosis García, 2001 (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae: Acidocerinae) |
2017-02-15 |
Joshua S Madin |
A simple, fast, and repeatable survey method for underwater visual 3D benthic mapping and monitoring. |
2017-02-14 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Biodiversity of Bangladesh |
2017-02-09 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Water quality variables and pollution sources shaping stream macroinvertebrate communities |
2017-02-09 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Phylogenetic patterns and the adaptive evolution of osmoregulation in fiddler crabs (Brachyura, Uca). |
2017-02-08 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle |
Interspecific integration of trait dimensions at local scales: the plant phenotype as an integrated network |
2017-02-06 |
Jens Kattge |
Testing the environmental filtering concept in global drylands |
2017-02-02 |
Pete Manning |
Sensitivity of functional diversity metrics to sampling intensity |
2017-02-01 |
Nuno Simões |
3D chemoecology and chemotaxonomy of corals using fatty acid biomarkers: Latitude, longitude and depth |
2017-02-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Love at first sniff: a spermatophore-associated pheromone mediates partner attraction in a collembolan species |
2017-02-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Predictability in community dynamics |
2017-02-01 |
Xiao Feng |
Physiological limits in an ecological niche modeling framework: A case study of water temperature and salinity constraints of freshwater bivalves invasive in USA |
2017-01-31 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Meeting the Aichi targets: Pushing for zero extinction conservation. |
2017-01-30 |
Ian J. Wright |
Leaf nitrogen from first principles: field evidence for adaptive variation with climate |
2017-01-25 |
Jens Kattge |
A synthesis of tree functional traits related to drought-induced mortality in forests across climatic zones |
2017-01-25 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle |
Predicting trait-environment relationships for venation networks along an Andes-Amazon elevation gradient |
2017-01-23 |
Jens Kattge |
Stand age and species richness dampen interannual variation of ecosystem-level photosynthetic capacity |
2017-01-20 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
The burden of dengue fever and chikungunya in southern coastal Ecuador: Epidemiology, clinical presentation, and phylogenetics from the first two years of a prospective study |
2017-01-19 |
Steven L. Chown |
Expanding the Protected Area Network in Antarctica is Urgent and Readily Achievable |
2017-01-19 |
Stefano Mammola |
Species conservation profile of the stenoendemic cave spider Pimoa delphinica (Araneae, Pimoidae) from the Varaita valley (NW-Italy). |
2017-01-17 |
Lucie M Bland |
The use of range size to assess risks to biodiversity from stochastic threats |
2017-01-16 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Technical aspects of preprint services in the life sciences: a workshop report |
2017-01-12 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
The universality of the von Bertalanffy growth curve: Comment on: “Physics of metabolic organization” by Marko Jusup et al. |
2017-01-12 |
Cyrille Violle |
Five species, many genotypes, broad phenotypic diversity: When agronomy meets functional ecology. |
2017-01-10 |
David B. Roy |
Large extents of intensive land use limit community reorganization during climate warming. |
2017-01-09 |
Melissa Haendel |
The health care and life sciences community profile for dataset descriptions |
2017-01-09 |
Melissa Haendel |
The health care and life sciences community profile for dataset descriptions |
2017-01-04 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Monarch Initiative: an integrative data and analytic platform connecting phenotypes to genotypes across species |
2017-01-04 |
David B. Roy |
Troubling travellers: are ecologically harmful alien species associated with particular introduction pathways? |
2017-01-04 |
Stefano Mammola |
Advances in the systematics of the spider genus Troglohyphantes (Araneae, Linyphiidae) |
2017-01-03 |
Renee A. Catullo |
Correction: Lineage Range Estimation Method Reveals Fine-Scale Endemism Linked to Pleistocene Stability in Australian Rainforest Herpetofauna |
2017-01-03 |
William Farfán Rios |
Ancient human disturbances may be skewing our understanding of Amazonian forests |
2017-01-01 |
Ian G. Brennan |
Notes on hemipenial morphology and its phylogenetic implications in the Pygopodidae Boulenger, 1884 |
2017-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Referee report. For: Sharing individual patient and parasite-level data through the WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network platform: A qualitative case study [version 1; referees: 2 approved] |
2017-01-01 |
John Alroy |
Pattern, process, inference and prediction in extinction biology |
2017-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Gold-standard ontology-based anatomical annotation in the CRAFT Corpus |
2017-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Improved Diagnosis and Care for Rare Diseases through Implementation of Precision Public Health Framework |
2017-01-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Ecomorphological adaptations in Collembola in relation to feeding strategies and microhabitat |
2017-01-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Seedling recruitment in subalpine grassland forbs: Predicting field regeneration behaviour from lab germination responses |
2017-01-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Revisiting the open-field test: what does it really tell us about animal personality? |
2017-01-01 |
Ian J. Wright |
Bark traits, decomposition and flammability of Australian forest trees |
2017-01-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Temporal and Spatial Variation in Peatland Carbon Cycling and Implications for Interpreting Responses of an Ecosystem-Scale Warming Experiment |
2017-01-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Fate of 13 C labelled root and shoot residues in soil and anecic earthworm casts: A mesocosm experiment |
2017-01-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Response of digestive organs of Hypsiboas albopunctatus (Anura: Hylidae) to benzo[α]pyrene |
2017-01-01 |
Xiao Feng |
Armadillo Mapper |
2017-01-01 |
Xiao Feng |
Hiding in a Cool Climatic Niche in the Tropics? An Assessment of the Ecological Biogeography of Hairy Long-Nosed Armadillos ( Dasypus pilosus ) |
2017-01-01 |
Jens Kattge |
A roadmap for improving the representation of photosynthesis in Earth system models |
2017-01-01 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Conservation Benefits of Tropical Multifunctional Land-Uses in and Around a Forest Protected Area of Bangladesh |
2017-01-01 |
Ben Sparrow |
Opportunities for Integrated Ecological Analysis across Inland Australia with Standardised Data from Ausplots Rangelands |
2016-12-30 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Biotic interaction effects on seedling recruitment along bioclimatic gradients: testing the stress-gradient hypothesis |
2016-12-27 |
Steven L. Chown |
Following the Antarctic Circumpolar Current: patterns and processes in the biogeography of the limpet Nacella (Mollusca: Patellogastropoda) across the Southern Ocean |
2016-12-26 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Characterization of CYCLOIDEA-like genes in Proteaceae, a basal eudicot family with multiple shifts in floral symmetry |
2016-12-26 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
TBro: visualization and management of de novo transcriptomes |
2016-12-26 |
Steven L. Chown |
Thermal preference and performance in a sub-Antarctic caterpillar: A test of the coadaptation hypothesis and its alternatives |
2016-12-24 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Song evolution, speciation, and vocal learning in passerine birds |
2016-12-23 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Honey and honey-based sugars partially affect reproductive trade-offs in parasitoids exhibiting different life-history and reproductive strategies. |
2016-12-21 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Hairiness: the missing link between pollinators and pollination |
2016-12-21 |
Richard J Telford |
Assessing performance and seasonal bias of pollen-based climate reconstructions in a perfect model world |
2016-12-20 |
Ian J. Wright | Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle | Jens Kattge |
Towards a thesaurus of plant characteristics: an ecological contribution |
2016-12-17 |
Ian J. Wright |
Leaf trait adaptations of xylem-tapping mistletoes and their hosts in sites of contrasting aridity |
2016-12-16 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Informed debate on the use of fire for peatland management means acknowledging the complexity of socio-ecological systems |
2016-12-16 |
Heloise Gibb |
A global database of ant species abundances |
2016-12-14 |
Samuel C. Andrew |
Variation in Reproductive Success Across Captive Populations: Methodological Differences, Potential Biases and Opportunities |
2016-12-13 |
Nuno Simões |
The fishes of Cayo Arcas (Campeche Bank, Gulf of Mexico): an updated checklist |
2016-12-12 |
Heloise Gibb |
GlobalAnts: a new database on the geography of ant traits (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) |
2016-12-09 |
Timothy M. Perez |
Most ‘global’ reviews of species’ responses to climate change are not truly global |
2016-12-08 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Fractionation of copper and uranium in organic and conventional vineyard soils and adjacent stream sediments studied by sequential extraction |
2016-12-07 |
Mark Westoby |
Teamwork, Soft Skills, and Research Training. |
2016-12-07 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Managing Protected Areas in a Changing World: New Insights and Opportunities |
2016-12-06 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Cyberinfrastructure for an integrated botanical information network to investigate the ecological impacts of global climate change on plant biodiversity |
2016-12-06 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Cyberinfrastructure for an integrated botanical information network to investigate the ecological impacts of global climate change on plant biodiversity |
2016-12-05 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Planning the future of plant systematics: Report on a special colloquium at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences |
2016-12-05 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Cyberinfrastructure for an integrated botanical information network to investigate the ecological impacts of global climate change on plant biodiversity |
2016-12-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Data sharing in public health emergencies |
2016-12-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Decay of Sexual Trait Genes in an Asexual Parasitoid Wasp |
2016-12-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
The response of springtails to fire in the fynbos of the Western Cape, South Africa |
2016-12-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
An estimate of the water budget for the endangered night parrot of Australia under recent and future climates |
2016-12-01 |
Joshua S Madin |
Fecundity and the demographic strategies of coral morphologies. |
2016-12-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Reptile embryos and climate change: Modelling limits of viability to inform translocation decisions |
2016-12-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Root traits explain observed tundra vegetation nitrogen uptake patterns: Implications for trait-based land models |
2016-12-01 |
Ramona L Walls |
Plant specimen contextual data consensus |
2016-12-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Using avian functional traits to assess the impact of land-cover change on ecosystem processes linked to resilience in tropical forests |
2016-12-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Biodiversity in the Anthropocene: prospects and policy |
2016-12-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Quantifying species contributions to ecosystem processes: a global assessment of functional trait and phylogenetic metrics across avian seed-dispersal networks |
2016-12-01 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Can functional traits predict plant community response to global change? |
2016-12-01 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Long-term and acute effects of temperature and oxygen on metabolism, food intake, growth and heat tolerance in a freshwater gastropod. |
2016-11-30 |
Caterina Penone |
Land-use intensification causes multitrophic homogenization of grassland communities |
2016-11-29 |
William D. Pearse |
Animating and exploring phylogenies with fibre plots. |
2016-11-28 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Human Phenotype Ontology in 2017 |
2016-11-25 |
Renee A. Catullo |
Resources for phylogenomic analyses of Australian terrestrial vertebrates. |
2016-11-22 |
Renee A. Catullo |
Incorporating evolutionary adaptation in species distribution modelling reduces projected vulnerability to climate change |
2016-11-21 |
John Alroy | Silvia Pineda-Munoz |
Inferring diet from dental morphology in terrestrial mammals |
2016-11-21 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Disturbance is the key to plant invasions in cold environments |
2016-11-21 |
Dalia A. Conde |
The emergence of longevous populations |
2016-11-18 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Accounting for uncertainty in dormant life stages in stochastic demographic models |
2016-11-18 |
Ian J. Wright |
Photosynthetic responses to altitude: an explanation based on optimality principles |
2016-11-18 |
Mark Westoby |
How Species Boundaries Are Determined: A Response to Alexander et al. |
2016-11-18 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Forest Protected Area Systems and Biodiversity Conservation in Bangladesh |
2016-11-17 |
Daniel Mietchen |
WikiCite 2016 Report |
2016-11-17 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
deBInfer : Bayesian inference for dynamical models of biological systems in R |
2016-11-16 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Applications of the fast-slow continuum and reproductive strategy framework of plant life histories. |
2016-11-15 |
Jens Kattge |
Nitrogen productivity and allocation responses of 12 important tree species to increased CO2 |
2016-11-15 |
Camilo Alcántara |
Underlying Drivers and Spatial Determinants of post-Soviet Agricultural Land Abandonment in Temperate Eastern Europe |
2016-11-14 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Temperature response of soil respiration largely unaltered with experimental warming |
2016-11-14 |
Jens Kattge |
The flora phenotype ontology (FLOPO): tool for integrating morphological traits and phenotypes of vascular plants |
2016-11-13 |
Renee A. Catullo | Maurizio Rossetto |
Genetic diversity and structure of the Australian flora |
2016-11-13 |
Ian J. Wright |
Incorporation of plant traits in a land surface model helps explain the global biogeographical distribution of major forest functional types |
2016-11-12 |
Melissa Haendel |
Reproducible and reusable research: Are journal data sharing policies meeting the mark? |
2016-11-09 |
Steven L. Chown |
Interactions between rates of temperature change and acclimation affect latitudinal patterns of warming tolerance |
2016-11-07 |
Jacintha Ellers | Steven L. Chown |
Handbook of protocols for standardized measurement of terrestrial invertebrate functional traits |
2016-11-03 |
Renee A. Catullo |
A new species of Australian frog (Myobatrachidae: Uperoleia) from the New South Wales mid-north coast sandplains |
2016-11-03 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Monarch Initiative: Insights across species reveal human disease mechanisms |
2016-11-02 |
Caterina Penone |
A comparative study on karyotypic diversification rate in mammals |
2016-11-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Land-use change promotes avian diversity at the expense of species with unique traits |
2016-11-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
The potential of electricity transmission corridors in forested areas as bumblebee habitat |
2016-11-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Effects of soil and leaf litter quality on the biomass of two endogeic earthworm species |
2016-11-01 |
Brian J. Enquist | Jens Kattge |
A plant growth form dataset for the New World |
2016-11-01 |
Caterina Penone | Brunno Freire Oliveira |
Integrating data-deficient species in analyses of evolutionary history loss. |
2016-11-01 |
Fatih Fazlioglu |
Phenotypic plasticity and specialization in clonal versus non-clonal plants: A data synthesis |
2016-11-01 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Comparing the effects of litter quantity and quality on soil biota structure and functioning: Application to a cultivated soil in Northern France |
2016-11-01 |
Sandra M. Durán |
Easy and inexpensive molecular detection of dengue, chikungunya and zika viruses in febrile patients |
2016-11-01 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Co-benefits of biodiversity and carbon sequestration from regenerating secondary forests in the Philippine uplands: implications for forest landscape restoration |
2016-10-31 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Whole-chloroplast analysis as an approach for fine-tuning the preservation of a highly charismatic but critically endangered species, Wollemia nobilis (Araucariaceae) |
2016-10-28 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Extrapolating demography with climate, proximity and phylogeny: approach with caution |
2016-10-27 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Towards the review of the European Union Water Framework Directive: Recommendations for more efficient assessment and management of chemical contamination in European surface water resources |
2016-10-26 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Perianth symmetry changed at least 199 times in angiosperm evolution |
2016-10-21 |
William Farfán Rios |
The variation of productivity and its allocation along a tropical elevation gradient: a whole carbon budget perspective |
2016-10-21 |
Steven L. Chown |
Delivering 21st century Antarctic and Southern Ocean science |
2016-10-21 |
Luca Santini |
A Composite Network Approach for Assessing Multi-Species Connectivity: An Application to Road Defragmentation Prioritisation. |
2016-10-17 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Evolution of Australian Cryptocarya (Lauraceae) based on nuclear and plastid phylogenetic trees: evidence of recent landscape-level disjunctions |
2016-10-17 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
NicheMapR - an R package for biophysical modelling: the microclimate model |
2016-10-17 |
Luca Santini |
Performance tradeoffs in target-group bias correction for species distribution models |
2016-10-14 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Synergistic effect of daily temperature fluctuations and matching light-dark cycle enhances population growth and synchronizes oviposition behavior in a soil arthropod |
2016-10-12 |
Melissa Haendel |
Distributed Cognition and Process Management Enabling Individualized Translational Research: The NIH Undiagnosed Diseases Program Experience |
2016-10-11 |
Jennifer A Hammock |
TraitBank: Practical semantics for organism attribute data |
2016-10-11 |
Malte Jochum |
Land-use choices follow profitability at the expense of ecological functions in Indonesian smallholder landscapes |
2016-10-11 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Precipitation, not air temperature, drives functional responses of trees in semi-arid ecosystems |
2016-10-11 |
Anton Potapov |
Short-term incorporation of freshly fixed plant carbon into the soil animal food web: field study in a spruce forest |
2016-10-10 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
The peatland vegetation burning debate: keep scientific critique in perspective. A response to Brown et al. and Douglas et al. |
2016-10-07 |
Stefano Mammola |
Species conservation profile of the alpine stenoendemic spider Vesubia jugorum (Araneae, Lycosidae) from the Maritime Alps |
2016-10-07 |
Carlos Alberto Martínez-Muñoz |
2016-10-06 |
David B. Roy |
Developing a biodiversity-based indicator for large-scale environmental assessment: a case study of proposed shale gas extraction sites in Britain |
2016-10-06 |
Stefano Mammola |
Ecology and sampling techniques of an understudied subterranean habitat: the Milieu Souterrain Superficiel (MSS). |
2016-10-05 |
Florian Dirk Schneider |
Animal diversity and ecosystem functioning in dynamic food webs. |
2016-10-05 |
William D. Pearse |
Commercial Plant Production and Consumption Still Follow the Latitudinal Gradient in Species Diversity despite Economic Globalization |
2016-10-03 |
Lucie M Bland |
Toward reassessing data-deficient species |
2016-10-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Assessing impacts to primary productivity at the park edge in Murchison Falls Conservation Area, Uganda |
2016-10-01 |
Richard J Telford |
How foreign is the past? |
2016-10-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Production of leaf wax n-alkanes across a tropical forest elevation transect |
2016-10-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Termite activity and decomposition are influenced by digging mammal reintroductions along an aridity gradient |
2016-10-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Net effects of soil disturbance and herbivory on vegetation by a re-established digging mammal assemblage in arid zone Australia |
2016-10-01 |
Silvia Pineda-Munoz |
Lyons et al. reply |
2016-10-01 |
Anton Potapov |
Connecting taxonomy and ecology: Trophic niches of collembolans as related to taxonomic identity and life forms |
2016-09-30 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Invasive Plants as Novel Food Resources, the Pollinators’ Perspective |
2016-09-28 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Using ecological production functions to link ecological processes to ecosystem services. |
2016-09-27 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Modeling the spatiotemporal variability in subsurface thermal regimes across a low-relief polygonal tundra landscape |
2016-09-27 |
Luca Santini |
Setting population targets for mammals using body mass as a predictor of population persistence |
2016-09-23 |
Ramona L Walls |
The environment ontology in 2016: bridging domains with increased scope, semantic density, and interoperation |
2016-09-22 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Color Change for Thermoregulation versus Camouflage in Free-Ranging Lizards |
2016-09-22 |
Pete Manning |
Forage quality declines with rising temperatures, with implications for livestock production and methane emissions |
2016-09-22 |
Jens Kattge |
Potential and limitations of inferring ecosystem photosynthetic capacity from leaf functional traits |
2016-09-21 |
Renee A. Catullo |
Phylogeographic structure across one of the largest intact tropical savannahs: Molecular and morphological analysis of Australia’s iconic frilled lizard Chlamydosaurus kingii. |
2016-09-21 |
Lucie M Bland |
Species loss: lack of data leaves a gap. |
2016-09-20 |
Hervé Sauquet | Maurizio Rossetto |
Evaluating the Impact of Genomic Data and Priors on Bayesian Estimates of the Angiosperm Evolutionary Timescale |
2016-09-20 |
Alexander Keller | Markus Ankenbrand |
biojs-io-biom, a BioJS component for handling data in Biological Observation Matrix (BIOM) format. |
2016-09-20 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Towards Process-based Range Modeling of Many Species. |
2016-09-18 |
Mark Westoby |
The incidence of low phosphorus soils in Australia |
2016-09-13 |
David B. Roy |
Patterns of contribution to citizen science biodiversity projects increase understanding of volunteers’ recording behaviour |
2016-09-13 |
Stefanie Dekeyzer |
World Register of marine Cave Species (WoRCS): a new Thematic Species Database for marine and anchialine cave biodiversity |
2016-09-12 |
Steven L. Chown |
Urban warming favours C4plants in temperate European cities |
2016-09-12 |
Stefanie Dekeyzer |
EMODnet Workshop on mechanisms and guidelines to mobilise historical data into biogeographic databases |
2016-09-09 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Hairiness: the missing link between pollinators and pollination |
2016-09-09 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Hairiness: the missing link between pollinators and pollination |
2016-09-09 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Predicting the synergy of multiple stress effects |
2016-09-08 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Functional composition drives ecosystem function through multiple mechanisms in a broadleaved subtropical forest |
2016-09-07 |
Steven L. Chown | Heloise Gibb |
Ant assemblages have darker and larger members in cold environments |
2016-09-07 |
Jens Kattge |
A global method for calculating plant CSR ecological strategies applied across biomes world-wide |
2016-09-07 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Specifics and challenges of assessing exposure and effects of pesticides in small water bodies |
2016-09-07 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Does Historical Coexistence with Dingoes Explain Current Avoidance of Domestic Dogs? Island Bandicoots Are Naïve to Dogs, unlike Their Mainland Counterparts |
2016-09-06 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Mapping Arctic Plant Functional Type Distributions in the Barrow Environmental Observatory Using WorldView-2 and LiDAR Datasets |
2016-09-06 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Spatial scale and intraspecific trait variability mediate assembly rules in alpine grasslands |
2016-09-05 |
Jens Kattge |
Functional diversity underlies demographic responses to environmental variation in European forests |
2016-09-03 |
Dylan J. Craven |
The unseen invaders: introduced earthworms as drivers of change in plant communities in North American forests (a meta-analysis) |
2016-09-02 |
Jens Kattge |
Constraining a land-surface model with multiple observations by application of the MPI-Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation System V1.0 |
2016-09-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford |
Can trait patterns along gradients predict plant community responses to climate change? |
2016-09-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
The Alaska Arctic Vegetation Archive (AVA-AK) |
2016-08-31 |
Silvia Pineda-Munoz |
Lyons et al. reply |
2016-08-30 |
Alexander Keller |
Grapevine (Vitis vinifera) Crown Galls Host Distinct Microbiota. |
2016-08-30 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Moving forward with fine-root definitions and research |
2016-08-30 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Pesticide mixtures in streams of several European countries and the USA. |
2016-08-30 |
Yaoqi Li |
Leaf margin analysis of Chinese woody plants and the constraints on its application to palaeoclimatic reconstruction |
2016-08-26 |
Brian J. Enquist | Sean T. Michaletz |
Corrigendum: The energetic and carbon economic origins of leaf thermoregulation |
2016-08-25 |
Melissa Haendel |
A Whole-Genome Analysis Framework for Effective Identification of Pathogenic Regulatory Variants in Mendelian Disease |
2016-08-24 |
Silvia Pineda-Munoz |
Erratum: Corrigendum: Holocene shifts in the assembly of plant and animal communities implicate human impacts |
2016-08-22 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Ciencia reproducible: ¿qué, por qué, cómo? |
2016-08-22 |
Brian J. Enquist | Sean T. Michaletz |
The energetic and carbon economic origins of leaf thermoregulation |
2016-08-17 |
Pete Manning |
Biodiversity at multiple trophic levels is needed for ecosystem multifunctionality |
2016-08-16 |
David B. Roy |
Impacts of neonicotinoid use on long-term population changes in wild bees in England |
2016-08-15 |
Cyrille Violle |
The Evolutionary Legacy of Diversification Predicts Ecosystem Function |
2016-08-13 |
Heloise Gibb |
Does wing morphology affect recolonization of restored farmland by ground-dwelling beetles? |
2016-08-12 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Contribution of organic toxicants to multiple stress in river ecosystems |
2016-08-10 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
AliTV-interactive visualization of whole genome comparisons |
2016-08-09 |
Alexander Keller |
Contact of myeloma cells induces a characteristic transcriptome signature in skeletal precursor cells -Implications for myeloma bone disease. |
2016-08-08 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Mechanistic variables can enhance predictive models of endotherm distributions: the American pika under current, past, and future climates |
2016-08-08 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Too hot to handle? Balancing increased trapability with capture mortality in hot weather pitfall trapping |
2016-08-08 |
Jens Kattge |
Invasive species’ leaf traits and dissimilarity from natives shape their impact on nitrogen cycling: a meta-analysis |
2016-08-02 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Mechanistic models for predicting insect responses to climate change |
2016-08-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Laying a Community-Based Foundation for Data-Driven Semantic Standards in Environmental Health Sciences |
2016-08-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Navigating the Phenotype Frontier: The Monarch Initiative |
2016-08-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Pollination service delivery for European crops: Challenges and opportunities |
2016-08-01 |
Stefano Mammola |
Step back! Niche dynamics in cave-dwelling predators |
2016-08-01 |
Caterina Penone |
Global mammal beta diversity shows parallel assemblage structure in similar but isolated environments |
2016-07-27 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Variation in leaf wettability traits along a tropical montane elevation gradient |
2016-07-22 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Examining variation in the leaf mass per area of dominant species across two contrasting tropical gradients in light of community assembly |
2016-07-22 |
Jens Kattge |
Improved representation of plant functional types and physiology in the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES v4.2) using plant trait information |
2016-07-20 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Community engagement: The ‘last mile’ challenge for European research e-infrastructures |
2016-07-20 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Plant invasions into mountains and alpine ecosystems: current status and future challenges |
2016-07-20 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Historical rise of waterpower initiated the collapse of salmon stocks. |
2016-07-19 |
John Alroy |
A comprehensive database of quality-rated fossil ages for Sahul’s Quaternary vertebrates |
2016-07-19 |
Jacintha Ellers |
2016-07-19 |
Heloise Gibb |
The Effect of Temperature Increases on an Ant-Hemiptera-Plant Interaction. |
2016-07-19 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Observed forest sensitivity to climate implies large changes in 21st century North American forest growth. |
2016-07-15 |
Katja Seltmann |
Areas of endemism in the Nearctic: a case study of 1339 species of Miridae (Insecta: Hemiptera) and their plant hosts |
2016-07-15 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Temperature determines Zika, dengue and chikungunya transmission potential in the Americas |
2016-07-15 |
Xiao Feng |
Species residency status affects model selection and hypothesis testing in freshwater community ecology |
2016-07-11 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
The effect of egg size on hatch time and metabolic rate: theoretical and empirical insights on developing insect embryos |
2016-07-07 |
Ian G. Brennan |
First molecular verification of Dixonius vietnamensis Das, 2004 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) with the description of a new species from Vinh Cuu Nature Reserve, Dong Nai Province, Vietnam |
2016-07-07 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Trait variation and integration across scales: is the leaf economic spectrum present at local scales? |
2016-07-06 |
Stefanie Dekeyzer |
EMODnet Workshop on mechanisms and guidelines to mobilise historical data into biogeographic databases |
2016-07-06 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Modelling survival: exposure pattern, species sensitivity and uncertainty |
2016-07-05 |
Brian J. Enquist | Sean T. Michaletz |
Temperature mediates continental-scale diversity of microbes in forest soils. |
2016-07-04 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Cell Ontology 2016: enhanced content, modularization, and ontology interoperability |
2016-07-03 |
Fatih Fazlioglu |
Populations evolving towards failure: costs of adaptation under competition at the range edge of an invasive perennial plant |
2016-07-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Range maps and checklists provide similar estimates of taxonomic and phylogenetic alpha diversity, but less so for beta diversity, of Brazilian Atlantic Forest anurans |
2016-07-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
2016-07-01 |
Anton Potapov |
Assimilation of plant-derived freshly fixed carbon by soil collembolans: Not only via roots? |
2016-07-01 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Effect of gut passage in fish on the germination speed of aquatic and riparian plants |
2016-06-30 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Using Optimal Land-Use Scenarios to Assess Trade-Offs between Conservation, Development, and Social Values |
2016-06-29 |
Meghan Balk |
Body Size Evolution Across the Geozoic |
2016-06-29 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Biodiversity-ecosystem function experiments reveal the mechanisms underlying the consequences of biodiversity change in real world ecosystems |
2016-06-29 |
Heloise Gibb |
Post-fire recovery of litter detritivores is limited by distance from burn edge |
2016-06-28 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Scale dependence of canopy trait distributions along a tropical forest elevation gradient |
2016-06-27 |
Mark Westoby |
On research priorities to advance understanding of the safety-efficiency tradeoff in xylem |
2016-06-27 |
Anne Thessen |
Adoption of Machine Learning Techniques in Ecology and Earth Science |
2016-06-24 |
Cyrille Violle |
Effectiveness of ecological rescue for altered soil microbial communities and functions |
2016-06-24 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Territoriality, Social Bonds, and the Evolution of Communal Signaling in Birds |
2016-06-23 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Novel applications of thermocyclers for phenotyping invertebrate thermal responses |
2016-06-23 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
The German postgraduate degree program in ecotoxicology (SETAC GLB and GDCh): a success story. |
2016-06-23 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Effects of salinity on leaf breakdown: Dryland salinity versus salinity from a coalmine |
2016-06-21 |
Fatih Fazlioglu |
Reproductive efficiency and shade avoidance plasticity under simulated competition. |
2016-06-20 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Land-use history augments environment-plant community relationship strength in a Puerto Rican wet forest |
2016-06-15 |
Nuno Simões |
Reflected-light Influences the Coloration of the Peppermint Shrimp, Lysmata boggessi (Decapoda: Caridea) |
2016-06-15 |
Melissa Haendel |
Navigating the phenotype frontier: The Monarch Initiative |
2016-06-15 |
Cyrille Violle |
Occupancy and overlap in trait space along a successional gradient in Mediterranean old fields |
2016-06-13 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Potential carbon emissions dominated by carbon dioxide from thawed permafrost soils |
2016-06-13 |
Belén Fadrique |
Elevation and topography influence community structure, biomass and host tree interactions of lianas in tropical montane forests of southern Ecuador |
2016-06-09 |
Mark Westoby | Ian J. Wright | Daniel Falster |
On the link between functional traits and growth rate: meta-analysis shows effects change with plant size, as predicted |
2016-06-07 |
Ian J. Wright |
To recycle or steal? Nutrient resorption in Australian and Brazilian mistletoes from three low-phosphorus sites |
2016-06-07 |
Fatih Fazlioglu |
Testing specialization hypothesis on a stress gradient |
2016-06-05 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
The role of fire in UK peatland and moorland management: the need for informed, unbiased debate |
2016-06-03 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Evolutionary radiations of Proteaceae are triggered by the interaction between traits and climates in open habitats |
2016-06-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
2016-06-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding dengue infection among public sector healthcare providers in Machala, Ecuador |
2016-06-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Colour change on different body regions provides thermal and signalling advantages in bearded dragon lizards. |
2016-06-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Plant leaf wax biomarkers capture gradients in hydrogen isotopes of precipitation from the Andes and Amazon |
2016-06-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Traits to stay, traits to move: a review of functional traits to assess sensitivity and adaptive capacity of temperate and boreal trees to climate change |
2016-06-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Evolutionary patterns and physicochemical properties explain macroinvertebrate sensitivity to heavy metals. |
2016-06-01 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Effects of stand characteristics on tree species richness in and around a conservation area of northeast Bangladesh |
2016-05-31 |
Daniel Falster |
Leaf mass per area, not total leaf area, drives differences in above-ground biomass distribution among woody plant functional types. |
2016-05-26 |
Jens Kattge |
Taxonomic and functional diversity in Mediterranean pastures: insights on the biodiversity-productivity trade-off |
2016-05-24 |
Richard J Telford |
Technical note: Estimating unbiased transfer-function performances in spatially structured environments |
2016-05-21 |
Brian J. Enquist | Sean T. Michaletz |
Biogeographic patterns of soil diazotrophic communities across six forests in the North America. |
2016-05-21 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Eco-enzymatic stoichiometry and enzymatic vectors reveal differential C, N, P dynamics in decaying litter along a land-use gradient |
2016-05-19 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
The effects of climatic fluctuations and extreme events on running water ecosystems |
2016-05-18 |
Samuel C. Andrew |
Inaccuracies in the history of a well-known introduction: a case study of the Australian House Sparrow (Passer domesticus) |
2016-05-18 |
Heloise Gibb |
Foraging loads of red wood ants: Formica aquilonia (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in relation to tree characteristics and stand age |
2016-05-18 |
Brian J. Enquist | Sean T. Michaletz |
Corrigendum: Convergence of terrestrial plant production across global climate gradients |
2016-05-18 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Data Sources for Trait Databases: Comparing the Phenomic Content of Monographs and Evolutionary Matrices |
2016-05-13 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Applying, Evaluating and Refining Bioinformatics Core Competencies (An Update from the Curriculum Task Force of ISCB’s Education Committee). |
2016-05-13 |
Dylan J. Craven | Sandra M. Durán |
Carbon sequestration potential of second-growth forest regeneration in the Latin American tropics |
2016-05-13 |
Yaoqi Li |
Effects of topography on structuring species assemblages in a subtropical forest |
2016-05-12 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Linking species functional roles to their network roles. |
2016-05-12 |
Luca Santini |
Contrasting changes in the abundance and diversity of North American bird assemblages from 1971 to 2010. |
2016-05-11 |
Alexander Keller | Markus Ankenbrand |
bcgTree: automatized phylogenetic tree building from bacterial core genomes |
2016-05-11 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
A common framework for identifying linkage rules across different types of interactions |
2016-05-11 |
Alana R O Chin |
Phenotypic plasticity of leaves enhances water-stress tolerance and promotes hydraulic conductivity in a tall conifer |
2016-05-11 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Ecological effects of extreme drought on Californian herbaceous plant communities |
2016-05-10 |
Xiao Feng |
Climatic Similarity of Extant and Extinct Dasypus Armadillos |
2016-05-10 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Herbivory mediates the long-term shift in the relative importance of microsite and propagule limitation |
2016-05-09 |
Stefano Mammola |
The effect of ageing on the mechanical properties of the silk of the bridge spider Larinioides cornutus (Clerck, 1757). |
2016-05-05 |
John Alroy |
On a conservative Bayesian method of inferring extinction |
2016-05-04 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
Venus flytrap carnivorous lifestyle builds on herbivore defense strategies |
2016-05-04 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Looking beneath the surface: using hydrogeology and traits to explain flow variability effects on stream macroinvertebrates |
2016-05-03 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Extinct flagships: linking extinct and threatened species |
2016-05-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Soil biota in a megadiverse country: Current knowledge and future research directions in South Africa |
2016-05-01 |
Dylan J. Craven | Pete Manning |
Plant diversity effects on grassland productivity are robust to both nutrient enrichment and drought |
2016-05-01 |
Pete Manning |
Locally rare species influence grassland ecosystem multifunctionality |
2016-05-01 |
Malte Jochum |
Species richness and biomass explain spatial turnover in ecosystem functioning across tropical and temperate ecosystems |
2016-04-30 |
Joshua S Madin |
Environmental tolerance governs the presence of reef corals at latitudes beyond reef growth |
2016-04-19 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Unpacking the mechanisms captured by a correlative species distribution model to improve predictions of climate refugia. |
2016-04-15 |
Melissa Haendel |
k-BOOM: A Bayesian approach to ontology structure inference, with applications in disease ontology construction |
2016-04-13 |
Alexander Keller |
Pollen DNA barcoding: current applications and future prospects. |
2016-04-13 |
Luca Santini |
A trait-based approach for predicting species responses to environmental change from sparse data: how well might terrestrial mammals track climate change? |
2016-04-12 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Expanding Use of Plant Trait Observation in Earth System Models |
2016-04-12 |
Ramona L Walls |
MicrO: an ontology of phenotypic and metabolic characters, assays, and culture media found in prokaryotic taxonomic descriptions |
2016-04-12 |
Belén Fadrique |
Commentary: Novel competitors shape species’ responses to climate change |
2016-04-11 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Widespread correlations between climatic niche evolution and species diversification in birds |
2016-04-05 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
A continent-wide analysis of the shade requirements of red and western grey kangaroos |
2016-04-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Hunting, food subsidies, and mesopredator release: the dynamics of crop-raiding baboons in a managed landscape |
2016-04-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Biomass partitioning in grassland plants along independent gradients in temperature and precipitation |
2016-04-01 |
Richard J Telford |
Significance testing testate amoeba water table reconstructions |
2016-04-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Statistical hypothesis testing–To transform or not to transform? |
2016-04-01 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Functional breadth and home-field advantage generate functional differences among soil microbial decomposers. |
2016-04-01 |
Caterina Penone |
Large-scale semi-automated acoustic monitoring allows to detect temporal decline of bush-crickets |
2016-03-29 |
Joshua S Madin | Daniel Falster |
The Coral Trait Database, a curated database of trait information for coral species from the global oceans |
2016-03-28 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Transgenerational effects of nutrition are different for sons and daughters |
2016-03-28 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Perceptions of risk in communities near parks in an African biodiversity hotspot |
2016-03-24 |
Pete Manning |
Jack-of-all-trades effects drive biodiversity-ecosystem multifunctionality relationships in European forests |
2016-03-23 |
Steven L. Chown |
Range expansion and increasing impact of the introduced wasp Aphidius matricariae Haliday on sub-Antarctic Marion Island |
2016-03-23 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Prioritising Mangrove Ecosystem Services Results in Spatially Variable Management Priorities |
2016-03-23 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Mountain roads shift native and non-native plant species’ ranges |
2016-03-22 |
Nuno Simões |
Sea anemones (Cnidaria: Actiniaria, Corallimorpharia, Ceriantharia, Zoanthidea) from marine shallow-water environments in Venezuela: new records and an updated inventory |
2016-03-22 |
David B. Roy |
A generalized abundance index for seasonal invertebrates |
2016-03-20 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Replacing qualitative life-history traits by quantitative indices in parasitoid evolutionary ecology |
2016-03-19 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Perceived and projected flood risk and adaptation in coastal Southeast Queensland, Australia |
2016-03-18 |
John Alroy | Silvia Pineda-Munoz |
The relationship between diet and body mass in terrestrial mammals |
2016-03-17 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
The Allometry of Bee Proboscis Length and Its Uses in Ecology |
2016-03-16 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Climatic controls on leaf litter decomposition across European forests and grasslands revealed by reciprocal litter transplantation experiments |
2016-03-15 |
Melissa Haendel |
Proceedings of a Sickle Cell Disease Ontology workshop - Towards the first comprehensive ontology for Sickle Cell Disease |
2016-03-15 |
Pete Manning |
Biotic homogenization can decrease landscape-scale forest multifunctionality |
2016-03-14 |
Jens Kattge | Franziska Schrodt |
Monitoring plant functional diversity from space |
2016-03-12 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Data Policy Recommendations for Biodiversity Data. EU BON Project Report |
2016-03-11 |
Steven L. Chown |
Erratum to Araújoet al(2013) |
2016-03-10 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle | Brad Boyle |
Plant-O-Matic : a dynamic and mobile guide to all plants of the Americas |
2016-03-08 |
Joshua S Madin | Daniel Falster |
A Trait-Based Approach to Advance Coral Reef Science |
2016-03-08 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Tropical secondary forests regenerating after shifting cultivation in the Philippines uplands are important carbon sinks. |
2016-03-02 |
Franziska Schrodt | Jens Kattge |
Monitoring plant functional diversity from space |
2016-03-01 |
John Alroy |
A simple Bayesian method of inferring extinction: reply |
2016-03-01 |
Alexander Keller | Markus Ankenbrand |
DNA-Metabarcoding – ein neuer Blick auf organismische Diversität |
2016-03-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Mapping the potential distribution of alien species in the sub-Antarctic |
2016-03-01 |
Joshua S Madin |
A tropical cleaner wrasse finds new clients at the frontier |
2016-03-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Antarctic Entomology |
2016-03-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Ecology: Biology distilled |
2016-03-01 |
Cyrille Violle |
What it takes to invade grassland ecosystems: traits, introduction history and filtering processes |
2016-03-01 |
Silvia Pineda-Munoz |
The temporal scale of diet and dietary proxies |
2016-03-01 |
Timothy M. Perez |
ECOLOGY. Thermal trouble in the tropics |
2016-03-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Energetic Constraints on Species Coexistence in Birds |
2016-03-01 |
Ben Sparrow |
AusPlots Rangelands field data collection and publication: Infrastructure for ecological monitoring |
2016-02-29 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Building a Plant DNA Barcode Reference Library for a Diverse Tropical Flora: An Example from Queensland, Australia |
2016-02-29 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Field and laboratory studies reveal interacting effects of stream oxygenation and warming on aquatic ectotherms |
2016-02-27 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Does nutrient enrichment compensate fungicide effects on litter decomposition and decomposer communities in streams? |
2016-02-27 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
No association between the use of Bti for mosquito control and the dynamics of non-target aquatic invertebrates in French coastal and continental wetlands |
2016-02-26 |
Steven L. Chown |
Global compositional variation among native and non-native regional insect assemblages emphasizes the importance of pathways |
2016-02-22 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Prioritizing management actions for invasive populations using cost, efficacy, demography and expert opinion for 14 plant species world-wide |
2016-02-20 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Root quality and decomposition environment, but not tree species richness, drive root decomposition in tropical forests |
2016-02-18 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Corrigendum: Delivery of crop pollination services is an insufficient argument for wild pollinator conservation |
2016-02-17 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Modeling the spatio-temporal variability in subsurface thermal regimes across a low-relief polygonal tundra landscape |
2016-02-17 |
Cyrille Violle |
CSR ecological strategies and plant mating systems: outcrossing increases with competitiveness but stress-tolerance is related to mixed mating |
2016-02-16 |
John Alroy |
Reply to Solow: Sense and nonsense in the choice of extinction priors |
2016-02-15 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Leaf aging of Amazonian canopy trees as revealed by spectral and physiochemical measurements |
2016-02-10 |
John Alroy |
What caused extinction of the Pleistocene megafauna of Sahul? |
2016-02-10 |
Ian J. Wright |
Relationships between soil nutrient status and nutrient-related leaf traits in Brazilian cerrado and seasonal forest communities |
2016-02-10 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Correlates of range size variation in the Australian seed-plant flora |
2016-02-09 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Subfamilial and tribal relationships of Ranunculaceae: evidence from eight molecular markers |
2016-02-09 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Open drug discovery for the Zika virus |
2016-02-08 |
Cyrille Violle |
Community variation in plant traits along copper and cobalt gradients |
2016-02-05 |
Jens Kattge |
Functional Resilience against Climate-Driven Extinctions - Comparing the Functional Diversity of European and North American Tree Floras |
2016-02-04 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
From facilitation to competition: temperature-driven shift in dominant plant interactions affects population dynamics in seminatural grasslands |
2016-02-03 |
Dylan J. Craven | Sandra M. Durán |
Biomass resilience of Neotropical secondary forests |
2016-02-02 |
Luca Santini |
Extraordinary range expansion in a common bat: the potential roles of climate change and urbanisation |
2016-02-01 |
Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
plant : A package for modelling forest trait ecology and evolution |
2016-02-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
One lump or two? Explaining a major latitudinal transition in reproductive allocation in a viviparous lizard |
2016-02-01 |
Cyrille Violle |
Recasting the dynamic equilibrium model through a functional lens: the interplay of trait-based community assembly and climate |
2016-02-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
WATER. Saving freshwater from salts |
2016-02-01 |
Anne Thessen |
Lessons learned while building the Deepwater Horizon Database: Toward improved data sharing in coastal science |
2016-02-01 |
Anton Potapov |
Stable isotope composition of mycophagous collembolans versus mycotrophic plants: Do soil invertebrates feed on mycorrhizal fungi? |
2016-02-01 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Does oxygen limit thermal tolerance in arthropods? A critical review of current evidence |
2016-01-30 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Erratum to: Temperature, precipitation and biotic interactions as determinants of tree seedling recruitment across the tree line ecotone |
2016-01-29 |
John Alroy |
Climate change not to blame for late Quaternary megafauna extinctions in Australia |
2016-01-29 |
Steven L. Chown |
Basal Metabolic Rate of the Black-Faced Sheathbill (Chionis minor): Intraspecific Variation in a Phylogenetically Distinct Island Endemic |
2016-01-27 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
COMADRE: a global data base of animal demography |
2016-01-26 |
Meghan Balk |
Exploring the influence of ancient and historic megaherbivore extirpations on the global methane budget |
2016-01-25 |
Cyrille Violle |
Towards parsimonious ecophysiological models that bridge ecology and agronomy |
2016-01-25 |
Stefano Mammola |
The ecological niche of a specialized subterranean spider |
2016-01-22 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle |
A network approach for inferring species associations from co-occurrence data |
2016-01-20 |
Alexander Keller |
Bacterial Diversity and Community Structure in Two Bornean Nepenthes Species with Differences in Nitrogen Acquisition Strategies |
2016-01-20 |
Joshua S Madin |
Predicting IUCN Extinction Risk Categories for the World’s Data Deficient Groupers (Teleostei: Epinephelidae) |
2016-01-20 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Evaluating resilience of tree communities in fragmented landscapes: linking functional response diversity with landscape connectivity |
2016-01-16 |
Alexander Keller |
Draft genome of the Arabidopsis thaliana phyllosphere bacterium, Williamsia sp. ARP1. |
2016-01-15 |
Lucie M Bland |
Correlates of extinction risk in squamate reptiles: the relative importance of biology, geography, threat and range size |
2016-01-13 |
David B. Roy |
A Synthesis is Emerging between Biodiversity-Ecosystem Function and Ecological Resilience Research: Reply to Mori |
2016-01-12 |
Florian Dirk Schneider |
Predicting the consequences of species loss using size-structured biodiversity approaches |
2016-01-07 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
When does intraspecific trait variation contribute to functional beta-diversity? |
2016-01-05 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Real versus Artificial Variation in the Thermal Sensitivity of Biological Traits |
2016-01-02 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford |
Plant functional group responses in an African tropical forest recovering from disturbance |
2016-01-01 |
Alexander Keller |
Silent listeners: can preferences of eavesdropping midges predict their hosts’ parasitism risk? |
2016-01-01 |
Katja Seltmann |
Natural history collections in support of conservation and ecological restoration |
2016-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Resource Identification Initiative: A Cultural Shift in Publishing |
2016-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
The health care and life sciences community profile for dataset descriptions |
2016-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Ontology for Biomedical Investigations |
2016-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel | Paula M. Mabee |
Muscle Logic: New Knowledge Resource for Anatomy Enables Comprehensive Searches of the Literature on the Feeding Muscles of Mammals |
2016-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Resource Identification Initiative: a cultural shift in publishing |
2016-01-01 |
John Alroy |
Near-Stasis in the Long-Term Diversification of Mesozoic Tetrapods |
2016-01-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Welfare at Multiple Scales: Importance of Zoo Elephant Population Welfare in a World of Declining Wild Populations |
2016-01-01 |
Jennifer A Hammock |
A Journey of Citizen Science Data in an Online Environment |
2016-01-01 |
Jennifer A Hammock |
A Text Mining Framework for Accelerating the Semantic Curation of Literature |
2016-01-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Using quantitative influence diagrams to map natural resource managers’ mental models of invasive species management |
2016-01-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
A guideline to improve qualitative social science publishing in ecology and conservation journals |
2016-01-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Approaches to strategic risk analysis and management of invasive plants: lessons learned from managing gamba grass in northern Australia |
2016-01-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Modelación del crecimiento de bosques: estado del arte |
2016-01-01 |
Joshua S Madin |
Dead shell assemblages faithfully record living molluscan assemblages at One Tree Reef |
2016-01-01 |
Ian J. Wright |
Corrigendum to: New handbook for standardised measurement of plant functional traits worldwide |
2016-01-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Dispersal-limited detritivores in fire-prone environments: persistence and population structure of terrestrial amphipods (Talitridae) |
2016-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Weak coordination among petiole, leaf, vein, and gas-exchange traits across Australian angiosperm species and its possible implications |
2016-01-01 |
Pete Manning |
Response to Comment on “Worldwide evidence of a unimodal relationship between productivity and plant species richness” |
2016-01-01 |
Pete Manning |
Shifts in microbial communities do not explain the response of grassland ecosystem function to plant functional composition and rainfall change |
2016-01-01 |
Stefano Mammola |
Unexpected diversity in the relictual European spiders of the genus Pimoa (Araneae : Pimoidae) |
2016-01-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Ecosystem Engineers in a Self-organized Soil |
2016-01-01 |
William D. Pearse |
Taking the Long View: Integrating Recorded, Archeological, Paleoecological, and Evolutionary Data into Ecological Restoration |
2016-01-01 |
Anne Thessen |
Challenges with using names to link digital biodiversity information |
2016-01-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Phenoscape: Identifying Candidate Genes for Evolutionary Phenotypes |
2016-01-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Contrasting Patterns of Species Richness and Functional Diversity in Bird Communities of East African Cloud Forest Fragments |
2016-01-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Functional traits reveal the expansion and packing of ecological niche space underlying an elevational diversity gradient in passerine birds |
2015-12-31 |
Ian J. Wright |
A test of the ‘one-point method’ for estimating maximum carboxylation capacity from field-measured, light-saturated photosynthesis |
2015-12-29 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Linking transient dynamics and life history to biological invasion success |
2015-12-23 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby | Jens Kattge |
The global spectrum of plant form and function |
2015-12-23 |
Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster | Jens Kattge |
Plant functional traits have globally consistent effects on competition |
2015-12-23 |
Dalia A. Conde |
New light on Roman census papyri through semi-automated record linkage |
2015-12-22 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Enabling Open Science: Wikidata for Research (Wiki4R) |
2015-12-22 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Fast-slow continuum and reproductive strategies structure plant life-history variation worldwide |
2015-12-19 |
Florian Dirk Schneider |
Spatially heterogeneous pressure raises risk of catastrophic shifts |
2015-12-18 |
David B. Roy |
Uncovering hidden spatial structure in species communities with spatially explicit joint species distribution models |
2015-12-18 |
Daniel Falster |
Testing the generality of above-ground biomass allometry across plant functional types at the continent scale |
2015-12-17 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Publishing the research process |
2015-12-17 |
Melissa Haendel |
Reproducibility and conflicts in immune epitope data |
2015-12-16 |
Silvia Pineda-Munoz |
Holocene shifts in the assembly of plant and animal communities implicate human impacts |
2015-12-14 |
Meghan Balk |
Metabolic heat production and thermal conductance are mass-independent adaptations to thermal environment in birds and mammals |
2015-12-11 |
Jens Kattge |
Modes of functional biodiversity control on tree productivity across the European continent |
2015-12-10 |
Luca Santini |
Dietary Flexibility and Feeding Strategies of Eulemur: A Comparison with Propithecus |
2015-12-09 |
Jens Kattge |
Dispersal limitation drives successional pathways in Central Siberian forests under current and intensified fire regimes |
2015-12-08 |
David B. Roy |
Declining resilience of ecosystem functions under biodiversity loss |
2015-12-07 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle |
Patterns and drivers of plant functional group dominance across the Western Hemisphere: a macroecological re-assessment based on a massive botanical dataset |
2015-12-07 |
Jens Kattge |
Foliar temperature acclimation reduces simulated carbon sensitivity to climate |
2015-12-03 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
On the importance of trait interrelationships for understanding environmental responses of stream macroinvertebrates |
2015-12-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
From ratites to rats: the size of fleshy fruits shapes species’ distributions and continental rainforest assembly |
2015-12-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Pollinators, pests and soil properties interactively shape oilseed rape yield |
2015-12-01 |
Franziska Schrodt | Jens Kattge |
The imprint of plants on ecosystem functioning: A data-driven approach |
2015-12-01 |
Stefanie Dekeyzer |
How Aphia—The Platform behind Several Online and Taxonomically Oriented Databases—Can Serve Both the Taxonomic Community and the Field of Biodiversity Informatics |
2015-12-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Biogeographic patterns of multi-element stoichiometry of Quercus variabilis leaves across China |
2015-11-30 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Non-bee insects are important contributors to global crop pollination |
2015-11-27 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Variation and macroevolution in leaf functional traits in the Hawaiian silversword alliance (Asteraceae) |
2015-11-25 |
David B. Roy |
A regionally informed abundance index for supporting integrative analyses across butterfly monitoring schemes |
2015-11-25 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Aboveground litter quality is a better predictor than belowground microbial communities when estimating carbon mineralization along a land-use gradient |
2015-11-24 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Modeling behavioral thermoregulation in a climate change sentinel |
2015-11-24 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Scaling up the diversity-resilience relationship with trait databases and remote sensing data: the recovery of productivity after wildfire |
2015-11-21 |
Steven L. Chown |
Similar metabolic rate-temperature relationships after acclimation at constant and fluctuating temperatures in caterpillars of a sub-Antarctic moth |
2015-11-20 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Resource Identification Initiative: A Cultural Shift in Publishing |
2015-11-20 |
William Farfán Rios |
Estimating the global conservation status of more than 15,000 Amazonian tree species. |
2015-11-20 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Naiveté is not forever: responses of a vulnerable native rodent to its long term alien predators |
2015-11-20 |
Hamish Holewa |
The Biodiversity and Climate Change Virtual Laboratory: Where ecology meets big data |
2015-11-18 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Mapping Physiological Suitability Limits for Malaria in Africa Under Climate Change |
2015-11-18 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Edaphic, structural and physiological contrasts across Amazon Basin forest–savanna ecotones suggest a role for potassium as a key modulator of tropical woody vegetation structure and function |
2015-11-18 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Climate and Fire Scenario Uncertainty Dominate the Evaluation of Options for Conserving the Great Desert Skink |
2015-11-13 |
Cyrille Violle |
Decreases in average bacterial community rRNA operon copy number during succession |
2015-11-12 |
Melissa Haendel |
Computational evaluation of exome sequence data using human and model organism phenotypes improves diagnostic efficiency. |
2015-11-12 |
Melissa Haendel |
Next-generation diagnostics and disease-gene discovery with the Exomiser |
2015-11-10 |
Ian G. Brennan |
A new species of Dixonius (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Phu Quy Island, Vietnam |
2015-11-10 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Trade-off between competition and facilitation defines gap colonization in mountains |
2015-11-09 |
Luca Santini |
Ecological and Anthropogenic Correlates of Activity Patterns in Eulemur |
2015-11-09 |
Anne Thessen |
Data Infrastructures for Estuarine and Coastal Ecological Syntheses |
2015-11-07 |
Daniel Falster |
Quantifying and understanding reproductive allocation schedules in plants. |
2015-11-02 |
Luca Santini |
Connectivity of the global network of protected areas |
2015-11-02 |
Mark Westoby |
Leaf mechanical resistance in plant trait databases: comparing the results of two common measurement methods |
2015-11-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Tree-growth response to climatic variability in two climatically contrasting treeline ecotone areas, central Himalaya, Nepal |
2015-11-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Testing mechanistic models of growth in insects |
2015-11-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Measuring benefits of protected area management: trends across realms and research gaps for freshwater systems |
2015-11-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Integrated cross-realm planning: A decision-makers’ perspective |
2015-11-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Meta-analysis on the responses of traits of different taxonomic groups to global and local stressors |
2015-11-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Effects of hedgerows and riparian margins on aerial web-building spiders in cereal fields |
2015-11-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Toward Synthesizing Our Knowledge of Morphology: Using Ontologies and Machine Reasoning to Extract Presence/Absence Evolutionary Phenotypes across Studies |
2015-10-28 |
Steven L. Chown |
Editorial overview: Global change biology: Insects in a hot, crowded and connected world |
2015-10-25 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle | Brad Boyle |
Megafauna extinction, tree species range reduction, and carbon storage in Amazonian forests |
2015-10-23 |
Ian G. Brennan |
Mitochondrial introgression via ancient hybridization, and systematics of the Australian endemic pygopodid gecko genus Delma |
2015-10-20 |
John Alroy |
Current extinction rates of reptiles and amphibians |
2015-10-19 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle |
Re-growing a tropical dry forest: functional plant trait composition and community assembly during succession |
2015-10-15 |
William Farfán Rios |
Lista anotada de árboles y afines en los bosques montanos del sureste peruano: la importancia de seguir recolectando |
2015-10-14 |
Dylan J. Craven | Pete Manning |
Biodiversity increases the resistance of ecosystem productivity to climate extremes |
2015-10-14 |
Brian J. Enquist | Sean T. Michaletz |
Plant Thermoregulation: Energetics, Trait-Environment Interactions, and Carbon Economics |
2015-10-08 |
Brian S. Maitner |
A comparative approach to testing hypotheses for the evolution of sex-biased dispersal in bean beetles |
2015-10-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Disease insights through cross-species phenotype comparisons |
2015-10-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Matchmaker Exchange: a platform for rare disease gene discovery |
2015-10-01 |
John Alroy |
Criteria for assessing the quality of Middle Pleistocene to Holocene vertebrate fossil ages |
2015-10-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Microclimate-based macrophysiology: implications for insects in a warming world |
2015-10-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Upper thermal tolerance in aquatic insects |
2015-10-01 |
Cyrille Violle |
Diversity in Plant Breeding: A New Conceptual Framework |
2015-10-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Species interactions regulate the collapse of biodiversity and ecosystem function in tropical forest fragments |
2015-09-29 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
COMADRE: a global database of animal demography |
2015-09-28 |
Cyrille Violle | Loïc Chalmandrier |
A global meta-analysis of the relative extent of intraspecific trait variation in plant communities. |
2015-09-25 |
John Alroy |
The shape of terrestrial abundance distributions |
2015-09-25 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Correction: Broad Anatomical Variation within a Narrow Wood Density Range-A Study of Twig Wood across 69 Australian Angiosperms |
2015-09-24 |
Melissa Haendel |
Capturing phenotypes for precision medicine |
2015-09-22 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
EDITOR’S CHOICE: REVIEW: Trait matching of flower visitors and crops predicts fruit set better than trait diversity |
2015-09-18 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
The potential of electricity transmission corridors in forested areas as bumble bee habitat |
2015-09-17 |
Steven L. Chown |
Further support for thermal ecosystem engineering by wandering albatross |
2015-09-17 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Weak tradeoff between xylem safety and xylem-specific hydraulic efficiency across the world’s woody plant species. |
2015-09-16 |
Joshua S Madin |
Large orb-webs adapted to maximise total biomass not rare, large prey |
2015-09-16 |
David B. Roy |
Biodiversity and Resilience of Ecosystem Functions |
2015-09-15 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Disjunct populations of European vascular plant species keep the same climatic niches |
2015-09-09 |
Jens Kattge |
Variation in trait trade-offs allows differentiation among predefined plant functional types: implications for predictive ecology |
2015-09-08 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Diversity enhances carbon storage in tropical forests |
2015-09-08 |
Malte Jochum |
Functional diversity and stability of litter-invertebrate communities following land-use change in Sumatra, Indonesia |
2015-09-06 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Assessing the general patterns of forest structure: quantifying tree and forest allometric scaling relationships in the United States |
2015-09-03 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
How seed traits predict floating times: a biophysical process model for hydrochorous seed transport behaviour in fluvial systems |
2015-09-01 |
John Alroy |
A more precise speciation and extinction rate estimator |
2015-09-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Malaria control and senescence: the importance of accounting for the pace and shape of aging in wild mosquitoes |
2015-09-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Forest soil carbon oxidation state and oxidative ratio responses to elevated CO2 |
2015-09-01 |
Florian Dirk Schneider |
Size-balanced community reorganization in response to nutrients and warming. |
2015-09-01 |
Stefano Mammola |
Seasonal dynamics and micro-climatic preference of two Alpine endemic hypogean beetles |
2015-08-31 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Can respiratory physiology predict thermal niches? |
2015-08-26 |
Franziska Schrodt |
The influence of C3 and C4 vegetation on soil organic matter dynamics in contrasting semi-natural tropical ecosystems |
2015-08-26 |
Jens Kattge |
Phylogenetic measures of plant communities show long-term change and impacts of fire management in tallgrass prairie remnants |
2015-08-24 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Mapping human health risks from exposure to trace metal contamination of drinking water sources in Pakistan. |
2015-08-22 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Review on environmental alterations propagating from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems |
2015-08-18 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
The crypsis hypothesis explained: a reply to Jayasuriya et al. (2015) |
2015-08-18 |
Stefanie Dekeyzer |
Biological and ecological traits of marine species |
2015-08-15 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Tidy Data |
2015-08-15 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Pesticide runoff from energy crops: A threat to aquatic invertebrates? |
2015-08-13 |
Melissa Haendel |
Use of model organism and disease databases to support matchmaking for human disease gene discovery |
2015-08-13 |
Cyrille Violle |
Trait databases: misuses and precautions |
2015-08-12 |
Steven L. Chown |
Macrophysiology - progress and prospects |
2015-08-11 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Statistical modelling of annual variation for inference on stochastic population dynamics using Integral Projection Models |
2015-08-11 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Levels and limits in artificial selection of communities. |
2015-08-10 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
A common framework for identifying linkage rules across different types of interactions |
2015-08-07 |
Melissa Haendel |
PhenomeCentral: a portal for phenotypic and genotypic matchmaking of patients with rare genetic diseases |
2015-08-06 |
Alexander Keller |
Microhabitat heterogeneity across leaves and flower organs promotes bacterial diversity. |
2015-08-06 |
Alexander Keller | Markus Ankenbrand |
ITS2 Database V: Twice as Much |
2015-08-01 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
The next generation ofaction ecology: novel approaches towards global ecological research |
2015-08-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Polar lessons learned: long-term management based on shared threats in Arctic and Antarctic environments |
2015-08-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
A dynamic energy budget for the whole life-cycle of holometabolous insects |
2015-08-01 |
Camilo Alcántara |
Influences of succession and erosion on bird communities in a South American highland wooded landscape |
2015-07-28 |
Joshua S Madin |
The full extent of the global coral reef crisis |
2015-07-28 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Using the phenoscape knowledgebase to relate genetic perturbations to phenotypic evolution |
2015-07-27 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Drivers of temporal changes in temperate forest plant diversity vary across spatial scales |
2015-07-25 |
Steven L. Chown |
Indirect effects of habitat disturbance on invasion: nutritious litter from a grazing resistant plant favors alien over native Collembola |
2015-07-24 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Where did all the trees come from? A novel multispecies approach reveals the impacts of biogeographical history and functional diversity on rain forest assembly |
2015-07-23 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
No longer naïve? Generalized responses of rabbits to marsupial predators in Australia |
2015-07-22 |
Alexander Keller | Markus Ankenbrand |
Increased efficiency in identifying mixed pollen samples by meta-barcoding with a dual-indexing approach |
2015-07-21 |
William Farfán Rios |
Phylogenetic diversity of Amazonian tree communities |
2015-07-17 |
Joshua S Madin |
Seafarers or castaways: ecological traits associated with rafting dispersal in tropical reef fishes |
2015-07-17 |
Caterina Penone |
Chromosomal diversity in tropical reef fishes is related to body size and depth range |
2015-07-15 |
Alexander Keller |
Laboratory rearing of solitary bees and wasps. |
2015-07-14 |
Alexander Keller |
Monophyletic clades ofMacaranga-pollinating thrips show high specificity to taxonomic sections of host plants |
2015-07-14 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Disentangling trait-based mortality in species with decoupled size and age. |
2015-07-14 |
Steven L. Chown |
The abundance structure of Azorella selago Hook. f. on sub-Antarctic Marion Island: testing the peak and tail hypothesis |
2015-07-14 |
Franziska Schrodt | Ian J. Wright | Jens Kattge |
BHPMF - a hierarchical Bayesian approach to gap-filling and trait prediction for macroecology and functional biogeography |
2015-07-13 |
Jens Kattge |
A vertically discretised canopy description for ORCHIDEE (SVN r2290) and the modifications to the energy, water and carbon fluxes |
2015-07-08 |
Renee A. Catullo |
Extending spatial modelling of climate change responses beyond the realized niche: estimating, and accommodating, physiological limits and adaptive evolution |
2015-07-08 |
Steven L. Chown |
Growth and reproduction of laboratory-reared neanurid Collembola using a novel slime mould diet |
2015-07-03 |
Pete Manning | Jens Kattge |
Simple measures of climate, soil properties and plant traits predict national-scale grassland soil carbon stocks |
2015-07-03 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Effects of fungicides on decomposer communities and litter decomposition in vineyard streams |
2015-07-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Human Phenotype Ontology: Semantic Unification of Common and Rare Disease |
2015-07-01 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Local-scale disturbances can benefit an endangered, fire-adapted plant species in Western Mediterranean heathlands in the absence of fire |
2015-07-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Couples that have chemistry: when ecological theories meet |
2015-07-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Comparative testis morphology of Neotropical anurans |
2015-07-01 |
Pete Manning |
Plant ecology. Worldwide evidence of a unimodal relationship between productivity and plant species richness |
2015-07-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Biodiversity: Hidden impacts of logging |
2015-06-30 |
Ian G. Brennan |
New species of Blaesodactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from Tsingy karstic outcrops in Ankarana National Park, northern Madagascar |
2015-06-29 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Environmental gradients and the evolution of successional habitat specialization: a test case with 14 Neotropical forest sites |
2015-06-29 |
Cyrille Violle |
Plant domestication through an ecological lens |
2015-06-29 |
Carlos Alberto Martínez-Muñoz |
Predation by the scorpion Rhopalurus junceus (Scorpiones: Buthidae) on the centipede Scolopocryptops ferrugineus (Scolopendromorpha: Scolopocryptopidae) |
2015-06-27 |
Pete Manning |
Plant diversity drives soil microbial biomass carbon in grasslands irrespective of global environmental change factors |
2015-06-25 |
David B. Roy |
Two Species with an Unusual Combination of Traits Dominate Responses of British Grasshoppers and Crickets to Environmental Change |
2015-06-22 |
Pete Manning |
Land use intensification alters ecosystem multifunctionality via loss of biodiversity and changes to functional composition |
2015-06-19 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
The Importance of Biotic vs. Abiotic Drivers of Local Plant Community Composition Along Regional Bioclimatic Gradients |
2015-06-18 |
Richard J Telford |
East Asian summer monsoon precipitation variability since the last deglaciation |
2015-06-18 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Wherefore and whither a Check List? The journal at the age of 10 |
2015-06-17 |
David B. Roy |
Similarities in butterfly emergence dates among populations suggest local adaptation to climate |
2015-06-16 |
Steven L. Chown |
Thermal physiology and urbanization: perspectives on exit, entry and transformation rules |
2015-06-16 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Delivery of crop pollination services is an insufficient argument for wild pollinator conservation |
2015-06-16 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Large Scale Relationship between Aquatic Insect Traits and Climate |
2015-06-15 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Eco-evolutionary dynamics in plants: interactive processes at overlapping time-scales and their implications |
2015-06-15 |
David B. Roy |
Fifty years of the Biological Records Centre |
2015-06-15 |
David B. Roy |
An agenda for the future of biological recording for ecological monitoring and citizen science |
2015-06-15 |
David B. Roy |
Ecological monitoring with citizen science: the design and implementation of schemes for recording plants in Britain and Ireland |
2015-06-15 |
David B. Roy |
The Biological Records Centre: a pioneer of citizen science |
2015-06-12 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Temperature, precipitation and biotic interactions as determinants of tree seedling recruitment across the tree line ecotone |
2015-06-10 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Complete Chloroplast Genome of the Wollemi Pine (Wollemia nobilis): Structure and Evolution |
2015-06-08 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Morphology and burrowing energetics of semi-fossorial skinks (Liopholis spp.). |
2015-06-07 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
A tool to assess potential for alien plant establishment and expansion under climate change. |
2015-06-06 |
Cyrille Violle |
cati: an R package using functional traits to detect and quantify multi-level community assembly processes |
2015-06-05 |
Daniel S. Park |
Why close relatives make bad neighbours: phylogenetic conservatism in niche preferences and dispersal disproves Darwin’s naturalization hypothesis in the thistle tribe |
2015-06-05 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Role of non-timber forest products in sustaining forest-based livelihoods and rural households’ resilience capacity in and around protected area: a Bangladesh study† |
2015-06-03 |
Melissa Haendel |
Summarizing and visualizing structural changes during the evolution of biomedical ontologies using a Diff Abstraction Network |
2015-06-03 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
A global map of suitability for coastal Vibrio cholerae under current and future climate conditions. |
2015-06-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Extending the integrated phenotype: covariance and correlation in plasticity of behavioural traits |
2015-06-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Editorial overview: Behavioural ecology of insects and its metamorphosis into a multidisciplinary field |
2015-06-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Optimal dynamic control of invasions: applying a systematic conservation approach |
2015-06-01 |
Meghan Balk |
Body-size trends of the extinct giant shark Carcharocles megalodon: a deep-time perspective on marine apex predators |
2015-06-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Using ecosystem experiments to improve vegetation models |
2015-06-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Isotopic identification of soil and permafrost nitrate sources in an Arctic tundra ecosystem |
2015-06-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
The changing form of Antarctic biodiversity |
2015-06-01 |
Ian J. Wright |
Burn or rot: leaf traits explain why flammability and decomposability are decoupled across species |
2015-06-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Climate mediates the effects of disturbance on ant assemblage structure |
2015-06-01 |
Pete Manning |
Grassland management intensification weakens the associations among the diversities of multiple plant and animal taxa |
2015-06-01 |
Pete Manning |
Intransitive competition is widespread in plant communities and maintains their species richness |
2015-06-01 |
Malte Jochum |
Body size and the behavioral ecology of insects: linking individuals to ecological communities |
2015-06-01 |
Camilo Alcántara |
Mapping farmland abandonment and recultivation across Europe using MODIS NDVI time series |
2015-06-01 |
Brad Boyle |
An estimate of the number of tropical tree species |
2015-06-01 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Natural recovery and restoration of acidified shallow soft-water lakes: Successes and bottlenecks revealed by assessing life-history strategies of chironomid larvae |
2015-05-30 |
Lucie M Bland |
Cost-effective assessment of extinction risk with limited information |
2015-05-29 |
Franziska Schrodt |
The influence of C 3 and C 4 vegetation on soil organic matter dynamics in contrasting semi-natural tropical ecosystems |
2015-05-27 |
Steven L. Chown |
Rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns in South Africa’s national parks |
2015-05-27 |
David B. Roy | William D. Pearse |
Beyond the EDGE with EDAM: Prioritising British Plant Species According to Evolutionary Distinctiveness, and Accuracy and Magnitude of Decline |
2015-05-26 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Seed banks are biodiversity reservoirs: species-area relationships above versus below ground |
2015-05-26 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Edaphic, structural and physiological contrasts across Amazon Basin forest-savanna ecotones suggest a role for potassium as a key modulator of tropical woody vegetation structure and function |
2015-05-26 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Supplementary material to “Edaphic, structural and physiological contrasts across Amazon Basin forest-savanna ecotones suggest a role for potassium as a key modulator of tropical woody vegetation structure and function” |
2015-05-26 |
Luca Santini |
Climatic tolerance or geographic breadth: what are we measuring? |
2015-05-24 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Biofumigation using a wild Brassica oleracea accession with high glucosinolate content affects beneficial soil invertebrates |
2015-05-21 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Structural, physiognomic and above-ground biomass variation in savanna–forest transition zones on three continents – how different are co-occurring savanna and forest formations? |
2015-05-21 |
Luca Santini |
On how much biodiversity is covered in Europe by national protected areas and by the Natura 2000 network: insights from terrestrial vertebrates |
2015-05-20 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Changing gears during succession: shifting functional strategies in young tropical secondary forests |
2015-05-20 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Corrigendum: Three keys to the radiation of angiosperms into freezing environments |
2015-05-17 |
Melissa Haendel | Ramona L Walls |
Meeting report: Identifying practical applications of ontologies for biodiversity informatics. |
2015-05-14 |
William Farfán Rios |
Large-scale patterns of turnover and Basal area change in Andean forests. |
2015-05-14 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Organic matter breakdown in streams in a region of contrasting anthropogenic land use. |
2015-05-13 |
Xiao Feng |
Assessment of climatically suitable area for Syrmaticus reevesii under climate change |
2015-05-11 |
Steven L. Chown |
Updated list of Collembola species currently recorded from South Africa |
2015-05-11 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Distribution, demography and dispersal model of spatial spread of invasive plant populations with limited data |
2015-05-11 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Linking canopy leaf area and light environments with tree size distributions to explain Amazon forest demography |
2015-05-11 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Oxygen-limited thermal tolerance is seen in a plastron-breathing insect and can be induced in a bimodal gas exchanger |
2015-05-09 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Ecotoxicology is not normal: A comparison of statistical approaches for analysis of count and proportion data in ecotoxicology |
2015-05-08 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle |
Testing models for the leaf economics spectrum with leaf and whole-plant traits in Arabidopsis thaliana |
2015-05-08 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Will there be a shift to alien-dominated vegetation assemblages under climate change? |
2015-05-05 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Invasive plants as novel food resources, the pollinators’ perspective |
2015-05-05 |
William D. Pearse |
pez: phylogenetics for the environmental sciences |
2015-05-04 |
Franziska Schrodt | Jens Kattge |
Estimating themissing species bias in plant trait measurements |
2015-05-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Zygomorphy evolved from disymmetry in Fumarioideae (Papaveraceae, Ranunculales): new evidence from an expanded molecular phylogenetic framework |
2015-05-01 |
Alexander Keller |
Functional and phylogenetic diversity of plant communities differently affect the structure of flower-visitor interactions and reveal convergences in floral traits |
2015-05-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Monitoring biological invasion across the broader Antarctic: A baseline and indicator framework |
2015-05-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
A Scientific Function Test Framework for Modular Environmental Model Development: Application to the Community Land Model |
2015-05-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Response to Comments on “Evidence for mesothermy in dinosaurs”. |
2015-05-01 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Zanne et al. reply |
2015-05-01 |
Daniel Falster |
BAAD: a Biomass And Allometry Database for woody plants |
2015-05-01 |
Lucie M Bland |
The IUCN Red List of Ecosystems: Motivations, Challenges, and Applications |
2015-04-30 |
Alexander Keller |
Reptiles as Reservoirs of Bacterial Infections: Real Threat or Methodological Bias? |
2015-04-28 |
Steven L. Chown |
A meta-analysis of human disturbance impacts on Antarctic wildlife |
2015-04-27 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Efficient and equitable design of marine protected areas in Fiji through inclusion of stakeholder-specific objectives in conservation planning. |
2015-04-24 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Case Study |
2015-04-23 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Broad Anatomical Variation within a Narrow Wood Density Range–A Study of Twig Wood across 69 Australian Angiosperms |
2015-04-22 |
Daniel Mietchen |
ThinkLab as a vetting system for traditional grants |
2015-04-21 |
David B. Roy |
Patterns and causes of covariation in bird and butterfly community structure |
2015-04-21 |
Jens Kattge |
Global convergence in leaf respiration from estimates of thermal acclimation across time and space |
2015-04-20 |
Cyrille Violle | Jens Kattge |
Vegetation ecology meets ecosystem science: Permanent grasslands as a functional biogeography case study |
2015-04-20 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Genomics in a changing arctic: critical questions await the molecular ecologist |
2015-04-17 |
Stefanie Dekeyzer |
New database of all marine species biological and traits |
2015-04-17 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Native and non-native plants provide similar refuge to invertebrate prey, but less than artificial plants |
2015-04-16 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Interplay of robustness and plasticity of life-history traits drives ecotypic differentiation in thermally distinct habitats. |
2015-04-16 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Integrating more biological and ecological realism into studies of multitrophic interactions |
2015-04-16 |
Heloise Gibb |
The effects of fire severity on macroinvertebrate detritivores and leaf litter decomposition. |
2015-04-16 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Ecological traits reveal functional nestedness of bird communities in habitat islands: a global survey |
2015-04-13 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Ontogenetic and interspecific scaling of consumption in insects |
2015-04-10 |
Ian G. Brennan |
Molecular and morphological assessment of Delma australis Kluge (Squamata: Pygopodidae), with a description of a new species from the biodiversity ‘hotspot’ of southwestern Western Australia |
2015-04-09 |
David B. Roy |
The use of opportunistic data for IUCN Red List assessments |
2015-04-08 |
Jens Kattge |
Contrasting effects of tree diversity on young tree growth and resistance to insect herbivores across three biodiversity experiments |
2015-04-08 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Condition, not eyespan, predicts contest outcome in female stalk-eyed flies, Teleopsis dalmanni |
2015-04-07 |
Ian J. Wright |
Global effects of soil and climate on leaf photosynthetic traits and rates |
2015-04-06 |
Ramona L Walls |
Community next steps for making globally unique identifiers work for biocollections data |
2015-04-05 |
Mark Westoby |
Bark ecology of twigs vs. main stems: functional traits across eighty-five species of angiosperms |
2015-04-02 |
David B. Roy |
Developing and enhancing biodiversity monitoring programmes: a collaborative assessment of priorities. |
2015-04-02 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Sublethal effects of imidacloprid on interactions in a tritrophic system of non-target species. |
2015-04-02 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Vegetation change at high elevation: scale dependence and interactive effects on Niwot Ridge |
2015-04-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Genetic diversity is a significant but not the only consideration for effective ex situ plant conservation: Response to Hoban and Schlarbaum |
2015-04-01 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Connecting people and ideas from around the world: global innovation platforms for next-generation ecology and beyond |
2015-04-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford |
Temporal patterns in Saturnidae (silk moth) and Sphingidae (hawk moth) assemblages in protected forests of central Uganda |
2015-04-01 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle |
Linking environmental filtering and disequilibrium to biogeography with a community climate framework |
2015-04-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
The manager dilemma: Optimal management of an ecosystem service in heterogeneous exploited landscapes |
2015-04-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Preface to the special section “Biohydrology - Water for life” |
2015-04-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Global effects of land use on local terrestrial biodiversity |
2015-04-01 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Landscape׳s capacities to supply ecosystem services in Bangladesh: A mapping assessment for Lawachara National Park |
2015-03-31 |
Jens Kattge |
Inclusion of ecologically based trait variation in plant functional types reduces the projected land carbon sink in an earth system model |
2015-03-31 |
Sandra M. Durán |
The relative importance of climate, stand variables and liana abundance for carbon storage in tropical forests |
2015-03-30 |
Cyrille Violle |
Complementary effects of species and genetic diversity on productivity and stability of sown grasslands |
2015-03-27 |
Luca Santini |
Global Trends in the Status of Bird and Mammal Pollinators |
2015-03-22 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Effects of seed traits on the potential for seed dispersal by fish with contrasting modes of feeding |
2015-03-18 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Five major shifts of diversification through the long evolutionary history of Magnoliidae (angiosperms) |
2015-03-17 |
Heloise Gibb |
Invasive Cane Toads’ Predatory Impact on Dung Beetles is Mediated by Reservoir Type at Artificial Water Points |
2015-03-10 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Biome-specific effects of nitrogen and phosphorus on the photosynthetic characteristics of trees at a forest-savanna boundary in Cameroon |
2015-03-10 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Climate-related spatial and temporal variation in bill morphology over the past century in Australian parrots |
2015-03-10 |
David B. Roy |
Unbiased inference of plant flowering phenology from biological recording data |
2015-03-10 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Redefining fine roots improves understanding of below-ground contributions to terrestrial biosphere processes |
2015-03-09 |
Mark Westoby |
Evolutionary divergence of leaf width and its correlates |
2015-03-08 |
Ian J. Wright |
A global analysis of water and nitrogen relationships between mistletoes and their hosts: broad-scale tests of old and enduring hypotheses |
2015-03-05 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Foraging in groups affects giving-up densities: solo foragers quit sooner. |
2015-03-03 |
John Alroy |
Limits to captive breeding of mammals in zoos |
2015-03-03 |
David B. Roy |
The effectiveness of protected areas in the conservation of species with changing geographical ranges |
2015-03-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Diversification of Dombeyoideae (Malvaceae) in the Mascarenes: Old Taxa on Young Islands? |
2015-03-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Household level influences on fragmentation in an African park landscape |
2015-03-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Aquatic prey subsidies to riparian spiders in a stream with different land use types |
2015-03-01 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Opportunities and costs for preventing vertebrate extinctions |
2015-02-28 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Dynamic Energy Budget Theory: An Efficient and General Theory for Ecology |
2015-02-28 |
Brian J. Enquist |
On the Importance of First Principles in Ecological Theory Development |
2015-02-25 |
Ramona L Walls |
An ontology approach to comparative phenomics in plants |
2015-02-24 |
John Alroy |
A simple way to improve multivariate analyses of paleoecological data sets |
2015-02-23 |
Luca Santini |
Projecting Global Biodiversity Indicators under Future Development Scenarios |
2015-02-20 |
Luca Santini |
Human pressures predict species’ geographic range size better than biological traits. |
2015-02-19 |
Katja Seltmann |
Accelerating the Digitization of Biodiversity Research Specimens through Online Public Participation |
2015-02-19 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Impact of compressed sensing on clinically relevant metrics for ambulatory ECG monitoring |
2015-02-18 |
Brian J. Enquist |
The Effect of the Foresummer Drought on Carbon Exchange in Subalpine Meadows |
2015-02-11 |
Melissa Haendel |
Achieving human and machine accessibility of cited data in scholarly publications |
2015-02-11 |
Melissa Haendel |
Achieving human and machine accessibility of cited data in scholarly publications |
2015-02-07 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Analysing chemical-induced changes in macroinvertebrate communities in aquatic mesocosm experiments: a comparison of methods. |
2015-02-04 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Sirdavidia, an extraordinary new genus of Annonaceae from Gabon |
2015-02-01 |
John Alroy |
A new twist on a very old binary similarity coefficient |
2015-02-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Functional identity and diversity of animals predict ecosystem functioning better than species-based indices |
2015-02-01 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle | Brad Boyle |
Limited sampling hampers “big data” estimation of species richness in a tropical biodiversity hotspot |
2015-02-01 |
William D. Pearse |
Conservation economics. Response to Comment on “Using ecological thresholds to evaluate the costs and benefits of set-asides in a biodiversity hotspot”. |
2015-02-01 |
Anne Thessen |
The influence of droplet size and biodegradation on the transport of subsurface oil droplets during theDeepwater Horizonspill: a model sensitivity study |
2015-02-01 |
Lucie M Bland |
A practical guide to the application of the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems criteria. |
2015-02-01 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
A new ecohydrological approach for ecosystem service provision and sustainable management of aquatic ecosystems in Bangladesh |
2015-02-01 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Species-area relationships are modulated by trophic rank, habitat affinity, and dispersal ability |
2015-01-31 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
16. Will Alien Plant Invaders Be Advantaged Under Future Climates? |
2015-01-30 |
Sadie J. Ryan | Samraat S. Pawar |
Mapping the Distribution of Malaria: Current Approaches and Future Directions |
2015-01-28 |
Renee A. Catullo |
A framework for incorporating evolutionary genomics into biodiversity conservation and management |
2015-01-24 |
Jennifer A Hammock |
ENVIRONMENTS and EOL: identification of Environment Ontology terms in text and the annotation of the Encyclopedia of Life |
2015-01-24 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
A pan-Arctic synthesis of CH4 and CO2 production from anoxic soil incubations |
2015-01-22 |
Jens Kattge |
Leaf and stem economics spectra drive diversity of functional plant traits in a dynamic global vegetation model |
2015-01-22 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Dispersal and the transition to sympatry in vertebrates |
2015-01-21 |
Heloise Gibb |
Effects of reconstruction of a pre-European vertebrate assemblage on ground-dwelling arachnids in arid Australia |
2015-01-19 |
Nuno Simões |
Marine sponges (Porifera: Demospongiae) from the Gulf of México, new records and redescription of Erylus trisphaerus (de Laubenfels, 1953) |
2015-01-16 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Indirect effects of global change accumulate to alter plant diversity but not ecosystem function in alpine tundra |
2015-01-09 |
Melissa Haendel |
Achieving human and machine accessibility of cited data in scholarly publications |
2015-01-08 |
Ian J. Wright | Jens Kattge |
Global variability in leaf respiration in relation to climate, plant functional types and leaf traits |
2015-01-06 |
Katja Seltmann | Melissa Haendel | Ramona L Walls | Anne Thessen | Paula M. Mabee |
Finding our way through phenotypes |
2015-01-06 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Dispersal constraints and fine-scale spatial genetic structure in two earthworm species |
2015-01-05 |
Stefano Mammola |
Cave spiders choose optimal environmental factors with respect to the generated entropy when laying their cocoon |
2015-01-02 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Predicting climate warming effects on green turtle hatchling viability and dispersal performance |
2015-01-01 |
Nuno Simões |
New records of sea anemones (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Actiniaria) in the Mexican Caribbean |
2015-01-01 |
Nuno Simões |
New records of ‘opisthobranchs’ (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) from Arrecife Alacranes National Park, Yucatan, Mexico |
2015-01-01 |
Renee A. Catullo |
Lineage range estimation method reveals fine-scale endemism linked to Pleistocene stability in Australian rainforest herpetofauna |
2015-01-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Fossil calibration of Magnoliidae, an ancient lineage of angiosperms |
2015-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Achieving human and machine accessibility of cited data in scholarly publications |
2015-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Resource Identification Initiative: A cultural shift in publishing |
2015-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Adapting JATS to support data citation |
2015-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Improving the reusability of JATS |
2015-01-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Phylogenomics of the green ash eucalypts (Myrtaceae): a tale of reticulate evolution and misidentification |
2015-01-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan | Samraat S. Pawar |
Understanding uncertainty in temperature effects on vector-borne disease: a Bayesian approach |
2015-01-01 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Ecology Postdocs in Academia: Primary Concerns and Possible Solutions |
2015-01-01 |
Jennifer A Hammock |
Understanding Data Providers in a Global Scientific Data Hub |
2015-01-01 |
Meghan Balk |
Sizing ocean giants: patterns of intraspecific size variation in marine megafauna |
2015-01-01 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Foliar trait contrasts between African forest and savanna trees: genetic versus environmental effects |
2015-01-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Is fire a threatening process for Liopholis kintorei, a nationally listed threatened skink? |
2015-01-01 |
Luca Santini |
Evolving through day and night: origin and diversification of activity pattern in modern primates |
2015-01-01 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle |
Scaling from Traits to Ecosystems |
2015-01-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Australia’s protected area network fails to adequately protect the world’s most threatened marine fishes |
2015-01-01 |
Ramona L Walls | Anne Thessen | Paula M. Mabee |
Emerging semantics to link phenotype and environment |
2015-01-01 |
Ramona L Walls |
Modeling a microbial community and biodiversity assay with OBO Foundry ontologies: the interoperability gains of a modular approach |
2015-01-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Numbat nirvana: conservation ecology of the endangered numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus) (Marsupialia : Myrmecobiidae) reintroduced to Scotia and Yookamurra Sanctuaries, Australia |
2015-01-01 |
Stefano Mammola |
Alpine endemic spiders shed light on the origin and evolution of subterranean species |
2015-01-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
CharaParser+EQ: Performance evaluation without gold standard |
2015-01-01 |
Stefanie Dekeyzer |
Marine microbial biodiversity, bioinformatics and biotechnology (M2B3) data reporting and service standards |
2015-01-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
An automated, objective and open source tool for stream threshold selection and upstream riparian corridor delineation |
2015-01-01 |
Nicolas Fanin |
(A)synchronous Availabilities of N and P Regulate the Activity and Structure of the Microbial Decomposer Community |
2015-01-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Moving the mountain: analysis of the effort required to transform comparative anatomy into computable anatomy |
2015-01-01 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Decomposing changes in phylogenetic and functional diversity over space and time |
2015-01-01 |
Luke McCormack |
Linkages between the soil organic matter fractions and the microbial metabolic functional diversity within a broad-leaved Korean pine forest |
2015-01-01 |
Sandra M. Durán |
Wildfire smoke and public health risk |
2014-12-30 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Modeling global distribution of agricultural insecticides in surface waters |
2014-12-23 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Presence in Mediterranean hotspots and floral symmetry affect speciation and extinction rates in Proteaceae. |
2014-12-22 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Invasive plants and invaded ecosystems in Australia: implications for biodiversity |
2014-12-16 |
Melissa Haendel |
Achieving human and machine accessibility of cited data in scholarly publications |
2014-12-14 |
Melissa Haendel |
Achieving human and machine accessibility of cited data in scholarly publications |
2014-12-14 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Connecting people and ideas from around the world: global innovation platforms for next-generation ecology and beyond |
2014-12-09 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford |
Is palaeoecology a ‘special branch’ of ecology? |
2014-12-09 |
Richard J Telford |
Taxon selection using statistical learning techniques to improve transfer function prediction |
2014-12-09 |
Steven L. Chown |
Biological invasions, climate change and genomics |
2014-12-09 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Is the temperature-size rule mediated by oxygen in aquatic ectotherms? |
2014-12-08 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Bergmann meets Scholander: geographical variation in body size and insulation in the koala is related to climate |
2014-12-07 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Recent treeline dynamics are similar between dry and mesic areas of Nepal, central Himalaya |
2014-12-05 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Has contemporary climate change played a role in population declines of the lizard Ctenophorus decresii from semi-arid Australia? |
2014-12-05 |
Pete Manning |
Reply to Byrnes et al.: Aggregation can obscure understanding of ecosystem multifunctionality |
2014-12-04 |
Daniel Falster |
Simulation of tree-ring widths with a model for primary production, carbon allocation, and growth |
2014-12-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
The floral morphospace–a modern comparative approach to study angiosperm evolution. |
2014-12-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
The transformative nature of transparency in research funding |
2014-12-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
A new approach to the problem of overlapping values: A case study in Australia׳s Great Barrier Reef |
2014-12-01 |
Richard J Telford |
A modern pollen–climate dataset from China and Mongolia: Assessing its potential for climate reconstruction |
2014-12-01 |
Franziska Schrodt | Jens Kattge |
Uncertainty Quantified Matrix Completion Using Bayesian Hierarchical Matrix Factorization |
2014-12-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Impact of soil engineering by two contrasting species of earthworms on their dispersal rates |
2014-12-01 |
William D. Pearse |
Conserving Brazil’s Atlantic forests–response |
2014-12-01 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Are different facets of plant diversity well protected against climate and land cover changes? A test study in the French Alps |
2014-11-29 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Now there is no land: a story of ethnic migration in a protected area landscape in western Uganda |
2014-11-29 |
Steven L. Chown |
Out of Antarctica: quaternary colonization of sub-Antarctic Marion Island by the limpet genus Nacella (Patellogastropoda: Nacellidae) |
2014-11-25 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Spatiotemporal clustering, climate periodicity, and social-ecological risk factors for dengue during an outbreak in Machala, Ecuador, in 2010. |
2014-11-21 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Paleo-Antarctic rainforest into the modern Old World tropics: the rich past and threatened future of the “southern wet forest survivors”. |
2014-11-17 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle | Brad Boyle |
Shifts in trait means and variances in North American tree assemblages: species richness patterns are loosely related to the functional space |
2014-11-14 |
Caterina Penone |
Multivariate analysis of polyploid data reveals the role of railways in the spread of the invasive South African Ragwort (Senecio inaequidens) |
2014-11-10 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Separating macroecological pattern and process: comparing ecological, economic, and geological systems |
2014-11-09 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez | Dalia A. Conde |
The COMPADRE Plant Matrix Database: an open online repository for plant demography |
2014-11-07 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Characterizing spatial uncertainty when integrating social data in conservation planning. |
2014-11-07 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
A multidisciplinary conceptualization of conservation opportunity. |
2014-11-05 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Annotation of phenotypic diversity: decoupling data curation and ontology curation using Phenex |
2014-11-04 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
A social-ecological analysis of community perceptions of dengue fever and Aedes aegypti in Machala, Ecuador. |
2014-11-04 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Trait differences between naturalized and invasive plant species independent of residence time and phylogeny |
2014-11-04 |
Xiao Feng |
Ecological niche modelling confirms potential north-east range expansion of the nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus) in the USA |
2014-11-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Clinical interpretation of CNVs with cross-species phenotype data |
2014-11-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Conditions favouring hard seededness as a dispersal and predator escape strategy |
2014-11-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
35 years of DEB research |
2014-11-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Of carrots and sticks |
2014-11-01 |
Anton Potapov |
Seasonal and age-related changes in the stable isotope composition (15N/14N and 13C/12C) of millipedes and collembolans in a temperate forest soil |
2014-11-01 |
Jorrit Poelen |
Global biotic interactions: An open infrastructure to share and analyze species-interaction datasets |
2014-10-31 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Methane-derived carbon in the benthic food web in stream impoundments. |
2014-10-28 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Ontogenetic and interspecific metabolic scaling in insects |
2014-10-28 |
Malte Jochum |
Consequences of tropical land use for multitrophic biodiversity and ecosystem functioning |
2014-10-27 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Ontogenetic trait variation influences tree community assembly across environmental gradients |
2014-10-24 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford |
The Seed and Fern Spore Bank of a Recovering African Tropical Forest |
2014-10-22 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Models of primary sex ratios at a major flatback turtle rookery show an anomalous masculinising trend |
2014-10-18 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Biogeographical patterns of liana abundance and diversity |
2014-10-16 |
Mark Westoby |
Effects of insect attack to stems on plant survival, growth, reproduction and photosynthesis |
2014-10-15 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Corrigendum: Three keys to the radiation of angiosperms into freezing environments |
2014-10-10 |
Heloise Gibb |
Responses of foliage-living spider assemblage composition and traits to a climatic gradient inThemedagrasslands |
2014-10-09 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Pollinators, pests and soil properties interactively shape oilseed rape yield |
2014-10-08 |
Joshua S Madin |
Evaluating the causal basis of ecological success within the scleractinia: an integral projection model approach |
2014-10-07 |
Heloise Gibb |
Does morphology predict trophic position and habitat use of ant species and assemblages? |
2014-10-06 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Novel spatial analysis methods reveal scale-dependent spread and infer limiting factors of invasion by Sahara mustard |
2014-10-02 |
Luca Santini |
A mid-term analysis of progress toward international biodiversity targets |
2014-10-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Validation of Satellite Rainfall Products for Western Uganda |
2014-10-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Organic textile dye improves the visual assessment of the bait-lamina test |
2014-10-01 |
Daniel Falster |
Plant diversity and drought: The role of deep roots |
2014-10-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Unraveling the interplay of community assembly processes acting on multiple niche axes across spatial scales |
2014-10-01 |
Ben Sparrow |
AusPlots Rangelands Field Data Collection and Publication: Infrastructure for Ecological Monitoring |
2014-09-30 |
Alexander Keller | Markus Ankenbrand |
Evaluating multiplexed next-generation sequencing as a method in palynology for mixed pollen samples |
2014-09-29 |
Steven L. Chown |
Desiccation tolerance as a function of age, sex, humidity and temperature in adults of the African malaria vectors Anopheles arabiensis and Anopheles funestus |
2014-09-29 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Interactive effects of C , N and P fertilization on soil microbial community structure and function in an A mazonian rain forest |
2014-09-27 |
David B. Roy |
Statistics for citizen science: extracting signals of change from noisy ecological data |
2014-09-26 |
David B. Roy |
High Abundances of Species in Protected Areas in Parts of their Geographic Distributions Colonized during a Recent Period of Climatic Change |
2014-09-26 |
Cyrille Violle |
When, where and how does microbial community composition matter? |
2014-09-26 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Root structural and functional dynamics in terrestrial biosphere models–evaluation and recommendations |
2014-09-23 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle | Jens Kattge |
The emergence and promise of functional biogeography |
2014-09-22 |
Pete Manning |
Discontinuity in the responses of ecosystem processes and multifunctionality to altered soil community composition |
2014-09-18 |
Nuno Simões |
Assessment of lipid classes and fatty acid levels in wild newborn seahorses ( Hippocampus erectus ) (Perry 1810): implications for survival and growth in aquarium culture |
2014-09-18 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
How exotic plants integrate into pollination networks |
2014-09-18 |
Steven L. Chown |
A roadmap for Antarctic and Southern Ocean science for the next two decades and beyond |
2014-09-17 |
Nuno Simões |
The effect of copper on the color of shrimps: redder is not always healthier |
2014-09-17 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Non-serotinous woody plants behave as aerial seed bank species when a late-summer wildfire coincides with a mast year |
2014-09-16 |
Pete Manning |
Plant and arthropod community sensitivity to rainfall manipulation but not nitrogen enrichment in a successional grassland ecosystem |
2014-09-15 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle | Brad Boyle |
Functional trait space and the latitudinal diversity gradient. |
2014-09-15 |
Jens Kattge |
Linking plant and ecosystem functional biogeography |
2014-09-10 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
The unseen iceberg: plant roots in arctic tundra |
2014-09-09 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Antrag für ein DFG-Rundgespräch zum Thema “Offene Wissenschaft in Deutschland” |
2014-09-09 |
Mark Westoby |
Foundations for the future: A long-term plan for Australian ecosystem science |
2014-09-09 |
Florian Dirk Schneider |
Corrigendum to Schneider, Scheu & Brose (2012) DOI: 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2012.01750.x |
2014-09-06 |
Alexander Keller |
WISP 1 is an important survival factor in human mesenchymal stromal cells |
2014-09-04 |
Melissa Haendel |
Deletions of chromosomal regulatory boundaries are associated with congenital disease |
2014-09-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Effective diagnosis of genetic disease by computational phenotype analysis of the disease-associated genome |
2014-09-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Plant ecological strategies shift across the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary |
2014-09-01 |
Stefano Mammola |
Niche differentiation in Meta Bourneti and M. menardi (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) with notes on the life history |
2014-09-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Improving ecosystem productivity modeling through spatially explicit estimation of optimal light use efficiency |
2014-08-31 |
Catherine H Bravo-Avila |
Factors associated with non-attendance in a general practice super clinic population in regional Australia: A retrospective cohort study. |
2014-08-28 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
The potential for indirect effects between co-flowering plants via shared pollinators depends on resource abundance, accessibility and relatedness |
2014-08-27 |
Steven L. Chown |
Local scale comparisons of biodiversity as a test for global protected area ecological performance: a meta-analysis |
2014-08-25 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Frugivores at higher risk of extinction are the key elements of a mutualistic network |
2014-08-22 |
John Alroy | Silvia Pineda-Munoz |
Dietary characterization of terrestrial mammals |
2014-08-22 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Satellite-based rainfall data reveal a recent drying trend in central equatorial Africa |
2014-08-20 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Calibration and field application of passive sampling for episodic exposure to polar organic pesticides in streams |
2014-08-14 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Environmental stressors can enhance the development of community tolerance to a toxicant |
2014-08-13 |
Lucie M Bland |
Predicting the conservation status of data-deficient species |
2014-08-11 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Back to Africa: monitoring post-hydropower restoration to facilitate reintroduction of an extinct-in-the-wild amphibian |
2014-08-08 |
Caterina Penone |
Imputation of missing data in life-history trait datasets: which approach performs the best? |
2014-08-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Consequences of plant invasions on compartmentalization and species’ roles in plant-pollinator networks |
2014-08-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Polar research: Six priorities for Antarctic science |
2014-08-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Synthesis and review: delivering on conservation promises: the challenges of managing and measuring conservation outcomes |
2014-08-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Where does the carbon go? A model-data intercomparison of vegetation carbon allocation and turnover processes at two temperate forest free-air CO2 enrichment sites |
2014-08-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Using root form to improve our understanding of root function |
2014-08-01 |
William D. Pearse |
Using ecological thresholds to evaluate the costs and benefits of set-asides in a biodiversity hotspot |
2014-08-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Reproducible, Automated and Objective Stream Threshold Selection and Upstream Riparian Corridor Delineation from Digital Elevation Models |
2014-08-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Maintaining ecosystem function and services in logged tropical forests |
2014-07-31 |
Nuno Simões |
Morphological and molecular variability of the sea anemone Phymanthus crucifer (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Actiniaria, Actinoidea) |
2014-07-30 |
Alexander Keller |
Computational integration of genomic traits into 16S rDNA microbiota sequencing studies. |
2014-07-30 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Thermal change alters the outcome of behavioural interactions between antagonistic partners |
2014-07-25 |
Steven L. Chown |
A hierarchy of factors influence discontinuous gas exchange in the grasshopper Paracinema tricolor (Orthoptera: Acrididae). |
2014-07-25 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Generalized “avatar” niche shifts improve distribution models for invasive species |
2014-07-25 |
Jens Kattge |
The relationship of leaf photosynthetic traits - V cmax and J max - to leaf nitrogen, leaf phosphorus, and specific leaf area: a meta-analysis and modeling study |
2014-07-23 |
David B. Roy |
Quantifying range-wide variation in population trends from local abundance surveys and widespread opportunistic occurrence records |
2014-07-20 |
Brian J. Enquist | Sean T. Michaletz |
Convergence of terrestrial plant production across global climate gradients |
2014-07-15 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Implications of spatial data variations for protected areas management: an example from East Africa |
2014-07-11 |
Brian J. Enquist |
On Theory in Ecology |
2014-07-08 |
Mark Westoby |
Leaf hydraulic vulnerability to drought is linked to site water availability across a broad range of species and climates |
2014-07-06 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Escape from the laboratory: new horizons for plant genetics |
2014-07-01 |
Ian J. Wright |
An evolutionary perspective on leaf economics: phylogenetics of leaf mass per area in vascular plants |
2014-07-01 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Ecology. Why are plant-pollinator networks nested? |
2014-06-30 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Realized niche shift during a global biological invasion |
2014-06-26 |
Ian J. Wright |
Are leaf functional traits ‘invariant’ with plant size and what is ‘invariance’ anyway? |
2014-06-25 |
Renee A. Catullo |
Aridification drove repeated episodes of diversification between Australian biomes: evidence from a multi-locus phylogeny of Australian toadlets (Uperoleia: Myobatrachidae). |
2014-06-19 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Correlation between interaction strengths drives stability in large ecological networks. |
2014-06-17 |
Steven L. Chown |
Antarctica’s protected areas are inadequate, unrepresentative, and at risk |
2014-06-16 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Enriched biodiversity data as a resource and service |
2014-06-16 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Organic chemicals jeopardize the health of freshwater ecosystems on the continental scale |
2014-06-12 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Dinosaur physiology. Evidence for mesothermy in dinosaurs |
2014-06-11 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Large-scale trade-off between agricultural intensification and crop pollination services |
2014-06-11 |
Pete Manning |
Seasonal Variation in the Capacity for Plant Trait Measures to Predict Grassland Carbon and Water Fluxes |
2014-06-10 |
Jens Kattge |
A single evolutionary innovation drives the deep evolution of symbiotic N2-fixation in angiosperms |
2014-06-09 |
Renee A. Catullo |
Problems with data quality in the reconstruction of evolutionary relationships in the Drosophila melanogaster species group: Comments on Yang et al. (2012). |
2014-06-05 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Contrasting levels of connectivity and localised persistence characterise the latitudinal distribution of a wind-dispersed rainforest canopy tree |
2014-06-04 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Assisted colonization as a climate change adaptation tool |
2014-06-03 |
Melissa Haendel |
The influence of disease categories on gene candidate predictions from model organism phenotypes |
2014-06-03 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Estimating landholders’ probability of participating in a stewardship program, and the implications for spatial conservation priorities |
2014-06-03 |
Joshua S Madin |
Mechanical vulnerability explains size-dependent mortality of reef corals |
2014-06-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Tree-hugging koalas demonstrate a novel thermoregulatory mechanism for arboreal mammals |
2014-06-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Plant trait analysis delivers an extensive list of potential green roof species for Mediterranean France |
2014-06-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
In response: why we need landscape ecotoxicology and how it could be advanced–an academic perspective |
2014-05-27 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Microclim: Global estimates of hourly microclimate based on long-term monthly climate averages |
2014-05-26 |
Richard J Telford |
A modern pollen-climate calibration set from central-western Mongolia and its application to a late glacial-Holocene record |
2014-05-26 |
David B. Roy |
Can trait-based analyses of changes in species distribution be transferred to new geographic areas? |
2014-05-22 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
The winners and losers of land use intensification: pollinator community disassembly is non-random and alters functional diversity |
2014-05-21 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Rapid shift in thermal resistance between generations through maternal heat exposure |
2014-05-16 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
How ready are we to move species threatened from climate change? Insights into the assisted colonization debate from Australia |
2014-05-15 |
Ian J. Wright | Jens Kattge |
Which is a better predictor of plant traits: temperature or precipitation? |
2014-05-10 |
Pete Manning |
Ecosystem functions are resistant to extreme changes to rainfall regimes in a mesotrophic grassland |
2014-05-08 |
Nuno Simões |
Checklist of fishes from madagascar reef, campeche bank, méxico |
2014-05-05 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Uncertainties around the implementation of a clearing-control policy in a unique catchment in northern Australia: exploring equity issues and balancing competing objectives |
2014-05-02 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Life after fire: smoke and ash as germination cues in ericads, herbs and graminoids of northern heathlands |
2014-05-02 |
Colleen M. Iversen | Jens Kattge |
Plant functional types in Earth system models: past experiences and future directions for application of dynamic vegetation models in high-latitude ecosystems. |
2014-05-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
The spatial structure of Antarctic biodiversity |
2014-05-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Comprehensive ecosystem model-data synthesis using multiple data sets at two temperate forest free-air CO2enrichment experiments: Model performance at ambient CO2concentration |
2014-05-01 |
David B. Roy |
Temporal validation plots: quantifying how well correlative species distribution models predict species’ range changes over time |
2014-05-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Evaluation of 11 terrestrial carbon-nitrogen cycle models against observations from two temperate Free-Air CO2 Enrichment studies |
2014-05-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Anurans from the Serra da Bocaina National Park and surrounding buffer area, southeastern Brazil |
2014-04-30 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Captive rearing experiments confirm song development without learning in a tracheophone suboscine bird |
2014-04-29 |
Jennifer A Hammock |
The Encyclopedia of Life v2: Providing Global Access to Knowledge About Life on Earth |
2014-04-29 |
David B. Roy |
Long-term changes to the frequency of occurrence of British moths are consistent with opposing and synergistic effects of climate and land-use changes |
2014-04-22 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Ecological traits influence the phylogenetic structure of bird species co-occurrences worldwide |
2014-04-22 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Using functional diversity patterns to explore metacommunity dynamics: a framework for understanding local and regional influences on community structure |
2014-04-21 |
Samuel C. Andrew |
Peak shift in honey bee olfactory learning |
2014-04-17 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Co-gradient variation in growth rate and development time of a broadly distributed butterfly |
2014-04-15 |
Steven L. Chown |
Geothermal activity helps life survive glacial cycles |
2014-04-15 |
Pete Manning |
Bioenergy, Food Production and Biodiversity - An Unlikely Alliance? |
2014-04-14 |
Luca Santini |
Role of African protected areas in maintaining connectivity for large mammals. |
2014-04-14 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Inferring climate from angiosperm leaf venation networks |
2014-04-13 |
Ian J. Wright | Jens Kattge |
Global relationship of wood and leaf litter decomposability: the role of functional traits within and across plant organs |
2014-04-10 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle |
Inclusion of vein traits improves predictive power for the leaf economic spectrum: a response to Sack et al. (2013). |
2014-04-09 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Broad-scale spatial patterns of canopy cover and pond morphology affect the structure of a Neotropical amphibian metacommunity |
2014-04-04 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Contrasting perceptions of ecosystem services of an African forest park |
2014-04-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Organic matter transformation in the peat column at Marcell Experimental Forest: Humification and vertical stratification |
2014-04-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
The fourth-corner solution - using predictive models to understand how species traits interact with the environment |
2014-03-28 |
Katja Seltmann |
The maxillo-labial complex of Sparasion (Hymenoptera, Platygastroidea) |
2014-03-27 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Receipt of seminal fluid proteins causes reduction of male investment in a simultaneous hermaphrodite |
2014-03-27 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Contribution of insect pollinators to crop yield and quality varies with agricultural intensification |
2014-03-27 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Does prescribed burning result in biotic homogenization of coastal heathlands? |
2014-03-26 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Plant DNA barcoding: from gene to genome. |
2014-03-24 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Structural, physiognomic and aboveground biomass variation in savanna-forest transition zones on three continents. How different are co-occurring savanna and forest formations? |
2014-03-24 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Supplementary material to “Structural, physiognomic and aboveground biomass variation in savanna-forest transition zones on three continents. How different are co-occurring savanna and forest formations?” |
2014-03-21 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Do predictions from Species Sensitivity Distributions match with field data? |
2014-03-19 |
Luca Santini |
Incorporating spatial population structure in gap analysis reveals inequitable assessments of species protection |
2014-03-18 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Above- and belowground biotic interactions facilitate relocation of plants into cooler environments |
2014-03-17 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
How can knowledge of the climate niche inform the weed risk assessment process? A case study of Chrysanthemoides monilifera in Australia |
2014-03-14 |
Steven L. Chown |
Natural dispersal to sub-Antarctic Marion Island of two arthropod species |
2014-03-10 |
Nuno Simões |
Growth and survival of Hippocampus erectus (Perry, 1810) juveniles fed on Artemia with different HUFA levels |
2014-03-10 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Thermal-safety margins and the necessity of thermoregulatory behavior across latitude and elevation |
2014-03-06 |
Melissa Haendel |
Thematic series on biomedical ontologies in JBMS: challenges and new directions |
2014-03-04 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Lack of quantitative training among early-career ecologists: a survey of the problem and potential solutions |
2014-03-04 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Scientific method: statistical errors |
2014-03-04 |
Heloise Gibb |
Morphological traits: predictable responses to macrohabitats across a 300 km scale |
2014-03-03 |
Ramona L Walls |
Semantics in support of biodiversity knowledge discovery: an introduction to the biological collections ontology and related ontologies |
2014-03-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Aliens in Antarctica: Assessing transfer of plant propagules by human visitors to reduce invasion risk |
2014-03-01 |
Richard J Telford |
Reconstructing palaeoclimatic variables from fossil pollen using boosted regression trees: comparison and synthesis with other quantitative reconstruction methods |
2014-03-01 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Community attitudes toward forest conservation programs through collaborative protected area management in Bangladesh |
2014-02-26 |
Jonas J. Lembrechts |
Alien roadside species more easily invade alpine than lowland plant communities in a subarctic mountain ecosystem |
2014-02-25 |
Melissa Haendel |
The zebrafish anatomy and stage ontologies: representing the anatomy and development of Danio rerio |
2014-02-20 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle |
Then-dimensional hypervolume |
2014-02-19 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
Functional distinctiveness of major plant lineages |
2014-02-18 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Sensitivity to thermal extremes in Australian Drosophila implies similar impacts of climate change on the distribution of widespread and tropical species |
2014-02-18 |
Mark Westoby |
Whole-plant capacitance, embolism resistance and slow transpiration rates all contribute to longer desiccation times in woody angiosperms from arid and wet habitats |
2014-02-17 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Glaciation as an historical filter of below-ground biodiversity |
2014-02-12 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Litter fingerprint on microbial biomass, activity, and community structure in the underlying soil |
2014-02-11 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Behavioural thermoregulation and the relative roles of convection and radiation in a basking butterfly |
2014-02-08 |
Ian J. Wright |
Biomechanical and leaf-climate relationships: a comparison of ferns and seed plants |
2014-02-07 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Naïveté in novel ecological interactions: lessons from theory and experimental evidence |
2014-02-04 |
Alexander Keller |
Confirmation of warfarin resistance of naturally occurring VKORC1 variants by coexpression with coagulation factor IX and in silico protein modelling |
2014-02-03 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Effects of repeated salt pulses on ecosystem structure and functions in a stream mesocosm. |
2014-02-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Improved exome prioritization of disease genes through cross-species phenotype comparison |
2014-02-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Management-driven evolution in a domesticated ecosystem |
2014-02-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Management-driven evolution in a domesticated ecosystem. |
2014-01-31 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Maintenance of strong morphological differentiation despite ongoing natural hybridization between sympatric species of Lomatia (Proteaceae) |
2014-01-29 |
Jens Kattge |
Multi-scale phylogenetic structure in coastal dune plant communities across the globe |
2014-01-22 |
Steven L. Chown |
Chemosensory and thermal cue responses in the sub-Antarctic moth Pringleophaga marioni: Do caterpillars choose Wandering Albatross nest proxies? |
2014-01-22 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Effects on nutrient cycling of conifer restoration in a degraded tropical montane forest |
2014-01-20 |
Steven L. Chown |
Lack of coherence in the warming responses of marine crustaceans |
2014-01-18 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Advancing population ecology with integral projection models: a practical guide |
2014-01-18 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Microclimate modelling at macro scales: a test of a general microclimate model integrated with gridded continental-scale soil and weather data |
2014-01-10 |
Alexander Keller |
Density-dependent negative responses by bumblebees to bacteria isolated from flowers |
2014-01-07 |
Renee A. Catullo |
A new frog species (Myobatrachidae: Uperoleia) from the Northern Deserts region of Australia, with a redescription of U. trachyderma |
2014-01-06 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Species interactions and the structure of complex communication networks |
2014-01-05 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Competitive naïveté between a highly successful invader and a functionally similar native species |
2014-01-02 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Effects of a natural toxin on life history and gene expression of Eisenia andrei |
2014-01-01 |
Nuno Simões |
Can preference for crabs in juvenile Octopus maya be modified through early experience with alternative prey? |
2014-01-01 |
Nuno Simões |
New records of alpheid shrimps (Crustacea: Decapoda: Alpheidae) from the southern Gulf of Mexico |
2014-01-01 |
Katja Seltmann |
Usage patterns of blue flower color representation by Encyclopedia of Life content providers |
2014-01-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Demographic history and niche conservatism of tropical rainforest trees separated along an altitudinal gradient of a biogeographic barrier |
2014-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel | Paula M. Mabee |
Unification of multi-species vertebrate anatomy ontologies for comparative biology in Uberon |
2014-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Human Phenotype Ontology project: linking molecular biology and disease through phenotype data |
2014-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
CLO: The cell line ontology |
2014-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Peer Review of “A dataset comprising 141 magnetic resonance imaging scans of 98 extant sea urchin species”. |
2014-01-01 |
John Alroy |
A simple Bayesian method of inferring extinction |
2014-01-01 |
John Alroy |
Accurate and precise estimates of origination and extinction rates |
2014-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel | Ramona L Walls | Paula M. Mabee |
Nose to tail, roots to shoots: spatial descriptors for phenotypic diversity in the Biological Spatial Ontology |
2014-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Porifera Ontology (PORO): enhancing sponge systematics with an anatomy ontology |
2014-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
A sea of standards for omics data: sink or swim? |
2014-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Use of animal models for exome prioritization of rare disease genes |
2014-01-01 |
Jennifer A Hammock |
Does motivation in citizen science change with time and culture? |
2014-01-01 |
Jennifer A Hammock |
Gamifying citizen science: a study of two user groups |
2014-01-01 |
Jennifer A Hammock |
The effects of individualized feedback on college students’ contributions to citizen science |
2014-01-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Biodiversity of Acid Grasslands in the Atlantic Regions of Europe: The Impact of Nitrogen Deposition |
2014-01-01 |
Jens Kattge |
A Semantic Web Faceted Search System for Facilitating Building of Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services |
2014-01-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Metabolic scaling in animals: methods, empirical results, and theoretical explanations |
2014-01-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Navigating trade-offs in land-use planning: integrating human well-being into objective setting |
2014-01-01 |
David B. Roy |
Allee effects and the spatial dynamics of a locally endangered butterfly, the high brown fritillary (Argynnis adippe). |
2014-01-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Recent trends and future strategies in soil ecological research—Integrative approaches at Pedobiologia |
2014-01-01 |
Ramona L Walls |
Meeting report: advancing practical applications of biodiversity ontologies |
2014-01-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Local-scale changes in plant diversity: reassessments and implications for biodiversity–ecosystem function experiments |
2014-01-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Genetic structure of earthworm populations at a regional scale: inferences from mitochondrial and microsatellite molecular markers in Aporrectodea icterica (Savigny 1826) |
2014-01-01 |
William D. Pearse |
Metrics and Models of Community Phylogenetics |
2014-01-01 |
Anne Thessen |
A statistical assessment of population trends for data deficient Mexican amphibians |
2014-01-01 |
Anne Thessen |
Knowledge extraction and semantic annotation of text from the encyclopedia of life |
2014-01-01 |
Anne Thessen |
Semantic Web and Big Data meets Applied Ontology |
2014-01-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Global patterns and predictors of bird species responses to forest fragmentation: Implications for ecosystem function and conservation |
2014-01-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Immigration and dispersal are key determinants of cultural diversity in a songbird population |
2014-01-01 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Functions of Traditional Agroforestry Systems: Case Study from Three Tribal Communities in and Around Lawachara National Park |
2013-12-30 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Functional traits explain variation in plant life history strategies |
2013-12-30 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Planning Across Freshwater and Terrestrial Realms: Cobenefits and Tradeoffs Between Conservation Actions |
2013-12-28 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Bats and birds increase crop yield in tropical agroforestry landscapes |
2013-12-22 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Three keys to the radiation of angiosperms into freezing environments |
2013-12-22 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Species coexistence and the dynamics of phenotypic evolution in adaptive radiation |
2013-12-18 |
Heloise Gibb |
Fast forward selection for generalized estimating equations with a large number of predictor variables. |
2013-12-16 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Revisiting Darwin’s hypothesis: Does greater intraspecific variability increase species’ ecological breadth? |
2013-12-11 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Succession of ephemeral secondary forests and their limited role for the conservation of floristic diversity in a human-modified tropical landscape |
2013-12-09 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Functional diversity supports the physiological tolerance hypothesis for plant species richness along climatic gradients |
2013-12-08 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Diversity of ageing across the tree of life. |
2013-12-04 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Male-male competition leads to less abundant but more attractive sperm. |
2013-12-02 |
Hervé Sauquet | Maurizio Rossetto |
Landscape patterns in rainforest phylogenetic signal: isolated islands of refugia or structured continental distributions? |
2013-12-01 |
William D. Pearse |
Barro Colorado Island’s phylogenetic assemblage structure across fine spatial scales and among clades of different ages |
2013-12-01 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Methane as a carbon source for the food web in raised bog pools |
2013-11-28 |
Steven L. Chown |
Antagonistic effects of biological invasion and temperature change on body size of island ectotherms |
2013-11-27 |
Ian J. Wright |
Sapwood capacitance is greater in evergreen sclerophyll species growing in high compared to low-rainfall environments |
2013-11-26 |
Renee A. Catullo |
The biogeographical boundaries of northern Australia: evidence from ecological niche models and a multi-locus phylogeny ofUperoleiatoadlets (Anura: Myobatrachidae) |
2013-11-22 |
Paula M. Mabee |
The vertebrate taxonomy ontology: a framework for reasoning across model organism and species phenotypes |
2013-11-16 |
David B. Roy |
A phylogenetically-informed trait-based analysis of range change in the vascular plant flora of Britain |
2013-11-13 |
Luca Santini |
Generation length for mammals |
2013-11-12 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Dengue vector dynamics (Aedes aegypti) influenced by climate and social factors in Ecuador: implications for targeted control |
2013-11-11 |
Ian J. Wright |
Balancing the costs of carbon gain and water transport: testing a new theoretical framework for plant functional ecology |
2013-11-08 |
Cyrille Violle |
Intraspecific trait variability mediates the response of subalpine grassland communities to extreme drought events |
2013-11-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Beyond nectar sweetness: the hidden ecological role of non-protein amino acids in nectar |
2013-10-30 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Rising temperature reduces divergence in resource use strategies in coexisting parasitoid species |
2013-10-29 |
Jens Kattge |
Diversity increases carbon storage and tree productivity in Spanish forests |
2013-10-28 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Eupolybothrus cavernicolus Komerički & Stoev sp. n. (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha: Lithobiidae): the first eukaryotic species description combining transcriptomic, DNA barcoding and micro-CT imaging data |
2013-10-22 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Inconsistent XML as a barrier to reuse of Open Access Content |
2013-10-21 |
David B. Roy |
National patterns of functional diversity and redundancy in predatory ground beetles and bees associated with key UK arable crops |
2013-10-20 |
Jens Kattge |
Corrigendum to García-Palacioset al. () |
2013-10-19 |
Mark Westoby |
DNA technology and evolution of the Central Dogma |
2013-10-18 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Interactions between social structure, demography, and transmission determine disease persistence in primates |
2013-10-17 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Predicting species distributions for conservation decisions |
2013-10-16 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Predicting invasion in grassland ecosystems: is exotic dominance the real embarrassment of richness? |
2013-10-16 |
Anton Potapov |
Large 13C/12C and small 15N/14N isotope fractionation in an experimental detrital foodweb (litter–fungi–collembolans) |
2013-10-14 |
Daniel S. Park |
A test of Darwin’s naturalization hypothesis in the thistle tribe shows that close relatives make bad neighbors |
2013-10-11 |
Melissa Haendel | Paula M. Mabee |
What is an anatomy ontology? |
2013-10-10 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Fibre wall and lumen fractions drive wood density variation across 24 Australian angiosperms. |
2013-10-09 |
Ian J. Wright |
Disentangling coordination among functional traits using an individual-centred model: impact on plant performance at intra- and inter-specific levels |
2013-10-09 |
Jens Kattge |
The BETHY/JSBACH Carbon Cycle Data Assimilation System: experiences and challenges |
2013-10-08 |
Nuno Simões |
Sea anemones (Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Actiniaria) from coral reefs in the southern Gulf of Mexico |
2013-10-07 |
Mark Westoby |
Bark functional ecology: evidence for tradeoffs, functional coordination, and environment producing bark diversity |
2013-10-07 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Environmental stability and the evolution of cooperative breeding in hornbills |
2013-10-03 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle | Brad Boyle |
Habitat area and climate stability determine geographical variation in plant species range sizes. |
2013-10-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Restoration potential of native forests after removal of Picea abies plantations |
2013-10-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Activity restriction and the mechanistic basis for extinctions under climate warming |
2013-10-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Whole-plant trait spectra of North American woody plant species reflect fundamental ecological strategies |
2013-09-30 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Measuring the plasticity of developmental rate across insect populations: comment on Rocha and Klaczko (2012). |
2013-09-30 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Fatty acid composition remains stable across trophic levels in a gall wasp community |
2013-09-28 |
Steven L. Chown |
Thermal biology, population fluctuations and implications of temperature extremes for the management of two globally significant insect pests |
2013-09-28 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Effects of anthropogenic salinization on biological traits and community composition of stream macroinvertebrates |
2013-09-24 |
Joshua S Madin |
Adult and larval traits as determinants of geographic range size among tropical reef fishes |
2013-09-18 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Increased sampling of both genes and taxa improves resolution of phylogenetic relationships within Magnoliidae, a large and early-diverging clade of angiosperms |
2013-09-18 |
William Farfán Rios |
Assessing above-ground woody debris dynamics along a gradient of elevation in Amazonian cloud forests in Peru: balancing above-ground inputs and respiration outputs |
2013-09-18 |
Steven L. Chown |
Extinction and recolonization of maritime Antarctica in the limpet Nacella concinna (Strebel, 1908) during the last glacial cycle: toward a model of Quaternary biogeography in shallow Antarctic invertebrates. |
2013-09-17 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Basin-wide variations in Amazon forest nitrogen-cycling characteristics as inferred from plant and soil15N:14N measurements |
2013-09-17 |
William Farfán Rios |
Spatial patterns of above-ground structure, biomass and composition in a network of six Andean elevation transects |
2013-09-17 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Deviation from symmetrically self-similar branching in trees predicts altered hydraulics, mechanics, light interception and metabolic scaling |
2013-09-16 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Beyond dead trees: integrating the scientific process in the Biodiversity Data Journal |
2013-09-15 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Key role of symbiotic dinitrogen fixation in tropical forest secondary succession |
2013-09-12 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford |
Massive structural and compositional changes over two decades in forest fragments near Kampala, Uganda |
2013-09-06 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Do vascular plants and bryophytes respond differently to coniferous invasion of coastal heathlands? |
2013-09-06 |
Steven L. Chown |
Novel ecosystems support substantial avian assemblages: the case of invasive alienAcaciathickets |
2013-09-05 |
Melissa Haendel |
On the reproducibility of science: unique identification of research resources in the biomedical literature |
2013-09-03 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Revolving images and multi-image keys open new horizons in descriptive taxonomy: ZooKeys working examples |
2013-09-03 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Spatially explicit data: stewardship and ethical challenges in science |
2013-09-01 |
Nuno Simões |
Benchmarks and sediment source(s) of the 1755 Lisbon tsunami deposit at Boca do Rio Estuary |
2013-09-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Early Eocene fossil plants from the Mwadui kimberlite pipe, Tanzania |
2013-09-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Do fungivores trigger the transfer of protective metabolites from host plants to arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphae? |
2013-09-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Heat freezes niche evolution |
2013-09-01 |
Richard J Telford |
A pollen-climate transfer function from the tundra and taiga vegetation in Arctic Siberia and its applicability to a Holocene record |
2013-09-01 |
Camilo Alcántara |
Mapping the extent of abandoned farmland in Central and Eastern Europe using MODIS time series satellite data |
2013-09-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
The dispersal of the earthworm Aporrectodea giardi responds faster to habitat quality than to cumulative use of habitat in experimental conditions |
2013-09-01 |
Anne Thessen |
Geoinformatics: Toward an integrative view of Earth as a system |
2013-09-01 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Changes in alpine vegetation over 21 years: Are patterns across a heterogeneous landscape consistent with predictions? |
2013-09-01 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Do environmental attributes, disturbances and protection regimes determine the distribution of exotic plant species in Bangladesh forest ecosystem? |
2013-08-30 |
Melissa Haendel |
Ontology based molecular signatures for immune cell types via gene expression analysis |
2013-08-30 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Pulp feeders alter plant interactions with subsequent animal associates |
2013-08-30 |
Steven L. Chown |
Lizard thermal trait variation at multiple scales: a review |
2013-08-27 |
Steven L. Chown |
Solving the puzzle ofPringleophaga- threatened, keystone detritivores in the sub-Antarctic |
2013-08-23 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Convergence and Divergence in Direct and Indirect Life-History Traits of Closely Related Parasitoids (Braconidae: Microgastrinae) |
2013-08-22 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Biodiversity ensures plant-pollinator phenological synchrony against climate change. |
2013-08-20 |
Heloise Gibb |
Functional roles affect diversity-succession relationships for boreal beetles. |
2013-08-16 |
Heloise Gibb |
REVIEW: Refuges for fauna in fire-prone landscapes: their ecological function and importance |
2013-08-15 |
Ian J. Wright | Jens Kattge |
Impacts of trait variation through observed trait–climate relationships on performance of an Earth system model: a conceptual analysis |
2013-08-12 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Carnivora population dynamics are as slow and as fast as those of other mammals: implications for their conservation |
2013-08-11 |
William D. Pearse |
Using landscape history to predict biodiversity patterns in fragmented landscapes |
2013-08-07 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Differential Effects of Oxidised and Reduced Nitrogen on Vegetation and Soil Chemistry of Species-Rich Acidic Grasslands |
2013-08-07 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Respiratory control in aquatic insects dictates their vulnerability to global warming |
2013-08-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
A practical guide to molecular dating |
2013-08-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
An expert-based landscape permeability model for assessing the impact of agricultural management on amphibian migration |
2013-08-01 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
A practical guide to avoid giving up on giving-up densities |
2013-07-30 |
William D. Pearse |
Functional traits, the phylogeny of function, and ecosystem service vulnerability |
2013-07-24 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Conditional cold avoidance drives between-population variation in germination behaviour in Calluna vulgaris |
2013-07-24 |
Steven L. Chown |
Ecophysiological forecasting for environmental change adaptation |
2013-07-24 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
A journey towards shared governance: status and prospects for collaborative management in the protected areas of Bangladesh |
2013-07-21 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Effects of growth form and functional traits on response of woody plants to clearing and fragmentation of subtropical rainforest |
2013-07-17 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Sexual selection accelerates signal evolution during speciation in birds |
2013-07-14 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Native bees buffer the negative impact of climate warming on honey bee pollination of watermelon crops |
2013-07-03 |
Florian Dirk Schneider |
Body masses, functional responses and predator-prey stability. |
2013-07-03 |
Aud H. Halbritter |
How comparable are species distributions along elevational and latitudinal climate gradients? |
2013-07-03 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Differences in forest plant functional trait distributions across land-use and productivity gradients. |
2013-07-02 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Pollinator declines: reconciling scales and implications for ecosystem services |
2013-07-02 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
How to characterize chemical exposure to predict ecologic effects on aquatic communities? |
2013-07-01 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
White-tailed deer ( Odocoileus virginianus ) positively affect the growth of mature northern red oak ( Quercus rubra ) trees |
2013-07-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Predicting invertebrate herbivory from plant traits: polycultures show strong nonadditive effects |
2013-06-26 |
Steven L. Chown |
Effects of temperature on heat-shock responses and survival of two species of marine invertebrates from sub-Antarctic Marion Island |
2013-06-26 |
Ramona L Walls |
Next-generation phenomics for the Tree of Life |
2013-06-26 |
Brian J. Enquist |
An empirical assessment of tree branching networks and implications for plant allometric scaling models |
2013-06-25 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle |
Assessing the causes and scales of the leaf economics spectrum using venation networks inPopulus tremuloides |
2013-06-23 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Invasion of Calluna heath by native and non-native conifers: the role of succession, disturbance and allelopathy |
2013-06-19 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Succession after prescribed burning in coastalCallunaheathlands along a 340-km latitudinal gradient |
2013-06-19 |
Sandra M. Durán |
Carbon stocks in tropical forests decrease with liana density |
2013-06-17 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Pesticides reduce regional biodiversity of stream invertebrates |
2013-06-13 |
Jens Kattge |
Climate and litter quality differently modulate the effects of soil fauna on litter decomposition across biomes |
2013-06-07 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Maximising adaptive potential in translocated populations of clonal saltmarsh plants: a case study on Wilsonia backhousei, Convolvulaceae |
2013-06-07 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Spatio-temporal changes in the structure of an Australian frog hybrid zone: a 40-year perspective |
2013-06-07 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Clade-specific consequences of climate change to amphibians in Atlantic Forest protected areas |
2013-06-06 |
Steven L. Chown |
Ontogenetic shifts in plant interactions vary with environmental severity and affect population structure |
2013-06-01 |
Nuno Simões |
First record of Ophioderma ensiferum (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) from the southeastern continental shelf of the Gulf of Mexico and from an anchialine cave |
2013-06-01 |
Richard J Telford |
Diatom flickering prior to regime shift |
2013-06-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Larvae ofProceratophrys melanopogon(Amphibia: Anura), with Emphasis on Internal Oral Morphology and Comparisons withP. cururuandP. moratoi |
2013-06-01 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
The trade of bamboo (Graminae) and its secondary products in a regional market of southern Bangladesh: status and socio-economic significance |
2013-05-31 |
Joshua S Madin |
Effect of varying the concentrations of carbohydrate and milk protein in rehydration solutions ingested after exercise in the heat |
2013-05-31 |
Ramona L Walls |
Clarifying concepts and terms in biodiversity informatics |
2013-05-29 |
Alexander Keller |
Novel form of X-linked nonsyndromic hearing loss with cochlear malformation caused by a mutation in the type IV collagen gene COL4A6. |
2013-05-23 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Estimating the financial risks of Andropogon gayanus to greenhouse gas abatement projects in northern Australia |
2013-05-23 |
David B. Roy |
Range expansion through fragmented landscapes under a variable climate |
2013-05-21 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Temperature dependence of trophic interactions are driven by asymmetry of species responses and foraging strategy |
2013-05-21 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Understanding ecological variation across species: area‐based vs mass‐based expression of leaf traits |
2013-05-21 |
Caterina Penone |
Use of large-scale acoustic monitoring to assess anthropogenic pressures on Orthoptera communities |
2013-05-20 |
Alexander Keller |
Only distance matters - non-choosy females in a poison frog population. |
2013-05-20 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Application of Lessons from the Euro Crisis to Climate Change |
2013-05-17 |
Heloise Gibb |
Does Structural Complexity Determine the Morphology of Assemblages? An Experimental Test on Three Continents |
2013-05-16 |
William D. Pearse |
phyloGenerator: an automated phylogeny generation tool for ecologists |
2013-05-14 |
Ian J. Wright |
Diffusional conductances to CO2 as a target for increasing photosynthesis and photosynthetic water-use efficiency. |
2013-05-13 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Reconciling theories for metabolic scaling |
2013-05-07 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Stored carbon partly fuels fine-root respiration but is not used for production of new fine roots |
2013-05-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Human activities, propagule pressure and alien plants in the sub-Antarctic: Tests of generalities and evidence in support of management |
2013-05-01 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
The thermal dependence of biological traits |
2013-05-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Impacts of the Moreton Bay Marine Park rezoning on commercial fishermen |
2013-05-01 |
Loïc Chalmandrier |
Effects of time since fire on birds in a plant diversity hotspot |
2013-04-29 |
Maribeth Latvis |
Phylogenetic relationships and character evolution analysis of Saxifragales using a supermatrix approach |
2013-04-26 |
David B. Roy |
Indexing butterfly abundance whilst accounting for missing counts and variability in seasonal pattern |
2013-04-24 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Plants do not count… or do they? New perspectives on the universality of senescence |
2013-04-24 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Age, stage and senescence in plants |
2013-04-24 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
The pace and shape of senescence in angiosperms |
2013-04-19 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Anaerobic metabolism at thermal extremes: a metabolomic test of the oxygen limitation hypothesis in an aquatic insect. |
2013-04-16 |
Steven L. Chown |
Stable and fluctuating temperature effects on the development rate and survival of two malaria vectors, Anopheles arabiensis and Anopheles funestus |
2013-04-11 |
Katja Seltmann |
The description of Alloxysta chinensis, a new Charipinae species from China (Hymenoptera, Figitidae) |
2013-04-02 |
Cyrille Violle | Jens Kattge |
Are trait-based species rankings consistent across data sets and spatial scales? |
2013-04-02 |
Jens Kattge |
Sampling date, leaf age and root size: implications for the study of plant C:N:p stoichiometry |
2013-04-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Ecotoxicology |
2013-03-25 |
Nicolas Fanin |
An experimental test of the hypothesis of non-homeostatic consumer stoichiometry in a plant litter-microbe system |
2013-03-24 |
Steven L. Chown |
A predicted niche shift corresponds with increased thermal resistance in an invasive mite,Halotydeus destructor |
2013-03-22 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Seedling emergence responds to both seed source and recruitment site climates: a climate change experiment combining transplant and gradient approaches |
2013-03-20 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Post-Glacial Spatial Dynamics in a Rainforest Biodiversity Hot Spot |
2013-03-18 |
Melissa Haendel |
An ontology-based method for secondary use of electronic dental record data |
2013-03-18 |
Melissa Haendel |
From EHRs to Linked Data: representing and mining encounter data for clinical expertise evaluation |
2013-03-15 |
Pete Manning |
Trait-based classification and manipulation of plant functional groups for biodiversity-ecosystem function experiments |
2013-03-15 |
Jens Kattge |
Nutrient input from hemiparasitic litter favors plant species with a fast-growth strategy |
2013-03-14 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Capturing chloroplast variation for molecular ecology studies: a simple next generation sequencing approach applied to a rainforest tree |
2013-03-13 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Transcriptional responses indicate attenuated oxidative stress in the springtail Folsomia candida exposed to mixtures of cadmium and phenanthrene |
2013-03-06 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Direct and size-dependent effects of climate on flowering performance in alpine and lowland herbaceous species |
2013-03-06 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Faculty of 1000 evaluation for A general and simple method for obtaining R2 from generalized linear mixed-effects models |
2013-03-06 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Response to comment on “regulatory focus surface water models fail to predict insecticide concentrations in the field”. |
2013-03-04 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Historical changes in northeastern US bee pollinators related to shared ecological traits |
2013-03-01 |
Franziska Schrodt |
On the delineation of tropical vegetation types with an emphasis on forest/savanna transitions |
2013-03-01 |
Richard J Telford |
Erratum to ‘Benthic foraminifera provide a promising tool for ecological quality assessment of marine waters’ [Ecol. Indic. 23 (2012) 66–75] |
2013-03-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Are dispersal behaviours of earthworms related to their functional group? |
2013-03-01 |
Anne Thessen |
Synthesis of primary production in the Arctic Ocean: III. Nitrate and phosphate based estimates of net community production |
2013-02-28 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Wild Pollinators Enhance Fruit Set of Crops Regardless of Honey Bee Abundance |
2013-02-25 |
David B. Roy |
Monitoring Trends in Biological Invasion, its Impact and Policy Responses |
2013-02-25 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Bird conservation in tropical ecosystems |
2013-02-22 |
Pete Manning |
Hierarchical responses of plant-soil interactions to climate change: consequences for the global carbon cycle |
2013-02-22 |
Joseph A Tobias |
A comprehensive molecular phylogeny for the hornbills (Aves: Bucerotidae). |
2013-02-20 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Physical dormancy in seeds: a game of hide and seek? |
2013-02-20 |
Pete Manning |
Plant functional group composition modifies the effects of precipitation change on grassland ecosystem function |
2013-02-19 |
Heloise Gibb |
Restoration of trophic structure in an assemblage of omnivores, considering a revegetation chronosequence |
2013-02-18 |
Katja Seltmann |
Utilizing descriptive statements from the biodiversity heritage library to expand the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology |
2013-02-18 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Variability in life-history and ecological traits is a buffer against extinction in mammals |
2013-02-11 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Local temperatures inferred from plant communities suggest strong spatial buffering of climate warming across Northern Europe |
2013-02-07 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Is rich and rare the common share? Describing biodiversity patterns to inform conservation practices for South American anurans |
2013-02-05 |
Jens Kattge |
Simultaneous assimilation of satellite and eddy covariance data for improving terrestrial water and carbon simulations at a semi-arid woodland site in Botswana |
2013-02-03 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Risk vs. reward: how predators and prey respond to aging olfactory cues |
2013-01-31 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
North Atlantic Islands with native and alien trees: are there differences in diversity and species-area relationships? |
2013-01-31 |
Pete Manning |
Novel Urban Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services |
2013-01-30 |
Daniel Mietchen |
The move to open access and growth: experience from Journal of Hymenoptera Research |
2013-01-30 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Process, correlation and parameter fitting in species distribution models: a response to Kriticoset al |
2013-01-30 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Pawar et al. reply |
2013-01-29 |
Ian J. Wright |
Mechanisms underlying global temperature-related patterns in leaf longevity |
2013-01-28 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle | Marko J. Spasojevic |
Intra-specific and inter-specific variation in specific leaf area reveal the importance of abiotic and biotic drivers of species diversity across elevation and latitude |
2013-01-24 |
Jens Kattge |
Modeling the vertical soil organic matter profile using Bayesian parameter estimation |
2013-01-22 |
Jorrit Poelen |
Building a Fisheries Trophic Interaction Database for Management and Modeling Research in the Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem |
2013-01-17 |
Melissa Haendel | Paula M. Mabee |
An overview of the BioCreative 2012 Workshop Track III: interactive text mining task |
2013-01-16 |
Brian J. Enquist | Brad Boyle |
The taxonomic name resolution service: an online tool for automated standardization of plant names |
2013-01-14 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Correlations between physical and chemical defences in plants: tradeoffs, syndromes, or just many different ways to skin a herbivorous cat? |
2013-01-09 |
Katja Seltmann |
Matching arthropod anatomy ontologies to the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology: results from a manual alignment |
2013-01-07 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Molecular patterns of introgression in a classic hybrid zone between the Australian tree frogs, Litoria ewingii and L. paraewingi: evidence of a tension zone |
2013-01-03 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Evaluating and predicting risk to a large reptile (Varanus varius) from feral cat baiting protocols |
2013-01-01 |
Nuno Simões |
Records and observations of amphipods (Amphipoda: Gammaridea and Corophiidea) from fouling assemblages in the Alacranes Reef, southern Gulf of Mexico |
2013-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
ISCB computational biology Wikipedia competition |
2013-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Inconsistent XML as a Barrier to Reuse of Open Access Content |
2013-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Convergence and deep homology in the evolution of spoken language |
2013-01-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Microsatellite variation for phylogenetic, phylogeographic and population-genetic studies in Lomatia (Proteaceae) |
2013-01-01 |
Alexander Keller |
Diverse microbiota identified in whole intact nest chambers of the red mason bee Osmia bicornis (Linnaeus 1758) |
2013-01-01 |
Markus Ankenbrand |
Compensatory base changes in ITS2 secondary structures correlate with the biological species concept despite intragenomic variability in ITS2 sequences–a proof of concept |
2013-01-01 |
Joshua S Madin |
Human deforestation outweighs future climate change impacts of sedimentation on coral reefs |
2013-01-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Understanding Linkage Rules in Plant-Pollinator Networks by Using Hierarchical Models That Incorporate Pollinator Detectability and Plant Traits |
2013-01-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Antarctic Treaty System Past Not Predictive |
2013-01-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
South African research in the Southern Ocean: New opportunities but serious challenges |
2013-01-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
What is conservation physiology? Perspectives on an increasingly integrated and essential science(†) |
2013-01-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Security and equity of conservation covenants: Contradictions of private protected area policies in Australia |
2013-01-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
What Is on the Horizon for Ecophylogenetics? |
2013-01-01 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Next-generation invaders? Hotspots for naturalised sleeper weeds in Australia under future climates |
2013-01-01 |
Ian J. Wright | Jens Kattge |
Connecting the Green and Brown Worlds |
2013-01-01 |
Ian J. Wright |
New handbook for standardised measurement of plant functional traits worldwide |
2013-01-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Estimating Basal Area of Spruce and Fir in Post-fire Residual Stands in Central Siberia Using Quickbird, Feature Selection, and Random Forests |
2013-01-01 |
Anne Thessen |
Data Conservancy Provenance, Context, and Lineage Services: Key Components for Data Preservation and Curation |
2013-01-01 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Zoos through the lens of the IUCN Red List: a global metapopulation approach to support conservation breeding programs |
2012-12-30 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Acclimation responses to temperature vary with vertical stratification: implications for vulnerability of soil-dwelling species to extreme temperature events |
2012-12-28 |
Heloise Gibb |
The spatial scaling of beta diversity |
2012-12-28 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Response to comment on “Regulatory FOCUS surface water models fail to predict insecticide concentrations in the field”. |
2012-12-27 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Linking Eco-Energetics and Eco-Hydrology to Select Sites for the Assisted Colonization of Australia’s Rarest Reptile |
2012-12-20 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Using Australian Virtual Herbarium data to find all the woody rain forest plants in Australia. |
2012-12-20 |
David B. Roy |
Reconciling biodiversity and carbon conservation |
2012-12-20 |
Jens Kattge |
Harmonizing, annotating and sharing data in biodiversity-ecosystem functioning research |
2012-12-13 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Distinct microbial limitations in litter and underlying soil revealed by carbon and nutrient fertilization in a tropical rainforest |
2012-12-12 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Water-use efficiency and whole-plant performance of nine tropical tree species at two sites with contrasting water availability in Panama |
2012-12-11 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Species interactions constrain geographic range expansion over evolutionary time |
2012-12-10 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
IPMpack: an R package for integral projection models |
2012-12-07 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Traits underpinning desiccation resistance explain distribution patterns of terrestrial isopods |
2012-12-07 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Species loss and gain in communities under future climate change: consequences for functional diversity |
2012-12-05 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
The impact of multiple biogeographic barriers and hybridization on species-level differentiation |
2012-12-05 |
Ramona L Walls |
The plant ontology as a tool for comparative plant anatomy and genomic analyses |
2012-12-01 |
Jennifer A Hammock |
Visually Exploring Social Participation in Encyclopedia of Life |
2012-12-01 |
Richard J Telford |
Benthic foraminifera provide a promising tool for ecological quality assessment of marine waters |
2012-12-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Description of the Tadpole ofHylodes magalhaesi(Bokermann, 1964) (Anura: Hylodidae) |
2012-12-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Predicting invertebrate herbivory from plant traits: evidence from 51 grassland species in experimental monocultures |
2012-11-30 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Balancing heat, water and nutrients under environmental change: a thermodynamic niche framework |
2012-11-29 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Salinisation of rivers: an urgent ecological issue |
2012-11-27 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Effects of invasion by introduced versus native conifers on coastal heathland vegetation |
2012-11-27 |
William Farfán Rios |
The relationship of tropical bird communities to tree species composition and vegetation structure along an Andean elevational gradient |
2012-11-26 |
Luca Santini |
(Un-)expected nocturnal activity in “Diurnal” Lemur catta supports cathemerality as one of the key adaptations of the lemurid radiation. |
2012-11-23 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Structure and fragmentation of growling grass frog metapopulations |
2012-11-22 |
Florian Dirk Schneider |
Beyond diversity: how nested predator effects control ecosystem functions |
2012-11-21 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Global convergence in the vulnerability of forests to drought. |
2012-11-12 |
Ian J. Wright |
Volatile isoprenoid emissions from plastid to planet |
2012-11-06 |
Brian J. Enquist | Brad Boyle |
The leaf-area shrinkage effect can bias paleoclimate and ecology research |
2012-11-06 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Risk assessment of episodic exposures to chemicals should consider both the physiological and the ecological sensitivities of species. |
2012-11-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
An Asian elephant imitates human speech |
2012-11-01 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
It is getting hotter in here: determining and projecting the impacts of global environmental change on drylands |
2012-11-01 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
A demographic approach to study effects of climate change in desert plants |
2012-11-01 |
Florian Dirk Schneider |
Climate change in size-structured ecosystems |
2012-11-01 |
Florian Dirk Schneider | Malte Jochum |
Climate-induced changes in bottom-up and top-down processes independently alter a marine ecosystem |
2012-11-01 |
Camilo Alcántara |
The effect of Landsat ETM/ETM+ image acquisition dates on the detection of agricultural land abandonment in Eastern Europe |
2012-10-30 |
David B. Roy |
Population resilience to an extreme drought is influenced by habitat area and fragmentation in the local landscape |
2012-10-27 |
Joshua S Madin |
Colour in insect thermoregulation: empirical and theoretical tests in the colour-changing grasshopper, Kosciuscola tristis |
2012-10-24 |
Steven L. Chown |
Climate change and elevational diversity capacity: do weedy species take up the slack? |
2012-10-19 |
Steven L. Chown |
Metabolic and water loss rates of two cryptic species in the African velvet worm genus Opisthopatus (Onychophora). |
2012-10-19 |
Cyrille Violle |
Community assembly along a soil depth gradient: contrasting patterns of plant trait convergence and divergence in a Mediterranean rangeland |
2012-10-16 |
David B. Roy |
Multi-generational long-distance migration of insects: studying the painted lady butterfly in the Western Palaearctic |
2012-10-11 |
Sadie J. Ryan | Samraat S. Pawar |
Optimal temperature for malaria transmission is dramatically lower than previously predicted. |
2012-10-10 |
Ian J. Wright |
Correlations among leaf traits provide a significant constraint on the estimate of global gross primary production |
2012-10-10 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Patterns of seed dispersal syndromes on serpentine soils: examining the roles of habitat patchiness, soil infertility and correlated functional traits |
2012-10-06 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
The grass may not always be greener: projected reductions in climatic suitability for exotic grasses under future climates in Australia |
2012-10-05 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Testing Metabolic Theories |
2012-10-02 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Faculty of 1000 evaluation for What conservationists need to know about farming |
2012-10-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
X-ray imaging of leaf venation networks |
2012-10-01 |
Brian J. Enquist | Brad Boyle |
SALVIAS – the SALVIAS vegetation inventory database |
2012-10-01 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Moorland pools as refugia for endangered species characteristic of raised bog gradients |
2012-09-26 |
Steven L. Chown |
Scale effects on the body size frequency distributions of African birds: patterns and potential mechanisms |
2012-09-23 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Determinants of inter-specific variation in basal metabolic rate |
2012-09-20 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Redescription of Physalaemus barrioi (Anura: Leiuperidae) |
2012-09-14 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
A physiological analogy of the niche for projecting the potential distribution of plants |
2012-09-14 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
A global analysis of trait variation and evolution in climbing plants |
2012-09-13 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Two stressors and a community: effects of hydrological disturbance and a toxicant on freshwater zooplankton |
2012-09-07 |
Jens Kattge |
Future challenges of representing land-processes in studies on land-atmosphere interactions |
2012-09-06 |
Jens Kattge |
Nutrient limitation reduces land carbon uptake in simulations with a model of combined carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycling |
2012-09-04 |
Caterina Penone |
Urbanisation effect on Orthoptera: which scale matters? |
2012-09-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Mating rate influences female reproductive investment in a simultaneous hermaphrodite, Lymnaea stagnalis |
2012-09-01 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle |
Viva la variance! A reply to Nakagawa & Schielzeth |
2012-09-01 |
David B. Roy |
Uncertainty in thermal tolerances and climatic debt |
2012-09-01 |
Camilo Alcántara |
Mapping abandoned agriculture with multi-temporal MODIS satellite data |
2012-09-01 |
Anne Thessen |
The user’s view on biodiversity data sharing — Investigating facts of acceptance and requirements to realize a sustainable use of research data — |
2012-08-31 |
Anne Thessen |
Transcriptomics and microbial eukaryote diversity: a way forward |
2012-08-24 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Eco-Evolutionary Community Dynamics: Covariation between Diversity and Invasibility across Temperature Gradients |
2012-08-24 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Is there an interaction of the effects of salinity and pesticides on the community structure of macroinvertebrates? |
2012-08-22 |
Mark Westoby |
The importance of leaf cuticle for carbon economy and mechanical strength |
2012-08-20 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Genetic structure and bio-climatic modeling support allopatric over parapatric speciation along a latitudinal gradient |
2012-08-14 |
David B. Roy |
Protected areas facilitate species’ range expansions |
2012-08-09 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Anatomical basis of variation in mesophyll resistance in eastern Australian sclerophylls: news of a long and winding path |
2012-08-07 |
Pete Manning | Jens Kattge |
Abiotic drivers and plant traits explain landscape-scale patterns in soil microbial communities |
2012-08-06 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Phylogenetic signal and variation of visceral pigmentation in eight anuran families |
2012-08-03 |
Jens Kattge |
Relationships between net primary productivity and forest stand age in U.S. forests |
2012-08-01 |
Nuno Simões |
Physiological and immunological characterization of Caribbean spiny lobsters Panulirus argus naturally infected with Panulirus argus Virus 1 (PaV1). |
2012-08-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Unraveling the life history of successful invaders. |
2012-08-01 |
Ramona L Walls |
Ontologies as integrative tools for plant science |
2012-08-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Phylogeny and colonization history of Pringlea antiscorbutica (Brassicaceae), an emblematic endemic from the South Indian Ocean Province. |
2012-08-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Is invasion of deforested Amazonia by the earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus driven by soil texture and chemical properties? |
2012-08-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Isolation of polymorphic microsatellite markers in Aporrectodea icterica (Savigny 1826) |
2012-08-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
The evolution of female ornaments and weaponry: social selection, sexual selection and ecological competition |
2012-07-31 |
Joshua S Madin |
Linking coral river runoff proxies with climate variability, hydrology and land-use in Madagascar catchments |
2012-07-31 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle |
A common genetic basis to the origin of the leaf economics spectrum and metabolic scaling allometry |
2012-07-29 |
Richard J Telford |
Testing intra-site transfer functions: an example using chironomids and water depth |
2012-07-27 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Palaeodistribution modelling and genetic evidence highlight differential post-glacial range shifts of a rain forest conifer distributed across a latitudinal gradient |
2012-07-25 |
Heloise Gibb |
Micro and macro-habitat associations in saproxylic beetles: implications for biodiversity management |
2012-07-25 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Regulatory FOCUS surface water models fail to predict insecticide concentrations in the field. |
2012-07-21 |
Caterina Penone |
High-speed railways are not barriers to Pyronia tithonus butterfly movements |
2012-07-20 |
Katja Seltmann |
Results and insights from the NCSU Insect Museum GigaPan project |
2012-07-20 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Phenotype Ontology Research Coordination Network meeting report: creating a community network for comparing and leveraging phenotype-genotype knowledge across species |
2012-07-17 |
Brian J. Enquist |
A species-level model for metabolic scaling in trees I. Exploring boundaries to scaling space within and across species |
2012-07-16 |
Steven L. Chown |
Upper thermal limits in terrestrial ectotherms: how constrained are they? |
2012-07-11 |
Brian J. Enquist |
A species-level model for metabolic scaling of trees II. Testing in a ring- and diffuse-porous species |
2012-07-10 |
Nuno Simões |
Population structure and sexual maturity of the calico box crab Hepatus ephiliticus Linnaeus (Brachyura, Hepatidae) from Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico |
2012-07-10 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Variation in soil carbon stocks and their determinants across a precipitation gradient in West Africa |
2012-07-06 |
Steven L. Chown |
Thermal limits of wild and laboratory strains of two African malaria vector species, Anopheles arabiensis and Anopheles funestus |
2012-07-06 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Where do national and local conservation actions meet? Simulating the expansion of ad hoc and systematic approaches to conservation into the future in Fiji |
2012-07-05 |
David B. Roy |
Climatic associations of British species distributions show good transferability in time but low predictive accuracy for range change |
2012-07-02 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Ecological interactions drive evolutionary loss of traits |
2012-07-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Conservation. Challenges to the future conservation of the Antarctic |
2012-07-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Respiratory dynamics of discontinuous gas exchange in the tracheal system of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria |
2012-07-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Development of the mandibular, hyoid arch and gill arch skeleton in the Chinese barb Puntius semifasciolatus: comparisons of ossification sequences among Cypriniformes |
2012-06-22 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Physiological sensitivity of freshwater macroinvertebrates to heavy metals |
2012-06-20 |
Steven L. Chown |
Biotic interactions modify the effects of oxygen on insect gigantism |
2012-06-19 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Predicting organismal vulnerability to climate warming: roles of behaviour, physiology and adaptation |
2012-06-19 |
Steven L. Chown |
Trait-based approaches to conservation physiology: forecasting environmental change risks from the bottom up |
2012-06-12 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Time-related survival effects of two gluconasturtiin hydrolysis products on the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber |
2012-06-11 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
The utility of normalized difference vegetation index for predicting African buffalo forage quality |
2012-06-11 |
David B. Roy |
Habitat associations of thermophilous butterflies are reduced despite climatic warming |
2012-06-07 |
Jens Kattge |
The coordination of leaf photosynthesis links C and N fluxes in C3 plant species |
2012-06-06 |
Steven L. Chown |
An information-theoretic approach to evaluating the size and temperature dependence of metabolic rate |
2012-06-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Integrating phylogeography and physiology reveals divergence of thermal traits between central and peripheral lineages of tropical rainforest lizards |
2012-06-01 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Dimensionality of consumer search space drives trophic interaction strengths |
2012-06-01 |
David B. Roy |
The role of the North Atlantic Oscillation in controlling U.K. butterfly population size and phenology |
2012-06-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Plant root distributions and nitrogen uptake predicted by a hypothesis of optimal root foraging |
2012-06-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Setbacks to shoot growth are common in woody plants, so how are shoots of some species safer than others? |
2012-06-01 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
The role of spiritual beliefs in conserving wildlife species in religious shrines of Bangladesh |
2012-05-31 |
Katja Seltmann |
A hymenopterists’ guide to the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology: utility, clarification, and future directions |
2012-05-29 |
Joseph A Tobias |
The latitudinal gradient in dispersal constraints: ecological specialisation drives diversification in tropical birds |
2012-05-24 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Plant preference for ammonium versus nitrate: a neglected determinant of ecosystem functioning? |
2012-05-24 |
Jens Kattge |
Competitive interactions between forest trees are driven by species’ trait hierarchy, not phylogenetic or functional similarity: implications for forest community assembly |
2012-05-22 |
Steven L. Chown |
Conservation biogeography of the Antarctic |
2012-05-21 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Gill-arch musculature of the quillback carpiodes cyprinus (cypriniformes: catostomidae) with a comparison to cyprinids |
2012-05-21 |
Paula M. Mabee |
500,000 fish phenotypes: The new informatics landscape for evolutionary and developmental biology of the vertebrate skeleton |
2012-05-21 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Correlated evolution of beak morphology and song in the neotropical woodcreeper radiation |
2012-05-18 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
The trade-off between maturation and growth during accelerated development in frogs |
2012-05-16 |
Steven L. Chown |
Species distribution modelling in low-interaction environments: Insights from a terrestrial Antarctic system |
2012-05-14 |
Daniel Falster |
Seedlings of temperate rainforest conifer and angiosperm trees differ in leaf area display |
2012-05-12 |
Lucie M Bland |
Data uncertainty and the selectivity of extinction risk in freshwater invertebrates |
2012-05-11 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
A replicated comparison of breeding-container suitability for the dengue vectorAedes aegyptiin tropical and temperate Australia |
2012-05-03 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Is earthworms’ dispersal facilitated by the ecosystem engineering activities of conspecifics? |
2012-05-01 |
David B. Roy |
Temperature-dependent alterations in host use drive rapid range expansion in a butterfly. |
2012-05-01 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Contrasting patterns of trait-based community assembly in lianas and trees from temperate Australia |
2012-05-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Arthropod colonisation of natural and experimental logs in an agricultural landscape: Effects of habitat, isolation, season and exposure time |
2012-05-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Beyond distance-invariant survival in inverse recruitment modeling: A case study in Siberian Pinus sylvestris forests |
2012-04-21 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Niche segregation in two closely related species of stickleback along a physiological axis: explaining multidecadal changes in fish distribution from iron-induced respiratory impairment. |
2012-04-10 |
Brian S. Maitner |
Does phylogeny matter? Assessing the impact of phylogenetic information in ecological meta-analysis |
2012-04-10 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Thresholds for the effects of pesticides on invertebrate communities and leaf breakdown in stream ecosystems |
2012-04-08 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Plot-scale evidence of tundra vegetation change and links to recent summer warming |
2012-04-04 |
David B. Roy |
Habitat associations of species show consistent but weak responses to climate |
2012-04-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Modeling alpine plant distributions at the landscape scale: Do biotic interactions matter? |
2012-04-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Litter decomposition in fynbos vegetation, South Africa |
2012-04-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Estimating land and conservation management costs: The first step in designing a stewardship program for the Northern Territory |
2012-04-01 |
David B. Roy |
Population density but not stability can be predicted from species distribution models |
2012-04-01 |
Caterina Penone |
Do railway edges provide functional connectivity for plant communities in an urban context? |
2012-03-31 |
Jacintha Ellers |
The effect of different dietary sugars and honey on longevity and fecundity in two hyperparasitoid wasps |
2012-03-28 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Segmentation and fusion on the midline: basibranchial homologies in cypriniform fishes |
2012-03-27 |
Steven L. Chown |
Continent-wide risk assessment for the establishment of nonindigenous species in Antarctica |
2012-03-27 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Land Plants: New Theoretical Directions and Empirical Prospects |
2012-03-20 |
Melissa Haendel |
Research resources: curating the new eagle-i discovery system |
2012-03-20 |
Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
An evolutionary attractor model for sapwood cross section in relation to leaf area |
2012-03-19 |
Jens Kattge |
Phylogenetic and functional characteristics of household yard floras and their changes along an urbanization gradient |
2012-03-19 |
Eveliina P. Kallioniemi |
Temperature treatments during larval development reveal extensive heritable and plastic variation in gene expression and life history traits |
2012-03-16 |
Steven L. Chown |
Contingent absences account for range limits but not the local abundance structure of an invasive springtail |
2012-03-13 |
Heloise Gibb |
Forestry Alters Foraging Efficiency and Crop Contents of Aphid-Tending Red Wood Ants, Formica aquilonia |
2012-03-13 |
Cyrille Violle |
Mechanisms of ecological succession: insights from plant functional strategies |
2012-03-11 |
Pete Manning |
Biotic carbon feedbacks in a materially closed soil–vegetation–atmosphere system |
2012-03-09 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Australian Tropical and Subtropical Rain Forest Community Assembly: Phylogeny, Functional Biogeography, and Environmental Gradients |
2012-03-05 |
Joshua S Madin |
Do behavioral foraging responses of prey to predators function similarly in restored and pristine foodwebs? |
2012-03-02 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Variation in soil carbon stocks and their determinants across a precipitation gradient in West Africa |
2012-03-02 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Soil carbon and nitrogen cycling and storage throughout the soil profile in a sweetgum plantation after 11 years of CO2-enrichment |
2012-03-02 |
Steven L. Chown |
The Fynbos and Succulent Karoo Biomes Do Not Have Exceptional Local Ant Richness |
2012-03-02 |
Florian Dirk Schneider |
Body mass constraints on feeding rates determine the consequences of predator loss |
2012-03-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Biomechanics meets the ecological niche: the importance of temporal data resolution |
2012-03-01 |
Joshua S Madin |
Integrating physiological and biomechanical drivers of population growth over environmental gradients on coral reefs |
2012-03-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Soil lipids from accelerated solvent extraction: Influence of temperature and solvent on extract composition |
2012-03-01 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Local peoples’ responses to co-management regime in protected areas: A case study from Satchari National Park, Bangladesh |
2012-02-29 |
Steven L. Chown |
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Terrestrial Antarctic Biodiversity |
2012-02-29 |
David B. Roy |
Reduced variability in range-edge butterfly populations over three decades of climate warming |
2012-02-28 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Stage-dependent physiological responses in a butterfly cause non-additive effects on phenology |
2012-02-27 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Patterns and perceptions of climate change in a biodiversity conservation hotspot |
2012-02-15 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
When Does an Alien Become a Native Species? A Vulnerable Native Mammal Recognizes and Responds to Its Long-Term Alien Predator |
2012-02-08 |
Steven L. Chown |
The effects of acclimation and rates of temperature change on critical thermal limits in Tenebrio molitor (Tenebrionidae) and Cyrtobagous salviniae (Curculionidae). |
2012-02-07 |
Mark Westoby |
Stem xylem conductivity is key to plant water balance across Australian angiosperm species |
2012-02-07 |
David B. Roy |
Invasive alien predator causes rapid declines of native European ladybirds |
2012-02-05 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Molecular and life-history effects of a natural toxin on herbivorous and non-target soil arthropods |
2012-02-02 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
A survey of gastrointestinal parasites of olive baboons (Papio anubis) in human settlement areas of Mole National Park, Ghana |
2012-02-01 |
Nuno Simões |
Host selection by the cleaner shrimp Ancylomenes pedersoni: Do anemone host species, prior experience or the presence of conspecific shrimp matter? |
2012-02-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Effects of a lipid-rich diet on adult parasitoid income resources and survival |
2012-02-01 |
Richard J Telford |
From cold to cool in northernmost Norway: Lateglacial and early Holocene multi-proxy environmental and climate reconstructions from Jansvatnet, Hammerfest |
2012-02-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Plant homeostasis, growth and development in natural and artificial soils |
2012-02-01 |
Anne Thessen |
Pseudo-nitzschia physiological ecology, phylogeny, toxicity, monitoring and impacts on ecosystem health |
2012-02-01 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Phenological Changes in Alpine Plants in Response to Increased Snowpack, Temperature, and Nitrogen |
2012-01-30 |
Jens Kattge |
Plant-driven variation in decomposition rates improves projections of global litter stock distribution |
2012-01-26 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Recasting shortfalls of marine protected areas as opportunities through adaptive management |
2012-01-25 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Moving beyond the cambium necrosis hypothesis of post‐fire tree mortality: cavitation and deformation of xylem in forest fires |
2012-01-13 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Correlation and process in species distribution models: bridging a dichotomy |
2012-01-13 |
Brian J. Enquist | Cyrille Violle |
The return of the variance: intraspecific variability in community ecology |
2012-01-12 |
Daniel S. Park |
Native environment modulates leaf size and response to simulated foliar shade across wild tomato species |
2012-01-10 |
David B. Roy |
Differences in the climatic debts of birds and butterflies at a continental scale |
2012-01-04 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Inferring community assembly mechanisms from functional diversity patterns: the importance of multiple assembly processes |
2012-01-03 |
Steven L. Chown |
Antarctic Marine Biodiversity and Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents |
2012-01-01 |
Katja Seltmann |
On dorsal prothoracic appendages in treehoppers (Hemiptera: Membracidae) and the nature of morphological evidence |
2012-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Uberon, an integrative multi-species anatomy ontology |
2012-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Wissenschaft zum Mitmachen, Wissenschaft als Prozess: Offene Wissenschaft |
2012-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Topic pages: PLoS Computational Biology meets Wikipedia |
2012-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Preface |
2012-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel | Paula M. Mabee |
A unified anatomy ontology of the vertebrate skeletal system |
2012-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Dealing with Data: A Case Study on Information and Data Management Literacy |
2012-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Lost and found in behavioral informatics |
2012-01-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Transcriptional changes associated with lack of lipid synthesis in parasitoids |
2012-01-01 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Phylogenetic assessment of the Caribbean weevil genus Lachnopus Schoenherr (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae) |
2012-01-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Disease Prevention versus Data Privacy: Using Landcover Maps to Inform Spatial Epidemic Models |
2012-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Exploring phosphate effects on leaf flammability using a physical chemistry model |
2012-01-01 |
Jennifer A Hammock |
Dynamic changes in motivation in collaborative citizen-science projects |
2012-01-01 |
Joshua S Madin |
Calcification, Storm Damage and Population Resilience of Tabular Corals under Climate Change |
2012-01-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Consumer and motor innovation in the common myna: the role of motivation and emotional responses |
2012-01-01 |
Richard J Telford |
Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Display |
2012-01-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Interannual variability of growth and reproduction in Bursera simaruba: the role of allometry and resource variability |
2012-01-01 |
Ramona L Walls |
An extension of the Plant Ontology project supporting wood anatomy and development research |
2012-01-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
16th SETAC GLB (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry German Language Branch) Annual meeting held under the main theme “EcoTOXICOlogy and Environmental CHEMISTRY: crossing borders” from 18th to 20th September 2011 at Landau |
2012-01-01 |
Anne Thessen |
The taxonomic significance of species that have only been observed once: the genus Gymnodinium (Dinoflagellata) as an example |
2012-01-01 |
Anne Thessen |
Applications of natural language processing in biodiversity science |
2011-12-26 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Testing the impact of calibration on molecular divergence times using a fossil-rich group: the case of Nothofagus (Fagales). |
2011-12-22 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Consequences of non-intervention for infectious disease in African great apes |
2011-12-22 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Physiological implications of genomic state in parthenogenetic lizards of reciprocal hybrid origin. |
2011-12-22 |
Luke McCormack |
Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Failure to migrate: lack of tree range expansion in response to climate change |
2011-12-14 |
Richard J Telford |
Testing peatland testate amoeba transfer functions: Appropriate methods for clustered training-sets |
2011-12-12 |
Melissa Haendel |
Modularization for the Cell Ontology |
2011-12-12 |
Melissa Haendel |
Modularization for the Cell Ontology |
2011-12-08 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
The comparative biology of diving in two genera of European Dytiscidae (Coleoptera). |
2011-12-05 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Climate-associated phenological advances in bee pollinators and bee-pollinated plants |
2011-12-04 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
The paradox of invasion in birds: competitive superiority or ecological opportunism? |
2011-12-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
The costs of phenotypic adaptation to repeatedly fluctuating temperatures in a soil arthropod |
2011-12-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Time-course for attainment and reversal of acclimation to constant temperature in two Ceratitis species |
2011-12-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Native Pollinators in Anthropogenic Habitats |
2011-11-30 |
Richard J Telford |
Comparing different calibration methods (WA/WA-PLS regression and Bayesian modelling) and different-sized calibration sets in pollen-based quantitative climate reconstruction |
2011-11-28 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Creative Commons licenses and the non-commercial condition: Implications for the re-use of biodiversity information |
2011-11-28 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Accounting for spatial autocorrelation in null models of tree species association |
2011-11-28 |
Anne Thessen |
Data issues in the life sciences |
2011-11-21 |
Brian S. Maitner |
Patterns of bird invasion are consistent with environmental filtering |
2011-11-19 |
Richard J Telford |
Dynamics of North Atlantic Deep Water masses during the Holocene |
2011-11-18 |
Joshua S Madin |
Optimal web investment in sub-optimal foraging conditions |
2011-11-16 |
J. Aaron Hogan |
Seasonalizing mountain system recharge in semi-arid basins-climate change impacts |
2011-11-11 |
Ian J. Wright | Brian J. Enquist | Brad Boyle |
The biogeography and filtering of woody plant functional diversity in North and South America |
2011-11-08 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Correction: How Much Does it Cost to Expand a Protected Area System? Some Critical Determining Factors and Ranges of Costs for Queensland. |
2011-11-08 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
Lifetime return on investment increases with leaf lifespan among 10 Australian woodland species |
2011-11-08 |
Daniel Falster |
Light interception efficiency explained by two simple variables: a test using a diversity of small- to medium-sized woody plants. |
2011-11-05 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Carbon Dynamics of Tropical Forests |
2011-11-03 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Ecological and molecular consequences of prolonged drought and subsequent rehydration in Folsomia candida (Collembola). |
2011-11-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Springtail diversity in South Africa |
2011-11-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
The “covariation method” for estimating the parameters of the standard Dynamic Energy Budget model I: Philosophy and approach |
2011-11-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
The “covariation method” for estimating the parameters of the standard Dynamic Energy Budget model II: Properties and preliminary patterns |
2011-11-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Mechanisms and consequences of changing body size: reply to Bickford et al. and McCauley and Mabry |
2011-11-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Designing, implementing and managing marine protected areas: Emerging trends and opportunities for coral reef nations |
2011-11-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Ecologically relevant measures of tolerance to potentially lethal temperatures |
2011-10-28 |
Alexander Keller |
Common ancestry or environmental trait filters: cross-continental comparisons of trait-habitat relationships in tropical anuran amphibian assemblages |
2011-10-19 |
Steven L. Chown |
Phylogeography of a mite, Halozetes fulvus, reflects the landscape history of a young volcanic island in the sub-Antarctic |
2011-10-19 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
A manipulative test of competing theories for metabolic scaling |
2011-10-14 |
Mark Westoby |
Safety and streamlining of woody shoots in wind: an empirical study across 39 species in tropical Australia |
2011-10-13 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Faculty of 1000 evaluation for High plant diversity is needed to maintain ecosystem services |
2011-10-13 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Metabolic theory, life history and the distribution of a terrestrial ectotherm |
2011-10-09 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Invasion hotspots for non-native plants in Australia under current and future climates |
2011-10-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Robust detection of plant species distribution shifts under biased sampling regimes |
2011-10-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Estimating carbon stock in secondary forests: Decisions and uncertainties associated with allometric biomass models |
2011-10-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Experimental evidence for mediation of competition by habitat succession. |
2011-10-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Forest annual carbon cost: comment |
2011-09-29 |
Daniel Falster |
smatr 3- an R package for estimation and inference about allometric lines |
2011-09-28 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
How much does it cost to expand a protected area system? Some critical determining factors and ranges of costs for Queensland |
2011-09-23 |
Steven L. Chown |
Density, body size and sex ratio of an indigenous spider along an altitudinal gradient in the sub-Antarctic |
2011-09-23 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Biodiversity, ecosystem functions and services in environmental risk assessment: Introduction to the special issue |
2011-09-23 |
Luke McCormack |
Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Relationship between soil enzyme activities, nutrient cycling and soil fungal communities in a northern hardwood forest |
2011-09-21 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Evolving ecological networks and the emergence of biodiversity patterns across temperature gradients |
2011-09-20 |
Aud H. Halbritter |
Testing assumptions of the enemy release hypothesis: generalist versus specialist enemies of the grass Brachypodium sylvaticum |
2011-09-14 |
Joshua S Madin |
Ecological traits influencing range expansion across large oceanic dispersal barriers: insights from tropical Atlantic reef fishes |
2011-09-06 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Wikis in scholarly publishing |
2011-09-05 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Discriminating between energetic content and dietary composition as an explanation for dietary restriction effects |
2011-09-04 |
Steven L. Chown |
Non-indigenous microorganisms in the Antarctic: assessing the risks |
2011-09-01 |
Meghan Balk |
Plant genotype and nitrogen loading influence seagrass productivity, biochemistry, and plant-herbivore interactions |
2011-09-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
The Circe Principle: Are Pollinators Waylaid by Attractive Habitats? |
2011-09-01 |
David B. Roy |
Spatial covariation between freshwater and terrestrial ecosystem services |
2011-09-01 |
Brad Boyle |
Disentangling the drivers of β diversity along latitudinal and elevational gradients. |
2011-09-01 |
Cyrille Violle |
When and how should intraspecific variability be considered in trait-based plant ecology? |
2011-09-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
The Tadpole of Physalaemus moreirae (Anura: Leiuperidae) |
2011-08-30 |
David B. Roy |
The role of ‘Big Society’ in monitoring the state of the natural environment |
2011-08-29 |
Mark Westoby |
2011-08-24 |
Steven L. Chown |
Reactive oxygen species production and discontinuous gas exchange in insects |
2011-08-19 |
Heloise Gibb |
The discovery–dominance trade‐off is the exception, rather than the rule |
2011-08-15 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby | Jens Kattge |
Fame, glory and neglect in meta-analyses |
2011-08-11 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Deconstructing the native-exotic richness relationship in plants |
2011-08-10 |
Joshua S Madin |
Global gradients of coral exposure to environmental stresses and implications for local management. |
2011-08-08 |
Steven L. Chown |
Creating novel food webs on introduced Australian acacias: indirect effects of galling biological control agents |
2011-08-08 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Invasiveness in introduced Australian acacias: the role of species traits and genome size |
2011-08-03 |
Steven L. Chown |
Discontinuous gas exchange: new perspectives on evolutionary origins and ecological implications |
2011-08-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Genotypic richness and phenotypic dissimilarity enhance population performance |
2011-08-01 |
David B. Roy |
Rapid range shifts of species associated with high levels of climate warming |
2011-08-01 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Oxygen supply in aquatic ectotherms: partial pressure and solubility together explain biodiversity and size patterns. |
2011-07-29 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Effects of pesticide toxicity, salinity and other environmental variables on selected ecosystem functions in streams and the relevance for ecosystem services |
2011-07-28 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Life-history strategies as a tool to identify conservation constraints: A case-study on ants in chalk grasslands |
2011-07-27 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Can Oxygen Set Thermal Limits in an Insect and Drive Gigantism? |
2011-07-08 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
The age of Calluna stands moderates post-fire regeneration rate and trends in northern Calluna heathlands |
2011-07-06 |
Brad Boyle |
Veg-X - an exchange standard for plot-based vegetation data |
2011-07-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Grassland species composition and biogeochemistry in 153 sites along environmental gradients in Europe |
2011-07-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Thermal sensitivity of Aedes aegypti from Australia: empirical data and prediction of effects on distribution |
2011-07-01 |
David B. Roy |
Balancing alternative land uses in conservation prioritization |
2011-07-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Spatial scale and species identity influence the indigenous-alien diversity relationship in springtails |
2011-07-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
New insight into the genetic structure of the Allolobophora chlorotica aggregate in Europe using microsatellite and mitochondrial data |
2011-07-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Earthworm and microbe response to litter and soils of tropical forest plantations with contrasting C:N:P stoichiometric ratios |
2011-07-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Pesticide risk mitigation by vegetated treatment systems: a meta-analysis. |
2011-07-01 |
William D. Pearse |
Discussing Fertility Preservation Options With Patients With Cancer |
2011-06-29 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Risk assessment of salinity and turbidity in Victoria (Australia) to stream insects’ community structure does not always protect functional traits |
2011-06-27 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Collaborative platforms for streamlining workflows in Open Science |
2011-06-27 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Collaborative platforms for streamlining workflows in Open Science |
2011-06-24 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Occurrence and toxicity of 331 organic pollutants in large rivers of north Germany over a decade (1994 to 2004). |
2011-06-21 |
Brian J. Enquist | Ian J. Wright | Rachael V. Gallagher | Mark Westoby | Pete Manning | Jens Kattge |
TRY - a global database of plant traits |
2011-06-15 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Fatty acid composition and extreme temperature tolerance following exposure to fluctuating temperatures in a soil arthropod |
2011-06-14 |
Joshua S Madin |
Landscape of fear visible from space |
2011-06-14 |
Cyrille Violle |
Phylogenetic limiting similarity and competitive exclusion |
2011-06-09 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Comparing resource exploitation and allocation of two closely related aphid parasitoids sharing the same host |
2011-06-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Climatic predictors of temperature performance curve parameters in ectotherms imply complex responses to climate change |
2011-06-01 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
Anurofauna do noroeste paulista: lista de espécies e chave de identificação para adultos |
2011-06-01 |
Kim S. Ely |
Evolution of Ataúro Island: Temporal constraints on subduction processes beneath the Wetar zone, Banda Arc |
2011-06-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Modelling aquatic exposure and effects of insecticides–application to south-eastern Australia |
2011-06-01 |
Courtenay A Ray |
Habitats and Conservation of Molt-Migrant Birds in Southeastern Arizona |
2011-05-29 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Landscapes as continuous entities: forest disturbance and recovery in the Albertine Rift landscape |
2011-05-27 |
Steven L. Chown |
Water loss in insects: An environmental change perspective |
2011-05-26 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Peer reviews: make them public |
2011-05-23 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Systematic variation in the temperature dependence of physiological and ecological traits |
2011-05-18 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
The impact of distance and a shifting temperature gradient on genetic connectivity across a heterogeneous landscape |
2011-05-18 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Exploring or avoiding novel food resources? The novelty conflict in an invasive bird |
2011-05-12 |
Pete Manning |
Identification of General Patterns of Nutrient and Labile Carbon Control on Soil Carbon Dynamics Across a Successional Gradient |
2011-05-07 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Foliar herbivory and leaf traits of five native tree species in a young plantation of Central Panama |
2011-05-03 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Putting plant resistance traits on the map: a test of the idea that plants are better defended at lower latitudes |
2011-05-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Governing Africa’s Forests in a Globalized World - Edited by Laura A German, Alain Karsenty, and Anne-Marie Tiani |
2011-05-01 |
Alexander Keller |
Hawaiian ant–flower networks: nectar-thieving ants prefer undefended native over introduced plants with floral defenses |
2011-05-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Food for thought: Risks of non-native species transfer to the Antarctic region with fresh produce |
2011-05-01 |
David B. Roy |
Butterflies reset the calendar |
2011-05-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Early growth and survival of 49 tropical tree species across sites differing in soil fertility and rainfall in Panama |
2011-05-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Seasonal variability of photosynthetic characteristics influences growth of eight tropical tree species at two sites with contrasting precipitation in Panama |
2011-05-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Improving the predictability of global CO2assimilation rates under climate change |
2011-05-01 |
Nicolas Fanin |
Does variability in litter quality determine soil microbial respiration in an Amazonian rainforest? |
2011-04-28 |
Luke McCormack |
Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Organic nutrient uptake by mycorrhizal fungi enhances ecosystem carbon storage: a model-based assessment |
2011-04-27 |
Steven L. Chown |
Long-term ecosystem networks to record change: an international imperative |
2011-04-20 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Interaction Milieu Explains Performance of Species in Simple Food Webs along an Environmental Gradient |
2011-04-18 |
Heloise Gibb |
Experimental reduction of native vertebrate grazing and addition of logs benefit beetle diversity at multiple scales |
2011-04-14 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Interlinking journal and wiki publications through joint citation: Working examples from ZooKeys and Plazi on Species-ID |
2011-04-08 |
Maribeth Latvis |
Angiosperm phylogeny: 17 genes, 640 taxa |
2011-04-07 |
Jens Kattge |
Improving assessment and modelling of climate change impacts on global terrestrial biodiversity |
2011-04-06 |
Nuno Simões |
First record of the white-eye goby, Bollmannia boqueronensis (Teleostei: Perciformes: Gobiidae) along the coast of the Yucatan Peninsula (Gulf of Mexico) |
2011-04-06 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Wikis in scholarly publishing |
2011-04-06 |
Joshua S Madin |
High-performance spider webs: integrating biomechanics, ecology and behaviour |
2011-04-04 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Declining body size: a third universal response to warming? |
2011-04-01 |
Nuno Simões |
Advances in Breeding and Rearing Marine Ornamentals |
2011-04-01 |
Mark Westoby |
A fresh framework for the ecology of arid Australia |
2011-04-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Combining heat-transfer and energy budget models to predict thermal stress in Mediterranean intertidal mussels |
2011-04-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Dispersal connectivity and reserve selection for marine conservation |
2011-04-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Comment on “Erosion of lizard diversity by climate change and altered thermal niches”. |
2011-03-31 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Promise and problems for estimating management costs of marine protected areas |
2011-03-30 |
Steven L. Chown |
Intraspecific body size frequency distributions of insects |
2011-03-17 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Introducing short roots in a desert perennial: anatomy and spatiotemporal foraging responses to increased precipitation. |
2011-03-15 |
Brian J. Enquist | Brad Boyle |
Global species-energy relationship in forest plots: role of abundance, temperature and species climatic tolerances |
2011-03-14 |
Alexandra J. R. Carthey |
Negotiating a noisy, information-rich environment in search of cryptic prey: olfactory predators need patchiness in prey cues |
2011-03-09 |
David B. Roy |
Measuring functional connectivity using long-term monitoring data |
2011-03-04 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
A trait database of stream invertebrates for the ecological risk assessment of single and combined effects of salinity and pesticides in South-East Australia |
2011-03-03 |
Alexander Keller |
Composition of epiphytic bacterial communities differs on petals and leaves |
2011-03-03 |
Steven L. Chown |
Quantification of intra-regional propagule movements in the Antarctic |
2011-03-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
High throughput nano-liter RT-qPCR to classify soil contamination using a soil arthropod |
2011-02-25 |
Steven L. Chown |
Inter-island dispersal of flightless Bothrometopus huntleyi (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from the sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Island archipelago |
2011-02-25 |
Pete Manning |
All size classes of soil fauna and litter quality control the acceleration of litter decay in its home environment |
2011-02-23 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Excluding access to invasion hubs can contain the spread of an invasive vertebrate |
2011-02-21 |
Steven L. Chown |
The ecological effectiveness of protected areas: a case study for South African birds |
2011-02-17 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Effectively incorporating selected multimedia content into medical publications |
2011-02-17 |
Maurizio Rossetto | Mark Westoby |
Phylogenetic tests of community assembly across regional to continental scales in tropical and subtropical rain forests |
2011-02-16 |
Steven L. Chown |
Cryptic species, biogeographic complexity and the evolutionary history of the Ectemnorhinus group in the sub-Antarctic, including a description of Bothrometopus huntleyi, n. sp |
2011-02-10 |
Alexander Keller |
Internal transcribed spacer 2 (nu ITS2 rRNA) sequence-structure phylogenetics: towards an automated reconstruction of the green algal tree of life |
2011-02-05 |
Ian J. Wright |
Sensitivity of leaf size and shape to climate: global patterns and paleoclimatic applications. |
2011-02-04 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Metabolic scaling in insects supports the predictions of the WBE model |
2011-02-03 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Prizing open a black box to understand climatic constraints on seabirds |
2011-01-28 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Variation in above-ground forest biomass across broad climatic gradients |
2011-01-27 |
Heloise Gibb |
Field tests of interspecific competition in ant assemblages: revisiting the dominant red wood ants |
2011-01-25 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Global patterns of leaf mechanical properties |
2011-01-25 |
Ramona L Walls |
Angiosperm leaf vein patterns are linked to leaf functions in a global-scale data set. |
2011-01-24 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Changes in species composition of European acid grasslands observed along a gradient of nitrogen deposition |
2011-01-20 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI): unforeseen successes in animal ecology |
2011-01-19 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Effects of pesticides monitored with three sampling methods in 24 sites on macroinvertebrates and microorganisms |
2011-01-17 |
Heloise Gibb |
Morphological traits as predictors of diet and microhabitat use in a diverse beetle assemblage |
2011-01-14 |
Luke McCormack |
Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Assembly history dictates ecosystem functioning: evidence from wood decomposer communities |
2011-01-13 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Traits and ecological strategies of Australian tropical and temperate climbing plants |
2011-01-06 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Effects of exposure to short-term heat stress on male reproductive fitness in a soil arthropod. |
2011-01-06 |
Pete Manning |
Ecosystem responses to reduced and oxidised nitrogen inputs in European terrestrial habitats. |
2011-01-04 |
Jens Kattge |
Feedback of carbon and nitrogen cycles enhances carbon sequestration in the terrestrial biosphere |
2011-01-01 |
John Alroy |
Changes in shell durability of common marine taxa through the Phanerozoic: evidence for biological rather than taphonomic drivers |
2011-01-01 |
John Alroy |
On the flux ratio method and correcting incorrect forms of correct equations |
2011-01-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Consequences of long- and short-term fragmentation on the genetic diversity and differentiation of a late successional rainforest conifer |
2011-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
States and transitions: The trajectory of an idea, 1970-2010 |
2011-01-01 |
Brian J. Enquist | Brad Boyle |
The iPlant Collaborative: Cyberinfrastructure for Plant Biology |
2011-01-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Improving social acceptability of marine protected area networks: A method for estimating opportunity costs to multiple gear types in both fished and currently unfished areas |
2011-01-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Seasonal differences in the quality of shortfin glass eel, Anguilla australis, and subsequent effects on growth and survival in captivity |
2011-01-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Litterfall 15N abundance indicates declining soil nitrogen availability in a free-air CO2 enrichment experiment |
2011-01-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Habitat characteristics may override climatic influences on ant assemblage composition: a study using a 300-km climatic gradient |
2011-01-01 |
Camilo Alcántara |
Análisis de la aptitud territorial. Una perspectiva biofísica |
2010-12-29 |
Katja Seltmann |
A gross anatomy ontology for hymenoptera |
2010-12-25 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Costs of receipt and donation of ejaculates in a simultaneous hermaphrodite |
2010-12-21 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
The extinction of dengue through natural vulnerability of its vectors |
2010-12-16 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
The impact of nitrogen deposition on acid grasslands in the Atlantic region of Europe |
2010-12-16 |
David B. Roy |
Habitat microclimates drive fine-scale variation in extreme temperatures |
2010-12-13 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Hydraulic trade-offs and space filling enable better predictions of vascular structure and function in plants |
2010-12-08 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Predicting climate change effects on wildfires requires linking processes across scales |
2010-12-04 |
Anne Thessen |
Meeting Report: BioSharing at ISMB 2010 |
2010-12-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Modeling the consequences of thermal trait variation for the cane toad invasion of Australia |
2010-12-01 |
Ian J. Wright |
Functional traits and the growth-mortality trade-off in tropical trees |
2010-11-27 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Temperature-induced plasticity in membrane and storage lipid composition: thermal reaction norms across five different temperatures |
2010-11-27 |
Steven L. Chown |
Temporal biodiversity change in transformed landscapes: a southern African perspective |
2010-11-23 |
Anne Thessen |
A Global Census of Marine Microbes |
2010-11-15 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Vegetation Response after Removal of the Invasive Carpobrotus Hybrid Complex in Andalucia, Spain |
2010-11-15 |
Cyrille Violle | Brian J. Enquist |
Venation networks and the origin of the leaf economics spectrum |
2010-11-10 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Predicting patterns of stress and mortality in intertidal invertebrates: applications of biophysical ecology in a changing world |
2010-11-04 |
Melissa Haendel |
eagle-i: An Ontology-Driven Framework For Biomedical Resource Curation And Discovery |
2010-11-04 |
Melissa Haendel |
eagle-i: An Ontology-Driven Framework For Biomedical Resource Curation And Discovery |
2010-11-02 |
Steven L. Chown |
Seasonal, altitudinal and host plant-related variation in the abundance of aphids (Insecta, Hemiptera) on sub-Antarctic Marion Island |
2010-11-01 |
John Alroy |
Geographical, environmental and intrinsic biotic controls on Phanerozoic marine diversification |
2010-11-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Modelling the ecological niche from functional traits |
2010-11-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Physiological and anatomical responses of Acacia koa (Gray) seedlings to varying light and drought conditions |
2010-11-01 |
David B. Roy |
Error propagation associated with benefits transfer-based mapping of ecosystem services |
2010-11-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Wanted: A General and Predictive Theory for Trait-based Plant Ecology |
2010-10-26 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Long-term change within a Neotropical forest: assessing differential functional and floristic responses to disturbance and drought |
2010-10-26 |
Joseph A Tobias |
The impact of conservation on the status of the world’s vertebrates |
2010-10-25 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
CO2 enhancement of forest productivity constrained by limited nitrogen availability |
2010-10-24 |
Ian G. Brennan |
Miocene biome turnover drove conservative body size evolution across Australian vertebrates |
2010-10-23 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Early emergence in a butterfly causally linked to anthropogenic warming |
2010-10-22 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Matrix dimensions bias demographic inferences: implications for comparative plant demography |
2010-10-20 |
Joshua S Madin |
Fishing indirectly structures macroalgal assemblages by altering herbivore behavior. |
2010-10-15 |
Cyrille Violle |
Plant functional traits capture species richness variations along a flooding gradient |
2010-10-13 |
Steven L. Chown |
Mite dispersal among the Southern Ocean Islands and Antarctica before the last glacial maximum |
2010-10-12 |
Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
Influence of four major plant traits on average height, leaf-area cover, net primary productivity, and biomass density in single-species forests: a theoretical investigation |
2010-10-08 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
The definition of species richness used by species sensitivity distributions approximates observed effects of salinity on stream macroinvertebrates |
2010-10-07 |
Heloise Gibb |
Surface Covering of Downed Logs: Drivers of a Neglected Process in Dead Wood Ecology |
2010-10-07 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Changing Consumption and Marketing pattern of Non-timber Forest Products in a Competitive World: case Study from an Urban Area of North-eastern Bangladesh |
2010-10-01 |
David B. Roy |
Butterfly abundance in a warming climate: patterns in space and time are not congruent |
2010-09-28 |
Joshua S Madin | Jens Kattge |
A generic structure for plant trait databases |
2010-09-26 |
Camilo Alcántara |
Increasing development in the surroundings of U.S. National Park Service holdings jeopardizes park effectiveness. |
2010-09-18 |
David B. Roy |
Assessing the condition of lake habitats: a test of methods for surveying aquatic macrophyte communities |
2010-09-17 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Using learning networks to understand complex systems: a case study of biological, geophysical and social research in the Amazon |
2010-09-15 |
Heloise Gibb |
Structure of ant assemblages in Western Ghats, India: role of habitat, disturbance and introduced species |
2010-09-14 |
David B. Roy |
Synchrony of butterfly populations across species’ geographic ranges |
2010-09-13 |
Sandra M. Durán |
A Test of the Utility of Exotic Tree Plantations for Understory Birds and Food Resources in the Colombian Andes1 |
2010-09-11 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
A hydraulic explanation for size-specific plant shrinkage: developmental hydraulic sectoriality |
2010-09-10 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Wikis as platforms for scholarly publishing |
2010-09-10 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Wikis as platforms for scholarly publishing |
2010-09-09 |
Steven L. Chown |
Variation in decomposition rates in the fynbos biome, South Africa: the role of plant species and plant stoichiometry |
2010-09-09 |
Heloise Gibb |
Habitat contrasts reveal a shift in the trophic position of ant assemblages |
2010-09-01 |
John Alroy |
The Shifting Balance of Diversity Among Major Marine Animal Groups |
2010-09-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Phenotypic plasticity of gas exchange pattern and water loss in Scarabaeus spretus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): deconstructing the basis for metabolic rate variation |
2010-09-01 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Sex matters: Modeling male and female habitat differences for jaguar conservation |
2010-09-01 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
A similarity-index-based method to estimate chemical concentration limits protective for ecological communities |
2010-08-30 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Response to Coomes & Allen (2009)‘Testing the metabolic scaling theory of tree growth’ |
2010-08-24 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Collaborative Structuring of Knowledge by Experts and the Public |
2010-08-19 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Song divergence by sensory drive in Amazonian birds |
2010-08-16 |
David B. Roy |
Turnover and trends in butterfly communities on two British tidal islands: stochastic influences and deterministic factors |
2010-08-15 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Genetic correlation between temperature-induced plasticity of life-history traits in a soil arthropod |
2010-08-05 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Genetic variation in heat resistance and HSP70 expression in inbred isofemale lines of the springtail Orchesella cincta |
2010-08-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Pre-freeze mortality in three species of aphids from sub-Antarctic Marion Island |
2010-08-01 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Loss of environmental heterogeneity and aquatic macroinvertebrate diversity following large-scale restoration management |
2010-07-24 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Contrasting effects of hemiparasites on ecosystem processes: can positive litter effects offset the negative effects of parasitism? |
2010-07-20 |
Cyrille Violle |
Experimental demonstration of the importance of competition under disturbance |
2010-07-15 |
Steven L. Chown |
Trait means and reaction norms: the consequences of climate change/invasion interactions at the organism level |
2010-07-08 |
Ian J. Wright |
Functional differences between native and alien species: a global-scale comparison |
2010-07-06 |
Heloise Gibb |
Fine-scale heterogeneity in beetle assemblages under co-occurring Eucalyptus in the same subgenus |
2010-07-06 |
Cyrille Violle |
Intraspecific variability and trait-based community assembly |
2010-07-02 |
Alexander Keller |
ITS2 sequence-structure phylogeny in the Scenedesmaceae with special reference to Coelastrum (Chlorophyta, Chlorophyceae), including the new genera Comasiella and Pectinodesmus |
2010-07-02 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Nitrogen deposition threatens species richness of grasslands across Europe |
2010-07-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Top-down or bottom-up? |
2010-07-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Oxygen limitation and thermal tolerance in two terrestrial arthropod species |
2010-07-01 |
Pete Manning |
A global comparison of grassland biomass responses to CO2 and nitrogen enrichment |
2010-07-01 |
Anne Thessen |
Ecosystems Monitoring: An Information Extraction and Event Processing Scientific Workflow |
2010-06-30 |
Heloise Gibb |
How does habitat complexity affect ant foraging success? A test using functional measures on three continents. |
2010-06-29 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Predicted impact of exotic vines on an endangered ecological community under future climate change |
2010-06-15 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
A cost-effective method of assessing thermal habitat quality for endotherms |
2010-06-10 |
Alana R O Chin |
The hydrostatic gradient, not light availability, drives height‐related variation in Sequoia sempervirens (Cupressaceae) leaf anatomy |
2010-06-08 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Temperature-induced plasticity in egg size and resistance of eggs to temperature stress in a soil arthropod |
2010-06-07 |
David B. Roy |
Disentangling the role of environmental and human pressures on biological invasions across Europe |
2010-06-04 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Optimizing automated preprocessing streams for brain morphometric comparisons across multiple primate species |
2010-06-04 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Optimizing automated preprocessing streams for brain morphometric comparisons across multiple primate species |
2010-06-02 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Using silicone passive samplers to detect polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from wildfires in streams and potential acute effects for invertebrate communities. |
2010-06-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Optimizing automated preprocessing streams for brain morphometric comparisons across multiple primate species |
2010-06-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
How will low-intensity burning after clear-felling affect mid-boreal insect assemblages? |
2010-06-01 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Fire and grazing in a mesic tallgrass prairie: impacts on plant species and functional traits. |
2010-05-24 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
The art of modelling range-shifting species |
2010-05-24 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Evidence for climatic niche and biome shifts between native and novel ranges in plant species introduced to Australia |
2010-05-20 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Evolutionary characters, phenotypes and ontologies: curating data from the systematic biology literature |
2010-05-12 |
Heloise Gibb |
Canopy and litter ant assemblages share similar climate-species density relationships |
2010-05-05 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Phenex: ontological annotation of phenotypic diversity |
2010-05-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Plant functional traits in Australian subtropical rain forest: partitioning within-community from cross-landscape variation |
2010-05-01 |
Joshua S Madin |
Decentralize, adapt and cooperate |
2010-05-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Phenotypic plasticity of locomotion performance in the seed harvester Messor capensis (Formicidae). |
2010-05-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Utilization of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) to quantify the impact of earthworms on soil and carbon erosion in steep slope ecosystem |
2010-04-29 |
Jens Kattge |
Improving land surface models with FLUXNET data |
2010-04-26 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Loss of lipid synthesis as an evolutionary consequence of a parasitic lifestyle. |
2010-04-16 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Integrating livelihoods and conservation in protected areas: understanding the role and stakeholder views on prospects for non-timber forest products, a Bangladesh case study |
2010-04-07 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Character displacement from the receiver’s perspective: species and mate recognition despite convergent signals in suboscine birds |
2010-04-02 |
Richard J Telford |
Quantifying recent ecological changes in remote lakes of North America and Greenland using sediment diatom assemblages |
2010-04-01 |
David B. Roy |
How well do we understand the impacts of alien species on ecosystem services? A pan-European, cross-taxa assessment |
2010-04-01 |
David B. Roy |
The impact of proxy-based methods on mapping the distribution of ecosystem services |
2010-04-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Forest Succession and Harvesting of Hemipteran Honeydew by Boreal Ants |
2010-04-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Earthworms accelerate soil porosity turnover under watering conditions |
2010-04-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Human Vision Can Provide a Valid Proxy for Avian Perception of Sexual Dichromatism |
2010-03-29 |
Melissa Haendel | Paula M. Mabee |
The teleost anatomy ontology: anatomical representation for the genomics age |
2010-03-18 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Frontiers in phenotypic plasticity research: new questions about mechanisms, induced responses and ecological impacts |
2010-03-10 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Biological stoichiometry of plant production: metabolism, scaling and ecological response to global change. |
2010-03-06 |
Daniel Falster |
Unstable DNA repair genes shaped by their own sequence modifying phenotypes. |
2010-03-01 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Keeping plant shrinkage in the demographic loop |
2010-03-01 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Matrix projection models meet variation in the real world |
2010-03-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Combined effects ofImpatiens glanduliferainvasion and landscape structure on native plant pollination |
2010-03-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Scaling plant nitrogen use and uptake efficiencies in response to nutrient addition in peatlands |
2010-03-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
South Africa: big science should stay on the agenda |
2010-03-01 |
David B. Roy |
Empirical realised niche models for British higher and lower plants - development and preliminary testing |
2010-03-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Revegetation of farmland restores function and composition of epigaeic beetle assemblages |
2010-03-01 |
Marko J. Spasojevic |
Resource Strategies of Wild Plants by Joseph M. Craine |
2010-02-24 |
David B. Roy |
Representation of ecosystem services by tiered conservation strategies |
2010-02-22 |
Heloise Gibb |
Saproxylic parasitoid (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea) communities in managed boreal forest landscapes |
2010-02-19 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Explaining abundance-occupancy relationships in specialists and generalists: a case study on aquatic macroinvertebrates in standing waters. |
2010-02-16 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Altruistic behavior and cooperation: the role of intrinsic expectation when reputational information is incomplete. |
2010-02-09 |
Steven L. Chown |
Metabolic rate, genetic and microclimate variation among springtail populations from sub-Antarctic Marion Island |
2010-02-08 |
David B. Roy |
Heterogeneous landscapes promote population stability |
2010-02-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Adapt or disperse: understanding species persistence in a changing world |
2010-02-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Taxonomic homogenization and differentiation across Southern Ocean Islands differ among insects and vascular plants |
2010-02-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Opportunity costs: Who really pays for conservation? |
2010-02-01 |
Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
Angiosperm wood structure: Global patterns in vessel anatomy and their relation to wood density and potential conductivity. |
2010-02-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Habitat quality, conspecific density, and habitat pre-use affect the dispersal behaviour of two earthworm species, Aporrectodea icterica and Dendrobaena veneta, in a mesocosm experiment |
2010-01-26 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Correlative and mechanistic models of species distribution provide congruent forecasts under climate change |
2010-01-20 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Co-limitation of photosynthetic capacity by nitrogen and phosphorus in West Africa woodlands |
2010-01-18 |
Steven L. Chown |
Parameter landscapes unveil the bias in allometric prediction |
2010-01-15 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
MPowering ecologists: community assembly tools for community assembly rules |
2010-01-15 |
Alexander Keller |
Including RNA secondary structures improves accuracy and robustness in reconstruction of phylogenetic trees |
2010-01-07 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Trait plasticity in species interactions: a driving force of community dynamics |
2010-01-04 |
Diogo Borges Provete |
The tadpole of Physalaemus jordanensis Bokermann, 1967 (Anura, Leiuperidae) from Campos do Jordão, Serra da Mantiqueira, Southeastern Brazil |
2010-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Integrating phenotype ontologies across multiple species |
2010-01-01 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Revision, phylogeny and historical biogeography of the genus Apodrosus Marshall, 1922 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae) |
2010-01-01 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Weevils of the genus Cercopeus Schoenherr from South Carolina, USA (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Entiminae) |
2010-01-01 |
Alexander Keller |
Ribosomal RNA phylogenetics: the third dimension |
2010-01-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Altruistic Behavior and Cooperation: The Role of Intrinsic Expectation When Reputational Information is Incomplete |
2010-01-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Using scale-area curves to quantify the distribution, abundance and range expansion potential of an invasive species |
2010-01-01 |
Joshua S Madin |
Owlifier: Creating OWL-DL ontologies from simple spreadsheet-based knowledge descriptions |
2010-01-01 |
Daniel Falster |
Plant functional traits - linkages among stem anatomy, plant performance and life history |
2010-01-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Decreasing fallow duration in tropical slash-and-burn agriculture alters soil macroinvertebrate diversity: A case study in southern French Guiana |
2010-01-01 |
William D. Pearse |
Crisis, social support, and the family response: exploring the narratives of young breast cancer survivors |
2009-12-26 |
Alexander Keller |
ITS2 secondary structure improves phylogeny estimation in a radiation of blue butterflies of the subgenus Agrodiaetus (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Polyommatus ). |
2009-12-23 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Diversity and distribution patterns of benthic invertebrates along alpine gradients. A study of remote European freshwater lakes |
2009-12-15 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Digging deeper: fine-root responses to rising atmospheric CO concentration in forested ecosystems |
2009-12-10 |
Steven L. Chown |
Body size variation in insects: a macroecological perspective |
2009-12-09 |
David B. Roy |
Plant extinctions and introductions lead to phylogenetic and taxonomic homogenization of the European flora |
2009-12-03 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Economics and Employment Generation of Bamboo-Based Enterprises: A Case Study from Eastern Bangladesh |
2009-12-01 |
Jennifer A Hammock |
Beaked Whale Strandings and Naval Exercises |
2009-12-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Controls on Radial Growth of Mountain Big Sagebrush and Implications for Climate Change |
2009-12-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Extrapolating population size from the occupancy-abundance relationship and the scaling pattern of occupancy |
2009-12-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Insect rate-temperature relationships: environmental variation and the metabolic theory of ecology |
2009-12-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Effects of thermal acclimation on water loss rate and tolerance in the collembolanPogonognathellus flavescens |
2009-12-01 |
Alana R O Chin |
Experimental Tests of Latrine Use and Communication by River Otters |
2009-11-26 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Evolutionary processes in community ecology |
2009-11-20 |
Cyrille Violle |
Allocation strategies and seed traits are hardly affected by nitrogen supply in 18 species differing in successional status |
2009-11-19 |
Mark Westoby |
The relationship between stem biomechanics and wood density is modified by rainfall in 32 Australian woody plant species |
2009-11-19 |
Steven L. Chown |
Ambient, productive and wind energy, and ocean extent predict global species richness of procellariiform seabirds |
2009-11-17 |
Alexander Keller |
The ITS2 Database III–sequences and structures for phylogeny |
2009-11-17 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Size, shape, and the thermal niche of endotherms |
2009-11-11 |
Ian J. Wright |
Evidence of a general 2/3-power law of scaling leaf nitrogen to phosphorus among major plant groups and biomes. |
2009-11-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Linking human diseases to animal models using ontology-based phenotype annotation |
2009-11-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Female preference and fitness benefits of mate choice in a species with dissociated sperm transfer |
2009-11-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Impacts of Herbicide Application and Mechanical Cleanings on Growth and Mortality of Two Timber Species inSaccharum spontaneumGrasslands of the Panama Canal Watershed |
2009-11-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Missing links in the root-soil organic matter continuum |
2009-11-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Macrophysiology: a conceptual reunification. |
2009-10-31 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Silvicultural and economic aspects of pure and mixed native tree species plantations on degraded pasturelands in humid Costa Rica |
2009-10-30 |
Steven L. Chown |
Population responses within a landscape matrix: a macrophysiological approach to understanding climate change impacts |
2009-10-27 |
Jacintha Ellers |
A moderate change in temperature induces changes in fatty acid composition of storage and membrane lipids in a soil arthropod |
2009-10-14 |
Anne Thessen |
Crassostrea virginica grazing on toxic and non-toxic diatoms |
2009-10-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Maximized PUFA measurements improve insight in changes in fatty acid composition in response to temperature |
2009-10-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Fire and regeneration: the role of seed banks in the dynamics of northern heathlands |
2009-10-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Management implications of the Macquarie Island trophic cascade revisited: a reply to Dowdinget��al.(2009) |
2009-10-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Breaching the dispersal barrier to invasion: quantification and management |
2009-10-01 |
David B. Roy |
Changes in habitat specificity of species at their climatic range boundaries |
2009-10-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Animal Introductions to Southern Systems: Lessons for Ecology and for Policy |
2009-10-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Advancing the metabolic theory of biodiversity |
2009-10-01 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Modelling the impact ofHieraciumspp. on protected areas in Australia under future climates |
2009-09-29 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 May 2009-31 July 2009. |
2009-09-23 |
Katja Seltmann |
Data publication and dissemination of interactive keys under the open access model |
2009-09-23 |
Katja Seltmann |
Revision of the Oriental genera of Agathidinae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) with an emphasis on Thailand and interactive keys to genera published in three different formats |
2009-09-23 |
Katja Seltmann |
Appendix 1. Listing of directory containing key files for the fruit-fly interactive keys package at http://delta-intkey.com/ffa/ (Carroll et al. 2002) |
2009-09-23 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Prescribed burning of northern heathlands: Calluna vulgaris germination cues and seed-bank dynamics |
2009-09-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Methods for assessing movement path recursion with application to African buffalo in South Africa |
2009-09-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Assemblage level variation in springtail lower lethal temperature: the role of invasive species on sub-Antarctic Marion Island |
2009-09-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Above-ground forest biomass is not consistently related to wood density in tropical forests |
2009-09-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
No sex please, we’re clonal |
2009-09-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Directional evolution of the slope of the metabolic rate-temperature relationship is correlated with climate |
2009-09-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Changes in soil nematode populations indicate an annual life cycle at Cape Hallett, Antarctica |
2009-09-01 |
Richard J Telford |
Holocene climate variability in the Southern Ocean recorded in a deep-sea sediment core off South Australia |
2009-09-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Effect of elevated CO2 on soil N dynamics in a temperate grassland soil |
2009-08-29 |
Heloise Gibb |
Does the availability of arboreal honeydew determine the prevalence of ecologically dominant ants in restored habitats? |
2009-08-26 |
Cyrille Violle |
Litter quality and decomposability of species from a Mediterranean succession depend on leaf traits but not on nitrogen supply |
2009-08-19 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Invasive plant integration into native plant-pollinator networks across Europe |
2009-08-14 |
Melissa Haendel |
Uberon: towards a comprehensive multi-species anatomy ontology |
2009-08-14 |
Melissa Haendel |
Uberon: towards a comprehensive multi-species anatomy ontology |
2009-08-14 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Phenoscape: Ontologies for Large Multi-species Phenotype Datasets |
2009-08-14 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Phenoscape: Ontologies for Large Multi-species Phenotype Datasets |
2009-08-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Stasipatric speciation: resurrecting a system to bury a hypothesis? |
2009-08-01 |
David B. Roy |
Spatial covariance between biodiversity and other ecosystem service priorities |
2009-08-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Opposing assembly mechanisms in a neotropical dry forest: implications for phylogenetic and functional community ecology |
2009-08-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Conserving ground-dwelling beetles in an endangered woodland community: Multi-scale habitat effects on assemblage diversity |
2009-08-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Effects of an endogeic and an anecic earthworm on the competition between four annual plants and their relative fecundity |
2009-07-30 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Signal design and perception in Hypocnemis antbirds: evidence for convergent evolution via social selection |
2009-07-27 |
Mark Westoby |
Costs of height gain in rainforest saplings: main-stem scaling, functional traits and strategy variation across 75 species. |
2009-07-21 |
Ian J. Wright |
Are species shade and drought tolerance reflected in leaf-level structural and functional differentiation in Northern Hemisphere temperate woody flora? |
2009-07-21 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
The use of medicinal plants in healthcare practices by Rohingya refugees in a degraded forest and conservation area of Bangladesh |
2009-07-15 |
Ramona L Walls |
Hybridization and Plasticity Contribute to Divergence Among Coastal and Wetland Populations of Invasive Hybrid Japanese Knotweed s.l. (Fallopia spp.) |
2009-07-02 |
Steven L. Chown |
Temporal development of hull-fouling assemblages associated with an Antarctic supply vessel |
2009-07-01 |
Pete Manning |
Shifts in seed size across experimental nitrogen enrichment and plant density gradients |
2009-06-26 |
Ian J. Wright |
Global patterns of foliar nitrogen isotopes and their relationships with climate, mycorrhizal fungi, foliar nutrient concentrations, and nitrogen availability. |
2009-06-26 |
Steven L. Chown |
Unpredictable change in Antarctic terrestrial systems: a consequence of science and policy priorities? |
2009-06-25 |
Steven L. Chown |
Quantifying the propagule load associated with the construction of an Antarctic research station |
2009-06-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Reference genes for QRT-PCR tested under various stress conditions in Folsomia candida and Orchesella cincta (Insecta, Collembola). |
2009-06-01 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
After “eco” comes “service” |
2009-06-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Integrating biophysical models and evolutionary theory to predict climatic impacts on species’ ranges: the dengue mosquitoAedes aegyptiin Australia |
2009-06-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Taking species abundance distributions beyond individuals |
2009-06-01 |
Cyrille Violle |
Intraspecific seed trait variations and competition: passive or adaptive response? |
2009-06-01 |
Anne Thessen |
Intra- and interspecies differences in growth and toxicity of Pseudo-nitzschia while using different nitrogen sources |
2009-05-01 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Different climatic envelopes among invasive populations may lead to underestimations of current and future biological invasions |
2009-04-28 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Extensions and evaluations of a general quantitative theory of forest structure and dynamics |
2009-04-16 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Community assembly, stability and signatures of dynamical constraints on food web structure |
2009-04-15 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Comment on Coomes et al. ‘Scaling of xylem vessels and veins within the leaves of oak species’. |
2009-04-10 |
Brian J. Enquist |
A general quantitative theory of forest structure and dynamics |
2009-04-08 |
Steven L. Chown |
Realizing a synergy between research and education: how participation in ant monitoring helps raise biodiversity awareness in a resource-poor country |
2009-04-08 |
Cyrille Violle |
Competition, traits and resource depletion in plant communities |
2009-04-03 |
Mark Westoby | Ian J. Wright |
Is there a latitudinal gradient in seed production? |
2009-04-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Dynamics of heat-induced thermal stress resistance and hsp70 expression in the springtail,Orchesella cincta |
2009-04-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Coefficient shifts in geographical ecology: an empirical evaluation of spatial and non-spatial regression |
2009-04-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Mechanistic niche modelling: combining physiological and spatial data to predict species’ ranges |
2009-04-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Multiplicative by nature: Why logarithmic transformation is necessary in allometry |
2009-04-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Climatic drivers of hemispheric asymmetry in global patterns of ant species richness |
2009-04-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Quantifying photosynthetic capacity and its relationship to leaf nitrogen content for global-scale terrestrial biosphere models |
2009-03-31 |
Jennifer A Hammock |
Discovery and characterization of chemical signals for citrus root weevil, Diaprepes abbreviatus |
2009-03-31 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
Controls on declining carbon balance with leaf age among 10 woody species in Australian woodland: do leaves have zero daily net carbon balances when they die? |
2009-03-26 |
Steven L. Chown |
Effects of flow rate and temperature on cyclic gas exchange in tsetse flies (Diptera, Glossinidae). |
2009-03-12 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Signal jamming mediates sexual conflict in a duetting bird |
2009-03-10 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Plasticity versus environmental canalization: population differences in thermal responses along a latitudinal gradient in Drosophila serrata |
2009-03-10 |
Maribeth Latvis |
Rosid radiation and the rapid rise of angiosperm-dominated forests |
2009-03-02 |
Ian J. Wright |
Leaf mesophyll diffusion conductance in 35 Australian sclerophylls covering a broad range of foliage structural and physiological variation |
2009-03-01 |
Jennifer C. Girón |
Scelianoma elydimorpha, a new genus and new species of entimine weevil from southwestern Puerto Rico (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Entiminae) |
2009-03-01 |
Joshua S Madin |
Improving Data Discovery for Metadata Repositories through Semantic Search |
2009-03-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
The detection of spatial structure in populations and communities: An empirical case study |
2009-03-01 |
Ian J. Wright |
A global study of relationships between leaf traits, climate and soil measures of nutrient fertility |
2009-03-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Spatial patterns of grasses influence soil macrofauna biodiversity in Amazonian pastures |
2009-03-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Development of the pharyngeal arch skeleton in Catostomus commersonii (Teleostei: Cypriniformes). |
2009-02-24 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Pattern and process in Norwegian upland grasslands: a functional analysis |
2009-02-20 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
The potential for behavioral thermoregulation to buffer “cold-blooded” animals against climate warming |
2009-02-20 |
Steven L. Chown |
Physiological tolerances account for range limits and abundance structure in an invasive slug |
2009-02-15 |
Mark Westoby |
Phylogenetic biome conservatism on a global scale |
2009-02-11 |
Ian J. Wright |
Leaf phosphorus influences the photosynthesis-nitrogen relation: a cross-biome analysis of 314 species |
2009-02-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Indirect effects of invasive species removal devastate World Heritage Island |
2009-02-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Phenotypic variance, plasticity and heritability estimates of critical thermal limits depend on methodological context |
2009-02-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
The extent and impacts of ungulate translocations: South Africa in a global context |
2009-02-01 |
David B. Roy |
Assisted colonization in a changing climate: a test-study using two U.K. butterflies |
2009-02-01 |
David B. Roy |
Surrogacy and persistence in reserve selection: landscape prioritization for multiple taxa in Britain |
2009-02-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Modelling approach to analyse the effects of nitrification inhibition on primary production |
2009-01-31 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Isolation and characterization of nuclear microsatellite loci from Ceratopetalum apetalum (Cunoniaceae) |
2009-01-29 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Sexual selection and ecological generalism are correlated in antbirds. |
2009-01-24 |
Steven L. Chown |
Life stage-related differences in hardening and acclimation of thermal tolerance traits in the kelp fly, Paractora dreuxi (Diptera, Helcomyzidae). |
2009-01-09 |
Cyrille Violle |
Differential impacts of plant interactions on herbaceous species recruitment: disentangling factors controlling emergence, survival and growth of seedlings |
2009-01-06 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Contrasted patterns of hyperdiversification in Mediterranean hotspots |
2009-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Kumulative Dissertation |
2009-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Themensuche |
2009-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Wissenschaftliche Berufstätigkeit |
2009-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Computational morphometry for detecting changes in brain structure due to development, aging, learning, disease and evolution |
2009-01-01 |
Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
Evolutionary coordination between offspring size at independence and adult size |
2009-01-01 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Breeding system and pollen limitation in two supergeneralist alien plants invading Mediterranean shrublands |
2009-01-01 |
Ian J. Wright |
Causes and consequences of variation in leaf mass per area (LMA): a meta-analysis |
2009-01-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Lost Sex in the Reptiles: Constraints and Correlations |
2009-01-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Improved abundance prediction from presence-absence data |
2009-01-01 |
Rachael V. Gallagher |
Phenological trends among Australian alpine species: using herbarium records to identify climate-change indicators |
2009-01-01 |
Ian J. Wright |
Why are non-photosynthetic tissues generally13C enriched compared with leaves in C3plants? Review and synthesis of current hypotheses |
2009-01-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Ecophysiological Characteristics of Mature Trees and Stands - Consequences for Old-Growth Forest Productivity |
2009-01-01 |
Maribeth Latvis |
Floral variation and floral genetics in basal angiosperms |
2008-12-24 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Using fossils and molecular data to reveal the origins of the Cape proteas (subfamily Proteoideae). |
2008-12-05 |
Daniel Mietchen |
In vivo assessment of cold adaptation in insect larvae by magnetic resonance imaging and magnetic resonance spectroscopy |
2008-12-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
The evolution of sexual and parthenogenetic Warramaba: a window onto Plio-Pleistocene diversification processes in an arid biome |
2008-12-01 |
Anne Thessen |
“Windows of opportunity” for dinoflagellate blooms: Reduced microzooplankton net growth coupled to eutrophication |
2008-12-01 |
Dalia A. Conde |
Understanding movement data and movement processes: current and emerging directions |
2008-11-26 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Wolbachia endosymbiont is essential for egg hatching in a parthenogenetic arthropod |
2008-11-14 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Seedling response of three agroforestry tree species to phosphorous fertilizer application in Bangladesh: growth and nodulation capabilities |
2008-11-14 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Effects of inorganic fertilizers on biological nitrogen fixation and seedling growth of some agroforestry trees in Bangladesh |
2008-11-06 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Incongruent HIV and tuberculosis co-dynamics in Kenya: interacting epidemics monitor each other |
2008-11-04 |
Steven L. Chown |
Spatial variation in structural damage to a keystone plant species in the sub-Antarctic: interactions between Azorella selago and invasive house mice |
2008-11-04 |
Steven L. Chown |
Mean mass-specific metabolic rates are strikingly similar across life’s major domains: Evidence for life’s metabolic optimum |
2008-11-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Taxonomic homogenization in ungulates: patterns and mechanisms at local and global scales |
2008-11-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Effects of salinity and temperature on the growth and survival of New Zealand shortfin,Anguilla australis, and longfin,A. dieffenbachii, glass eels |
2008-11-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Physiological variation and phenotypic plasticity: a response to `Plasticity in arthropod cryotypes’ by Hawes and Bale |
2008-10-30 |
Alexander Keller |
5.8S-28S rRNA interaction and HMM-based ITS2 annotation |
2008-10-07 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Predicting the fate of a living fossil: how will global warming affect sex determination and hatching phenology in tuatara? |
2008-10-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
A Seed Related to Myristicaceae in the Early Eocene of Southern England |
2008-10-01 |
Mark Westoby |
The influence of tissue phosphate on plant flammability: A kinetic study |
2008-10-01 |
Joshua S Madin |
Climate-mediated mechanical changes to post-disturbance coral assemblages |
2008-10-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Control of discontinuous gas exchange in Samia cynthia: effects of atmospheric oxygen, carbon dioxide and moisture |
2008-10-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Investigating onychophoran gas exchange and water balance as a means to inform current controversies in arthropod physiology |
2008-09-17 |
Jens Kattge |
Influences of observation errors in eddy flux data on inverse model parameter estimation |
2008-09-01 |
Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
A general model for the scaling of offspring size and adult size |
2008-08-29 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Long-term stream invertebrate community alterations induced by the insecticide thiacloprid: effect concentrations and recovery dynamics |
2008-08-27 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Birth of a biome: insights into the assembly and maintenance of the Australian arid zone biota. |
2008-08-16 |
Mark Westoby |
Diversity in current ecological thinking: implications for environmental management |
2008-08-12 |
John Alroy |
Colloquium paper: dynamics of origination and extinction in the marine fossil record |
2008-08-11 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Colloquium paper: microbes on mountainsides: contrasting elevational patterns of bacterial and plant diversity |
2008-08-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Herbivores, but not other insects, are scarce on alien plants |
2008-08-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Modelling species distributions without using species distributions: the cane toad in Australia under current and future climates |
2008-08-01 |
Ian J. Wright |
Scaling of respiration to nitrogen in leaves, stems and roots of higher land plants |
2008-08-01 |
Ramona L Walls |
Plasticity in salt tolerance traits allows for invasion of novel habitat by Japanese knotweed s. l. (Fallopia japonica and F.xbohemica, Polygonaceae). |
2008-08-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Allometric scaling of maximum metabolic rate: the influence of temperature |
2008-07-29 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Lack of lipogenesis in parasitoids: a review of physiological mechanisms and evolutionary implications |
2008-07-29 |
Alexander Keller |
The importance of environmental heterogeneity for species diversity and assemblage structure in Bornean stream frogs |
2008-07-25 |
Alexander Keller |
ITS2 data corroborate a monophyletic chlorophycean DO-group (Sphaeropleales). |
2008-07-24 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
The footprint of pesticide stress in communities–species traits reveal community effects of toxicants |
2008-07-16 |
Pete Manning |
Nitrogen enrichment modifies plant community structure via changes to plant-soil feedback |
2008-07-16 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Aquatic passive sampling of a short-term thiacloprid pulse with the Chemcatcher: impact of biofouling and use of a diffusion-limiting membrane on the sampling rate |
2008-07-09 |
Steven L. Chown |
Beneficial acclimation and the Bogert effect |
2008-07-08 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Plant species traits are the predominant control on litter decomposition rates within biomes worldwide |
2008-07-01 |
John Alroy |
Phanerozoic trends in the global diversity of marine invertebrates |
2008-07-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci from Tetratheca ericifolia (Elaeocarpaceae). |
2008-07-01 |
Ian J. Wright |
Are functional traits good predictors of demographic rates? Evidence from five neotropical forests. |
2008-07-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Macrophysiology for a changing world |
2008-07-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Environmental factors, regional body size distributions and spatial variation in body size of local avian assemblages |
2008-07-01 |
David B. Roy |
Changes in the composition of British butterfly assemblages over two decades |
2008-06-30 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
High invasive pollen transfer, yet low deposition on native stigmas in a Carpobrotus-invaded community |
2008-06-28 |
Steven L. Chown |
Biological invasions of Southern Ocean islands: the Collembola of Marion Island as a test of generalities |
2008-06-17 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Definition of plant functional groups for informing implementation scenarios in resource-limited multi-species recovery planning |
2008-06-14 |
Anne Thessen |
Distribution, Abundance and Domoic Acid Analysis of the Toxic Diatom Genus Pseudo-nitzschia from the Chesapeake Bay |
2008-06-07 |
Steven L. Chown |
Dissecting the plant-insect diversity relationship in the Cape. |
2008-06-05 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
CO2 enrichment increases carbon and nitrogen input from fine roots in a deciduous forest |
2008-06-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Above-ground earthworm casts affect water runoff and soil erosion in Northern Vietnam |
2008-06-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Cross-site evaluation of eddy covariance GPP and RE decomposition techniques |
2008-05-30 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Habitat-specific differences in thermal plasticity in natural populations of a soil arthropod |
2008-05-01 |
Nuno Simões |
Experimental studies on the effect of food in early larvae of the cleaner shrimp Lysmata amboinensis (De Mann, 1888) (Decapoda: Caridea: Hippolytidae) |
2008-05-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Vocal Learning in Pinnipeds: A Model System for Human Speech Evolution |
2008-05-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Nitrogen limitation in a sweetgum plantation: implications for carbon allocation and storage |
2008-05-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Sexually selected traits predict patterns of species richness in a diverse clade of suboscine birds. |
2008-05-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Sexually Selected Traits Predict Patterns of Species Richness in a Diverse Clade of Suboscine Birds |
2008-04-10 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Small-scale Agar (Aquilaria agallocha Roxb.) Based Cottage Enterprises in Maulvibazar District of Bangladesh: Production, Marketing and Potential Contribution to Rural Development |
2008-04-03 |
Steven L. Chown |
Acclimation effects on critical and lethal thermal limits of workers of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile |
2008-04-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Restoration of bracken-invaded Calluna vulgaris heathlands: Effects on vegetation dynamics and non-target species |
2008-04-01 |
David B. Roy |
The relative exploitation of annuals as larval host plants by European butterflies |
2008-04-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Testing the thermal melanism hypothesis: a macrophysiological approach |
2008-04-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
The relationship between stem and branch wood specific gravity and the ability of each measure to predict leaf area |
2008-04-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
On estimating the exponent of power-law frequency distributions |
2008-03-19 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Intersexual Conflict and Group Size in Alouatta palliata: A 23-year Evaluation |
2008-03-14 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
DNA fingerprinting of Eucalyptus graniticola: a critically endangered relict species or a rare hybrid? |
2008-03-12 |
Steven L. Chown |
Conservation of Southern Ocean Islands: invertebrates as exemplars |
2008-03-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Dispersal limitations, rather than bottlenecks or habitat specificity, can restrict the distribution of rare and endemic rainforest trees. |
2008-03-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Temperature-induced gene expression associated with different thermal reaction norms for growth rate |
2008-03-01 |
Joshua S Madin |
Advancing ecological research with ontologies |
2008-03-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Ecogeographical rules: elements of a synthesis |
2008-03-01 |
Pete Manning |
Direct and indirect effects of nitrogen deposition on litter decomposition |
2008-03-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Distribution, Behavior, and Conservation Status of the Rufous Twistwing (Cnipodectes superrufus) |
2008-02-20 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Calibration of the Chemcatcher passive sampler for monitoring selected polar and semi-polar pesticides in surface water |
2008-02-15 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
English |
2008-02-02 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Performance of the Chemcatcher passive sampler when used to monitor 10 polar and semi-polar pesticides in 16 Central European streams, and comparison with two other sampling methods |
2008-02-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Scaling of gas exchange cycle frequency in insects |
2008-02-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Comment on “The latitudinal gradient in recent speciation and extinction rates of birds and mammals”. |
2008-01-23 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Three-dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of fossils across taxa |
2008-01-11 |
Steven L. Chown |
DNA barcoding and the documentation of alien species establishment on sub-Antarctic Marion Island |
2008-01-10 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Contrasting effects of invasive plants in plant-pollinator networks |
2008-01-01 |
Katja Seltmann |
Digital Image Vouchering in Morphbank, Linking to Publications, and a Few Words about Sharing |
2008-01-01 |
Katja Seltmann |
From Field to Screen: Digital Imaging Technology and Insect Systematics |
2008-01-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Elaeocarpus sedentarius sp. nov. (Elaeocarpaceae)—morphometric analysis of a new, rare species from eastern Australia |
2008-01-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Resource acquisition, allocation, and utilization in parasitoid reproductive strategies. |
2008-01-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Animal Biology special issue arising from the 14th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Amsterdam, 1-2 November 2007 |
2008-01-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
The toad ahead: challenges of modelling the range and spread of an invasive species |
2008-01-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Access to pain relief: an essential human right. A report for World Hospice and Palliative Care Day 2007. Help the hospices for the Worldwide Palliative Care Alliance |
2008-01-01 |
Joshua S Madin |
Indirectly driven knowledge modelling in ecology |
2008-01-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Statistical properties of random CO2 flux measurement uncertainty inferred from model residuals |
2008-01-01 |
Brian J. Enquist | Brad Boyle |
Higher taxa as paleoecological and paleoclimatic indicators: A search for the modern analog of the Florissant fossil flora |
2007-12-29 |
Steven L. Chown |
Spatial and temporal variability across life’s hierarchies in the terrestrial Antarctic |
2007-12-03 |
Sandra M. Durán |
Towards a DNA taxonomy of Caribbean demosponges: a gene tree reconstructed from partial mitochondrial CO1 gene sequences supports previous rDNA phylogenies and provides a new perspective on the systematics of Demospongiae |
2007-12-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Molecular dating of the ‘Gondwanan’ plant family Proteaceae is only partially congruent with the timing of the break-up of Gondwana |
2007-12-01 |
Mark Westoby | Ian J. Wright |
Fossil leaf economics quantified: calibration, Eocene case study, and implications |
2007-12-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Critical thermal limits depend on methodological context |
2007-12-01 |
Richard J Telford |
Variations in temperature and extent of Atlantic Water in the northern North Atlantic during the Holocene |
2007-12-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Comprehensive comparison of gap-filling techniques for eddy covariance net carbon fluxes |
2007-12-01 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
How forest fires kill trees: A review of the fundamental biophysical processes |
2007-12-01 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Allelopathic effects of Lantana camara on germination and growth behavior of some agricultural crops in Bangladesh |
2007-12-01 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Effects of phosphorous fertilizer on seedlings growth and nodulation capabilities of some popular agroforestry tree species of Bangladesh |
2007-11-28 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
A tale of four stories: soil ecology, theory, evolution and the publication system |
2007-11-26 |
Mark Westoby |
Opportunistic Management for Rangelands Not at Equilibrium |
2007-11-26 |
Mark Westoby |
Vegetative Responses of Some Great Basin Shrub Communities Protected against Jackrabbits or Domestic Stock |
2007-11-16 |
Daniel Mietchen |
A cardiac signature of emotionality |
2007-11-16 |
Richard J Telford |
Defining reference conditions for coastal areas in the Baltic Sea |
2007-11-08 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Zebrafish Information Network: the zebrafish model organism database provides expanded support for genotypes and phenotypes |
2007-11-07 |
Brian J. Enquist |
The Allometry of Host-Pathogen Interactions |
2007-11-07 |
David B. Roy |
Harmonia axyridis in Great Britain: analysis of the spread and distribution of a non-native coccinellid |
2007-11-07 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Determination of 10 particle-associated multiclass polar and semi-polar pesticides from small streams using accelerated solvent extraction |
2007-11-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Comment on `A critical understanding of the fractal model of metabolic scaling’ |
2007-11-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Journal club |
2007-11-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Gene expression patterns underlying proximal-distal skeletal segmentation in late-stage zebrafish, Danio rerio |
2007-10-31 |
Heloise Gibb |
Responses of parasitoids to saproxylic hosts and habitat: a multi-scale study using experimental logs. |
2007-10-01 |
Joshua S Madin |
An ontology for describing and synthesizing ecological observation data |
2007-10-01 |
Ian J. Wright |
Predicting leaf physiology from simple plant and climate attributes: a global GLOPNET analysis |
2007-10-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Phenotypic plasticity mediates climate change responses among invasive and indigenous arthropods |
2007-10-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Species abundance distributions: moving beyond single prediction theories to integration within an ecological framework |
2007-09-27 |
Steven L. Chown |
Deconstructing a controversial local range expansion: conservation biogeography of the painted reed frog (Hyperolius marmoratus) in South Africa |
2007-09-25 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
An updated estimate of intergeneric phylogenetic relationships in the Australian VitaceaeThis article is one of a selection of papers presented at the symposium on Vitis at the XVII International Botanical Congress held in Vienna, Austria, in |
2007-09-10 |
Sandra M. Durán |
Adaptation of reef and mangrove sponges to stress: evidence for ecological speciation exemplified by Chondrilla caribensis new species (Demospongiae, Chondrosida) |
2007-09-08 |
Steven L. Chown |
Critical thermal limits and their responses to acclimation in two sub-Antarctic spiders: Myro kerguelenensis and Prinerigone vagans |
2007-09-06 |
Steven L. Chown |
Bias, precision and accuracy in the estimation of cuticular and respiratory water loss: a case study from a highly variable cockroach, Perisphaeria sp. |
2007-09-01 |
Melissa Haendel | Paula M. Mabee |
Connecting evolutionary morphology to genomics using ontologies: a case study from Cypriniformes including zebrafish |
2007-09-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Factory flies are not equal to wild flies |
2007-09-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
A general integrative model for scaling plant growth, carbon flux, and functional trait spectra |
2007-09-01 |
Brian J. Enquist | Brad Boyle |
Latitudinal patterns of range size and species richness of New World woody plants |
2007-09-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Temperature acclimation in a biochemical model of photosynthesis: a reanalysis of data from 36 species |
2007-09-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Distribution, ecology and conservation status of the Blue-headed Macaw Primolius couloni |
2007-08-22 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Combining phylogeography with distribution modeling: multiple Pleistocene range expansions in a parthenogenetic gecko from the Australian arid zone |
2007-08-21 |
Steven L. Chown |
Thermal tolerance in a south-east African population of the tsetse fly Glossina pallidipes (Diptera, Glossinidae): implications for forecasting climate change impacts |
2007-08-20 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Increases in nitrogen uptake rather than nitrogen-use efficiency support higher rates of temperate forest productivity under elevated CO2. |
2007-07-30 |
Brian J. Enquist |
A general model for allometric covariation in botanical form and function |
2007-07-30 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Water quality indices across Europe–a comparison of the good ecological status of five river basins |
2007-07-23 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Efforts going to the dogs? Evaluating attempts to re-introduce endangered wild dogs in South Africa |
2007-07-20 |
David B. Roy |
The changing status of the Chalkhill Blue butterfly Polyommatus coridon in the UK: the impacts of conservation policies and environmental factors |
2007-07-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Variation in scorpion metabolic rate and rate-temperature relationships: implications for the fundamental equation of the metabolic theory of ecology |
2007-07-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
The influence of spatial and size scale on phylogenetic relatedness in tropical forest communities |
2007-07-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Early developmental plasticity and integrative responses in arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus): effects of water velocity on body size and shape |
2007-06-29 |
Sandra M. Durán |
Biological traits of three closely related species of Pycnoclavella (Ascidiacea) in the Western Mediterranean |
2007-06-06 |
Steven L. Chown |
Mytilus on the move: transport of an invasive bivalve to the Antarctic |
2007-06-06 |
David B. Roy |
Government targets for protected area management: will threatened butterflies benefit? |
2007-06-06 |
Ralf B. Schäfer |
Effects of pesticides on community structure and ecosystem functions in agricultural streams of three biogeographical regions in Europe |
2007-06-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
OBO-Edit–an ontology editor for biologists |
2007-06-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Metabolic Scaling and the Evolutionary Dynamics of Plant Size, Form, and Diversity: Toward a Synthesis of Ecology, Evolution, and Paleontology |
2007-06-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Organ Partitioning and Distribution across the Seed Plants: Assessing the Relative Importance of Phylogeny and Function |
2007-06-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
The Implications of Scaling Approaches for Understanding Resilience and Reorganization in Ecosystems |
2007-06-01 |
Jens Kattge |
OptIC project: An intercomparison of optimization techniques for parameter estimation in terrestrial biogeochemical models |
2007-06-01 |
Sharif Ahmed Mukul |
Inhibitory effects of Albizia lebbeck leaf extracts on germination and growth behavior of some popular agricultural crops |
2007-05-25 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Response to Comment on “Dispersal Limitations Matter for Microbial Morphospecies” |
2007-05-14 |
Ian J. Wright |
“Diminishing returns” in the scaling of functional leaf traits across and within species groups |
2007-05-07 |
Steven L. Chown |
Evolutionary responses of discontinuous gas exchange in insects |
2007-05-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Untangling syntactic and sensory processing: An ERP study of music perception |
2007-05-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Fine-scale microhabitat selection for dense vegetation in a heathland rodent, Rattus lutreolus: Insights from intraspecific and temporal patterns |
2007-05-01 |
Richard J Telford |
Oxygen and carbon isotope composition of authigenic carbonate from an Ethiopian lake: a climate record of the last 2000 years |
2007-05-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
A new class of models of spatial distribution |
2007-05-01 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Conservation assessment and prioritization of areas in Northeast India: Priorities for amphibians and reptiles |
2007-05-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Scaling mass and morphology in leaves: an extension of the WBE model |
2007-05-01 |
Cyrille Violle |
Let the concept of trait be functional! |
2007-05-01 |
Cyrille Violle |
Let the concept of trait be functional! |
2007-05-01 |
Sandra M. Durán |
Finding the relevant scale: clonality and genetic structure in a marine invertebrate (Crambe crambe, Porifera) |
2007-04-27 |
Melissa Haendel |
An F-domain introduced by alternative splicing regulates activity of the zebrafish thyroid hormone receptor alpha |
2007-04-26 |
Steven L. Chown |
Modelling the winter distribution of a rare and endangered migrant, the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola |
2007-04-17 |
Jens Kattge |
Will the tropical land biosphere dominate the climate–carbon cycle feedback during the twenty-first century? |
2007-04-12 |
Steven L. Chown |
Colonisation of sub-Antarctic Marion Island by a non-indigenous aphid parasitoid Aphidius matricariae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) |
2007-04-09 |
Melissa Haendel | Paula M. Mabee |
Phenotype ontologies: the bridge between genomics and evolution |
2007-04-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Pollen Diversity and Evolution in Proteoideae (Proteales: Proteaceae) |
2007-04-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Plant ecological strategies |
2007-04-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Variable response of different functional groups of saproxylic beetles to substrate manipulation and forest management: Implications for conservation strategies |
2007-04-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Follow Thompson’s map to turn biology from a science into a Science |
2007-03-30 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Relationships between body size and abundance in ecology |
2007-03-29 |
Heloise Gibb |
The effects of substrate manipulations and forest management on predators of saproxylic beetles |
2007-03-21 |
Jennifer A Hammock |
Response to host plant odors and aggregation pheromone by larvae of the Colorado potato beetle on a servosphere |
2007-03-05 |
Katja Seltmann |
A new genus and species of apterous Doryctinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) from Costa Rica |
2007-03-02 |
Steven L. Chown |
Population structure, propagule pressure, and conservation biogeography in the sub-Antarctic: lessons from indigenous and invasive springtails |
2007-03-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Adaptive differences in plant physiology and ecosystem paradoxes: insights from metabolic scaling theory |
2007-03-01 |
David B. Roy |
Direct and indirect effects of climate and habitat factors on butterfly diversity |
2007-03-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Ecological and evolutionary determinants of a key plant functional trait: wood density and its community-wide variation across latitude and elevation |
2007-03-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Estimation of parameters in complex 15N tracing models by Monte Carlo sampling |
2007-02-28 |
Steven L. Chown |
Conserving pattern and process in the Southern Ocean: designing a Marine Protected Area for the Prince Edward Islands |
2007-02-21 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Allelic diversity of metallothionein in Orchesella cincta (L.): traces of natural selection by environmental pollution |
2007-02-20 |
Franziska Schrodt |
Transgenic American elm shows reduced Dutch elm disease symptoms and normal mycorrhizal colonization |
2007-02-15 |
Heloise Gibb |
Insect natural enemies of Ips typographus (L.) (Coleoptera, Scolytinae) in managed and unmanaged stands of mixed lowland forest in Poland |
2007-02-11 |
Steven L. Chown |
Stage-related variation in rapid cold hardening as a test of the environmental predictability hypothesis |
2007-02-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Biological scaling: does the exception prove the rule? |
2007-01-11 |
Maribeth Latvis |
Floral Gigantism in Rafflesiaceae |
2007-01-03 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Variation, selection and heritability of thermal reaction norms for juvenile growth in Orchesella cincta (Collembola: Entomobryidae) |
2007-01-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
The comparative study of range-wide genetic structure across related, co-distributed rainforest trees reveals contrasting evolutionary histories |
2007-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
ERASMUS als Entscheidungshilfe: Arzt in Entwicklungsländern oder biophysikalische Forschung? |
2007-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
In vivo magnetic resonance microscopy of differentiation in Xenopus laevis embryos from the first cleavage onwards |
2007-01-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
LoCoH: nonparameteric kernel methods for constructing home ranges and utilization distributions |
2007-01-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Between and within-site comparisons of structural and physiological characteristics and foliar nutrient content of 14 tree species at a wet, fertile site and a dry, infertile site in Panama |
2007-01-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Cuticular lipid mass and desiccation rates in Glossina pallidipes: interpopulation variation |
2007-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Global patterns in seed size |
2007-01-01 |
Cyrille Violle |
Relating root structure and anatomy to whole-plant functioning in 14 herbaceous Mediterranean species |
2007-01-01 |
Pete Manning |
Spatial heterogeneity in the determinants of woody plant invasion of lowland heath |
2007-01-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Non-contact and non-destructive gas pressure measurement, gas enclosed in a cylindrical tube, by ultrasonic backscattering |
2007-01-01 |
Sandra M. Durán |
The genusPycnoclavella(Ascidiacea) in the Atlanto-Mediterranean region: a combined molecular and morphological approach |
2006-12-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
A global indicator for biological invasion |
2006-11-22 |
Heloise Gibb |
Effects of low severity burning after clear-cutting on mid-boreal ant communities in the two years after fire |
2006-11-21 |
Katja Seltmann |
Phylogenetic relationships among the Braconidae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea): a reassessment of Shi et al. (2005). |
2006-11-16 |
Mark Westoby |
Population Dynamics in Sessile Organisms: Some General Results from Three Seemingly Different Theory-Lineages |
2006-11-16 |
Mark Westoby |
Game-Theoretical Evolution of Seed Mass in Multi-Species Ecological Models |
2006-11-13 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
A new combination in Clematicissus Planch. (Vitaceae) |
2006-11-10 |
John Alroy |
Response to Comments on “Statistical Independence of Escalatory Ecological Trends in Phanerozoic Marine Invertebrates” |
2006-11-06 |
Steven L. Chown |
Acclimation effects on thermal tolerances of springtails from sub-Antarctic Marion Island: indigenous and invasive species |
2006-11-01 |
Joshua S Madin |
Ecological consequences of major hydrodynamic disturbances on coral reefs |
2006-11-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
People, species richness and human population growth |
2006-10-18 |
Heloise Gibb |
The importance of substrate type, shading and scorching for the attractiveness of dead wood to saproxylic beetles |
2006-10-05 |
Steven L. Chown |
Testing the beneficial acclimation hypothesis and its alternatives for locomotor performance |
2006-10-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Leaf litter flammability in some semi-arid Australian woodlands |
2006-10-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Habitat, environment and niche: what are we modelling? |
2006-10-01 |
David B. Roy |
Declines in forage availability for bumblebees at a national scale |
2006-10-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
The problem and promise of scale dependency in community phylogenetics |
2006-09-06 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Phylogenetic and growth form variation in the scaling of nitrogen and phosphorus in the seed plants |
2006-09-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Measurement of biological information with applications from genes to landscapes |
2006-09-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Molecular phylogeny and dating reveals an Oligo-Miocene radiation of dry-adapted shrubs (former Tremandraceae) from rainforest tree progenitors (Elaeocarpaceae) in Australia |
2006-09-01 |
Mark Westoby | Brian J. Enquist |
Response to Kearney and Porter: Both functional and community ecologists need to do more for each other |
2006-09-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Accessory costs of seed production |
2006-09-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Species and community responses to short-term climate manipulation: Microarthropods in the sub-Antarctic |
2006-08-22 |
Mark Westoby |
Global patterns in seed size |
2006-08-16 |
Joshua S Madin |
Scaling water motion on coral reefs: from regional to organismal scales |
2006-08-14 |
Pete Manning |
Decoupling the direct and indirect effects of nitrogen deposition on ecosystem function |
2006-08-11 |
Steven L. Chown |
People, species richness and human population growth |
2006-08-01 |
Nuno Simões |
Pathogenicity and colonization of Litopenaeus vannamei larvae by luminescent vibrios |
2006-08-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
The role of culture in conservation planning for small or endangered populations |
2006-08-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Climate change as a threatening process |
2006-08-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Molecular and morphometric assessment of the taxonomic status of Ectemnorhinus weevil species (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Entiminae) from the sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands |
2006-08-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Soil macrofaunal biodiversity in Amazonian pastures: Matching sampling with patterns |
2006-07-26 |
Steven L. Chown |
Genetic evidence confirms the origin of the house mouse on sub-Antarctic Marion Island |
2006-07-14 |
John Alroy |
Are the most durable shelly taxa also the most common in the marine fossil record? |
2006-07-12 |
Pete Manning |
The role of soil phosphorus sorption characteristics in the functioning and stability of lowland heath ecosystems |
2006-07-10 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Sources of diversity in a grassland metacommunity: quantifying the contribution of dispersal to species richness |
2006-07-10 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Ecologists have already started rebuilding community ecology from functional traits |
2006-07-06 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Factors influencing species selection for littoral rainforest restoration: Do environmental gradients matter? |
2006-07-05 |
Mark Westoby | Ian J. Wright | Daniel Falster |
Cross-species patterns in the coordination between leaf and stem traits, and their implications for plant hydraulics |
2006-07-01 |
Roberto Salguero-Gómez |
Anagenetic evolution in island plants |
2006-07-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Phylogenetic ecology at world scale, a new fusion between ecology and evolution |
2006-07-01 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Biological Traits Successfully Predict the Effects of Restoration Management on Macroinvertebrates in Shallow Softwater Lakes |
2006-07-01 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Effects of Rewetting Measures in Dutch Raised Bog Remnants on Assemblages of Aquatic Rotifera and Microcrustaceans |
2006-07-01 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
The Importance of Hydrodynamics for Protected and Endangered Biodiversity of Lowland Rivers |
2006-06-17 |
Mark Westoby |
Population Dynamics of the Perennial Rangeland Shrubs Atriplex vesicaria, Maireana astrotricha and M. pyramidata Under Grazing, 1980-87 |
2006-06-17 |
Mark Westoby |
Nutrient Costs of Vertebrate- and Ant-Dispersed Fruits |
2006-06-17 |
Mark Westoby |
Seedling Growth in Relation to Seed Size Among Species of Arid Australia |
2006-06-17 |
Mark Westoby |
Diaspore Weight, Dispersal, Growth Form and Perenniality of Central Australian Plants |
2006-06-17 |
Mark Westoby |
Self-Thinning: The Effect of Shading on Glasshouse Populations of Silver Beet (Beta Vulgaris) |
2006-06-17 |
Steven L. Chown |
The microarthropods of sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Island: a quantitative assessment |
2006-06-14 |
Steven L. Chown |
Body size patterns in Drosophila inhabiting a mesocosm: interactive effects of spatial variation in temperature and abundance |
2006-06-11 |
Heloise Gibb |
Wing loading and habitat selection in forest beetles: Are red-listed species poorer dispersers or more habitat-specific than common congenerics? |
2006-06-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Range and Habitat Selection of African Buffalo in South Africa |
2006-06-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Waves of parthenogenesis in the desert: evidence for the parallel loss of sex in a grasshopper and a gecko from Australia |
2006-06-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Protected areas and regional avian species richness in South Africa. |
2006-06-01 |
David B. Roy |
Species richness changes lag behind climate change |
2006-05-30 |
Mark Westoby | Ian J. Wright |
Interrelations among pressure-volume curve traits across species and water availability gradients |
2006-05-09 |
Mark Westoby |
Fate of Seeds Adapted for Dispersal by Ants in Australian Sclerophyll Vegetation |
2006-05-09 |
Mark Westoby |
Evidence Against the Hypothesis that Ant-Dispersed Seeds Reach Nutrient-Enriched Microsites |
2006-05-09 |
Mark Westoby |
Effect of Diaspore Characteristics on Removal of Seeds Adapted for Dispersal by Ants |
2006-05-01 |
John Alroy | Joshua S Madin |
Statistical independence of escalatory ecological trends in Phanerozoic marine invertebrates |
2006-05-01 |
Mark Westoby | Ian J. Wright |
Scaling-up from leaf to canopy-aggregate properties in sclerophyll shrub species |
2006-05-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford |
Dispersal limitations matter for microbial morphospecies |
2006-05-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Phenotypic plasticity and geographic variation in thermal tolerance and water loss of the tsetse Glossina pallidipes (Diptera: Glossinidae): implications for distribution modelling. |
2006-04-25 |
Mark Westoby |
Comparing Australian Ecosystems to Those Elsewhere |
2006-04-13 |
Ignasi Bartomeus |
Demography of the invasive geophyte Oxalis pes-caprae across a Mediterranean island |
2006-04-07 |
Heloise Gibb |
Conservation-oriented manipulations of coarse woody debris affect its value as habitat for spruce-infesting bark and ambrosia beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytinae) in northern Sweden |
2006-04-05 |
Steven L. Chown |
Phenotypic plasticity of thermal tolerances in five oribatid mite species from sub-Antarctic Marion Island |
2006-04-04 |
Mark Westoby |
Relationships among ecologically important dimensions of plant trait variation in seven neotropical forests. |
2006-04-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Seed size and plant strategy across the whole life cycle |
2006-04-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik | Richard J Telford |
How many freshwater diatoms are pH specialists? A response to Pither & Aarssen (2005). |
2006-04-01 |
David B. Roy |
The effects of visual apparency on bias in butterfly recording and monitoring |
2006-04-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Ecosystem allometry: the scaling of nutrient stocks and primary productivity across plant communities |
2006-04-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Comment on “The illusion of invariant quantities in life histories”. |
2006-03-30 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
Bivariate line-fitting methods for allometry |
2006-03-30 |
Sandra M. Durán |
Ecological speciation in a Caribbean marine sponge |
2006-03-22 |
Steven L. Chown |
Caterpillars benefit from thermal ecosystem engineering by wandering albatrosses on sub-Antarctic Marion Island |
2006-03-14 |
Heloise Gibb |
Conservation-oriented forestry and early successional saproxylic beetles: Responses of functional groups to manipulated dead wood substrates |
2006-03-13 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Developmental Data and Phylogenetic Systematics: Evolution of the Vertebrate Limb |
2006-03-01 |
Mark Westoby |
An earlier formulation of the genetic conflict hypothesis of genomic imprinting |
2006-03-01 |
Ian J. Wright |
Fundamental trade-offs generating the worldwide leaf economics spectrum |
2006-03-01 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Phylogenetic tests of distribution patterns in South Asia: towards an integrative approach |
2006-03-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
The relative contributions of developmental plasticity and adult acclimation to physiological variation in the tsetse fly, Glossina pallidipes (Diptera, Glossinidae) |
2006-03-01 |
Anne Thessen |
Effect of salinity on the distribution, growth, and toxicity of Karenia spp |
2006-02-28 |
Sandra M. Durán |
The effectiveness of low-cost soil treatments to reduce soil and dust lead hazards: The Boston lead safe yards low cost lead in soil treatment, demonstration and evaluation |
2006-02-24 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Land-plant ecology on the basis of functional traits |
2006-02-17 |
Mark Westoby | Brian J. Enquist |
Rebuilding community ecology from functional traits |
2006-02-08 |
Steven L. Chown |
Linking molecular physiology to ecological realities |
2006-02-08 |
Steven L. Chown |
Gas exchange characteristics, metabolic rate and water loss of the Heelwalker, Karoophasma biedouwensis (Mantophasmatodea: Austrophasmatidae). |
2006-02-02 |
Steven L. Chown |
Discontinuous gas exchange in insects: a clarification of hypotheses and approaches |
2006-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
The Zebrafish Information Network: the zebrafish model organism database |
2006-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Die Evolution geht weiter - neue Krankheiten, mehr Technik |
2006-01-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
3D magnetic resonance microscopy of dehydrated biological specimens |
2006-01-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Variable desiccation tolerance in Acer pseudoplatanus seeds in relation to developmental conditions: a case of phenotypic recalcitrance? |
2006-01-01 |
Franziska Schrodt |
American Elm (Ulmus americana). |
2006-01-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Physiological Diversity in Insects: Ecological and Evolutionary Contexts |
2006-01-01 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Irradiance, temperature and rainfall influence leaf dark respiration in woody plants: evidence from comparisons across 20 sites |
2006-01-01 |
Richard J Telford |
Quantitative palaeotemperature records inferred from fossil pollen and chironomid assemblages from Lake Gilltjärnen, northern central Sweden |
2006-01-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Response to Lundmark: Polyploidization, hybridization and geographical parthenogenesis |
2006-01-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Nitrogen uptake, distribution, turnover, and efficiency of use in a CO2-enriched sweetgum forest |
2006-01-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Nutrient control of microbial carbon cycling along an ombrotrophic-minerotrophic peatland gradient |
2006-01-01 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Gradients of light availability and leaf traits with leaf age and canopy position in 28 Australian shrubs and trees |
2006-01-01 |
Daniel Falster |
Sapling strength and safety: the importance of wood density in tropical forests. |
2006-01-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Resilience and resistance of ecosystem functional response to a precipitation pulse in a semi-arid grassland |
2006-01-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Integrating Evolution and Development: The Need for Bioinformatics in Evo-Devo |
2006-01-01 |
Sean T. Michaletz |
Foliage influences forced convection heat transfer in conifer branches and buds |
2005-12-16 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Subcellular in vivo 1H MR spectroscopy of Xenopus laevis oocytes |
2005-12-13 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Cortex reorganization of Xenopus laevis eggs in strong static magnetic fields |
2005-12-04 |
Mark Westoby |
Seedling emergence of hummock grasses in relation to the effects of fire. |
2005-12-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Insect gas exchange patterns: a phylogenetic perspective |
2005-12-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
The effect of a dominant ant, Iridomyrmex purpureus, on resource use by ant assemblages depends on microhabitat and resource type |
2005-11-30 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Magnetic resonance imaging of the siliceous skeleton of the demosponge Lubomirskia baicalensis |
2005-11-25 |
Heloise Gibb |
Effects of landscape composition and substrate availability on saproxylic beetles in boreal forests: a study using experimental logs for monitoring assemblages |
2005-11-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Landscape Corridors: Possible Dangers? |
2005-11-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
The mid-domain effect revisited |
2005-10-26 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Duets defend mates in a suboscine passerine, the warbling antbird (Hypocnemis cantator) |
2005-10-21 |
Steven L. Chown |
Environmental physiology of three species of Collembola at Cape Hallett, North Victoria Land, Antarctica |
2005-10-17 |
Mark Westoby |
The relationship between nuclear DNA content and leaf strategy in seed plants |
2005-10-11 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Defining herbivore assemblages in the Kruger National Park: a correlative coherence approach |
2005-10-05 |
Joshua S Madin |
Mechanical limitations of reef corals during hydrodynamic disturbances |
2005-10-01 |
Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
Tradeoffs between height growth rate, stem persistence and maximum height among plant species in a post-fire succession |
2005-10-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Effects of a short-term climate change experiment on a sub-Antarctic keystone plant species |
2005-10-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Mating system, philopatry and patterns of kinship in the cooperatively breeding subdesert mesite Monias benschi. |
2005-09-29 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Plant allometry, stoichiometry and the temperature-dependence of primary productivity |
2005-09-28 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Metallothionein mRNA Expression and Cadmium Tolerance in Metal-stressed and Reference Populations of the Springtail Orchesella cincta |
2005-09-28 |
Ramona L Walls |
Fertility, root reserves and the cost of inducible defenses in the perennial plant Solanum carolinense |
2005-09-13 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Peer review–the newcomers’ perspective |
2005-09-13 |
Ian J. Wright |
Specific leaf area and dry matter content estimate thickness in laminar leaves |
2005-09-01 |
David B. Roy |
Does diet breadth control herbivorous insect distribution size? Life history and resource outlets for specialist butterflies |
2005-09-01 |
Jérôme Mathieu |
Molecular and serological evidence of Pneumocystis circulation in a social organization of healthy macaques (Macaca fascicularis). |
2005-08-19 |
Heloise Gibb |
Parasitoids (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonoidea) of Saproxylic beetles are affected by forest successional stage and dead wood characteristics in boreal spruce forest |
2005-08-18 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
Modulation of leaf economic traits and trait relationships by climate |
2005-08-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Phylogeography of sexual Heteronotia binoei (Gekkonidae) in the Australian arid zone: climatic cycling and repetitive hybridization |
2005-08-01 |
Richard J Telford |
A comparison of the palaeoclimate signals from diatom oxygen isotope ratios and carbonate oxygen isotope ratios from a low latitude crater lake |
2005-08-01 |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Importance of the seed bank for population viability and population monitoring in a threatened wetland herb |
2005-08-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Temperature-dependence of metabolic rate in Glossina morsitans morsitans (Diptera, Glossinidae) does not vary with gender, age, feeding, pregnancy or acclimation |
2005-08-01 |
Jens Kattge |
Inversion of terrestrial ecosystem model parameter values against eddy covariance measurements by Monte Carlo sampling |
2005-07-19 |
Steven L. Chown |
Human impacts, energy availability and invasion across Southern Ocean Islands |
2005-07-19 |
Mark Westoby |
Factors that shape seed mass evolution |
2005-07-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Temperature- and body mass-related variation in cyclic gas exchange characteristics and metabolic rate of seven weevil species: Broader implications |
2005-06-29 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Hybridization, glaciation and geographical parthenogenesis |
2005-06-17 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Non-invasive diagnostics in fossils - Magnetic Resonance Imaging of pathological belemnites |
2005-06-13 |
Steven L. Chown |
The effects of acclimation on thermal tolerance, desiccation resistance and metabolic rate in Chirodica chalcoptera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). |
2005-06-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Genetic structure in Orchesella cincta (Collembola): strong subdivision of European populations inferred from mtDNA and AFLP markers |
2005-06-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Alternative height strategies among 45 dicot rain forest species from tropical Queensland, Australia |
2005-06-01 |
Colleen M. Iversen |
Limited effects of six years of fertilization on carbon mineralization dynamics in a Minnesota fen |
2005-05-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Lower fecundity in parthenogenetic geckos than sexual relatives in the Australian arid zone. |
2005-05-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Increased Capacity for Sustained Locomotion at Low Temperature in Parthenogenetic Geckos of Hybrid Origin |
2005-05-01 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
Assessing the generality of global leaf trait relationships |
2005-05-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Effects of management on coarse woody debris volume and composition in boreal forests in northern Sweden |
2005-04-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
A rapid shift in a classic clinal pattern in Drosophila reflecting climate change. |
2005-04-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Allometric growth, life-history invariants and population energetics |
2005-03-14 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Non-invasive diagnostics in pathological fossils by magnetic resonance imaging |
2005-03-08 |
Steven L. Chown |
Constraint and competition in assemblages: a cross-continental and modeling approach for ants |
2005-03-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Distinguishing the roles of dispersal in diversity maintenance and in diversity limitation |
2005-03-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Deleterious effects of repeated cold exposure in a freeze-tolerant sub-Antarctic caterpillar |
2005-03-01 |
David B. Roy |
Effects on weed and invertebrate abundance and diversity of herbicide management in genetically modified herbicide-tolerant winter-sown oilseed rape |
2005-03-01 |
David B. Roy |
A northward shift of range margins in British Odonata |
2005-03-01 |
Sandra M. Durán |
[The seeds of Campsiandra angustifolia (Fabaceae: Caesalpiniodeae) as a reflex of selective pressures on dispersal and establishment] |
2005-02-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Dry mass costs of deploying leaf area in relation to leaf size |
2005-02-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Managing heterogeneity: the importance of grazing and environmental variation on post-fire succession in heathlands |
2005-02-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Biological invasions in the Antarctic: extent, impacts and implications |
2005-02-01 |
Anne Thessen |
2005-01-31 |
Melissa Haendel |
Leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF) is functionally linked to axotrophin and both LIF and axotrophin are linked to regulatory immune tolerance |
2005-01-01 |
Jennifer A Hammock |
Structure, function and context : the impact of morphometry and ecology on olfactory sensitivity |
2005-01-01 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Geographical variation in the rate of evolution: effect of available energy or fluctuating environment? |
2005-01-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Inertia in physiological traits: Embryonopsis halticella caterpillars (Yponomeutidae) across the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone |
2005-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
A brief history of seed size |
2005-01-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
The New “Just So” Stories |
2004-12-27 |
Mark Westoby |
Seed mass and seed nutrient content as predictors of seed output variation between species |
2004-12-27 |
Mark Westoby |
Do small leaves expand faster than large leaves, and do shorter expansion times reduce herbivore damage? |
2004-12-27 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Gap dynamics in perennial subalpine grasslands: trends and processes change during secondary succession |
2004-12-23 |
Steven L. Chown |
Nestedness of Southern Ocean island biotas: ecological perspectives on a biogeographical conundrum |
2004-12-01 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Perceptions about postdocs |
2004-12-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Evidence for multiple origins of Wolbachia infection in springtails |
2004-12-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Sprouting by plants: the effects of modular organization |
2004-12-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Morphological and Physiological Correlates of Hybrid Parthenogenesis |
2004-12-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Spatial scaling of microbial eukaryote diversity |
2004-12-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Expression of bmp2a and bmp2b in late-stage zebrafish median fin development |
2004-11-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Systematic revision of Myristicaceae (Magnoliales) in Madagascar, with four new species of Mauloutchia |
2004-11-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Hemispheric asymmetries in biodiversity–a serious matter for ecology |
2004-11-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
2004-11-01 |
David B. Roy |
Spatial patterns in species distributions reveal biodiversity change |
2004-11-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Regulated bradycardia in the pulmonate limpet Siphonaria (Gastropoda: Mollusca) during pollutant exposure: implication for biomarker studies |
2004-11-01 |
Sandra M. Durán |
Genetic diversity and population structure of the commercially harvested sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Echinodermata, Echinoidea). |
2004-10-28 |
Steven L. Chown |
Cold tolerance of Littorinidae from southern Africa: intertidal snails are not constrained to freeze tolerance |
2004-10-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Sprouting by semi-arid plants: testing a dichotomy and predictive traits |
2004-10-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Experimental analysis of retreat-site selection by thick-tailed geckos Nephrurus milii |
2004-10-01 |
Camilo Alcántara |
Assessing land use/cover changes: a nationwide multidate spatial database for Mexico |
2004-09-28 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Erratum to “Do seed mass and family affect germination and juvenile performance in Knautia arvensis? A study using failure-time methods” |
2004-09-15 |
Steven L. Chown |
Thermal tolerance and cold hardiness strategy of the sub-Antarctic psocid Antarctopsocus jeanneli Badonnel |
2004-09-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Development of the paired fins in the paddlefish, Polyodon spathula |
2004-09-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Male heterozygosity predicts territory size, song structure and reproductive success in a cooperatively breeding bird |
2004-08-12 |
Mark Westoby |
Does a latitudinal gradient in seedling survival favour larger seeds in the tropics? |
2004-08-06 |
Samraat S. Pawar |
Recovery of frog and lizard communities following primary habitat alteration in Mizoram, Northeast India |
2004-08-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Seed mass and seedling establishment after fire in Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, Sydney, Australia |
2004-07-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Phylogeny, Molecular and Fossil Dating, and Biogeographic History of Annonaceae and Myristicaceae (Magnoliales) |
2004-07-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Evolutionary genetics of dorsal wing colour in Colias butterflies |
2004-07-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Funding the bud bank: a review of the costs of buds |
2004-07-01 |
Mark Westoby |
What do seedlings die from and what are the implications for evolution of seed size? |
2004-07-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Developmental success, stability, and plasticity in closely related parthenogenetic and sexual lizards (Heteronotia, Gekkonidae). |
2004-07-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Metabolic rate in the whip-spider, Damon annulatipes (Arachnida: Amblypygi). |
2004-06-16 |
Melissa Haendel |
Developmental toxicity of the dithiocarbamate pesticide sodium metam in zebrafish |
2004-06-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Upper thermal tolerance and oxygen limitation in terrestrial arthropods |
2004-05-20 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Long-Term Effects of Reclamation Treatments on Plant Succession in Iceland |
2004-05-13 |
Mark Westoby |
Seedling survival and seed size: a synthesis of the literature |
2004-05-13 |
Mark Westoby |
Small-seeded species produce more seeds per square metre of canopy per year, but not per individual per lifetime |
2004-05-07 |
Steven L. Chown |
Life history and osmoregulatory ability of Telmatogeton amphibius (Diptera, Chironomidae) at Marion Island |
2004-05-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
The impact of clonality on an endangered tree (Elaeocarpus williamsianus) in a fragmented rainforest |
2004-05-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Do seed mass and family affect germination and juvenile performance in Knautia arvensis? A study using failure-time methods |
2004-05-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Metabolic rate variation in Glossina pallidipes (Diptera: Glossinidae): gender, ageing and repeatability |
2004-05-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Spatial congruence of ecological transition at the regional scale in South Africa |
2004-04-22 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Functional ecological implications of intraspecific differences in wing melanization in Colias butterflies |
2004-04-19 |
John Alroy | Brian J. Enquist |
Similarity of mammalian body size across the taxonomic hierarchy and across space and time |
2004-04-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Sprouting ability across diverse disturbances and vegetation types worldwide |
2004-04-01 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
The worldwide leaf economics spectrum |
2004-04-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Growth models based on first principles or phenomenology? |
2004-04-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
The predominance of quarter-power scaling in biology |
2004-03-11 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Climate change affects the outcome of competitive interactions-an application of principal response curves |
2004-03-01 |
David B. Roy |
Comparative Losses of British Butterflies, Birds, and Plants and the Global Extinction Crisis |
2004-03-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Metabolism of the sub-Antarctic caterpillar Pringleophaga marioni during cooling, freezing and thawing |
2004-03-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
2004-02-12 |
Mark Westoby |
Simple traits do not predict grazing response in Australian dry shrublands and woodlands |
2004-02-01 |
David B. Roy |
Host plants and butterfly biology. Do host-plant strategies drive butterfly status? |
2004-01-22 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Scientists & Societies: Giving young European students a voice |
2004-01-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Slow degeneration of zebrafish Rohon-Beard neurons during programmed cell death |
2004-01-01 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Short Communication: Leaf trait relationships in Australian plant species |
2004-01-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Removing Finalism from Developmental Biology |
2003-12-09 |
Wilco C.E.P. Verberk |
Do restoration measures rehabilitate fauna diversity in raised bogs? A comparative study on aquatic macroinvertebrates |
2003-12-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Angiosperm phylogeny based on matK sequence information |
2003-12-01 |
Mark Westoby |
2003-12-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Why is sex so unpopular in the Australian desert? |
2003-12-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Repeatability of standard metabolic rate and gas exchange characteristics in a highly variable cockroach,Perisphaeriasp |
2003-12-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Colonisation by a dominant ant facilitated by anthropogenic disturbance: effects on ant assemblage composition, biomass and resource use |
2003-11-14 |
Mark Westoby |
Australia’s high lizard diversity: A new hypothesis |
2003-11-01 |
David B. Roy |
Invertebrate responses to the management of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant and conventional spring crops. II. Within-field epigeal and aerial arthropods |
2003-11-01 |
David B. Roy |
Invertebrates and vegetation of field margins adjacent to crops subject to contrasting herbicide regimes in the Farm Scale Evaluations of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops |
2003-11-01 |
David B. Roy |
Responses of plants and invertebrate trophic groups to contrasting herbicide regimes in the Farm Scale Evaluations of genetically modified herbicide-tolerant crops. |
2003-11-01 |
David B. Roy |
Weeds in fields with contrasting conventional and genetically modified herbicide–tolerant crops. II. Effects on individual species |
2003-11-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Diurnal variation in supercooling points of three species of Collembola from Cape Hallett, Antarctica |
2003-11-01 |
Ian J. Wright |
Photosynthetic differences contribute to competitive advantage of evergreen angiosperm trees over evergreen conifers in productive habitats |
2003-11-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Nest relocation in the golden spiny ant, Polyrhachis ammon: environmental cues and temporal castes |
2003-11-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Developmental morphology of the axial skeleton of the zebrafish, Danio rerio (Ostariophysi: Cyprinidae). |
2003-10-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Seed size and survival in the soil in arid Australia |
2003-10-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Erratum: Corrigendum: Invariant scaling relations across tree-dominated communities |
2003-10-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Discontinuous gas exchange and the significance of respiratory water loss in Scarabaeine beetles |
2003-10-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Morphometric measurement selection: an invertebrate case study based on weevils from sub-Antarctic Marion Island |
2003-10-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
2003-09-26 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Thermodynamic and metabolic effects on the scaling of production and population energy use |
2003-09-08 |
Mark Westoby |
Drought damage and recovery - a conceptual model |
2003-09-01 |
Nuno Simões |
Size-selective foraging behaviour of blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun), when feeding on mobile prey: Active and passive components of predation |
2003-09-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Androecium diversity and evolution in Myristicaceae (Magnoliales), with a description of a new Malagasy genus, Doyleanthus gen. nov |
2003-09-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Water-balance characteristics respond to changes in body size in subantarctic weevils |
2003-08-01 |
Sandra M. Durán |
Characterising invasion processes with genetic data: an Atlantic clade of Clavelina lepadiformis (Ascidiacea) introduced into Mediterranean harbours |
2003-07-14 |
Mark Westoby |
The Evolution of Plant Functional Variation: Traits, Spectra, and Strategies |
2003-07-03 |
Heloise Gibb |
Dominant meat ants affect only their specialist predator in an epigaeic arthropod community |
2003-07-01 |
Hervé Sauquet |
Pollen Diversity and Evolution in Myristicaceae (Magnoliales) |
2003-07-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Body size and the timing of egg production in parasitoid wasps |
2003-07-01 |
Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
Plant height and evolutionary games |
2003-07-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Mid-domain models of species richness gradients: assumptions, methods and evidence |
2003-06-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Scaling metabolism from organisms to ecosystems |
2003-05-13 |
Steven L. Chown |
Insects at low temperatures: an ecological perspective |
2003-05-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
The evolution of wing color: male mate choice opposes adaptive wing color divergence in Colias butterflies |
2003-05-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Climatic variability and the evolution of insect freeze tolerance |
2003-05-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Rates of species introduction to a remote oceanic island |
2003-04-16 |
Mark Westoby | Daniel Falster |
Leaf size and angle vary widely across species: what consequences for light interception? |
2003-04-15 |
David B. Roy |
Spatial trends in the sighting dates of British butterflies. |
2003-04-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Song divergence and male dispersal among bird populations: a spatially explicit model testing the role of vocal learning |
2003-03-28 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
The leaf size-twig size spectrum and its relationship to other important spectra of variation among species |
2003-02-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
A molecular approach to provenance delineation for the restoration of hummock grasslands (Triodia spp.) in arid-tropical Australia |
2003-02-01 |
Mark Westoby | Ian J. Wright |
Nutrient concentration, resorption and lifespan: leaf traits of Australian sclerophyll species |
2003-02-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Leaf-size divergence along rainfall and soil-nutrient gradients: is the method of size reduction common among clades? |
2003-02-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
A radiotelemetric study of movements and thermal biology of insular Chinese pit-vipers (Gloydiusshedaoensis, Viperidae) |
2003-02-01 |
David B. Roy |
Plant traits as predictors of performance in ecological restoration |
2003-02-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Physiology: Why does metabolic rate scale with body size? |
2003-01-01 |
Nuno Simões |
Assessment of fluorescent-labeled bacteria for evaluation of in vivo uptake of bacteria (Vibrio spp.) by crustacean larvae. |
2003-01-01 |
John Alroy |
Cenozoic bolide impacts and biotic change in North American mammals |
2003-01-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Using stage-based system dynamics modeling for demographic management of captive populations |
2003-01-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
2003-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Latitude, seed predation and seed mass |
2003-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Leaf expansion times: a response to Sun (2003) |
2003-01-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Q54669602 |
2003-01-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Rapid responses to high temperature and desiccation but not to low temperature in the freeze tolerant sub-Antarctic caterpillar Pringleophaga marioni (Lepidoptera, Tineidae). |
2002-12-30 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Least-cost input mixtures of water and nitrogen for photosynthesis |
2002-12-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Choosing species to study |
2002-12-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Modelling universality and scaling |
2002-11-12 |
Richard J Telford |
Climatic and non-climatic effects on the δ18O and δ13C compositions of Lake Awassa, Ethiopia, during the last 6.5ka |
2002-11-01 |
Mark Westoby | Ian J. Wright | Daniel Falster |
Plant Ecological Strategies: Some Leading Dimensions of Variation Between Species |
2002-11-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Seed addition experiments are more likely to increase recruitment in larger-seeded species |
2002-11-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Accidental altruism in insular pit-vipers (Gloydius shedaoensis, Viperidae) |
2002-11-01 |
Richard J Telford |
Late Pleistocene and Holocene palaeohydrology of Lake Rukwa, Tanzania, inferred from diatom analysis |
2002-11-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Universal scaling in tree and vascular plant allometry: toward a general quantitative theory linking plant form and function from cells to ecosystems |
2002-10-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Leaf size and foraging for light in a sclerophyll woodland |
2002-10-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Thermal correlates of foraging-site selection by Chinese pit-vipers (Gloydius shedaoensis, Viperidae) |
2002-10-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Why do Juvenile Chinese Pit-Vipers (Gloydius shedaoensis) Select Arboreal Ambush Sites? |
2002-10-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
General patterns of taxonomic and biomass partitioning in extant and fossil plant communities |
2002-10-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
2002-09-01 |
Mark Westoby | Ian J. Wright |
Leaves at low versus high rainfall: coordination of structure, lifespan and physiology |
2002-09-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Allometric scaling of maximum population density: a common rule for marine phytoplankton and terrestrial plants |
2002-08-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Antipredator Responses of Free-Ranging Pit Vipers(Gloydius shedaoensis, Viperidae) |
2002-08-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Evolution of median fin modules in the axial skeleton of fishes |
2002-07-26 |
Mark Westoby |
How Diversified Seed Germination Behavior is Selected |
2002-07-26 |
Mark Westoby |
The Place of the Self-Thinning Rule in Population Dynamics |
2002-07-01 |
Heloise Gibb |
Habitat fragmentation in an urban environment: large and small fragments support different arthropod assemblages |
2002-06-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
A trade-off between diapause duration and fitness in female parasitoids |
2002-06-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Hot rocks and much-too-hot rocks: seasonal patterns of retreat-site selection by a nocturnal ectotherm |
2002-05-23 |
Daniel Mietchen |
Automated dielectric single cell spectroscopy - temperature dependence of electrorotation |
2002-05-19 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Convergence towards higher leaf mass per area in dry and nutrient-poor habitats has different consequences for leaf life span |
2002-05-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
On the Vegetative Biomass Partitioning of Seed Plant Leaves, Stems, and Roots |
2002-05-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Species richness, environmental correlates, and spatial scale: a test using South African birds. |
2002-05-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Canonical rules for plant organ biomass partitioning and annual allocation |
2002-05-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
On the vegetative biomass partitioning of seed plant leaves, stems, and roots |
2002-04-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
The evolution of wing color in Colias butterflies: heritability, sex linkage, and population divergence |
2002-04-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Discontinuous gas-exchange in centipedes and its convergent evolution in tracheated arthropods. |
2002-03-12 |
John Alroy |
How many named species are valid? |
2002-03-01 |
John Alroy |
Mammalian dispersal at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary |
2002-03-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Modeling macroscopic patterns in ecology |
2002-02-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Global allocation rules for patterns of biomass partitioning in seed plants |
2002-01-12 |
Mark Westoby |
Predicting plant species’ responses to grazing |
2002-01-12 |
Daniel Falster |
Linking abundance, occupancy and spatial structure: an empirical test of a neutral model in an open-forest woody plant community in eastern Australia |
2002-01-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Is the Genus Cissus (Vitaceae) Monophyletic? Evidence from Plastid and Nuclear Ribosomal DNA |
2002-01-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
The application of SSRs characterized for grape (Vitis vinifera) to conservation studies in Vitaceae. |
2002-01-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
2002-01-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
2002-01-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Effects of hand-rearing on the reproductive success of western lowland gorillas in North America |
2002-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Seedling root anatomy and morphology: an examination of ecological differentiation with rainfall using phylogenetically independent contrasts. |
2002-01-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Thinking about Developmental Evolution |
2001-12-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Revisiting water loss in insects: a large scale view |
2001-11-23 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Gdf5 is expressed in the developing skeleton of median fins of late-stage zebrafish, Danio rerio |
2001-10-26 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Founding editorial: embryology–an integrated approach |
2001-10-11 |
Brian J. Enquist |
A general model for ontogenetic growth |
2001-09-01 |
David B. Roy |
Application of generalized additive models to butterfly transect count data |
2001-08-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Biological invasions of Southern Ocean islands: the Collembola of Marion Island as a test of generalities |
2001-08-01 |
Ian J. Wright | Mark Westoby |
Strategy shifts in leaf physiology, structure and nutrient content between species of high- and low-rainfall and high- and low-nutrient habitats |
2001-06-01 |
Ian J. Wright |
Relationships between leaf lifespan and structural defences in a low-nutrient, sclerophyll flora |
2001-06-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Invertebrate body sizes from Marion Island |
2001-06-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
World Heritage Status and Conservation of Southern Ocean Islands |
2001-05-22 |
John Alroy |
Effects of sampling standardization on estimates of Phanerozoic marine diversification |
2001-04-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Invariant scaling relations across tree-dominated communities |
2001-03-01 |
Mark Westoby | Ian J. Wright |
Understanding seedling growth relationships through specific leaf area and leaf nitrogen concentration: generalisations across growth forms and growth irradiance |
2001-02-06 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Invariant scaling relationships for interspecific plant biomass production rates and body size. |
2001-02-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Seasonal changes in female size and its relation to reproduction in the parasitoid Asobara tabida |
2001-01-26 |
Steven L. Chown |
Abundance and seasonality of mid-altitude fellfield arthropods from Marion Island |
2001-01-01 |
Nuno Simões |
Q113110233 |
2001-01-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Q60295385 |
2001-01-01 |
Sadie J. Ryan |
Disease risk and inter-institutional transfer of specimens in cooperative breeding programs: Herpes and the elephant species survival plans |
2001-01-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Critical thermal limits, temperature tolerance and water balance of a sub-Antarctic kelp fly, Paractora dreuxi (Diptera: Helcomyzidae). |
2001-01-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
Why Do Geckos Group? An Analysis of ““Social”” Aggregations in Two Species of Australian Lizards |
2001-01-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Long-term tree ring chronologies from sympatric tropical dry-forest trees: individualistic responses to climatic variation |
2001-01-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Milnesium cfr. tardigradum (Milnesiidae, Apochela, Tardigrada): A Monitor of High Altitude Meiofauna on Sub-Antarctic Marion Island |
2000-12-01 |
Katja Seltmann |
Attraction of the Bark Beetle ParasitoidRoptrocerus xylophagorum(Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) to Host-Associated Olfactory Cues |
2000-12-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Egg Load Evolution in Parasitoids |
2000-12-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Shifts in trait-combinations along rainfall and phosphorus gradients |
2000-12-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Correction: Allometric scaling of production and life-history variation in vascular plants |
2000-11-01 |
Michael Ray Kearney |
2000-11-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Spatial variation and biogeography of sand forest avian assemblages in South Africa |
2000-11-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
2000-10-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Seed mass and seedling dimensions in relation to seedling establishment |
2000-10-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Developmental Data and Phylogenetic Systematics: Evolution of the Vertebrate Limb1 |
2000-09-01 |
John Alroy |
Understanding the dynamics of trends within evolving lineages |
2000-08-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Territoriality as a paternity guard in the European robin, Erithacus rubecula |
2000-05-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Families with highest proportions of rare species are not consistent between floras |
2000-05-01 |
Mark Westoby |
The Time Value of Leaf Area |
2000-05-01 |
Mark Westoby |
The Time Value of Leaf Area |
2000-04-25 |
Steven L. Chown |
The biology of Bothrometopus elongatus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in a mid-altitude fellfield on sub-Antarctic Marion Island |
2000-04-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
A comparative analysis of metabolic rate in six Scarabaeus species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) from southern Africa: further caveats when inferring adaptation. |
2000-04-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Thermal tolerance, climatic variability and latitude |
2000-02-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
2000-02-01 |
Mark Westoby | Ian J. Wright |
Cross-species relationships between seedling relative growth rate, nitrogen productivity and root vs leaf function in 28 Australian woody species |
2000-02-01 |
David B. Roy |
Extending Ellenberg’s indicator values to a new area: an algorithmic approach |
2000-01-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Absence of single-locus complementary sex determination in the braconid wasps Asobara tabida and Alysia manducator |
2000-01-01 |
David B. Roy |
Ecological indicator values of British species: an application of Gaussian logistic regression |
2000-01-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
1999-10-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Seed Mass and the Evolution of Early‐Seedling Etiolation |
1999-10-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Allometric scaling of production and life-history variation in vascular plants |
1999-09-01 |
Mark Westoby |
1999-08-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
A general model for the structure and allometry of plant vascular systems |
1999-08-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
A case for proactive switching? |
1999-06-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Conservation genetics and clonality in two critically endangered eucalypts from the highly endemic south-western Australian flora |
1999-06-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
The fourth dimension of life: fractal geometry and allometric scaling of organisms. |
1999-05-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Conservation of heterogeneity among dung beetles in the Maputaland Centre of Endemism, South Africa |
1999-04-01 |
Katja Seltmann |
A Simple Continuous-Rearing Technique for the Bark Beetle Parasitoid, Roptrocerus xylophagorum (Ratzeburg) |
1999-04-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Plant energetics and population density |
1999-03-01 |
John Alroy |
The Fossil Record of North American Mammals: Evidence for a Paleocene Evolutionary Radiation |
1999-01-01 |
John Alroy |
Putting North America’s End-Pleistocene Megafaunal Extinction in Context |
1999-01-01 |
Mark Westoby | Ian J. Wright |
Differences in seedling growth behaviour among species: trait correlations across species, and trait shifts along nutrient compared to rainfall gradients |
1999-01-01 |
Richard J Telford |
Palaeoclimatic implications of isotopic data from modern and early Holocene shells of the freshwater snail Melanoides tuberculata, from lakes in the Ethiopian Rift Valley |
1999-01-01 |
Dylan J. Craven |
Keeping options open. |
1998-12-30 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Morphology of the Hatching Glands in Betta splendens (Teleostei: Perciformes) |
1998-10-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Ecological biogeography of southern ocean islands: species-area relationships, human impacts, and conservation |
1998-08-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
An Evolutionary Argument for Time Limitation |
1998-08-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
1998-07-31 |
Steven L. Chown |
The impact of a small, alien invertebrate on a sub-Antarctic terrestrial ecosystem: Limnophyes minimus (Diptera, Chironomidae) at Marion Island |
1998-07-01 |
Mark Westoby |
The macroecology of Australian frogs |
1998-07-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Interactions between desiccation resistance, host-plant contact and the thermal biology of a leaf-dwelling sub-antarctic caterpillar, Embryonopsis halticella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae). |
1998-06-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Seed size and shape are not related to persistence in soil in Australia in the same way as in Britain |
1998-05-01 |
John Alroy |
Cope’s rule and the dynamics of body mass evolution in North American fossil mammals. |
1998-05-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Effect of Clearing and Staining on Fish Length |
1998-03-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
A field study of size-fitness relationships in the parasitoid Asobara tabida |
1998-02-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
DSCAM: a novel member of the immunoglobulin superfamily maps in a Down syndrome region and is involved in the development of the nervous system |
1998-01-01 |
John Alroy |
Diachrony of mammalian appearance events: Implications for biochronology: Comments and Reply |
1998-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
A leaf-height-seed (LHS) plant ecology strategy scheme |
1997-12-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Continuous and Episodic Components of Demographic Change in Arid Zone Shrubs: Models of Two Eremophila Species from Western Australia Compared with Published Data on Other Species |
1997-12-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Demography of Two Shrub Species from an Arid Grazed Ecosystem in Western Australia 1983-93 |
1997-07-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Comparative nutritional ecology of grass-feeding in a sub-Antarctic beetle: the impact of introduced species on Hydromedion sparsutum from South Georgia |
1997-07-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Critical thermal limits, temperature tolerance and water balance of a sub-Antarctic caterpillar, Pringleophaga marioni (Lepidoptera: Tineidae). |
1997-07-01 |
Joseph A Tobias |
Asymmetric territorial contests in the European robin: the role of settlement costs |
1997-04-04 |
Brian J. Enquist |
A general model for the origin of allometric scaling laws in biology |
1997-04-01 |
Mark Westoby |
What does ‘ecology’ mean? |
1997-02-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Evidence of Competition in a Herbivorous, Gall-Inhabiting Moth (Lepidoptera) Community |
1997-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Larger seeds in tropical floras: consistent patterns independent of growth form and dispersal mode |
1997-01-01 |
Vigdis Vandvik |
Leptodontium flexifolium (Dicks.) Hampe New to Norway from a Burnt Calluna heath |
1996-12-01 |
John Alroy |
Constant extinction, constrained diversification, and uncoordinated stasis in North American mammals |
1996-12-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Vertebrate-dispersed species in a fire-prone environment |
1996-10-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Seedling Longevity under Deep Shade in Relation to Seed Size |
1996-09-30 |
Mark Westoby |
Comparative ecology of seed size and dispersal |
1996-08-01 |
Nuno Simões |
Observations on the agonistic behaviour of Lepadogaster lepadogaster purpurea (Pisces: Gobiesocidae) |
1996-08-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Development of the cranium and paired fins in the zebrafish Danio rerio (Ostariophysi, Cyprinidae) |
1996-06-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
1996-05-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Reserve mass and dispersal investment in relation to geographic range of plant species: phylogenetically independent contrasts |
1996-04-01 |
Melissa Haendel |
Cytoskeletal changes during neurogenesis in cultures of avian neural crest cells |
1996-04-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Seedling Relative Growth Rate and its Components in Relation to Seed Size: Phylogenetically Independent Contrasts |
1996-03-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Development of the cranium and paired fins in Betta splendens (Teleostei: Percomorpha): Intraspecific variation and interspecific comparisons |
1996-02-07 |
Steven L. Chown |
Kelp degradation by Paractora trichosterna (Thomson) (Diptera: Helcomyzidae) at sub-Antarctic South Georgia |
1996-02-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Components of variation in seedling potential relative growth rate: phylogenetically independent contrasts |
1995-11-03 |
Ian J. Wright |
Carbon Dioxide Uptake by an Undisturbed Tropical Rain Forest in Southwest Amazonia, 1992 to 1993 |
1995-11-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Connections between ecology, biogeography, and paleobiology: Relationship between local abundance and geographic distribution in fossil and recent molluscs |
1995-09-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Seed Size and Phylogeny in Six Temperate Floras: Constraints, Niche Conservatism, and Adaptation |
1995-08-18 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Evolution of Pigment Pattern Development in Centrarchid Fishes |
1995-08-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Further Remarks on Phylogenetic Correction |
1995-06-01 |
John Alroy |
Continuous Track Analysis: A New Phylogenetic and Biogeographic Method |
1995-06-01 |
Mark Westoby |
On Misinterpreting the `Phylogenetic Correction’ |
1995-06-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Correlates of Seed Size Variation: A Comparison Among Five Temperate Floras |
1995-05-01 |
John Alroy |
Plant and mammal diversity in the Paleocene to early Eocene of the Bighorn Basin |
1995-01-01 |
Jacintha Ellers |
Fat and Eggs: an Alternative Method To Measure the Trade-Off Between Survival and Reproduction in Insect Parasitoids |
1995-01-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Approche cytogénétique de la systématique de trois Curculionides des îles du sud de l’Océan Indien : Ectemnorrhinus angusticollis (Waterhouse), Dusmoecetes marioni (Jeannel) et Canonopsis sericea (Waterhouse) (Coleoptera) |
1994-12-01 |
John Alroy |
Driving both ways: Wilson & Sober’s conflicting criteria for the identification of groups as vehicles of selection |
1994-12-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Predicting Dispersal Spectra: A Minimal Set of Hypotheses Based on Plant Attributes |
1994-09-01 |
John Alroy |
Four Permutation Tests for the Presence of Phylogenetic Structure |
1994-06-01 |
Mark Westoby |
The Role of Seed Size in Seedling Establishment in Dry Soil Conditions – Experimental Evidence from Semi-Arid Species |
1994-06-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Convergence of Elaiosomes and insect Prey: Evidence from ant Foraging Behaviour and Fatty Acid Composition |
1994-05-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Hypotheses on Seed Size: Tests Using the Semiarid Flora of Western New South Wales, Australia |
1994-04-01 |
Mark Westoby |
The Role of Large Seed Size in Shaded Conditions: Experimental Evidence |
1994-04-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Historical ecology of sub-Antarctic weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): patterns and processes on isolated islands |
1994-03-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Dynamics and population structure of Acacia victoriae Benth |
1994-01-01 |
John Alroy |
Appearance event ordination: a new biochronologic method |
1994-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Adaptive thinking and medicine |
1994-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Climate change and conservation policies in Australia: coping with change that is far away and not yet certain |
1994-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Effects of Supplementary Soil Nutrients on Hummock Grasses |
1993-12-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Climate change and the short-term impact of feral house mice at the sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands |
1993-07-01 |
Brian J. Enquist |
Species concepts |
1993-06-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Seedlings from Large Seeds Tolerated Defoliation Better: A Test Using Phylogeneticaly Independent Contrasts |
1993-06-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Coding Polymorphic Data: Examples from Allozymes and Ontogeny |
1993-03-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Food for thought |
1993-01-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Instar Number and Mass of Palirhoeus eatoni (C. O. Waterhouse) and Bothrometopus randi Jeannel (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from Subantarctic Marion Island |
1992-11-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Comparative evolutionary ecology of seed size |
1992-10-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
Aeration: A simple method to control vitrification and improve in vitro culture of rare australian plants |
1992-09-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Classifying Plants into Groups on the Basis of Associations of Individual Traits–Evidence from Australian Semi-Arid Woodlands |
1992-09-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Herbivorous arthropods on bracken (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Khun) in Australia compared with elsewhere |
1992-09-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Germination biology of selected central Australian plants |
1992-09-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Removal of vertebrate-dispersed fruits in vegetation on fertile and infertile soils |
1992-08-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Comments on selected ecological aspects of “genetic manipulation: the threat or the glory”. |
1992-07-01 |
Maurizio Rossetto |
In vitro propagation of Chinese Puzzle (Caustis dioica Cyperaceae)?a commercial sedge species from Western Australia |
1992-01-01 |
John Alroy |
Conjunction among taxonomic distributions and the Miocene mammalian biochronology of the Great Plains |
1992-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Habitat requirements of the spectacled hare-wallaby (Lagorchestes conspicillatus) in the Northern Territory and Western Australia |
1992-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Seed and Seedling Biology in Relation to Modelling Vegetation Dynamics Under Global Climate Change |
1991-12-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Why do more plant species use ants for dispersal on infertile compared with fertile soils?* |
1991-09-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Fish larvae settling in seagrass: Effects of leaf density and an epiphytic alga |
1991-09-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Recruitment and survival in Atriplex vesicaria populations in semi-arid western New South Wales, 1977–1987 |
1991-08-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Comparative nutritional ecology of bryophyte and angiosperm feeders in a sub-Antarctic weevil species complex (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) |
1991-07-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Seed size, pollination costs and angiosperm success |
1990-08-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Seed dispersal spectra: a comparison of temperate plant communities |
1990-08-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Seed Size and Plant Growth Form as Factors in Dispersal Spectra |
1990-07-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Speciation in the sub-Antarctic weevil genus Dusmoecetes Jeannel (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) |
1990-02-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Removal Rates of Seeds Adapted for Dispersal by Ants |
1990-01-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Description of the Larva of Christensenia Antarctica Brinck with Implications for the Phylogeny of Ectemnorhinini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) |
1989-12-01 |
Paula M. Mabee |
1989-11-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Selective forces in the emergence of the seed habit |
1989-07-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Parent-Specific Gene Expression and the Triploid Endosperm |
1989-04-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Selective forces exerted by vertebrate herbivores on plants |
1989-03-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Habitat use and diet as biogeographic indicators for subantarctic Ectemnorhinini (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) |
1989-03-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Biology and ecology of theDusmoecetes Jeannel (Col. Curculionidae) species complex on Marion Island |
1989-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Habitat selection and diet in two species of pipefish from seagrass: sex differences |
1989-01-01 |
Steven L. Chown |
Cryptogam Herbivory in Curculionidae (Coleoptera) from the Sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands |
1988-12-28 |
Paula M. Mabee |
Supraneural and Predorsal Bones in Fishes: Development and Homologies |
1988-10-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Location of seagrass beds in estuaries: effects on associated fish and decapods |
1988-09-01 |
Mark Westoby |
A model for the origin of heterospory |
1988-06-01 |
Mark Westoby |
The soil seed bank of Triodia basedowii in relation to time since fire |
1988-05-01 |
Mark Westoby |
On Limits to Seed Production |
1988-03-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Growth and reproduction in Canthigaster valentini (Pisces, Tetraodontidae): a comparison of a toxic reef fish with other reef fishes |
1988-03-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Pre-Dispersal Seed Losses, and the Survival of Seeds and Seedlings of Two Serotinous Banksia Shrubs in Burnt and Unburnt Heath |
1987-12-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Effects of an epiphytic alga on abundances of fish and decapods associated with the seagrass Zostera capricorni |
1987-12-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Seedling Recruitment Strategies in Obligate-Seeding and Resprouting Banksia Shrubs |
1987-09-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Fish larvae settling in seagrass: do they discriminate between beds of different leaf density? |
1987-09-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Aspects of the dynamics of the seed-banks and seedling populations of Acacia victoriae and Cassia spp. in arid western New South Wales |
1986-12-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Importance of local changes in leaf height and density to fish and decapods associated with seagrasses |
1986-12-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Variation in seagrass height and density over a wide spatial scale: Effects on common fish and decapods |
1986-06-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Influence of Population Structure on Self-Thinning of Plant Populations |
1986-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Abundance of macrofauna in dense seagrass is due to habitat preference, not predation |
1985-09-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Three of a kind |
1985-08-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Artificial seagrass: How useful is it for field experiments on fish and macroinvertebrates? |
1985-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Ecology: How different are Australian ecosystems and ecologists? |
1984-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
The Self-Thinning Rule |
1983-06-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Plant species richness at the 0.1 hectare scale in Australian vegetation compared to other continents |
1983-06-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Species richness in vascular vegetation of the West Head, New South Wales |
1983-04-01 |
Mark Westoby |
An ecological reconstruction |
1982-07-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Self-Thinning in Trifolium Subterraneum Populations Transferred between Full Daylight and Shade |
1982-07-01 |
Mark Westoby |
1981-09-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Myrmecochory in sclerophyll vegetation of the West Head, New South Wales |
1981-06-01 |
Mark Westoby |
A note on combining two methods of dispersal-for-distance |
1980-12-01 |
Mark Westoby |
The effect of clipping on self-thinning in Trifolium pratense |
1980-10-01 |
Mark Westoby |
1978-05-01 |
Mark Westoby |
What are the Biological Bases of Varied Diets? |
1977-07-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Generalisation of self-thinning of plant populations (reply) |
1977-01-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Self-thinning driven by leaf area not by weight |
1976-12-01 |
Mark Westoby |
Self-thinning in Trifolium subterraneum not affected by cultivar shape |
1974-05-01 |
Mark Westoby |
An Analysis of Diet Selection by Large Generalist Herbivores |
Melissa Haendel |
Uberon |
Daniel Mietchen |
Ten principles for machine-actionable data management plans |
Daniel Mietchen |
Wikimedia Research Newsletter |
Melissa Haendel | Paula M. Mabee |
CARO – The Common Anatomy Reference Ontology |
Sadie J. Ryan |
African buffalo Syncerus caffer (Sparrman, 1779) |
Sadie J. Ryan |
African buffalo Syncerus caffer (Sparrman, 1779) |
Jacintha Ellers |
The role of biodiversity in the provision of ecosystem services |
Vanessa M. Adams |
Terrestrial protected areas of Australia |
Camilo Alcántara |
Assessing land use/cover changes in Mexico: a wall-to-wall multidate GIS database |